Disclaimer: I do not own anything Marvel or anything I borrowed from other media.

A group date with a twist

*At the Avengers tower*

Today seems like a relaxing day for Peter and Jessica at the Avengers tower. The couple didn't have any specific missions to complete, so they figure while not spend some quality time together. Peter suggests watching a movie together since to their knowledge, none of the other heroes were hanging around the tower.

"I'm sorry Pete, but this movie is incredibly boring," Jessica admits to Peter can't believing that the film made it to theaters and not straight to DVD.

Peter's mouth drops, pretending that he got offended. "What are you talking about this has great action and comedy."

Jessica, however, feels the complete opposite. "Yeah if you are a nerd who likes classic old school games and always wonder what if games invaded our world?"

"It just so happens I am part of that category." Peter folds his arms proudly.

"Which makes you a nerd," Jessica responds, causing Peter to drop his head in disappointment.

"Jeez, thanks." Peter grunts when suddenly he notices a change of smell in the air as Jessica sits on his lap and wraps her arms around his neck.

"Lucky for you are my sexy nerd," Jessica assures him in a tone that Peter always enjoys hearing her talk in.

"Now Jess, are you using your pheromones to get us out of watching the movie?" Peter asks, knowing where this is going.

Jessica pretends to pout. "Is it working?"

Peter wraps his arms around Jessica's waist before answering. "Well, Pixel did get a low score so I wouldn't mind making a spider movie with you right now."

Peter's comment made Jessica smile and say, "I like the sound of that." and the couple begins to kiss each other. The moment didn't get to kick into high gear for the couple to get stop by an unexacting guess.

"There you two are!" yells the voice of Carol who walks fast towards with a furious expression on her face.

"Hey, Carol is there a problem?" Peter questions only for him and Jessica to jump from the couch when Carol slams her fist on the table, breaking it.

"Hell yeah there is a problem, and I'm looking at it right now!" Carol roars at the couple with them confusing on what she meant.

"Hey I haven't done any pranks today, though I was considering throwing color dye on Hulk to see would he become a different color, but it hasn't happened yet," Peter tells her trying to calm her down but to no avail.

"Not you. I'm talking about my so-called best friend here." Carol points straight at Jessica.

Jessica couldn't think of a reason as to why her best friend would be mad at her. "What did I do, sure we were supposed to watch the new episode of walking dead together, but I swear I got call up to a mission at the last minute."

"Right a mission that involves stealing someone who belongs to me," Carol claims offending Jessica.

"Wait, Carol, what on earth you talking about?" Jessica demands to get off of Peter while Peter tries to keep her calm.

"I broke it out with Tony. I realize that I made a huge mistake when I didn't take the chance with Peter. After listening to how he makes you laugh, the way he cares for you, the way he makes you happy… all of that was supposed to happen to me." Carol confessed, referring to when Jessica told her how the date went. This confession made Peter think that Jessica saying about that was a bad idea.

"The bloody hell!? Look I'm sorry things didn't work out between you and Stark, thank god, but don't try to use that as a way to try to take what's mind. You the one that cocks up (made a mistake)." Jessica shoots back getting face to face with Carol.

"What's yours!? Jess if I had never told Peter I was seeing Tony it would of have been me on that date and not you. Right, Peter?"

Carol looks over at Peter and gives him a wink turning Peter's face slightly red.

"Ummm." is all Peter could say before Jessica intervenes.

"Well, last I check that wasn't the case, and Peter and I end up having a great time. Right babe?" She gives Peter the better pick your girlfriend side look.

"I mean..." Peter tries to speak but gets cut off again.

"Don't let her scare you, Peter, we both know I can smear the walls with her before she does anything to you," Carol said letting her hand glow to remind Jessica how strong she is. Jessica, however, is not backing down that easy.

"Girl just because you're half Kree doesn't mean I will back down. I have been through too much just to let my best friend take my man when she didn't want him in the first place."

"Ladies please let's just talk about..." Peter pleads with both women. He hated being in situations like this when two girls fight over him.

"You don't know that, and I would watch that tone of yours slut." Carol threatens her friend and proceeds to push her. At this moment, with all the anger being released due to being push, Jessica slaps Carol's face with all of her might, and this is when the whole world stops.

"Holy ****." Peter naturally thought to his self with his mouth wide open in shock by seeing his girlfriend slap Ms. Marvel. Something that one shouldn't do.

"*itch I know you didn't just call me a slut when you on the job (having sex) with the biggest slut of all time," Jessica responds after slapping her best friend about to be enemy.

For Carol that crosses the line with her and now does not intend solving this without violence. "That's it I was going to take Peter back in a calm fashion, but it looks like I will have to squash a female spider to claim my man!"

