Author's Note:

First of, thank you so much to everyone that has left a review on this story; haitt, purple breeze, , Slytherin Princess34, The Crownless Queen, Synoir, onlyalegend, WhiteBaron, Sam martinez, syleelove11, Guardian Delacour, and guests!

I am so happy that people can continue to enjoy it so long after I posted the last chapter. Your amazing and kind words spurred me on and made me want to continue writing this and finally pushed me to update with this chapter.

On canon: I know Andromeda is the middle child, but I decided early on that the story was better with her as the oldest. If I had written that part now I would have thought of a way to include Andromeda in this story, but there is too much to go back on and a whole lot of butterfly effect would be happening. There will be a few other things differing from canon throughout this story (Just wait for Barty Crouch Jr to show up), but I will try to explain where I've gone astray from canon when I can. Please feel free to leave a comment if you see other things that unexplainably differs from canon.

I have not given up on this story!

I know the grammar isn't the best, even though it is loads better than the first chapter. It's been ages since I really looked into grammar and I didn't realize how bad it had gotten until I tried to finish this.

I don't know when my next update will be, but I will have more opportunity now. I quit one of my jobs so I finally have time where I'm not working!

If you want to connect with me on here I run a forum with my best friend online, Tiggs. The forum is called "The Golden Snitch" and you can join any of the wizarding schools in the Harry Potter world, and a few we made up. You compete by writing stories and earning points and after half a year you have the opportunity to win the Golden Snitch. You can find a link in my profile.

(I just noticed that the two previous chapters I've mentioned two other forums I've joined and then quit... whops)

Happy New Year!



New Years

As she returns to the realm of the awake she shifts her position. She grumbles as she notices the pain in her neck that forces her to move more than she wanted in the early morning. Despite the uncomfortable position, there is something that makes her want to stay completely still. Her mind is too scrambled to give her a suggestion as to why she doesn't want to move.

There is an answering grumble to her left that answers her unspoken question of what she is sleeping on. Evan starts moving as he wakes up.

Last night's events come back to her and the startling realization of morning makes her eyes shoot open. The first thing she spots is the fire that is still crackling, occasionally sending a spark towards the two that are entwined like lovers on the Slytherin couch.

"Morning," Evan says, his voice deeper than usual, almost adult. He coughs to clear his throat.

"Morning," Hermione replies and rubs her eyes to hide her blush. If her father could see her now… Well, he might make the lad sign a marriage contract.

"Sleep well?" Evan asks.

"Not really." She stretches her legs a little but notices a blanket preventing her from moving too much. There weren't any blankets the night before from what she can remember, but now it's covering the two of them. "Where did the blanket come from?"

"I didn't want to get cold."

"Its barely covering your thighs."

"Fine, I didn't want you to be cold."

"Oh." Suddenly uncomfortable with their close proximity, she sits up and mumbles, "Thanks."

"Don't-" Evan sighs, but doesn't finish his sentence. Instead, he stands up and stretches. "Want to open our presents?"

"Not really."

"Come on, it's Christmas!"

All she wants is to hide underneath the comfortable blanket, but before she can lie down Evan transfigures it back to its pillow form.

Her presents aren't any more interesting this year than any other. Most of them are books, there is some jewelry as always which she puts in a pile to the side, the only real surprise is the one from Lucius. Lucius gave her some frilly pink robes that make Hermione want to puke. Evan thinks they are hilarious.

Evan has an array of presents, most of them being very typical boy stuff. Quidditch, defense books, sweets and some clothes from his mother. He seems happy to get all of them, which Hermione thinks is sweet.

She thinks there must be something wrong with her to be so comfortable and amenable this morning. When they go upstairs for breakfast and she joins Evan at the Slytherin table, part of her questions her own sanity.

After breakfast, it is Evan that surprises Hermione when he asks to join her at the library instead of just following her like he normally would.

They sit together in comfortable silence for most of the day before Evan breaks it.

"Look what the cat dragged in." Evan murmured, disgust in his voice.

Hermione looked up to see Benjy standing behind a row of books, looking at the two sitting there together in peace. She wondered what he thought about it, if he had noticed the shift in the dynamic between her and her bodyguards. If he thought that she was one of the snakes now.

