"Meant to break."

Chapter 7: Fair Game.

"I want to try. I want to try this with you."

Those words. Those words kept playing over and over in my mind as I laid here in my bed. Floating around in my head, bouncing around and keeping me wide awake. I had been fighting to sleep for what seemed like hours now. I wonder if Sesshomaru was plagued with the same thoughts as me. Was he wide awake as well?

Rolling my eyes over to the night stand next to my bed I saw that I hadn't been too far off. I had come back to my room around ten, and bed by ten o five. And if the clock was right I had been laying here for three hours.

I wish my mind would just stop. I had way too many thoughts and images going on in there. All I wanted to do was sleep. And all my mind wanted to do was remind me of my night, and the events of.

No matter how hard I tried to shut my mind off all things went right back to Sesshomaru. The tall brooding man was etched into my mind. Telling me he didn't know how to do relationships, that he was no good at showing emotions, but wanted to throw caution to the wind and try something with me. The way he held onto my hand tightly, as if he were afraid I'd disappear. And that kiss…

Was it me or was I imagining the room growing hotter and hotter?

Rolling over on my stomach I clutched my pillow over my face using the soft material to muffle the frustrating scream that rippled from my throat. I have no idea what has gotten into me.

My body seemed just as restless as my brain. I felt fidgety, my legs swishing back and forth under the thin sheet wrapped around my legs. Giving up on sleep I rolled once more to my back staring at the ceiling above me. It was hopeless. I couldn't get the thought of Sesshomaru out of my mind.

That was it, Rin you are officially hopeless.

I needed some air. Maybe the fresh breeze would help me clear my mind. Growling in frustration I kicked the hot sheets from around my legs. Throwing my legs off the side of the bed I stood up. Looking down at myself I realized how unprepared for the outside world I was. I was left to debate throwing on real clothes or going damn near naked. It was well past midnight so who would see me in my panties and bra? Doubtful anyone.

Not caring one way or another, modesty won and I decided to throw a robe on. Such an exhibitionist was I. Grabbing up my rob that lay discarded on a chair I walked my way to the sliding glass door that lead to the little terrace craning from the back of my room, I walked into the night.

My first steps outside I close my eyes, taking in a deep breath I sighed. The air smelled clean and refreshing. The night was cool, a blossom of goosebumps prickling along my arms and any expose flesh from the air that brushed along the skin. Padding barefoot I rested my upper body against the low stone railing.

I stood there looking into the dark clear sky, staring at the twinkling stars I rested my head on my arms head tilted up. Moonlight shone down giving me what little light it could. My body felt drained and tired. Sleep would have been loved but I knew right now, it wasn't going to happen. God tomorrow was going to be hell. Hope no one wanted to do anything that involved copious amounts of energy. If so, hope they enjoyed limp noodle Rin.

Sure Sesshomaru could keep exhausted me company while everyone went and did fun things. Sesshomaru. Pressing the palms of my hands against my eye lids I cursed myself. So much for trying to get him out.

"What is wrong with me?" I knew what was wrong with me, I just felt silly saying it. It had been so long since I've felt like this. Giddy and excited about someone. My heart was fluttering around in my chest. This feeling was uncomfortable as well as welcoming. It wasn't love, god no. Least not yet, I was in lust? Affection? I didn't know what to call it, all I knew I was happy.

I just hope it didn't end up biting me in the face in the end. Sesshomaru had said it himself, he doesn't know how to do this. What if I got so invested and fell hard for him, only to have him realize he couldn't do it?

'Stop psyching yourself out Rin.' Mentally scowling myself I stood straighter. I had to stop being too damn cynical, maybe this time I'd look at the glass half full instead of the usual half empty. Things might be different. He might be different.

I felt the pattern of tiny droplets cascading down on and around me. Looking towards the skies I watched as gray clouds swarmed in, blocking the moons rays. The light shining away leaving me in shadows. I hope this wasn't foreshadowing.

What little clothing I had slowly became damp, not making a move to turn in I remained where I was. Standing still I aloud the water to continue to pour down in a slow steady rhythm. The cold water felt amazing on my skin, reaching up towards the sky I held my palms flat catching what I could. Closing my eyes I let the rain wash away the heat I had felt earlier and along with it my doubt.

"Normal people don't stand in the rain, they usually go inside."

Startled I spun to look in the direction of the voice. "What the hell?!"

Perched in the corner of the balcony directly to the left of mine, Sesshomaru stood on the stone wall of what I assumed to be his own balcony. "Nice mouth. "

Hands in his pocket I watched in horror as he walked around the edge of his balcony slowly edging towards me. Walking with a careful grace I had only seen in that of a trapeze artist, he seemed unconcern that one wrong step and he would hurtle down the two flights where our rooms were located. Not an ounce of fear showed in him as he strutted around a five inch width ledge.

