Disclaimer: I do not own anything Marvel, D.C or anything I borrowed from other media

*Takes place in no specific universe*

The first date of many to come

"Great just great, I knew the Parker luck was going to strike again. Can't believe I made a fool out of myself." Peter Parker, aka Spider-man, is not in the best of moods right now.

Since joining the Avengers, he has grown a strong bond with the team to where he became comfortable taking his mask off when he is hanging around Avengers tower. One of the members of the Avengers, he has a strong bond with was Carol Danvers, also known as Ms. Marvel. She, along with Jessica, is the closest female friend that Peter has in his superhero life. Over time Peter began to have a crush on Carol and thought about at one point in his life after his relationship with Mary Jane not working out that maybe it would be better to date someone who can defend herself like Carol. Felicia didn't count because they had an on & off relationship, for she only liked Spider-man, not Peter Parker. Today was going to be the day that Peter had made reservations to a fancy restaurant so he could ask Carol out on a date.

"I should have known better; no wonder she was always smiling when she was around him." What Peter is referring to is his Parker luck attack once again when he goes to ask Carol out only to catch her in the arms and to make out with Mr. Iron Man his self. Without the two noticings, Peter had dashed it and wanted to go in his room to be left alone.

"Now I have to cancel these reservations, but that would be a total waste. I can't just go by myself, that would be no fun. *Signs* Maybe I will call Aunt May and see if she doesn't have any..." Peter made a quick stop as another member whom he has a strong bond appears in front of him.

"Hi Pete." said the lovely voice of Jessica Drew, also known as Spider-woman another member that Peter has developed a close bond with. Peter stop for a moment to stare at her beautiful face but quickly snaps out of it.

"Oh, hey Jess." He responds not really in a mood to talk about his epic fail moment.

Jessica picks up quickly that something was up with Peter. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeaaaa, no, um no." Peter hesitates before answering. He would rather lie to her and go to his room, but he knows Jessica wouldn't just let him off the hook.

"What's wrong? You know you can talk to me." She said as she softly took his hand and made him sit down with her.

Peter signs before explaining what happens. "Well I was going to take Carol out on a date, and I had reservations for this excellent restaurant call Spasso to take her to."

Jessica smiles massive hearing Peter's plan. Part of her knows that Peter had a crush on Carol and the two were pretty close, though she had to admit it was pretty surprising that Peter is going to make the first move. "Aww, I heard that place is one of the top 10 romantic places to eat in West Village. I'm assuming that you are getting cold feet?" She teases him, but Peter shakes his head before answering her.

"No, but I'm sure she is keeping Tony's feet very warm right now." This response caught Jessica off guard.

"I beg your pardon?" She asks, making sure she gets a better understanding of the situation.

"When I went to ask Carol out, I caught her and Tony kissing each other, so I left before they saw me," Peter explains to her still having the thought of seeing Carol and Tony kiss each other.

"What the bloody hell?! I can't even picture her being with him out of all people. I'm so sorry Peter, but don't let that discourage you." Even though she and Carol are like sisters, she felt very disappointed in her choice to date Tony. Not that it was all about Carol and Peter getting together, nor did she hate the guy, but she would think of the reason why Tony former girlfriend Pepper breaking up with him a while back that she could find someone better.

"I will try." He only said still feeling defeated in away.

Jessica rubs the back of his neck to help cheer him up. "Hey, no sad face Peter. Maybe Carol wasn't the one for you. I'm sure any girl would appreciate a guy who had made special plans for her so keep that in mind."

"Thanks, Jess." Peter smile hearing that from her and couldn't help to enjoy feeling Jessica's rubbing his neck for him.

"Hey, I'm here if you need me, Peter. I will let you have some alone time." She smiles and gets ready to leave so he can have some space.

Peter watches Jessica stand up and couldn't help but to feel attracted to her by her beautiful voice, sexy body, and her somewhat flirty but yet caring personality. At the moment, an idea pops into his head, but he wasn't sure if it was because of Jessica's pheromones affecting him or what but he decides to go with the idea anyway. "Say, Jess."

"Yes?" She turns back to him and asks softly.

Funny how Peter didn't have cold feet when he was going to ask Carol out but was now getting cold feet from what he is about to ask Jessica with her being so close to him. "I was thinking that I would rather not cancel the reservations considering that it's rare for me to make plans for these type of fancy places. Since you and I do not have any actual missions or anything important to take care of this evening, would you like to go with me tonight to Spasso?" Peter instantly felt his self-turn red from asking her out.

