"Sorry." Deadpool and Norman shut their phones simultaneously. They break eye contact for a brief moment. Norman releases a disgruntled sigh.

"I apologize. We no longer require your services." Norman lifts himself from his seat.

"Did I not meet the requirements?"

"That phone call," Norman runs his face as he reaches the entrance. "Is from my partner. We discovered costs are too high to hire you." Norman holds the door open to allow Deadpool to leave.

'Does that mean we're hired?'

'We didn't even finish the interview.'

Deadpool exits while he carries Writer's body in his arms. The poor thing fainted because it was worried about blood. How many slaps does it take to wake a hipster up? Transition, please!

"Hey! Listen! I told you; I don't have your notes."

Writer glares at Deadpool, still not believing his claims.

Deadpool hands Writer an overstuffed envelope. "Here. From Chapter 1. Who knew anyone could write a wiki? Keep it for research.

'Is this a truce?'

'Whatever this is, it is better than before.'

Outside of Oscorp, there patiently stands Cable. Cable laser scans to the left. Cable laser scans to the right. Scanning all over to search for Deadpool. Cable spots Deadpool immediately. Cable forcefully yanks Deadpool's body out of public view.

"Wade! It is vital you become aware of my latest discovery. "

"What now?"

"There is an unknown accomplice that will aid Norman into overtaking New York. This is-"

"Skip the melodrama, primadonna" Deadpool shoves Cable away. He prepares to leave.

"This is more important than your booty call!"

"Booty call?" Deadpool faces Cable.

'He tried us!'

'Them's fighting words!'

Furious, Deadpool impulsively removes his mask. " Is that what you think this is? You don't know shit!"


"We were so happy. Everything was perfect. Because of some bullshit, we can ever be together. I really tried to make it work!"

Cable nods slowly as Deadpool goes off on his tirade. Then he says, "What about now?"

"There is someone else." Deadpool sniffs. "What if I fuck this thing up with him too?"

'What if we don't?'

'You forgot who we are for a second, didn't you?'

Peter cautiously steps out of the bathroom. A slice of cheesecake now sits on the table. Whipped cream lands at the end of Harry's nose.

"You look like you need some cheesecake."

Peter sighs.

"What's wrong?"

"Did you really see anything weird that night?"

Harry swallows a bite of cheesecake before he responds. "Oh yeah! Those weirdos I heard! They were so loud!"

"Can you imagine being in that situation?"

"Oh God, no!" Harry laughs, each one gradually shorter than the previous. Then he suddenly became silent.

Peter and Harry both sink their faces into their hands. The Spider-Sense can occasionally be overwhelming for Peter. When Peter looks up, he notices Harry is trembling. The Spider-Sense grows stronger.

Sweat pours down his face. Harry presses the back of his hand against his forehead.

"I got to go!" When Harry reaches the door, his knees drop to the ground. A piercing scream releases from his throat. Tears begin to fall out of his eyes.

"Someone call the paramedics!" Gwen and a few patrons dial the authorities out of great concern.

Peter supports Harry's weight on his shoulder. The paramedics are on their way, Peter overhears. Peter grabs a bunch of napkins from the dispenser, than he dips them in water. Peter presses the damp napkin on Harry's head until the paramedics arrived.

ESU Medicine. The name of the campus building for medical students. Who knew a hospital would be next to a college? Peter enter Harry's room. This is very difficult to do, but Peter has to see him.

Harry was unlike anything Peter has ever seen him. Starkly pale skin, wild hair, extremely noticeable bags under his eyes. It was frightening. Harry greets Peter weakly with a broken smile.

"I'm sorry."

"You don't have to say that. You just fainted. You're tired, that's all. "

"It is more complicated than that." Harry's hand falls onto Peter's arm. " I was going to tell you. "

"Tell me what?"

"I've been trying to get sober."

A nurse places down a tray next to Harry. One of the items includes a cup of water. Harry gulps down a drink before he continues explaining.

"When everyone expects so much out of you, it can be very hard to deal with."

