Disclaimer: I don't own anything at all used anywhere in my fanfiction unless it's something you don't recognize. Like my original characters. There will be at least one in this one.

AN: Alright, to those reading my other fanfictions, I will be completing a chapter for one right after the completion and posting of this chapter of my new one. For those who haven't read any of my other three, have fun with this one. And onto the show.

In a the smallest bedroom of a three bedroom house placed in a suburb near London was a girl: she was eleven years old but she looked like an eight year old, her hair was a deep almost burgundy red, and her eyes shown a bright emerald green. Well, they had. Lately, they'd been rather dull; ever since her last beating at the hands of her uncle.

However, there was something special about this child that no one who lived near her was aware of aside from her uncle and aunt. Even her cousin didn't know. At least, as far as she knew he didn't—he was far too stupid anyways.

On the inside of her right wrist there was a scar. It was a crescent moon with a star inside next to a lightning bolt. The girl hated this scar because it made her different, so she always wore a thick leather band as a bracelet around her wrist which easily covered it.

Earlier in the evening, she had gotten a letter from somewhere called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It had come by owl which she thought was cooler than the idea of magic.

In a surprising twist from what she had expected, her aunt had talked her uncle into letting her go. She'd used the idea that their niece would be away from them nearly ten months out of the year.

That was how it came to be that her aunt and uncle were apparently dropping her off at Diagon Alley the following morning which was accessed through a pub. Apparently, she was to stay at the pub until school started. That idea was probably one of the best in her opinion.

So the red-haired girl closed her eyes and willed sleep to come to her so the next morning would come and she could be away from her relatives for nearly a year.

"Girl! Wake up! We are leaving in ten minutes! So get down her!"

The redhead shot out of bed at her uncle's voice and hurried to grab the small bag of clothes she had packed the night before and tied her hair back before making her way downstairs.

They left the moment she was down and she had to hurry to get into the car. On the way to wherever this place was, her aunt rambled about how she was to go to the huge white building and state her name. Apparently, her parents had likely left a fund for her schooling and if they hadn't she was to figure it out on her own.

They dropped her outside a pub called The Leaky Cauldron which, for some reason, she had had to point out to them. She shrugged and headed inside after pulling the hood of her sweater up and over her head. She immediately made her way to the bar.

"Excuse me?"

"Yes dear? My name is Tom. How can I help you?"

"I need to get into the um…Alley? Diagon Alley?"

He nodded once and motioned her to follow him as he led her into a backroom where he started tapping on bricks with his wand. A moment later the bricks moved and she gasped. His voice startled her out of her amazement.

"Will there be anything else, little dear?"

She nodded slightly. "I have to go to big white building—"
"The bank."

"Yeah that but then I have to come back and get a room."

He nodded with a slight smile. "I'll have one read for you."

She smiled and then walked into the alley. She went straight as her aunt had told her to and then entered the big white building. Were those….were those goblins? She did believe they were. She shrugged slightly and walked up to the one with the lowest desk that was closest to her height.

"Excuse me um Master Goblin sir?"

"My name is Sharptooth, miss."

"Well Master Sharptooth then."

He seemed to raise an eyebrow. "Alright, how can I help you then?"

"Well, my aunt—she's not magical—told me to come here and say my name cause she thought my parents may have left me something."

"And what might your name be? Full name mind you."

"My full name is Amber Juniper Rose Potter."

The goblin toppled off his seat in surprise and quickly righted himself. "Follow me please."

Amber followed him in slight confusion. However, instead of showing fear, she lifted her chin and gave off the air of being snobby. She'd learned not to show fear the hard way, several years ago. He led her into a very grand looking office that had another goblin in it.

"Miss, this is Griphook. He is the Potter Account Manager. Griphook, this is Amber Potter."

Now Griphook looked shocked. "We…we will need to do a blood test. And an inheritance test."

Amber looked between the two goblins in pure confusion. "Um, what?"

"Miss. Potter—"

"Please, call me Amber."

"Amber, we um, we were told you looked like your father but you are a replica of your mother. The hair, the eyes, the stature…and the blood test and inheritance test? Well, the blood test proves that you are who you say you are. The inheritance test will tell us any and all vaults you are in line to inherit as well as any magical abilities you have and any blocks. It will also show who those blocks were placed by."

Amber nodded slightly. "Alright then. How do we do it?"

Sharptooth handed her a dagger. The handhold was covered in different gems. He also put a bowl in front of her. "You need to cut your hand and drip blood into this bowl. Also, on the parchment next to it; that's for the inheritance test."

