Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long, I haven't had any inspiration 'till now. I hope you like it! Anything you'd like me to write? Leave a comment below!

Wanda's POV

It had been a long, extremely fun day at the water park. Ian and I were drying off and preparing to go home. I applied some chap-stick to my Arizona dried lips. I hate when my lips are chapped, so I tend to carry my chap-stick with me at all times.

"Can I borrow that?" Ian asked referring to my chap-stick. I quickly hid the tube behind my back,

"Borrow what?" I replayed playing coy. Ian seams to lose ever tube of chap-stick I get him, I didn't want him to lose mine for me. I know it's selfish, but, "I'm only human" as Ian would say.

Ian rolled his eyes and smiled, "Your chap-stick, Wanda. Can I borrow your chap-stick."

"Um, I don't know what you're talking about. I don't have chap-stick." Ian tried to meet my eyes, but I was looking anywhere but him to try and uphold my lie. Already sure he knew I was lying.

"I just saw you put it on your lips, babe." Ian said, confirming my earlier suspicion. I pulled my lips in, then answered,

"Oh yeah... that chap-stick. I, um... Just used up the last of it actually." I lied again, still averting my eyes.

"Did you really?" Ian didn't believe me for a second, "Well, it seams as though I have two choices..." I finally met his gaze, wondering what he meant.

"Either," He explained, taking a slow step towards me, "I go without, and wait till we get home," Ian moved ever closer, "Or, we can share the last of your chap-stick." Ian was a mere inch away, looking straight down into my eyes. I couldn't focus well, as you can imagine.

"And since," He continued, "I'm feeling really impatient today, and a huge supporter of the phrase "sharing is caring", it looks as though we'll have to share." Ian's voice had trained into a whisper.

"And how do you suppose we do that, Ian?" I managed to breath. He flashed a smile before answering,

"Just like this;" Ian wrapped one arm around my waist, the other finding it's way into my hair, and then, he pressed his lips to mine. Suddenly my arms were around his neck, pulling him closer as we kissed. It was quite romantic, then Ian got silly. Comically, he puckered his lips and rubbed them all over mine, extremely exaggeratedly. I couldn't help but laugh, and soon we were both hysterically laughing in a tight hug.

"That was some of the best sharing I've ever done." I commented

"Me too. Maybe next time we can share tongues too." Ian teased. I blushed,

"Slow down a bit babe, we're in public."

"Just joking, Wanda. Oh, and by the way," Ian flashed me the chap-stick he stole when he destracted me with a kiss, "You are a terrible liar."

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