A/N Well, we're almost to the end. This chapter is a bit of a mish mash, but I hope you think it's fun. Please leave a review, even one or two words. I'm getting lonely.

I don't own...

April 22, 2014 (Later that same night…)

Anna snuggled into John's chest with a deep sigh, "I can't believe we're engaged."

"I can't believe you said yes."

She sat up in bed and looked at him, reproach clear on her face. "You listen to me, John Bates. Now that I'm certain I'll be with you till death do us part, I refuse to spend the rest of my life listening to the man I love whinge about how he isn't good enough for me. It ends now, do you understand? In fact, I wish you had a middle name so I could use it."

John let one chuckle escape before reigning himself in, "Duly noted Anna May Smith."

She relaxed back into his arms and a few moments passed before John's voice floated through the darkness, "Did you really not know we would be together forever until today?"

She raised her left hand above her and into the moonlight, "I suppose I did but now I have a ring."

"I knew you were just in it for the money."

"Shut up and get some sleep."

John sighed dramatically, "Is this how it's going to be then? A lifetime of lectures and you telling me to shut up?"

"I expect so," Anna answered smugly.

"Ok, just checking."


May 14, 2014 (one month before the wedding)

"Ugggg, I can't stand trying to figure this out for one more minute!" Anna pushed all the papers and seating charts for the wedding back into their folder and tossed it onto the coffee table.

"Seating charts again?" John chuckled sympathetically. Is there such a thing as sympathetic chuckling, he wondered?

"Easy for you to say," Anna grumbled, "You don't have to figure them out. And why did you invite Thomas anyway? It's not like he's ever going to invite you to his wedding."

"Gays can marry now," John supplied, in what he felt was a helpful manner. All it garnered him was one of Anna's rare deep frowns.

"That's not what I meant. You don't like each other. I don't see why you invited him, he'd never invite you to his wedding, even if he does get married someday."

"Two wrongs don't make a right, do they Miss Smith?"

"Again," Anna huffed, "you aren't the one who has to figure out who to force to sit next to him at the reception."

John took one of Anna's hands and brought it to his lips for a tender kiss, "Neither are you, my darling. Cora has volunteered to do it for you several times. Why don't you just let her. After all, she's had plenty of experience with all those grand dinners at Downton. All those society toffs can't possibly get along with each other. Some of them must be jilted lovers or something."

"I think you've been watching too many period dramas."

John stood and pulled Anna into his embrace, kissing her cheek, "And you have been worrying about every little detail about this wedding far too much. Does it really matter who Thomas sits next to or whether or not the asparagus spears are wrapped in prosciutto? All that matters to me is that I'm the person you'll be meeting down the aisle."

Anna sighed and rested her head on his chest, "I know. And that's why getting married in the registry in front of only our families and closest friends was a wonderful idea. But we agreed that we would go ahead with the big reception at Downton."

"Yes," John placed his forehead on hers, "but I didn't realize it would drive you to distraction this way. Have you ever been to an occasion at Downton which wasn't perfect? Just let Cora take over for you now. You should be concentrating on enjoying yourself. After all, it's the only wedding you're ever going to have."

"Mmmmm, I like it when you're sure of yourself."

"I can see why, you've worked hard for it."

"Worth every minute, Mr. Bates."

He took her hand and tugged her toward the bedroom, "Come on, you. Time for bed. I'll see if I can distract you from worrying about the wedding."

Anna followed him willingly, but groaned as she entered their room. The bed was unmade, a new set of sheets waiting atop the mattress.

"I forgot I stripped the bed this afternoon but didn't get around to remaking it."

"No worries," John replied cheerfully, "It won't take us more than a few minutes to get this all sorted."

He walked around to his side of the bed, grabbed all the pillows and placed them on the floor by his feet.

"Don't try to cheer me up," Anna grumbled, clearly getting less grumpy by the second despite herself.

"Maybe we should call off the whole reception," John joked, "It can't be right that I'm the one being optimistic and you're the one seeing the glass as half empty."

"You'd just love that I bet," Anna was smiling now as she threw the corner of the sheet toward John, "Getting out of a party where you'll be the center of attention."