I on the other hand was struggling internally. I was a natural born paranoid person. Seeing him walking on the ledge sent me in a near panic attack.

"Get down before you kill yourself!" Hissing I ran over to the other side of my balcony. Stopping directly across from me he blinked blankly at me. There was nothing I could do but watch with wide eyes.

Looking down and then back up a sly smile playing on his lips he scoffed, tsking me under his breathe. "Scared for me?"

"No, I just don't think I can handle the trauma of seeing you go splat!"

"So you doubt me? "Voice neutral, he tried to not give away what he was thinking. Too bad I saw his eyes, which held a hint of humor. Did he find scaring me fun? Asshole surely didn't learn from a week ago did he?

"I doubt a lot of things, like your sanity."

Chuckling to himself, I watched once more in horror as he continued to play with my emotions and nerves.

Getting on his knees he placed his hands before him. His hands were shoulder width apart, fingers splayed wide, elbows tucked in, and shoulders straight as a pin I watched as he managed to get his massive frame over his head. Still for a minute his head, upside down, slowly turned a smirk on that mug as he stared at me in a handstand position. He looked at ease, like holding up his body wasn't a strain on him at all.

Fear ran through me. This was stupid and unsafe, such a damn man to do something like this. I was also impressed, his macho manly man act kind of turned me on in that barbaric kind of way. Shaking my head I wasn't about to let that affect or sway me. Hands on hips I narrowed my eyes. "I hope you fall."

"Not a nice thing to say to your boyfriend."

A thought crossed my mind. How do you get a guy to focus? Make him jealous of course. Pacing back and forth in a slow steady pace I averted my eyes from him. A wishful look on my face I looked again at upside down Sesshomaru.

"Well I guess this will go in my book as the shortest relationship, I can always track that waiter from earlier down. What was his name? Hiten?" Waving airily I smiled at his face turned from amusement to what could only be jealousy.

"So that's how it's going to be?" Swinging his lower body down I watched him become upright once more. Anger flared to life on his face, Ah ha. A smile teasing my lips as I got my desired effect. What I said had affected him just like I thought it would. I knew that kid had gotten under his skin tonight.

"Are you pouting?"

"No…"Legs wide apart, his arms crossed, His face turned to that of a child who didn't hear what he wanted. I fought the urge to laugh as he pouted.

Sighing loudly I playfully swooned," I wonder what he's doing now?"

"You can't be serious?" He watched me closer, trying to see if I was kidding. Unable to tell he growled in frustration. "You are aren't you?"

Finger tapping against my lip, I looked off into the distance. "Mmmm yup. I like em young anyways. Did you see that tight ass-!"

Rearing back I watched eyes wide as Sesshomaru threw himself across the balconies. Hand over mouth I watched expecting the worse. One swift jump he made it past my barrier, tucking he landed with a roll springing up landing on his knees.

With a fierce determined look he hopped off his knees storming towards me. Eyes filled with fire I felt his hands grip ahold of my arms, his own arms tightly wrapped around me. The rain started to come down a bit faster, his silver hair sticking close to his face. "You like them young huh?"

Looking up at him with a devilish smirk I nodded curtly. My eyes roamed over his face, landing on his full red lips. I wanted to reach those few inches to run my tongue along the edge of that tender flesh. I wanted to bite down and make him moan.

The thought of doing that excited me more than I thought. Clutching my legs closer together I tried to remember what was just said. Oh yea, Hiten. Smiling, "The younger the better."

Pulling me close he bent his head to hiss closely in my ear, hot breath tickling my lobe I fought the urge to sigh. "I can show you things that little boy could only dream of."

Mouth dry I turned to look him in the face. Eyes still blazing I caught an edge of something else. What was that look? Lust, need? Want? Was he struggling as I was?

I felt the warmth of his hands through the robe I wore. I wanted to throw the damn thing off so I could feel his skin on mine. Whoa? Calm down hormones much? I felt like a cat in heat, being this close to Sesshomaru made things I hadn't felt in a long time flare up. It had been way to long, and the way he huskily hinted at sexual things made things lower in me tighten.

I wanted to rip my clothes off, as well as his. The way he was touching and talking let me know he wanted the same thing. Leg pressed against the crotch of hid jeans and I knew how he felt. The huge bulge there twitched slightly. I bite my lip resisting a moan at the thought of what laid there.

Swallowing the lump in my throat I managed to get words to pass through my lips. "What's that?"