"I would like to see you try mate." Suddenly, the two heroes charge at each other with Peter feeling helpless to stop them from hurting each other and maybe hurt him in the process.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Peter screams until he jumps up and realizes it was early in the morning and he was in his bed. Realizing it was just a dream, he wipes the sweat from his forehead and tells his self, "Whoa, now that was a nightmare." before getting two more hours of sleep.

*That morning a few hours later*

After getting more sleep than usual, Peter heads to the kitchen to fix his self-something to eat. He sees Johnny already up playing a game a company made based on the actual Fantastic 4. Hearing Peter heading into the kitchen, he jokes with him saying, "Yo bro next time you have a nightmare, can you please take it back at the Avengers tower? The Baxter building only makes room for real heroes who don't get afraid of nightmares."

Peter quips back saying, "Oh, this is coming from Mr. having nightmares of Crystal rejecting you again?"

Johnny pauses the game and walks into the kitchen. "I will have you know for the first time I took your advice, and now Crystal and I are officially an item."

"Oh snap that's what up bro when was this?" Peter inquiries while eating his turkey sandwich he just made.

"It occurred a few days after me, and you talk about the subject. I message Crystal asking could we have a serious meeting, which surprises me because I don't do serious well for I'm naturally funny." Johnny starts to explain only to hear Peter say a slick comment "*cough* Not in this universe."

"Hater. Anyways we met up, and I told her how I felt about her and was honest about the whole being jealous of Quicksilver issue. At that point, I found out she still had feelings for me but only dated Quicksilver because she didn't I fully want her. So now you can say I got the girl." Johnny finishes telling the story and gets a pat on the back from Peter.

"I'm happy for you really; I know you act like she doesn't mean much because of what happens but massive great hearing you two work out." Peter gets up to throw his plate.

"True dat, which is why I can't wait for the triple date tonight." Johnny points out, speaking Peter's curiosity about what he meant.

"Pause, what triple date?" Peter questions him hoping that Johnny is not reverting to his player ways already.

"Oh, I sent an out a group text to Jessica and Carol to see if they wanted to get together later at Shawarma for a couple's hangout," Johnny answers all cool like but Peter did not feel relaxed about that plan, not one bit.

"Has that long term effect of having fire abilities fried your brain!? Why would you do that right after I am having a horrible dream of those two fighting!?" Peter begins to yell at Johnny as he throws his hands up like he is innocent.

"Hold on bro what's going?" Johnny asks nervously, not aware of what's going on.

"I just had a dream for some reason Carol was jealous that I ended up dating Jessica and confronted her about it right in front of me. The argument got intense to where they about to fight each other, and that's when I woke up. If anything that's a sign that maybe Carol secretly not be okay with Jessica and me together and you plan all of us to be in one building!" Peter breaks down his dream to Johnny, which makes sense to why he is upset but thinks he's overreacting.

"I get where you are coming from but come up do you think that Captain Marvel would be that petty to fight her best friend over you?"

"What are you trying to say?" Peter questions, feeling displeased by Johnny's comment.

"Look I'm sure Carol is way mature about you dating Jessica. If she has feelings for you, I would think a woman like hurt would confront you and Jessica without any violence involved. Plus, you never know Tony could be making her happy to where she wants to be with him. Maybe you will get the answers you need during the group date."

Peter sighs and folds his arms thinking Johnny could have a point. Even though he still didn't like the idea, he remembered what's the worse that happens considering if anything, he will be single and not either of the ladies for Peter values their friendship over everything. Plus, rumors have that there are some single women in the superhero community, but he hopes it won't have to come to that. "I guess when you put it like that, it might be nice to have that meet up just to confirm my judgment."

"That's the spirit. Sooo it probably doesn't help that I didn't mention I invited the other than right?" His joke sets Peter off as he charges at Johnny with Johnny making a run for it.

*Shawarma restaurant* (The one from the 1st Avengers post ending scene)

"Jess, you want to go through with this?" Spider-man and Spider-Woman just made it to the restaurant that the group date will take place. Due to the Avengers reputation of eating there, Johnny convinces Tony to get VIP access to have the heroes have their time. Doing so meant that Peter and Jessica would need to be there in their superheroes costumes, so people won't try to get into their personal lives because of their connections.

"Honey relax everything will be okay. That dream of yours was only a dream, and I'm positive that it won't come to reality." Spider-Woman answers, wishing that her boyfriend would not think contrary about what won't happen. Peter had contacted her about the dream and expressed his concern with how Carol could react.

Spidey turns away from her and asks, "Why does it seem like you are taking Johnny's side on this topic?"

Spider-woman signs and wraps her arms around his neck from behind to comfort him. "It could because you are just overthinking stuff. Keep in mind, I talk to Carol every day even when we became a couple; then she should get her movie and play herself because she would make a great actor."