"Why Peter Parker, are you asking me on a date that was originally for another lady?" Jessica question him like she was offended which made Peter regret asking her out and was beginning to think this was the worst day ever for him

"Oh, I'm so sorry... I didn't mean. I was thinking that..." Peter mumbling over his words when he feels he starts getting nervous. Thankfully, Jessica places a finger on his mouth and smile, saying, "Relax I was messing with you. Of course, I will go on a date with you tonight for I think it would be fun." Jessica thought Peter was cute, in an attractive nerd type of way, and she already felt terrible by about the Carol situation so she didn't mind going out with him for she knows Peter is a good guy even though as Spider-man he can be annoying at times.

Peter felt very relieved, nervous, and excited at the same time after Jessica agrees to the date. "Oh haha well great and yeah I think so too. So I will meet you at Spasso at seven, okay?"

"Sounds like a date to me." She answers with a wink as she heads to her room to pick an outfit for tonight. When she left the hallway, they were in she could help but hear a "YAHOOOO" sound and giggle knowing whom it came from.

*Before the date*

"Okay, which should I go with... suit or casual look?" A stress Peter Parker asks while looking through his closet to pick out his outfit more tonight. Peter couldn't help but to feel nervous about tonight yet he couldn't understand why. Him and Jessica are good friends like he and Carol but even he wasn't this shy about asking Carol out. On the one hand, he figures that it was because he wasn't sure what this date would lead to a fun night or a very awkward one. Then again, his Parker luck doesn't help make the situation better for him.

"Should I go sexy or elegant?" Elsewhere, Jessica is also currently looking through her closet to find an outfit to wear on her date with Peter. Though she knows the two are just good friends, she wants to make sure she dresses very nice for Peter. It was an odd feeling for her since it was only Peter, but then again, she is planning to help him get over Carol since she no longer on the market.

"Maybe I should go with this outfit, I mean it's a date after all, and I'm not going to treat it any less. Two good friends on a beautiful date." Peter said to his self-pulling out a white button shirt with black pants and coat outfit.

"Defiantly should go elegant. I think sexy would be too much for the first date so that I will be choosing this dress." Jessica took out a beautiful black dress that didn't reveal her chest and was sleeveless as well as a beautiful dress jacket just in case it gets cold later.

Both Peter and Jessica put on their attire for the evening and made sure they check their selves before heading out to the restaurant looking at their mirrors.

"You got it right Jessica; Peter Parker is back in black... wait that sounds like I'm wearing the venom suit again." Peter whines, trying to build his confidence.

"Look out Peter, Spider-woman is here, and I cross your path... Did I rip that off?" Jessica practices her grand entrance for the date.

Peter starts doing a dance number and stops quickly saying, "Yea I'm sure if anyone saw me dancing like that in a movie, they would think it's horrible."

Jessica poses for the mirror showing off her muscles, having a silly moment to herself, "Man, I should work out with She-Hulk more."

They both look at the time to see if they need to leave now. "Oh no, I'm going to be late!" Both Peter and Jessica yell at the same time, rushing out of their rooms to head to Spasso.

*That evening at Spasso*

Peter made it to the restaurant 10 minutes before eight so he could check and see if the reservations were still ready to go. After 8 minutes had passed, Peter starts to fear that maybe something came up and Jessica couldn't make it talk about his Parker luck coming to play. However, his fears disappear for he looks up to see an incredible British woman wearing a black dress approached him, making his mouth drop to the floor.

"Good evening Peter, you clean up very well." Jessica compliments him with a warm smile. She didn't expect Peter to look this good for the date, but she appreciates none less.

Peter couldn't say anything as he usually doesn't. Meanwhile, Jessica is wearing a dress like the one she is wearing. He didn't want Jessica to feel like just a rebound since the date wasn't originally for her, but right now he thinks he should have just asked her out instead of Carol first.

Jessica laughs softly at the expression that Peter was giving her and couldn't resist teasing him. "Peter, you are getting drool on your shoes."

Peter quickly snaps out of his trance to address Jessica adequately. "Sorry but wow Jessica you look wow. *Mentally slaps his self for not coming up with a better word to describe her* Not wow like in a bad way wow like you have me speechless wow or made that sound just as worse."