Amber nodded and did as she was told immediately. Five minutes later, Griphook dipped a feather, which appeared to be a quill, into her blood and set it upright on another piece of parchment. It started writing in a frenzy. He showed it to her when it was done writing.

Name: Amber Juniper Rose Potter

Mother: Lillian Marie Potter nee Evans (Adopted, Pureblood)

Father: James Charlus Potter (Pureblood)

Godfather: Sirius Orion Black

Blood Adoption: Sirius Orion Black

Amber looked at up at the goblins. "I knew James and Lily were my parents but…who is Sirius Black?"

"Apparently someone who was falsely imprisoned. We will have to get ahold of the Head of the DMLE posthaste. Presumably she will be here this evening at which point you will need to return to the bank. In any case, now we turn to the inheritance test.

Name: Amber Juniper Rose Potter


-Potter Family Vault: 31,489,273,176 Galleons

-Potter Trust Vault: 100,000 Galleons

-Black Trust Vault 542: 500,000 Galleons

-Gryffindor Family Vault: 98,465,827,194 Galleons

-Hufflepuff Family Vault: 85,428,917,015 Galleons

-Ravenclaw Family Vault: 73,901,873,307 Galleons

-Slytherin Family Vault: 69,804,938,009 Galleons

Titles Applicable:

-Lady Potter

-Heiress Black

-Lady Gryffindor

-Lady Hufflepuff

-Lady Ravenclaw

-Lady Slytherin

Outstanding Marriage Contracts Applicable:

-Luna Lovegood

-Draco Malfoy

-Blaise Zabini

Magical Inheritances:

-Parseltongue (Slytherin)

-Animal Speak (Hufflepuff)

-Languages (Ravenclaw)

-Metamorphmagus (Blood Adoption)

-Multi Animagus (Potter/Gryffindor)

-Natural Mental Arts (Slytherin/Ravenclaw)

-Elemental: Fire

Magical Blocks:

-Metamorphmagus: 100% (Albus Dumbledore)

-Multi Animagus: 100% (Albus Dumbledore 50%, Lily Potter 50%)

-Natural Mental Arts: 100% (Albus Dumbledore)

-Elemental: 100% (Albus Dumbledore)

-Magical Power: 75% (Albus Dumbledore)

The goblins just stared, pretty much in awe at the length and contents of the list while Amber shifted uncomfortably. "Well can you undo them?"

Both goblins immediately nodded. "Yes Amber we can. Do you wish to visit your vaults today?"

"Is it necessary to withdraw things?"

"We can give you a wallet that has a muggle credit card as well as the opening can withdraw galleons, or pounds, you just have to think of the amount."

"Then I will hold off on accessing any until probably tomorrow so I will have more time. Has anyone accessed my vaults that shouldn't?"

Griphook shook his head. "Not the Potter ones. We locked those down. The founders were also locked down. The Black Family Vault…members of House Black have tried to access it but since they do not get approval from the family ring, they cannot do so unless the Head of House Black allows it.

"And who is the head?"

"Sirius Black."

"Ah, the blood adoption father."


"Well, remove the blocks and I'd like the wallet. Then I can go shopping and I will return by seven this evening here to the bank and ask for Sharptooth. What do we do of the marriage contracts?"

"We will have to write the families. You can also write them if you wish."

She nodded and then sat down at his look. He was taking the blocks off. He waved his hand and a minute later Amber screamed in pain. Sharptooth and Griphook both looked at her, clearly concerned. When she finally stopped screaming and panting, she looked at them.

"Does it always hurt that much?"

Griphook snapped his fingers and a colored liquid in a bottle appeared. "Here. This is a pain potion. And no, it doesn't always hurt that much, but that fact that it hurt so much means you are far more powerful than expected. Plus, you have to realize, magical blocks like that are illegal to place unless by a licensed healer and even then only with parent permission."

Amber nodded slowly, downing the potion gratefully and taking the wallet from Sharptooth. "So…seven, Master Griphook?"

"Yes Amber. And at the same time you can take on your lady rings which will mean several things that can be explained at a later time."

"Do you have any recommendations for my shopping endeavor?"

Sharptooth and Griphook both grinned. "Well, you'll want two wands although be careful of who knows you have two since it is slightly frowned upon. Ollivander's can give you a normal one and then down Knockturn Alley is a story called 'Maia's Magicks'. She sells custom made wands, different books, and various wand related items. Instead of Madam Malkin's, you should go to Twilfitt and Tatting's. There is also a store for muggle clothing called Muggle Seasons. And…" Griphook waved his hand at some papers. Then handed them to her. "That will enable you to get non Hogwarts robes as well with your family crests on them."