"I'm gonna go see if I can sneak out the book about curses in the middle ages." Before Hermione could respond, Evan had darted off in the direction of the restricted section. The Librarian had walked past earlier, muttering about updating the archives. Said archives were extensive and meant not being watched for a while so she understood why Evan took off.

Benjy smiled at her and moved closer, seeing as the coast was clear.

"Thanks for your present."

She blushed "You're welcome."

"I have one for you too."

Her eyes went wide, they had never said anything about buying each other presents. She had just wanted to give him something, she never expected anything in return.

He hands her a simple white present with a red ribbon. For some reason, her fingers shake when she tries to open the ribbon. Inside is a simple makeup kit. If anyone else had given her this, she would have been furious. But since it's Benjy, she is just happy he thought of her at all.

"Thank you." She holds the kit close to her heart and looks at him with a smile.

"You're welcome." Benjy returns her smile and touches her elbow. She can feel her heart rase at the contact. As she opens her mouth to say something, Benjy turns his head and says, "Coming!"

He turns to her again. "Sorry, have to get back to my girl."

"That's ok," she says, barely hiding her embarrassed stutter.

Benjy leaves and throws over his shoulder, "See you around, Hermione."

For the rest of Christmas holiday, Hermione and Evan spend their time together mostly in silence. She doesn't see Benjy except for meals. She isn't happy about that, especially as her deal with Evan is one that might dissolve the moment Lorry comes back and it becomes evident to Evan that she hasn't been able to keep her promise.

Still, it is the first time in her life that she is truly happy around Christmas. The familiar melancholy doesn't descend on her until New Years when she slips away from Evan to sit in the Astronomy tower alone.

Hermione stared at the night sky, and her eyes landed on the brightest star of them all. The one next to it was barely noticeable to the naked eye, but she noticed. She didn't have to wonder what the star would feel like if it was sentient. Next to something as powerful as the other star it would feel useless, too close to something that would never notice her no matter how much she looked up to it. She might as well call the star 'Voldemort' since it was the most powerful star of them all judging by its light.

"I've always hated New Year's Eve." she murmurs out into the night. Evan walked closer, stepping out of the shadows.

"Why?" he asked, maybe he wanted to know why she would share something like that with him of all people.

She started, surprised by him, but when she saw who it was, she smiles. He always wants to see her like this, it would make life so much easier, better.

"I didn't notice you coming."

Instead of asking why she spoke to him, he shrugs and moved closer. She was sitting on the edge of the tower, one foot over the edge, hanging in thin air. Her rump was firmly planted on the rocks, but there was no railing for some absurd reason, and she could easily slip off the ledge and fall to her death. Hogwarts seemed to be made to weed out the weakest of the bunch by putting death traps with little supervision.

Instead of doing the sensible thing and berate her for where she was sitting, he sat across from her, joining her on the edge of it all.

"You always notice me coming."

Usually, she would shrug at him, maybe avoid him completely, instead, she locks eyes with him "Always a first, right?"


They sat in silence again, Hermione's foot dangling back and forth outside safety, Evan had one foot bent at the knee, his elbow on it, and his head resting on his hand.

"Why?" he asked.

"Why what?"

"I don't know." The words had come out of nowhere, yet now that the question was voiced he wanted an answer. "Why everything, anything."

"I don't have the answers to the universe Rosier." Her eyes were solemn but there seemed to be a spark in them.

"But you have the answers to you." In Evans world, that pretty much meant the same thing. His parents wanted him to join the Dark Lord, and to do that meant taking care of Hermione. So, his world narrowed down to her, even his friends all seemed to mostly talk about her.

She looks out at the stars. "I don't have any answers, but I keep looking for them."

"Will you tell me when you finally figure it out?"

The wind tickles his clothes and ruffles her hair. They sit there for what could be hours or minutes looking at the stars. Sometimes, he looks over at her while she continues to gaze into the infinity. A smile crosses her lips and he wonders if she sees the future up there in the stars. She finally answers his question with a, "Maybe."