Jessica had to admit that even though he talks a lot while being Spider-man annoyingly, she at times found Peter Parker mumbling over his words cute. She places her arms gently on his arm to reassure him, saying, "Don't worry, I understand, and I take it as a compliment."

Peter relaxes some before responding to her. "That's good to hear."

The waiter interrupted the two. "Sir and madam, your table is ready."

Peter then turns back to Jessica and extend his arm out for her, asking, "Shall we?"

Jessica smiled and nodded to him, wrapping her arm around his to walk to their table. Once the waiter shows them their seats, Peter, being the gentleman that he is, pull Jessica's chair up to allow her to sit down first before he sits down at his table.

Jessica felt impressed by Peter's matters. "Why thank you, Peter. Look at you being Mr. polite."

"What can I say, it's a date, and I'm happy to say that I was raised well by my aunt and uncle," Peter tells her while taking his seat.

The two check their menus with Jessica asking, "How is Aunt May doing by the way?"

Peter and Jessica had ordered their drinks before he answers her. "She's doing well considering. She enjoyed meeting you last time and said you are welcome to come by anytime."

Jessica, at one point, met Aunt May before Carol, and she made Jessica feel welcome. To hear that from Peter's aunt cause Jessica to feel better as a person. "I am honor to be one of the few people she feels comfortable with, considering my past..." She lowers her head thinking about her rough past up to this point.

Peter lightly touches her hand, getting her attention. "Hey, tonight is not about what we did back then, for tonight we are two spider-friends having a good time this evening." Peter knew Jessica didn't have it easy during her road to becoming a hero. He always found it interesting that both have been through rough situations to get to this point that led to the two in becoming Spiderman and woman. He didn't like seeing her sad like this and realize that he cares for her more than he thought he did.

Jessica looks back at Peter thinking how he had this way of making you feel better, even when he continually talks Peter knew at times the right words to say. "You are right Peter. I could use this opportunity to learn more about the man behind the mask." She said, smiling and taking a sip out of her drink.

"Oh yeah, I sometimes forget you mostly know about my hero live more than my normal life," Peter replies, scratching the back of his head.

"Correct. So tell me some things that I haven't known about you, Mr. Parker." After ordering their food, Peter and Jessica begin to talk about things that the other didn't know about as well as other things while at the same time making sure to murmur when it came to superhero topics.

"Funny how you kept the relationship between you and her a secret this long." Jessica points out about Peter's love life. He had just got done telling her about his relationship with Black Cat.

"Yea I wasn't fully proud of the on and off part of our relationship since she prefers the spider, not the man." Peter finish explaining to her. Jessica was the only female hero that he has told about Felicia.

"I'm sorry Peter but again that was her loss, if she can't like you for both sides, then she doesn't deserve you fully." She didn't like hearing how Black cat treated him, especially when he reveals his face and find out how she reacted. Jessica wonders, however why she felt the way she did when Peter is just a good friend, does she care for him more than she thought?

"At least she accepted my spider side." Peter mutter with Jessica asking him a question base on what she was currently feeling.

"Peter what is it exactly are you looking for a girl?"

The question kind of shock Peter but he answers her saying, "It would probably be better to date someone who I don't always have to worry about being in dangers from my enemies but at the same time can understand and like both sides of me. It's straightforward, but my Parker luck has its way of keeping me from finding that one." Jessica processes what he said, and it wasn't a whole lot that he was asking for, but to Peter, it probably means more than she knows.

"What about you? I heard rumors that you like Clint." Peter asks curiously but almost regrets asking when Jessica expression changes.

"Where in the bloody hell did you hear that?" She questions him, but at the same time trying to hold her anger inside not to draw people's attention.

"Um, Johnny?" Peter answer playfully only to get a groan from Jessica.

"He needs to stop hanging at the tower sometimes, and no he is not my type. Besides didn't you hear that Clint likes Bobbi?"

Peter's eyes pop open from hearing that. "Wait for real; I thought Widow and Clint were getting close."

"Yeah, Natasha has her eyes on Steve."

Peter couldn't believe how he wasn't aware of the relationships that are forming in the tower. "Hold on stop and wait a minute. So Clint=Bobbi, Cap=Natasha, plus the new couple in Carol and Tony... why are we both single?"

Jessica laughs and shakes her head, not understanding why either. "I seriously have no idea Pete life is just cruel to us at times, I guess."