"Then I shall see you at seven." Amber stood up and left the bank, making a beeline in the direction where she had seen that Muggle Seasons shop on the way to the bank. She entered the shop.

"Hello dear. My name is Lisa, how can I help you?"

"I need a full wardrobe."

"How full is full?"

"Starting completely from the beginning and several items from each area if what I'm considering full, Lisa."

"And you have the money for that?"

"Without issue."

Lisa just needed and tape measures flew at Amber without a word. They measured her up, down, left, and right until she felt like setting them on fire. Then Lisa read a piece of paper before turning back to her. "And what sorts of colors and things do you like, dear?"

"My name is Amber. My favorite colors are blood red, silver, green, blue, pale yellow, dark purple, black, silvery grey, and white. Though I like almost all colors. I want jeans, slacks, skirts, dresses, jackets, cardigans, sweaters, hoodies but I want the hoodies to be baggy guy's hoodies, tank tops, sandals, tennis shoes, dress shoes, lower cut socks, knee highs, tights, the whole works. Any accessories you think would look good."

Lisa just grinned and went into a frenzy that involved Amber staying in the dressing room most of the time until Lisa ran out of ideas and then Amber looking and going back in to try on even more things. At least they didn't have to go through multiple size attempts thanks to the tape measure.

Two hours later, and with Lisa's help, the clothes Amber had worn into Diagon Alley had been burned viciously and she now wore a new outfit. Her outfit consisted of a green, a line skirt with white tights and a silver cami with a matching green jacket. Her shoes were black ballet flats. Lisa had shrunk all her purchases and had them sent directly to The Leaky Cauldron. Amber told her to include that they were for the eleven year old with the room at the inn.

Next came a trunk shop. Amber was easily able to pick the trunk she wanted and had the shopkeeper carve her full name into the top of it as well as a lily and rose intertwined by the stems. She also had it sent to the Cauldron. Then she picked out a black leather school satchel. She was told that it was Hungarian Horntail and had weightless and ever expanding charms on it as well as being fireproof, waterproof, and all around damage proof. Amber thanked the man and left his shop shortly after entering it.

Now was Twilfitt and Tattings. She entered and immediately stated that she was a first year at Hogwarts and needed the whole uniform as well as handing the woman her notes from Griphook.

The woman's eyes widened.

"Exactly what would you like Lady Potter?" She bowed slightly and Amber nearly smirked over it.

"I need the full Hogwarts uniform as well as several other cloaks, robes, dress robes, clasps, and pretty much anything else you would think I could need. You're starting from the beginning with me, I was raised in the muggle world."

The woman just nodded and another couple hours later, Amber left the shop wearing a green cloak that matched the green she already wore.

She just nodded to herself and continued down the street. Right up until a boy walked into her. He was taller than her and had white-blond hair. His stature screamed wealth and his eyes were this very mesmerizing silvery grey.

"Excuse me, miss. Draco Malfoy. And you are?"

"I…have you been to Gringotts yet?"

The boy looked at her quizzically for a moment. "No…why?"

"Well, my name is Amber Potter and you really should."

"Alright then. Will you be coming?"

"If you want me to." She blushed slightly.

"Well since you are apparently the person making me go, that would be a yes. Just let me get my father."

Draco walked over to a man much taller than both of them. He and Draco looked very similar but his hair was much, much longer. They both returned to her.

"Ms. Potter, is it?"

"Yes sir. You and Draco need to go to Gringotts."

The man looked at her curiously but before he could say anything else she turned, grabbed Draco's wrist and drug them to the bank and inside. She went up to the first goblin she saw and outright demanded to see Sharptooth and Griphook right that minute.

Both Malfoys were gobsmacked as they followed Amber. No one spoke to goblins that way and got away with it. She, however, was immediately led to an office. The Malfoys just followed silently.

"Griphook! Sharptooth! I ran into Draco in the Alley, literally, and I believe he and his father need to be told the…ah…information."

Griphook looked at both Malfoys and then faced Lucius. "Your son in betrothed to Luna Lovegood, Blaise Zabini, and Amber Potter. They are all engaged to each other due to contracts drawn up between the four founders than when there were direct descendants from their lines, they would marry as long as they were within a year of age of each other at the same time. Three of the children are currently eleven and Ms. Lovegood is ten years old."