Pulling away slightly, one of his hands found the belt that kept my robe together. Stroking it gently his hot gaze turned to look at me once more. With a wide grin, "Hm, guess you'll have to find out…..sometime soon."

His hand dropped, and with that his body left mine. I watched as he slowly backed away leaping onto the balcony wall. Losing the warmth of his body had me panting and lost. My blood was hot, so was my body, and I was sure I was wet and ready.

And there he was, slowly backing away. Teasing and leaving.

"Wait. What?!" Flustered I ran over to him, before I could catch him he threw his body towards his balcony. Landing in the same fashion as he had before he hopped up a grin of his own.

Leaning against his balcony I watched as he laughed. That ass had purposely did that! "I'll see you tomorrow Rin, sweet dreams." Turing I stood stunned as he walked back to his room.

"Sess-SESSHOMARU!" I yelled at the empty doorway stunned. This asshole really left?!

Groaning in frustration I knew he wasn't coming back. Thunder clapped in the distance, making me jump. Looking towards the shies I knew a storm was brewing. Hm, Funny. There was one in my own life brewing. Sesshomaru was proving to be something I really couldn't turn from. Just being close to him made me feel like a women in heat. What's going to happen days, weeks, and months from now? Had potential of becoming a nympho.

Turning I walked back through the sliding door, flopping wet onto my bed I felt exhaustion pull me under. Not wanting to think of the future or what if's anymore felt my eyes heavy with need, I closed them allowing sleep to take hold of me. Thought of Sesshomaru still in my head, here's to hoping to wet dreams.



"Go away!"

I pulled a pillow over my head, trying to block out whoever it was at my door. I just needed a couple more hours of sleep and whoever was out there could burn in hell.

"Rin, answer the damn door." A masculine muffled voice sounded behind the door.

"I said go away!" I tried to press the pillow harder into my skull. Please let me sleep.


"Open the damn door!"

"Bite me!" Throwing a spare pillow at the door I rolled to my side. Maybe they would get tired of fist beating on the door.

"If you don't open this door, I will balcony hop into your room. And you won't like me doing that Rin."

Sesshomaru? I shot right up in my bed instantly. Once up I regretted moving that damn fast. Growling I shielded my eyes as the sun peaked in blinding me. I should have closed those blinds when I went to bed. Hesitantly I pulled my arm down, allowing my eyes to adjust the bright intrusion.

"I'm counting to three…"

"Or what?"

"I swear Rin, you know I'll do it." His voice held an edge of anger. I believed the crazy bastard, he would ninja warrior his ass over here.

Damn him. Glancing at the clock I knew I only had four hours of sleep, I was not in the mood for this crap.


Really? I should wait it out, let his stress himself. Sitting on my bed I drew my legs up close to ym chest. I listened contently as Sesshoamru continued his hissy fit.


"Oh goody he knows how to count!"

"Two and a half…Rin." His voice warning me made me stop. What if he decided to just ram the door instead? I wasn't going o be forced into paying that bill.

Throwing myself out of bed I stormed to the door, I was going to let this ass have it.

Yanking the door open I pegged him with a nasty look. "Sesshomaru, I'm exhausted we can do this-"

"Hush, here. "Shoving a Styrofoam cup of coffee into my hands I was left blinking as he pushed past me allowing himself into my room. "Nectar of the gods. And you're welcome."

Turning on my heels I close the door, grumpily I followed him further into my room. "Sure, come in. Help yourself to my room."

"Don't mind if I do."

I watched as he looked around, my room was a mess. I didn't think I'd be entertaining anyone in here. Clothes were scattered around the room, my suitcase was open showing all my delicates. The bed was rippled and sheets strewed around. I think I even spotted a pair of panties on a night lamp. Oh well.

Moving the wet robe from yesterday out of the chair where I had flung it in the middle of my sleep, he helped himself to the chair. Kicking his legs up on the tiny table before him I had the urge to kick his shoed feet from my furniture.

Once relaxed, his eyes stopped molesting my room to roam over my body, a small smirk on his lips. "Nice uh- sleep wear?"

"Huh?" Looking down I felt the heat rush to my face. I had answered the door in just panties and a bra. Least they were cute lacy ones, and not the comfy ones I'd have chosen. Looking up his eyes remained on me as if waiting to see how I handled this.

He patiently stared at me. The look on his face said he expected me to freak and sputter apologies. Not this time big boy. Not raising to the bait, I shrugged my shoulders in a so what salute. "Girl has to look her best?"

Huffing in distain I knew I didn't give him the reaction he expected. "Well let's try putting big girl cloths on. Drink the coffee, dress. Hurry."

He sipped his own Styrofoam cup. Eyes darting between my face and under garments. I smirked at that, least he appreciated the view.