Spider-man looks at her still feeling uneasy, "Babe understands that if something goes down between you two, I don't want to be the reason why, not trying to say all women want me, due to being caught in that situation before it's not a very good feeling and it makes me…" Spider-woman takes this moment to lift Spidey's mask and gives him a sweet quick kiss.

"You know you babble a lot when you get nervous?" She mentions with a smile making Spidey smile back thinking how lucky he is to have her.

"I heard some folk say that about me down in Hell's kitchen, but if it gets me hot kisses like that, then I might need to babble more often." Spidey jokes with her, and then playfully grabbing her butt.

Jessica laughs at his response. "You are such a nerd."

"Really?" Spidey groans this time he kisses her to change her opinion.

"Yep, my brave, loving nerd. Come on, let's find Johnny and blow this Popsicle stand." Both Spider-man and Spider-woman quickly look at each other trying to make sure that didn't just come out of Spider-woman's mouth.

"I hang around you way too much." Spider-woman mutters heading inside the restaurant with Spidey responding right behind her saying, "Oh I notice." The couple enters the building to see Johnny and Crystal already at a table waiting on them.

"Hey, you spider lovebirds." Johnny greets his friends

"What up flame head, nice to see you again Crystal." Spidey gives Johnny a brother like hug and Crystal a hug as well.

"Likewise, Spider-man and Spiderwoman. Congrats to you too, Johnny told me the news of course." Crystal hugs Spider-woman, and with that, the four current heroes sit down as Spider-woman speaks to Crystal. "Thank you and cheers to you as well. Though I still a bit surprised you and Johnny reconnected."

Crystal looks over to Johnny and laughs. "I am just as surprised as you are."

"Oh, I am sitting right here by the way." Johnny turns his hand into fire and waves to get their attention only for Spidey to shoots his stronger webbing at his hand and chimes in, "and yet you still ignore even when having a lady by your side."

Johnny removes the substance off of him. "Forget you web head."

"Who could forget about him, he can be just as annoying as you." Out of nowhere, Ms. Marvel appears alongside Iron man, who had her arm hook to his as he intervenes, "Oh, don't be like that. When you think about it, I can be more annoying at times."

"He admits that?" Both Spider-man and Spider-woman thinks at the same time (Aww they had the same thought #spiderlove)

"Tin head and Captain… Ms.… what are you calling yourself these days?" Johnny welcomes the third couple pairings the group date and takes a playful jab at Carol for she gets call Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel from different people.

"Whatever you prefer Firestar." Carol takes a seat beside Peter, causing him to tense a bit, but overall he keeps his cool.

"I prefer Iron man just to give my input." Iron man recommends sitting between his woman and Johnny.

"Ha I see what you did there but wrong hero, for I'm much cooler than her." Johnny's comeback earns a lot of head shaking and groans from his peers.

"Isn't that something Iceman would say?" Spider-man couldn't resist clowning his brother only for Johnny to demand that he "Shut up!"

Out of nowhere, the doors slam open with surprising god-like guess making an appearance. "Greetings my friends sorry we arrive late had some business to take care of in Asgard, but when I heard we were meeting at the spot, I had to get here as soon as I could." The Asgard Avenger Thor announce alongside his new woman Lady Sif. Then out of nowhere Hulk, in Bruce Banner form, came in with Black Widow hand to hand with Bruce speaking first, "Yea and I had a hard time getting the big guy to take a nap."

"He doesn't do naps that well." Widow winks at him, and at this point, the reaction the out of nowhere couples receive are very shocking expressions until Spidey turn to Johnny whispering, "So you know you didn't tell me about this right?"

Johnny wasn't aware that he sent them an invite, let alone knew about the pairings. "Okay, Thor/Lady Sif and Banner/Widow I didn't send an invite to."

Crystal overhears them and confesses, "Well I sent Lady Sif an invite since she told me that she and Thor became an item recently."

"Wait, what happen to Jane?" Iron man inquires fully remembering that Thor was seeing Jane.

"She as you mortals would say, couldn't do long distance." Thor shrugs as he and Lady Sif take a seat.

"Make sense, and yea you were pretty gone a lot, probably for the best." The group heroes say all at once with Lady Sif laughing at them.

Thor, not liking how they assumed his previous relationship wasn't going to work, pulls his hammer out and announces, "Hey I am standing here with my Mjolnir!"

"I said the same thing except for the heavy hammer part." Johnny joins him knowing the feeling of getting talked about when you are in the room.

Lady Sif softly rubs Thor's arm to calm him down. "That mortal Jane doesn't realize what she has lost, but like you, mortals say: someone's lost someone's gain." She then proceeds into giving Thor a kiss on the lips feeling happy that Thor no longer saw her just as a friend.