Lucius just stared at the goblin. He continued staring for a full five minutes while Draco looked between the goblins and Amber. Draco spoke first, "Which line am I through?"

"Well, you're through Gryffindor, but Ms. Potter is the heir of the four founders."

"Why is she the heir?"

"Because she was named the heir in the inheritance test due to being directly descended through all four founders."

Draco nodded slightly. "Alright then. Amber, what shopping do you have left to do?"

"Potions, books, and wand. Also, my pet or familiar."

Draco nodded. "Well, I have the same things left. Father?"

Lucius Malfoy looked down at his son. "Yes?"

"Can you explain to mother and get Blaise over and this Lovegood girl? Blaise is my friend but I don't know Luna at all."

"Luna should also be told she will be attending Hogwarts this year."

"What why is she doing that? She's ten?" Lucius had finally fully found use of his tongue.

"It's a founder's thing. They all have to attend at once. Had the majority been ten and only one eleven then the child that was eleven would have been forced to wait until they were twelve."

Lucius just nodded. "Draco, you will finish shopping as well as Amber and then you may both floo to the manor."

Lucius nodded once and apparated away.

Draco looked at Amber and grinned. "So where are the rest of your purchases?"

"The room I was going to stay in at the Cauldron."

"Would you prefer that?"

Amber blushed, "no, I'd be okay with staying with you and your family. I didn't plan to go back to mine at all anyways. But I have to be back at the bank at seven."

By this time they were descending the steps to the bank and heading towards the apothecary for potions things.


"Well, my godfather…and blood adopted father….was apparently wrongfully imprisoned. I don't understand the full details. I also have to do something related to taking the rings to make me Lady Place-Last-Name-Here."

Draco smirked and nodded. "Alright."

"We also need to go to Knockturn Alley." Now Draco gaped at her. "Second wands. Goblin recommended." He just nodded and they entered the apothecary. They bought all the things on the list and then some. Amber was really interested in the idea of potions and really wanted to be able to practice as much as she wanted.

"So what house do you think you'll be in, Draco?"

"Slytherin, of course."

"I think I'll be in Slytherin too. What course are you looking forward to the most?"

"Potions, you?"

She grinned. "The same."

They turned to head for the bookshop. Draco chuckled as she went around the shop like a tornado, getting the listed books and then some. The cashier just watched in shock.

"Is she going to be able to afford all this?"

"Easily and even if she couldn't, I can."

The cashier continued to gape, open-mouthed. Amber finally slowed down as she stood in front of the books on potions. She shrugged and picked up one of each as well as two of the one they needed for class. She finally came back to the counter and stood there, emerald eyes staring at the man.

"I know you're supposed to be checking me out but it means the books not an eleven year old's body."

The boy snapped out of it as Draco laughed harder and hurriedly checked all the books out giving the total and staring again when she didn't even wince and just handed him the money without any reaction. He shrunk the books and she dropped it into her school satchel.

Draco and she then headed towards Ollivander's.

"Draco…" Amber's voice was a whine as she looked at all the different pets. With her magical abilities unblocked, she understood them all.

"Yes?" He smirked.

"I want more than one." She pouted at him.

"And which do you want?" She pointed immediately to a snowy owl that took flight and landed on her shoulder, a black and white kneazle, and a black snake with dangerous looking fangs.

"Um, okay." Draco gulped slightly. "I like the first two." He got the attention of the owner and pointed the three pets out.

The owned looked at him like he was stupid. "There is no way I am touching that snake."

Amber was the one who answer him. "But I can buy the snake?"

"Sure. I'm still not touching it."

Amber shrugged and strode over, dropping her hand and arm into the cage to which both shopkeeper and Draco's mouths fell open as the snake slid up her arm and wrapped around her shoulders. "Draco, be a dear and get toys and food and such." The owl had moved to perch on top of Draco's shoulder now and he just nodded.

Ten minutes later, her kneazle, which Draco was calling a cat, was in a pet carrier. The owl was in a cage and Draco was carrying both. The snake was still wrapped around her shoulders. It was 6:50 and they headed back into the bank and she just ignored the goblins and simply walked back to the office.

Draco swallowed hard and followed her. Well she was brave, he'd give her that.

"Hello, my name is Amelia Bones." A woman greeted them as soon as they entered.

"Amber Potter and Draco Malfoy. Someone imprisoned Sirius Black falsely."

"And what makes you say that?"

It was sharptooth who spoke. "For one he went through magical means and did the Godfather oath which means he wouldn't be able to do anything to hurt her and he went through blood adoption which means the same."