Peter sits quietly on the corner of the bed. He freezes up from the temperature of Harry's hand. Was it always this cold?

"Everyone deals with things in different ways."

Harry turns away to prevent the sadness on his face to be viewed.

"And now, I still have to use drugs, even though I don't want to. My body still can't function without it after 2 years."

Harry slightly turns his head to meet eyes with Peter. "I wish things will get better. Thank you, but I would like to be alone."

As soon as Peter leaves, Norman enters. His business partner informed him about Harry's hospital visit. What could be the reason this time? Exhaustion? Disease? Withdrawal? Norman stopped caring about the reason a long time ago. All Norman wants is for Harry to make a complete recovery.

"Dad?" Harry flinches. "What are you doing here?"

"I came as soon as I got the call. What are you here for this time?"

"Withdrawal headache. Then I couldn't move again."

"A phone call for you, Mr. Osborn."

Norman rushes to the phone.

"How is he, Norman?" The accomplice asks.

"Thankfully, he is alive."

"I don't think we can trust that Deadpool."

"What have you found?"

"I saw a news segment of him working alongside Spider-Man. He may reveal our plan to him if we end up hiring him."

"Understood." Norman hangs up

Norman remembers the first withdrawal. The 1st time it happened was the worst.

One day, Norman decided to arrive home early as a surprise for his son Harry. Exotic snacks accessories bundled in his hands.

"Harry, I'm home."

There lies his only son face down on the ground. Norman drops to gifts as soon as he sees that. Norman flips Harry's body with all his strength. Norman gives a good grip on Harry's face, a squeeze to the arm. Harry's body temperature is ice cold. No pulse. Lack of breathing. Fear flooded Norman's mind. This shouldn't happen. A son should always outlive the father.

"Dad, I'm sorry." Harry croaks.

Norman snaps back into the present.

"I didn't want anyone to find, especially you."

Norman and Harry hug each other tightly. Everything was going according to plan. The gangs, the chaos, the money. All needed for Harry's instant rehab. Lately, the infernal Spider-Man has prevented the solution. This promising young adult has been an essential factor for his plan. He is intelligent, cunning, and knowledgeable on subjects Norman is weak. Steven could be the key for his plan to succeed.

"Don't you worry, Harry. I will make sure things will be better for you. I promise."

Many thoughts rush inside Peter's mind. How could this happen to Harry? How long? Why did he never say anything before?

The only family he has to spend time with, disclose and is involved in his life is May. Yet, he truly couldn't tell May anything. Peter couldn't imagine how May would be affected. The worst could happen to her. Ben is gone now. Peter didn't want to lose May too.

"Spider-Man? Is that you?"

Spider-Man leaps from the top of the light pole. He scratches his neck. Did May's class end early? Or was he distracted by Harry's hospital admittance?

"Oh no, you found me." Spider-Man weakly jokes.

May giggles at the spectacle. "My nephew takes pictures of you for Daily Bugle."

Spider-Man playfully wags his finger. "Your nephew is a sneaky guy."

May swings a kick at Spider-Man. He dodges before she could land a hit.

"I'll admit it. You're good, but I fight criminals all the time." Spider-Man extends his hand.

"I'm flattered, but I'm having dinner with friends soon."

"If it makes you feel better, I have a date." Spider-Man tightens his fists.

"Wanna practice your moves while you wait?"


May excitedly punches Spider-Man in the chest. Her fighting style was all over the place with no strategy involved. Even with all her efforts, her attacks barely affected him.

"Not bad."

"Next time, I'll show you everything I got! Be careful out there tonight, tarteleh!" Hold on! That wasn't originally in the drafts!

Uh, anyway...May proceeds to head to the subway with her companion. Spider-Man waves goodbye before he webs away.

The ESU signs illuminate while the night students leave campus. Spider-Man sighs in relief at the empty sight. Spider-Man shoots webs pole to pole until he reaches the ESU roof. By the time he arrives, all that remains are the pigeons. Spider-Man delicately crawls to the spot where he promised to meet Deadpool. It would be impolite to leave a mess after the custodians finished their job, you know. Spider-Man reaches the top; he runs the dust off his suit.