"Not true. I'm actually looking forward to this party. You deserve it. And I won't be the center of attention, you will. No one will even give me a second thought. You know," he added, "I love doing this."

"You love making the bed?" Anna asked, skeptically.

"Yes," he insisted, "Well... I love making the bed with you."

"That's funny. I'm more partial to unmaking the bed with you," Anna grinned.

"Cheeky minx. Here I am trying to be romantic and sentimental and you can't keep your mind off of sex."

"Don't blame me. You'll have to try to be less sexy."

John raised his eyebrows, "I hardly think that's the answer. I'm already playing well above my division."

"Don't start that again. You'll put me back in a bad mood."

They worked in companionable silence for a moment. When Anna was placing the last pillow onto her side of the bed she asked, "So why do you like to make the bed? I mean, it is easier with two but somehow that doesn't seem sentimental or romantic."

John flopped onto the bed and put his hands behind his head, lacing his fingers together.

"It's just so…domestic. And it's not the only thing I love. I love doing the washing up while you dry. I love going to the market. I love getting a dull razor because you've used it on your legs. I love it all. Everything about living with you. And I can't wait to do it for the rest of my life."

The idiotic grin on John's face almost made Anna's heart burst out of her chest. Not only was her fiance the sexiest man she had ever seen, he was also adorable. She rolled over and raised up on her elbows to kiss him.

"You're pretty cute, you know that?"

He reached for her and pulled her more firmly toward him, "Cute enough to marry?"


"Even if the asparagus doesn't have prosciutto?"

"Even then."


May 24, 2014

Anna, Gwen, Sybil and Mary were sitting in the spa restaurant, each scraping the last bits of their puddings off their plates and continuing to sip their champagne. Mary had arranged it all, a beautiful spa weekend for Anna and her bridesmaids. It was questionable whether or not she had chosen the weekend because she knew Edith was busy supporting Bertie at an official function but Anna chose not to dwell on that.

"Anna," Mary smiled at her friend, "the time has come to give you your gifts."

"Me first, me first!" Gwen squealed, reaching under the table and pulling out a tiny but distinctive pink and black bag from Agent Provocateur.

"Oh no," Anna groaned, dreading what she might find. She ruffled through the paper, then shook it out. Finding nothing, she looked back in the bag with confusion. "It's empty, Gwen."

"I know," Gwen smirked, "I was going to get you something skimpy and fabulous for the wedding night, but then I figured, why spend a fortune on something that was going to be on your body for less than a minute?"

The table erupted into laughter and Anna turned a lovely shade of red. Trying to change the subject, Anna put her hand out shouting, "Next!"

"Here," Sybil offered a package, "This one is from Edith. She said to tell you she's sorry she couldn't be with us this weekend."

Anna opened the small gift and pulled out what looked to be a bottle of vitamins with a homemade label. She turned the bottle in her hand and read, "VIAGRA".

"It figures Edith would give you Viagra," Mary drawled, "After all, she was involved with Anthony Strallan. She has experience with old men."

"Mary, don't be unkind," Sybil scolded, "Sir Anthony wasn't that bad. Besides, she's with Bertie now, and he's not a bit old."

"And neither is John," Anna defended her fiance, "I can definitively assure you we will not be needing these! He does perfectly well on his own."

"Ewww," Mary cried in horror, "TMI. You're talking about Papa's best friend."

"So was Gwen. So was Edith, for that matter," Anna complained.

"No," Mary huffed, "Gwen was talking about you having sex not John, and Edith's gift was about him not being able to."

"Not meaning to point out the obvious, Mary," Anna sighed, "but me having sex is the same thing as John having sex. We're engaged remember? Who else would I be having it with?"

Mary was just about to respond when Sybil, ever the peacemaker, interrupted, "Here Anna, open my gift."

She handed over another small bag, this one with fireworks all over it.

"Is the wrapping a hint at what's inside?" asked Gwen.

"Maybe," Sybil responded, eyes dancing.

Anna opened the bag and again began to chuckle and turn pink.

"Well, what is it?" Gwen asked.