"We have things to do. That's why." Rolling his eyes he went back to exploring my room with those dark irises.

I felt a tinge of anger. Least he could do was tell me his plans. I wasn't like everyone else in his life who just bowed down and took his aggression. Sesshomaru you're going to learn, Rin doesn't follow well.

Kicking his feet off the table, I fulfilled my urge and managed to ruffle him. Having my anger out I pegged him with a stare. "Let's try this again shall we? Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise. Don't want to ruin it."

Huffing in frustration I shook my head. This man was unbelievable. I liked him why again?

I knew the whys. He was sarcastic, attractive, and understood me. He made feeling sin me awaken I never felt before. He was someone I feared losing and feared letting close. Didn't mean he didn't frustrate me and make me want to murder someone.

I studied him closer, his focus became harder and harder to resist checking me out. Read to ream him about it I stopped. An evil grin appearing I knew exactly how to handle this.

Remembering last night a nasty thought crossed my mind. Perking me up I no longer felt groggy, I had a purpose and that alone drove me to wake up.

I would get dressed, I would even drink the coffee. Not, however, before I gave him a taste of his own medicine. Revenge is blah blah dish blah blah served cold.

I took a long, deliberate drink of coffee. It was rich, and creamy. Just the way I liked it. How he knew that was beyond me. Most likely asked Sango or Kagome. I was thankful anyways for him getting it right. Pulling back I smiled. "Mmm that was good."

"You, uh have some-"pointing to the corner of his mouth and then gesturing towards me, he stammered clearly flustered. Understanding what he was saying I stoked the corner of my mouth, pulling back a bit of whipped cream.

Putting my finger in my mouth I slowly sucked on it, exaggerating the moans I made. Eyes fluttering to Sesshomaru I watched as he cleared his throat, pulling on the color of his button down dress shirt. My mission was going as I planned. He was growing flustered by my performance.

Pulling my finger out of my mouth with a little pop I smiled sweetly. "Thanks."

"Uh can we get along with this? Things to do remember?" Trying to regain control of himself, made me realize I was going to have to work harder at this. I wasn't leaving him till he was blue balled and crying for release.

Crossing my arms under my Breast, I pouted. Eyes scowling at him I did my best to play it off as if I hadn't purposely shoved my tits higher. His eyes instantly darted towards them. "Manners?"

"Rin-"His voice reaching a testy note. Yet I watched as he fidgeted, eyes locked to my breast. I snickered enjoying making him sweat.


"What are you doing?" Eyes narrowed I watched as he thought in his head. Eyes darting all over I started to sweat. If he figures my plan out, I wouldn't get my revenge.

Time to up it a notch.

Walking towards him I made sure to swing my hips in an exaggerated manner, stopping at his knees I slowly bent down, his eyes never leaving my fleshy mounds. Nudging his knees he willing parted them allowing me the room to walk between his legs, and getting closer to him.

Bending to his ear I made sure my boobs brushed against his shoulder. Which caused him to stiffen, hands shifting I fought the urge to laugh as he rearranged things lower.

Blowing a hot steady stream of air against his ear I whispered gently, "Whatever I want to do."

"Rin?" Uncertainty filled his voice. Good, he hadn't figured me out. He was too concerned to know what the hell was going on in his pants.

Pulling back I leveled my face with his. Putting a finger to his lips I smiled once more. "Shush."

Removing my finger I moved before he could speak once more. Taking his lips between mine I caught him by surprise. His body grew stiff, and is if realizing it was me for the first time he relaxed. His hands wrapped their way around my waist, pulling me closer I lost my balance. Falling into his lap I used my hands propped against his chest to support myself.

Pushing his lips apart with my tongue, I entered his mouth. Running along the inside I explored ever crevice and area there was to behold. His tongue met mine as they danced alongside each other. Lapping at one another, I found a moan rippling from deep in my throat.

I couldn't let myself get to into it. I was enjoying his arms around me way too much, His tongue licking along mine. I already felt the pool of warmth wetness between my legs. I would regret it later but this was for a reason. I had to leave him wanting more like he did me dis morning.

Pulling back I watched his face from closed eyed contentment, to wide eyes shocked. "Why did you stop?"

Licking my lips I forced a devilish grin. "We have to go remember?"

"It can wait. " His voice hard and heavy, his eyes dark with raw need. He gripped tighter onto my wrist, looking down I noticed a noticeable large bulge in his pants. It took all my will not to fall to my knees releasing it.

Stepping from his legs and out of his grasp I went to my suit case. Pulling out something random I hoped they matched, I needed to get out of this room fast before I decided to dive back into a pool full of Sesshomaru.