"You so got to tell me details later." Ms. Marvel says Lady Sif, and she responds saying, "Oh I will captain." and the two high five each other.

"Not that wondering how you two getting together isn't exciting, I think the real question is, how did this happen?" Spider-man points towards Bruce and Natasha.

"Yeah, I thought her and Cap.." Johnny begins to speak but gets a kick in the knee by Spider-woman to not bring that up.

Bruce scratches the back of his head before answering, "It's pretty complicated Spider-man."

Natasha playfully elbows him. "No, it's not he just acting all shy about it."

"Um excuse me heroes but are you guys going to order anytime soon?" A random employee came and asked the Avengers realize that they haven't even order due to the series of events that end up happening. The Avengers laugh out loud before they get to order their meal, and continue to enjoy the group date that was filled with confessions, laughter, and fun memories.

*Later that night at Jessica's place*

After the group date, Peter leaves with Jessica to take her home. When they get there, Jessica suggests they spend time together before he leaves, leading the couple to reminisce on what happen today.

"What a crazy group date huh?" Peter spoke first with Jessica leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Tell me about it." Jessica smiles, thinking about everything that happens.

"Natasha and Hulk?" Peter mentions.

"Yep." Jessica chuckles.

"Thor and Lady Sif make sense." Peter also mentions.

"True. It's crazy how Sif only thought of her as a friend for a long time. It was a matter of time until Jane wouldn't be able to handle that relationship." Jessica gives her input.

"Yea good to see they are happy just like I am that you and Carol didn't fight!" Peter cheers to his self, causing Jessica to get off and look at him.

"That's because like Johnny and I told you, nothing, like you thought, was going to happen to end up happening," Jessica said while rolling her eyes at him.

Peter folds his arms and pouts. "I guess you were right, though I won't admit Johnny was as well he wouldn't let that down."

Jessica began to rub his face and said, "Don't worry, it will be our little secret babe."

Peter gently takes her hand to ask his girlfriend the one question that he feels the cause of his concerns as far as their relationship goes. "Does it bother you sometimes how you and I ended up together considering how it happens?"

"Does it bother you?" Jessica questions back messing with him.

"You can't answer a question with a question," Peter claims with a smirk.

"I can in this case since it seems to bother you." Jessica doesn't have an issue and is somewhat annoying that Peter keeps bringing it up.

Peter figures at this point to only way to get over these concerns is to share how he feels and try to move forward. "It just more that I never want you to think it was because you decided to go on a date with me that I feel like I owe you or something like that. Yes, I did like Carol as you know, but like I also told you there were times when I ask myself what if you and I dated. When I think about it, you and I have a share of dealing with hardship, we both take on the Spider mantle, and we both have our way of making others laugh."

"Some more annoying than others." Jessica quips as Peter continues.

"Jessica since we been together, I haven't felt this happy in a long time. Your personality, your hot British accent when you get upset, the way you always try to comfort for me, it truly means a lot, and I do hope we last for a long time. I don't consider myself the number 1 guy every woman wants to be with, but I never want to the guy who messes up a friendship, in this case, you and Carol. Ultimately I'm with you and only want you for you are the only special woman that I need." After thoroughly explaining his feelings, Peter takes a deep breath as a huge weight got lifted from his shoulders.

For Jessica hearing, Peter's confession reminds her why she gains feelings for him in the first place. She gets up, with Peter getting up as well, holds his hands tightly, and looks into his brown eyes. "Peter, you are the most caring man who always put others first before yourself. You truly make me feel special the way you always look out for me, treat me like an equal, and I will admit you're some of your jokes and sense of humor makes me laugh at times. I'm glad okay with how things ended up the way it did so try not to worry about it okay? Believe me, when I say this, I want us to work too."

After sharing their deep feelings for each other, Peter and Jessica stare deep into each other's eyes, and the couple shares a passionate kiss, with both feeling like they are on top of the world. This concludes the story of how a particular twist in fate brought to spider heroes together, creating spider love.

Author note: Okay, you all ask for it, well you guys got it the one chapter I had talked about doing. Understand that this is the LAST chapter I'm doing for this story, and it was only done because I'm out of school for the summer and wanted to get the writing rust off of me. Also, it was just supposed to be a fun one-shot not to be taken seriously, and I have an actual spider-man/spider woman story coming up, and I instead focus on that then this story when it doesn't have a long-term plan.

Other than that, thanks for the favs, follows, and reviews and be sure to look for the new story when I release it. Side note if you notice Jessica saying words that you think don't make sense, I looked up British slangs to help with bringing out her British accent. Won't be doing a whole lot of that in the other stories though. Lastly, as I said about my other accounts if you see any errors that bother you point them out don't just say it because it makes it easier to spot them.