The guest of honor held up two small bottles, "His and hers body lotions. It says here that it 'warms and excites'."

"And it really works," Sybil enthused, "Tom and I…"

"Hey, hey, hey," Mary waved her hands in the direction of the other ladies, "First you torture me with thoughts of Anna doing the nasty with my father's best friend and now my little sister is sharing the details of her own love life...no thank you."

"It was your idea to go away for a girls' weekend," Sybil reminded her older sibling.

"To a spa," Mary corrected, "not to the most awkward episode of truth or dare I've ever experienced."

"Alright, alright," Anna interjected, "I suppose you have a gift for me too? Why don't you hand it over. This one might actually be nice since you don't want to think of John and I as lovers."

"Don't hold your breath," Gwen laughed, patting Anna on the arm.

Mary gave Anna her package and Anna unwrapped it, "Oh my god, I can't believe you did this, Mary."

"What? What did she do?" Sybil asked, "Mary, we said joke gifts only."

"I hope she meant it as a joke," Anna replied, holding up three pair of novelty boxer shorts, including one with chili peppers on it.

"I was just following your advice," Mary laughed.

Anna shook her head, "I hope Matthew wasn't too disappointed when he realized they weren't for him."

"How do you know I didn't buy him a set as well?"

"That's my cue," Gwen laughed and rose from the table, "I'm learning entirely too much about everyone's partner's pants. Especially since I don't currently have a partner of my own. I'm heading to bed. Are you coming, Sybil?"

"I am," Sybil confirmed, "I have a massage at 9:00 tomorrow and I'd like to get a bite to eat before that."

"Me too," Anna said, gathering her gifts, "and we all know how good I am in the morning."

When Anna and Mary got back to their room, they crawled into their beds, but before turning out the light Mary turned to Anna and asked facetiously, "So, is there anything you want to know about the wedding night?"

"Umm, no. Since John and I have lived together for over three months now I think I'm good in that department."

"The question is, is he good in that department?"

"You've certainly changed your tune since we came upstairs," Anna laughed.

Mary looked at her in distress, "You're right, I forgot who you were marrying there for a second. I guess I've had more champagne than I thought."

Anna sat up in bed and circled her knees in her arms. "What's it like to be married?"

"What do you mean? Didn't you just say that after living together for months, you knew it all?"

"Yes, and no. I mean, is being married different from living together?"

"I can't really say," Mary answered her friend seriously. "As you know, Matthew and I didn't live together before our wedding. Papa would have had a heart attack. Although Sybil managed to elope and he survived."

"What's it like being married?" Anna repeated.

"Are you worried? Because John's been married before and it didn't work? Is that what this is all about?"

"No, not at all," Anna waved away Mary's comment, "I know Vera was a difficult woman to be married to…"

"That's an understatement," Mary interrupted under her breath.

"And I know John isn't the same man he was back then…"

"I'm sure that's an understatement too. He never came around us when he was really at his lowest and he only brought Vera round a couple times."

"Did your parents ask him not to?"

"No, you know Papa, he'd defend John against the devil himself. It was all Uncle John's doing. I think he did it to keep from being embarrassed by Vera's behaviour. The few times he did bring her round were pretty disastrous. And I don't think he wanted us girls to see him as a drunkard. That's my guess anyway. But you're right," Mary reached across and took Anna's hand, "he's not that man anymore. Thanks to Papa he's back on his feet and thanks to you he's happy. I know I tease you a lot, but he's a good man, Anna. You're lucky to have him. Well, you're lucky to have each other, and I'm very, very happy for you both."

"Thank you, Mary."

"You're welcome," Mary yawned and shuffled back under the covers, "but if you tell John any of this I'll kill you."

"Wouldn't dream of it."

"Still want to know about marriage?" Mary asked, sleepily.

"No," Anna returned to her own comfortable sleeping position, "It doesn't really matter what you would say anyway, does it? Each couple has to find their own way I suppose."


"It's nice to know I have you and Sybil to go to if the need should arise though."

"Always, darling, always. And don't worry, I'll take your side over John's even if you're wrong. Just as Papa will take John's."