"Well, you technically didn't tell me what you look for in a guy."

Jessica thought about it, and she wasn't entirely sure what her idea guy was. She's been focusing on making amends and dealing with stuff she didn't love would find her. "I haven't given it much thought as of late. I have standards, yes but I'm not that picky right now considering I can tell if people want me only because of my ability is causing them to want me."

"That makes sense." Peter, in a way, was disappointed by the answer like he was expecting a different one.

"Although if this date keeps going well, I will tell you who I have a crush on her," Jessica tells him with a smirk on her face.

"Oh, you are so on Ms. Drew." He claims as they continue to eat their food.

The date went on for a little longer as the spider heroes their evening out. When it was time to leave, Peter paid for their meal, which was right in his price range. Jessica asks how did he have enough to set the date up and offer to help pay. Peter explains that he's been saving a lot of money that he still makes from the Bugle, so he wanted to spend his money for once on something lovely like this.

Peter and Jessica walk to Jessica's place both wishing it could have gone longer when they finally made it. "So to be real I know that taking you out wasn't the plan, but I'm happy I did." He said with a smile completely forgetting about Carol and Tony.

Jessica smiles back having to admit she liked the date with Peter. "That makes both of us Peter, great spiders thinking alike."

Peter chuckled at the spider joke. "I know, right. *He begins to rub his neck* so does you believe that this a one-time thing?" Peter realize during the date that though he like Jessica as a good friend, tonight he develops strong feelings for her and thought why not take a chance with her but at the same time prepare his self to get the friendship response.

"Do you want it to be?" Jessica asks in a seductive tone catching Peter off guard as she walks closer to him.

"Honestly, no, but what about the whole you telling me who you have a crush on?" Peter remember how she said she would tell him who she had a crush on and wonder if it was another hero outside Avengers tower.

The response Peter receives, however, was not the one he saw coming. Jessica gentle grabs his chin to pull his face to her, and she proceeds to give him a sweet tender kiss.

"Whoa..." Peter could only say for he was speechless, and couldn't move his body due to being to shock by the kiss.

"Does that answer your question?" She asks softly looking into his eyes and wrapping her arms his neck.

"Very clear..." Peter was able to say. Just like how Peter gains feelings for her on the date, Jessica being to form romantic feelings for him as well. During the date, he made her feel special and make her laugh without being annoying about.

"Good, because I would like to see where this goes to Peter." She confesses to him.

He confidently wraps his around her waist and says, "I couldn't agree more Jessica. Besides, it only makes sense that Spider-man and Spider-woman be and couple."

She rolls her eyes at his humor. "True. I guess I will see you tomorrow then."

"Okay. Goodnight Jess." Peter said, getting closer to her face.

"Goodnight, Pete." Before they pull apart, Peter this time kisses her, leading to Jessica to return the kiss. After the kiss, Jessica went inside to relax for the next of the night. That is before hearing someone yelling "YAHOOOO!" and had to laugh at the silliness of her new man.

Authors note: Well this idea was originally going to be my second story to my untold love stories series, but since I couldn't think of a long term plot I decided to make this short story, but I have a new plan that's going to my second story as far as Peter/Jessica go. Depending how many reviews this gets I might make it into a mini one-shot series not sure yet. Just to let you know, since this is not an official story I'm not going to put so much effort so don't over judge it.

I want to point out that though Spidey/Black cat is my otp but one I almost made them my second after writing this story since I felt pretty impressed by the chemistry I brought between the two as well as the recent Peter/Jessica stories I been reading and two I notice that my second favorite spider-man pairing doesn't have a lot of stories on here, so I want to help put a few stories up with the couple out along with (shout out moment) Dokebibeats who has Spider-man/Spider-woman paring content on his page so definitely check his stories out if you like the couple as well.

I find it funny that I'm writing this one-shot when I just recently this week I got cheated... oh well.

The last thing I want to point out is that I don't know how long this story will be since it doesn't have a lengthy plot, which is why I didn't go into in-depth details as far as the actual date scene goes because I'm saving that for the real story. With that say thank you all for reading, and I would appreciate Favorites and Reviews as well as knowing if you are a Peter/Jessica fan and how you became a fan of the couple. With me, though it never happens in the comics I always felt that you would think they would have dated before but it mostly because of the stories on here that I read