Chapter 11

Thank you guys so much for the splendid reviews on my last chapter. Oh and Happy Halloween! Even tho I can't celebrate it due to my religious beliefs, or more specifically my family' religious beliefs, Halloween is apparently named the day of the devil. But eh. I wish you all have a terrific holiday and day! Now on with the chapter!

Ash: Well well, if it isn't pokefanfictionmaster...


It was a sunny after noon. There was smoke coming from the forest from the incident that took place the last week. We see our hero, Ash Ketchum, lazily laying on the couch watching the news for the league announcement for the tournament's re-opening.

"Since the huge fire storm that took place in this area of the forest. The pokemon league is on high alert of weather occurrences. Just yesterday Johto was hit by a massive hurricane that completely flooded half of Johto. Many were left homeless and went to shelters. 23,000 people we're affected by this tragedy and 583 are reported missing or dead. The pokemon league is not only in high alert for strange weather but as well as strange pokemon behavior, and strange things happening in space."

A video was then shown of pokemon fleeing from pokemon trainer and ranger. The pokemon seemed to be filled with anger.

"This video was taken by the pokemon league in the center of pokemon behavior. Recently pokemon have been becoming more aggressive or less approachable. Many trainers are either being attacked by pokemon and even their own. And many rangers are finding more incidents of trainers being attacked or even killed by pokemon. But this is not the only thing to worry about strange things have been happening in space."

A video appeared of shooting stars falling down and then huge flashes of lights appearing in space and them you can see galaxies appearing everywhere.

"This video was taken by a journalist called Kenny Gurren. He was taking a hike when all of the sudden these images started to appear. He quickly took his camera out and here we have images of galaxies shooting stars and flashes of light. These appearances of been becoming more and more usual since the freak fire storm appeared. Beaches, cities, towns, everywhere these appearances have been becoming more frequent and violent. At first we see shooting stars here but not harming the earth later on we see shooting stars destroying parts of this forest. And now we see cosmic rays here and now a small solar flare that destroyed this whole area of 700 miles. Not only that but experts theorize that this is connected to all of the events that happened recently. Here we have the very man himself professor Oak. Now Professor Oak, please explain to us how this can be connected."

Oak then started to speak as they were both shown in a room with two couches and a table with two water bottles.

"Well Martha you see, we recorded that the legendary pokemon, the ones we know of and keep track of, have not been at their scheduled places lately. You see we try to figure out legendary pokemon and their behavior towards human beings. But recently they haven't been going to their places. For example, mew from the Hoenn region is always in the tree of life. And usually goes to the kingdom of Rota. But mew has been spotted missing from both the tree and kingdom. We think that with all the disappearances, it affected the balance of nature. So all of the behavior of the pokemon, the weather changes and even the images of the universe, can be linked to this cause." Stated Oak as he laid back a little.

"So this might be linked with everything? Is what I am getting right?" Asked the reporter as Oak nodded.

"Do you think this can also be linked to the man in the mask that used aura to protect and absorb the fire wave?"

Images were shown of Ash wearing a mask that his father had when he did secret missions. It showed Ash glowing red and a red wall shrinking the fire.
"Um now that I do not know. But if that man shown there is a aura guardian. Then he can have connections even know where the pokemon are and why this is all happening and have the answer to it all"

"Well with that, we return to you Samantha for the daily weather report."

Ash deciding he could just ask a league official about the tournament resume date, put on his shoes got his cloak and gloves and started to walk out of the hotel into the sunny/smoky day.

*At the hospital*

Serena woke up from a ray of sun light shining on her face. She sit up still trying to get her vision back since she's been out for a week. It only took a few seconds until she started to remember what happened.

'So I am in the hospital. I need to get a nurse to check in on me to see when I can leave'

Taking off the medical equipment, that was attached to her for a week, she tried to get up. But fell on the ground, her legs seemed to be weak as she couldn't move or use her legs for a long time, made them weak and painful trying to get up.

With every step, she winced in pain as her legs begged her to go back to her comfortable bed and to wait for a nurse that would probably take hours for one to come.

Determination filled her as she thought of what Ash would think, if he was close then she had to be ready to face him. And to do that she had to leave as soon as possible.

Serena finally made it to the door of her room. She opened it by a little as she tried to regain some strength into her hands and arms. Her legs gave up and not leaning on the door, her only support.

Before Serena spoke up, a nurse with pink hair spotted her and walked up to her with a bright smile. 'She seems so familiar'

"Hello, I am nurse Joy. You should not be up from your room. It seems that your legs and arms are trying to get used to being able to move again. Stay here, I will go get a wheel chair so we can move you to the therapy room." Nurse Joy put Serena down on the bed and left the room.