"It's about time you got here! Who were you with, your mom?"

"Actually, it was my aunt."

"Aww, you're so sweet!" Deadpool's sudden hug causes Spider-Man to land on top of Deadpool.


"Tell her I said hi!"

'Me too!'

'Me three!'

Spider-Man sits besides Deadpool soon after. Compared to the previous times they spent together, the roof is comfortable. He shifts his gaze down to find a blanket below them. Spider-Man allows his body to collapse onto the softness.

"I thought this would help you relax."

Spider-Man takes off his mask; he tosses it below his feet.

"Darn. I forgot to tell you."

"Tell me what?"

Spider-Man inhales through his nostrils. Blood wildly rushes to his cheeks in a hot minute.



"My name is Peter."

'What a boring name.'

'I thought it would be longer.'

Deadpool squeals upon hearing those words. "Baby boy! You'd make such a cute Petey Pan!" Deadpool squeezes Spider-Man similar to a child with a brand new toy.

Spider-Man groans in exasperation. "Why do I even tell you anything?"

'Because you want to.'

'Because you love us.'

Spider-Man shifts his body away from Deadpool. This action only leads Deadpool to scoot closer. Deadpool cuddles Spider-Man from behind.

"I'm sorry about our fight."

"What fight?"

"I never wanted to hurt you."

"It's so weird how you say sorry." Spider-Man blushes.

"I get it, baby boy. It's because I'm Canadian." Deadpool teases.

Spider-Man holds a smirk; he turns away with a wide grin on his face. "Is that your excuse?"

"You should be used to my beautiful accent about now."

Spider-Man bites the bottom of his lip to resist laughter. Yet, he releases a laugh anyway. "I can't believe you, Wade."

'We can't believe you either.'

'You know dam well Canadian accents are sexy.'

Spider-Man begins to search for the mask he dropped earlier. Spider-Man reaches for the mask on the ground. Spider-Man attempts to wear the mask back on again.

Spider-Man just now realizes his whole body trembles greatly due to nervousness, especially his hands. His fingers prevent Peter from allowing the mask to completely cover his face. Frustrated from the many failed attempts, Spider-Man falls on his back. The mask remains worn except for the bottom half of his face, which is still exposed.

"You were right. What you said in the phone call."

"Aww! You remembered!"

"I haven't been treating you right. I always keep my guard up."

"Did I do something wrong, baby boy?"

"It's not just you. I had a personal reason for acting this way. I have never told anyone. Not even my aunt knows."

"What's wrong?"

Spider-Man gazes at the stars while he mentally prepares to reveal his secret.

"This happened 10 years ago. I met Skip at the library. He was my 1st friend. Skip was older than me. One day, he showed me Playboy."

'Uh oh.'

'If this is what we think it is, it explains so much.'

Spider-Man firmly presses his forehead with the palm of his hand. This time, he has to finish the story.

"Then he said, 'Let's conduct a science experiment! We'll touch each other like the subjects in this magazine! That's what best friends do!'. And I did."

'That's molestation!''

'Our poor baby boy!'

"Oh my God. How long did this happen?"

"Every Friday for 3 years." Spider-Man's tears leave his eyes. "I thought it was normal."

'Are we about to cry?'

'Our writer did when he was writing this scene.'



Deadpool carasses Spider-Man's face. "It's not your fault."

"I know it's not, but-"

Deadpool strokes the left side of Spider-Man's face. "It's not your fault."

"I heard you the first time, Wade."

Deadpool plays with Spider-Man's hair. "It's not your fault."

"I get it, Wade!" Spider-Man shouts while he holds back tears.

Deadpool leans in closer. "It's not your fault." The only words he whispers in his ear.

And just like that, Spider-Man bursts into tears. Deadpool pats his back as their suits dampen from the moisture.

"The important thing is it is all over now."

"Uh, thanks."