Amelia gasped slightly. "We need to fix this."

"Yes. You do. I expect my godfather released and fully pardoned and compensated no later than noon tomorrow. Realize that I am good friends with the Malfoy family and both the Malfoy family and houses of Potter, Black, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin will bring their full weight to bear upon the Ministry if that does not happen."

Amelia just nodded and apparated away.

Amber smiled brightly at the goblins and plopped into a seat, waving Draco into another who took it nervously.

"So…my ladyship papers?" The goblins both started laughing uproariously. She knew how to play these people like a fiddle!

Amber and Draco fell through the fireplace, him dragging her to the floor with him as he fell. She huffed and got back up. "Never take a lady down with you!"

"Yes ma'am."

A musical laugh filtered into the air around them and Amber looked up to meet the eyes of a woman who had to be his mother.

"Narcissa Malfoy, dear. Draco, I like her."

Draco rolled his eyes good naturedly and got to his feet. "Are Blaise and Luna here?"

"In the lounge, dear." Narcissa turned from her son and, with a quick order to an elf to bring her things to a bedroom, wrapped an arm around her shoulders and began walking her to the lounge leaving Draco with no choice other than to follow.

Amber looked at the three people that were in the lounge as they entered. One was Draco's father again whom he had told he was named Lucius. There was a boy and girl whom she assumed to be this Blaise and Luna. They both stood as they entered and Amber went directly to Blaise, offering her hand knuckles up.

"Amber Potter Black Hufflepuff Ravenclaw Gryffindor Slytherin."

From behind her, Draco laughed and Narcissa and Lucius both smirked. Blaise bowed slightly in respect and grazed her knuckles with a kiss. Then she went and greeted Luna, kissing both cheeks. Draco had run her through proper pureblood introductions.

"We should all get to know each other a little better," Blaise said as soon as the two adults left the room. "I'll start. My name is Blaise Adrian Zabini. I'm eleven and Italian in blood. I will be a Slytherin at Hogwarts and look forward to seeing this engagement through to the end to see how it all ends up."

Luna stood. "My name is Luna Selene Lovegood. I live near the Weasleys. My father is never home as he is always looking for creatures that don't exist. The Weasley children call me Loony Lovegood because I make them believe that I believe in the creatures too. I'm ten years old and I'm excited to be going to Hogwarts a year sooner. I want to be in whatever house you three end up in."

Draco smiled at her as she sat down. "My name is Draco Lucius Malfoy, eleven years old, future Slytherin. My name means Dragon and my family is originally descended through the Blacks. Sirius would be my mother's cousin."

Amber stood, the last to speak. "My name is Amber Juniper Rose Potter. Today I found out I was related to and took Ladyship of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. I found out I own the school we will be soon attending. I was raised by my muggle relatives and I absolutely hate my uncle. My aunt isn't bad when she's not near him. I am extremely interested in potions and the Dark Arts."

The four looked appraisingly at each other as Lucius and Narcissa stepped into the lounge once more. "I see four future Slytherins. Two of you have shopped and two have not. This means another trip to the alley is in order. I'm not even going to ask why a snake, owl, AND cat and assume it was Amber who did it. I also assume she can get her snake off of my waist because it's very weird" Lucius stared at her. "Also, Luna and Blaise will also be staying here for the forseeable future."

"No problem Mr. Malfoy. What is your name, beautiful one?"


"Then Azura, can you please remove yourself from my…mate's father?"

"Yes mistress." Azura slid immediately down and over to the four children and she curled up on Luna's lap who was nearest the fire.

"Better, Mr. Malfoy?"

"You're a parselmouth?"

"Uh, yes?"

"Of course you are." Lucius started mumbled to himself while his wife and the four kids all just started laughing.

Narcissa finally called another house elf when she calmed down. "Dobby, show the other three to their rooms. They are by Draco." The house elf nodded and the four kids stood up and Narcissa kissed the cheek of each one. "Breakfast is at seven, we will leave for the Alley at nine."

The four kids all nodded and followed the elf upstairs and said their goodnights to each other.

As Amber laid down for the night, she smiled to herself. She would never be beaten by her uncle again. It was a lot better than any dream she had ever had. Azura was under the blankets on one side of her, stealing her body heat. On the other side was her cat, whom she had name Starlight and sitting perched on the headboard was Hedwig the owl.

AN: One chapter down, hoping to get another one out soon. However, my internet will be turned off in the near future and I'm not quite sure how long it will take for me to get it back on. Please don't give up hope, I will be working on it as quickly as possible!