It was quiet for a moment, "And just as I expect you to side with me over Matthew."

Anna chuckled, "I never for a minute dreamt there was any other option."


At the same time Anna was opening her presents in Hampshire, John and Rob were relaxing in front of a fire at Downton. Although losing badly at chess, Rob had a smile on his face.

"You look like the cat that got the cream," John said suspiciously, "it's making me nervous."

"Nothing to be nervous about, Bates," Robert said absentmindedly as he moved a piece then moved it back to its original spot. "I have a few surprises for you is all and I'm pleased as punch about them."

John sipped his soft drink and sighed, "You know I hate surprises."

"You'll like the ones I've planned. In fact, I'll reveal one of them tonight." Rob smirked again.

"Oh god. It's not a stripper is it? I find them incredibly awkward and Anna would probably have my hide."

Robert looked shocked, "Of course not. That's more young Branson's style than mine. No, I promise you'll like this one."

John moved one of his pieces, capturing Robert's bishop. He smiled and leaned back in his chair as his friend mumbled under his breath.

"Speaking of awkward," John began.

Rob looked up with a bit of true concern, "You aren't changing your mind about me being your best man, are you?"

"No. Why would I? Anyway, who else would I even get?"

"Colin maybe? Make points with your future in-laws?"

"My future in-laws actually like me, despite my shortcomings. But I did want to talk to you about your duties. I'm worried about your speech."

"My speech?"

"Yes. At the reception. I know it's traditional to embarrass the groom in the best man's speech but you know all of my secrets and shortcomings and could actually do a fair bit of damage. I'd like my future in-laws to continue to like me, even after the reception."

"You wound me sir," Rob placed his hand over his heart in mock horror, "I'd never intentionally embarrass you."

"Since when?" John laughed.

"Alright fine, I've embarrassed you in the past, but I won't in front of Anna's parents. Besides, all the best stories I know about you involve me too. And in most of them you're the one saving my bacon. I don't need Cora hearing any of that."

"Great, then we're all settled," John made another move, capturing a knight this time.

"Bugger," Rob grumbled, "Maybe I will tell a story or two, you swine." He took a swig of his beer and continued, "One of my surprises involves Anna's family as a matter of fact."


"Mmmm, I'd like to host a dinner for everyone before the wedding. A chance for your family and Anna's to get to know each other better."

John snorted, "Nice idea, mate, but I don't have any family left. I assume you're not thinking of inviting Vera."

Rob looked horrified, "God forbid! I should make you forfeit the game just for saying that. No, when I spoke of family I meant Cora, the girls and I. We're your family, John. And now Anna of course."

John's heart clenched in his chest and he felt a burning behind his eyes, "Rob I…"

"Now Bates, don't brush me off," Rob interrupted. "You know what a sentimental sod I am. Deep down anyway, even if I don't show it often. Let me say my piece. We all think of you as family. The girls call you 'Uncle John' and you're Sybil's godfather for a reason. And that reason is…"

"Rob," John warned.

"...that you're the brother I never had. The best thing about that war, the only good thing about that war, was meeting you. There wouldn't even be a Sybil if it hadn't been for you."


"And when I think of all you've been through. All I wasn't there for…"

"You were there when I let you be there."

"And I always will be. Even though you won't need me as much after you and Anna marry, I suppose. That's a keeper you've got there."

John started to speak but Rob stopped him, "And don't you dare say that you don't deserve her because you do."

John gave a self deprecating chuckle. How well this man knew him. "I will have Anna. Til death do us part, but I'll always need you and be grateful for all you've done. You say I saved your life, and I suppose it's true, but you've saved mine too. Over and over and over again."

"Well then, you see?" Rob finished his drink and looked John in the eye, "Family. So, I'll give the dinner, shall I?"

"Anna and I would be honored."

"You can show your gratitude by calling it a night before we finish this game. That way I won't have to admit how badly you've beaten me. Deal?"


They rose and began to straighten the room before heading upstairs, "But Rob," John asked, "you won't let Tom hire a stripper will you?"

"I don't want Cora hearing about that either."