Deadpool kisses Spider-Man on the cheek. In return, Spider-Man kisses on the lips.

"We don't have to rush, baby boy."

Spider-Man can feel his muscles relax. Now, he can finally pull the mask down to completely cover his face.

"Peter, would you like to have dinner at my house next week?"

"Give me a minute to think about it."

"Let me help you make up your mind." Deadpool gestures to a hand-woven basket. "You look like you need comfort food after holding that secret for so long."

'Me too! I'm starving!'

'We don't even eat, jackass.'

"What do you got in there?" Peter asks.

"Just your typical picnic fare. Bread, meat, cheese, condiments, the works. Good shit here."Deadpool pulls out a loaf of bread and a butter knife.

"How did I miss that?" Spider-Man groans in exasperation. "Wait a minute. Why do you even have a picnic basket?"

"Isn't this what people do on dates?"

Deadpool slaps some meats and condiments out of Spider-Man's sight. Deadpool quickly cuts the sandwich in half. Deadpool hands the bigger sandwich half to Spider-Man.

"Chez a la Deadpool. Guess what's inside!"


'My soul'.

Spider-Man and Deadpool each take a bite. Deadpool swallows heartily. Spider-Man spits out the food in disgust.

"Do you know what is in it?"

"I taste the mayo." Spider-Man wipes his tongue with a napkin. "I hate the stuff."

"The hell?" Deadpool steals the other half. "How is this possible?"

"Where do I start? It's heavy, tastes off, and is on everything!"

"So is ketchup."

"Ketchup doesn't kill good food like mayo does! I don't know anyone can eat that stuff. Especially in sandwiches."

"I can make better food then sandwiches. Especially without mayonnaise."

'Like Caesar salad!'

'Did we remember to feed Al?'

"Will you give me a chance? Have you made up your mind?" Deadpool nearly begs.

"I'm still not sure."

"Take your time."

Deadpool winces, which triggers the Spider-sense right away. What would alarm Peter?

"What's wrong?"

Deadpool sucks in his teeth. "Since you told me your secret, I'm going to tell you mine.

'You wouldn't!'

'You're coming clean?'

"I'm," Deadpool chokes briefly. "In pain. A lot."

"How often?"

"All the time, it feels like. Been this way for as long as I can remember."

"Have you been to the doctor?"

"Whatever they diagnosed me with, there is nothing they can do."

"I wish I could help, Wade."

'So do we.'

'But we try.'

"It's hard, you know. Making jokes. Stab everybody I see. Ignore all the should I get from the rest of those pricks."

Deadpool grunts before he continues.

"And they go, 'Deadpool does it for no reason! That's just Deadpool!'. Everyone thinks my life is so perfect."

'Every time.'

'It is so fucking annoying.'

"But the truth is, anything can happen to me at any second." Deadpool gulps. "And I will never be ready for the day that moment comes."

Spider-Man and Deadpool rest side-by-side. The things they learn about each other is heavy to process. What is the proper way to react? What do you do? What do you say?

"Looks like we both have baggage." Peter comments.

"Yup. So, where do we take it from here?"

"However it was meant to be."

Must be a full moon tonight. The dam thing decides not to show up. However, the stars remain gleaming all over the night sky. Prior to Deadpool, the stars were his most frequent companion. When the streets turn dark, the stars light up. After 3 years, Spider-Man grew to appreciate the beauty of the stars.

"The stars look beautiful, don't they?"

"Yeah. They do."

"You still haven't answered my question, Peter."


"I'll ask again. Would you like to have dinner at my house next week?"

"I almost made up my mind."

Can Peter completely trust Wade? An idea struck Peter. There are many things someone can lie about, but science never lies to you. Spider-Man presses here close to Wade's chest.

Wade's heartbeat. Wade couldn't control that. Will it determine the truth or the lie?

Wade's heart is rapid. Each heartbeat drums faster than the last 9ne. The louder it sounds, the more ease it gives to Peter's mind. Wade has been honest the entire time.

"I will."