Shortly she returned with a wheel chair. Serena mustered he remaining strength and with the help of nurse Joy she was able to get on the wheel chair.

"I called your friends that you woke up, you will be able to see them after your therapy." With a bright smile, the nurse brought Serena to a room filled with windows that loomed over the city and that block the sun's bright rays, it also had walking ways with poles on both sides to help with the walking, and machines that were made to walk/run and practice riding a bicycle.

Many people were in the huge rooms, patients, nurses, pokemon, and doctors. Everyone either seemed to be filling out papers or using the equipment.

*With Ash*

Ash walked through town a many people stared at him and whispered behind his back about his power. Ash felt pride in himself. Ever since he was a kid we wanted to be feared by everyone.

Walking in a steady pace through the cleaned streets that stretched to the league's HQ and stadium. Ash, not noticing the view, started to think.

'Dammit. I need to find out who this agent is. I also need to keep a look out of my old friends. I also need to be aware of the climate changes and sudden natural disasters. I need to win the tournament without anyone knowing who I am. I also need to fucking stop attracting attention. Silver is nearly complete with his plan. The legendaries the universe the dimensions are all counting on me. Why couldn't I just stay a 10 year old boy. Why do I have to have these problems!?' As Ash mentally questioned himself he bumped with a girl.

The girl was wearing a gardening hat with a pink ribbon tied around the hat. She was wearing a dress like white with green spots on the bottom. It also had straps that are colored white. Her tank top reached to her hips. She was also wearing short light blue shorts. Finally she had pink high heels.

Her hair was a orange color. Her eyes were light brown. Her skin was pale yet soft. It made the young lady seemed to be a type of girl that any man would fall for.

"Sorry I wasn't looking g forward." She spoke with a soft soothing voice that would make her seem like a princess of a kingdom.

"Its ok, I wasn't looking where I was going too." Replied Ash as he helped the orange haired beauty up.

"Hey aren't you the cloaked trainer that's in the tournament. The one that defeated both Drake and Misty?" The women asked as she looked closer to Ash.

"Yes I am. My name is Aaron Nesvilla." Was what Ash replied as the orange haired girl put her head down.

"Oh I am so sorry I haven't even told you my name yet! I am Diamond Guern. I am in the tournament. I was going to the league's head quarters to ask when will the tournament resume."

"It's ok, I am going to their hq to find out when the tournament will resume as well." Replied Ash as Diamond raised her head.

"Well shall we go together? I was going to train next for the tournament." Asked Diamond as she dusted her self from the dirt that was on the ground

"Sure we can train together for a little bit. After that I need to go to the hotel I am staying in." Replied Ash as he checked the time.

" Ok! Lets get going!" With that both trainers started to head to the league.

*At the hospital*

A honey blond was laying on a bed fast asleep. Nothing could be heard but her soft breathing. The moon light illuminated the whole room.

Suddenly a dark figure appeared next to another one.

"So this is the girl?" One of the figures whispered to the other as he saw her face.

"Yes it is. Take this girl when it's done Bora. You can have fun with her. While Ketchum watches in grief as his whole life gets destroyed. Little by little." Whispered the man back to the now confirmed Bora.

"She will be a nice doll for me. When I am lonely..." Bora replied as he touched her face. And a smirk arose on his face.

"Hm a pervert like you can have lots of fun. Just make sure she doesn't come back to this dimension." Said the unidentified figure in disgust.

"Your such a pervert." With that both figures disappeared.

* To Ash*

Diamond and Ash were walking through town. Many me would whistle at Diamond as she rolled her eyes in disgust of how men could take women for granted. As for Ash, he ignored all the comments he would hear when he passed by men as they bickerer about him having Diamond.

"Well this is my house. Thank you for taking me here." Diamond said as she gave a small smile.

"No problem. It was nice hanging out with you." Was all that Ash replied as Diamond gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"You know we can do this again. Here is my phone number." With that Diamond gave Ash a paper with phone digits.

Ash watched Diamond enter her house. As Diamond shot one more glance at him. He walked away with one thing in mind. "My girl friend is going to kill me..."

*With Diamond*.

"I have found Ash Ketchum's sir. I befriended him. He is in our grasp." Diamond talked to a person completely covered in a cloak on a hologram.

"Very good. I want you to make him lose the tournament he can be a threat. Even though I believe you can take him. I can not take any chances. Especially since we are so close."

"Understood. Very soon this virus that are mankind will be eliminated."

"Very soon. END will be ours."

* With Red*

"Aura pulse!" Shouted Red as a huge blast happened and a huge crater appeared.

"It seems you have gotten stronger. No matter. Flame of destruction!"

SO that's it. And the whole Bora thing is kinda messed up. But he will be a very important role. Hehehehehe. Well anyway I hope you all have a nice day. Until next time, bye!