Thank you sooo much for the amazing response to the last chapter! :D

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight.

Chapter 7

Emmett started chanting "take it off. Take it off", which just made Bella blush even more. Rosalie rolled her eyes and threw her shoe at Emmett who squealed "ow" and stopped chanting. Rosalie took off her shirt and looked towards Bella expectantly.

Bella slowly lifted up her dress, putting her body on display. She was still wearing her tights, at least, so people couldn't really see her legs. But everyone could see her perfect C cup breasts in a lacy black bra (the kind that said 'fuck me'), and her flat tummy with a belly ring.

But what could also be seen was a faint line and a bunch of faint faded stretch marks on her stomach. Bella had worked so hard to get rid of the marks from her pregnancy, she exercised regularly and used the best creams she could find. And although the marks had mostly disappeared, they were still there if you looked really closely. And there was one person in the room who was looking really closely: Rosalie.

Bella quickly grabbed Rose's top and put it on to cover herself up. It was a little tight and showed a lot of cleavage. Bella tried adjusting it to look appropriate.

Once she was done she asked Rose, "Uh… can I have your pants?" Bella said while her face turned bright red.

Rose willingly took off her jeggings and handed them to Bella. They managed to fit Bella nicely, although over her tights. And Rose wore Bella's dress. During this whole change over Edward had been discretely staring at Bella's beautiful body. He wanted to ask her about her belly ring at some stage. He also really wanted to make out with her. He forced his mind to get rid of such thoughts so he could focus on the game.

"My turn to spin," Rosalie said smiling and the bottle landed on Jasper.

"Truth or dare?" she asked smiling.

"Truth," Jasper responded. Alice immediately glared at Jasper. She knew Rose was going to ask about their personal life. She always did.

Rose smirked and glanced towards Alice then back to Jasper. "Where is the weirdest most obscure place you and Alice have had sex?" Rosalie asked.

Bella's eyes widened. She hadn't expected the first round of truth and dare to be this intense. She was dreading her turn, which was no doubt coming soon. Emmett was grinning and said "this I wanna hear" before wiggling his eyebrows at Jasper.

Jasper looked at Alice apologetically. "In a tent on that camping trip last summer," he admitted.

Emmett and Edward immediately burst out laughing while Rosalie giggled. Alice went red from embarrassment. Bella wasn't sure how to respond so she simply smiled amused.

Jasper then spun the bottle and it landed on Emmett.

"Dare!" Emmett immediately exclaimed with a wide grin on his face.

Jasper decided to get back at Rose for embarrassing Alice, and probably getting himself in trouble with Alice. "I dare you to abstain from having sex with Rose for this whole week," Jasper challenged smirking.

Emmett's jaw immediately dropped open. "You can't be serious?"

Jasper just shook his head laughing. Alice was grinning already imagining the week ahead. Emmett would be so grumpy. Rosalie was glaring slightly at Jasper but tried to appear as though this didn't affect her. She was secretly dreading the week ahead as much as Emmett.

Emmett sulked but spun the bottle. It landed on Bella. Emmett immediately started grinning again. Bella gulped, scared for what would come.

"Truth or dare?" Emmett asked, he already had 100 dares and 100 questions thought out.

"Truth," Bella said tentatively. She didn't like dares.

"I'll go easy on you this time Bella," Emmett said smirking as he saw the fear in her eyes. "How many guys have you slept with?"

Edward wasn't sure he wanted to know the answer. He braced himself for whatever Bella would say.

"Um, none, actually." Bella lied looking away from everyone. Rose observed her curiously.

"Seriously?" Alice asked, surprised.

"Yeah, I'm saving myself for marriage." Bella continued lying and took sip of her water in an attempt to not look nervous. It probably had the opposite effect.

"Why?" Emmett asked confused as to why she'd want to do that.

"Uh… I guess I just want it to be special," Bella said shrugging her shoulders and averting her gaze. Rosalie could tell something was off.

"That's so admirable, Bella," Alice said smiling at Bella.

"But what if you're no good at it because you've had no experience?" Emmett continued.

Bella blushed now. "Well I've done other things," Bella said telling the truth now.

"Like what?" asked Rosalie. "How far have you gotten?"

Bella blushed, feeling embarrassed. "Well, um… I've been to third base," Bella said looking down.

She was really embarrassed to talk about this. She used to be able to talk freely about this sort of stuff until Marie happened. Ever since then she had changed. She wasn't so comfortable saying this stuff out loud.

Emmett laughed at how red Bella's face was. "You're as bright as a tomato!" Emmett kept laughing. This didn't help Bella's situation and she got even redder, if that was even possible.

Wanting the attention off of her Bella picked up the bottle and spun it. It landed on Alice. Everyone shifted their attention away from Bella now.

Bella asks Alice "Have you ever done anything with another girl?"

Alice smiled and said "yes." The others already knew this so it wasn't a surprise to them. Bella was a little shocked though. She wasn't expecting that.

Alice takes the bottle and spins and it lands back on Bella. Alice throws Bella's question back at her: "Have you ever done anything with another girl?" asking her the same question.

"Uh… yeah," Bella responds going red again. Edward doesn't say anything but he found this extremely hot. He had to keep his cool though.

Immediately Emmett was questioning Bella about this. Bella just blushed as she tried to avoid their curious questions. Suddenly Bella's phone started ringing and she silently thanked God. She looked at the caller ID and it was her mom. Bella rolled her eyes.

"Excuse me while I take this," Bella said as she got up and went into the next room. "Hi mom," Bella answered the phone.

"Hi sweetie, how's everything going?" Renee asked trying to seem casual.

Bella rolled her eyes. "Everything's fine mom. You don't have to check up on me. I'm not twelve." She huffed.

"I know, I'm just making sure you're not up to any funny business," Renee replied. Then Bella heard Marie's voice in the background saying "I want mommy".

"Is Marie okay?" Bella asked, her maternal instincts made her constantly worry about Marie's wellbeing.

"Yes, she just wants to speak to you. Hold on," Renee said and then she gave the phone to Marie.

"Hello mommy," Marie said over the phone.

Bella smiled hearing her daughter's voice. "Hi Marie, how are you?"

"Fine," was all Marie responded with.

"What are you doing?" Bella asked, trying to get her to say more.

There was a short pause on the other end of the line before Marie answered, "Granny read a stowy."

"Aww, that's good. Enjoy your story baby. I miss you so much. Do you miss mommy?" Bella asked with a wide smile on her face.

There was a short pause before Marie answered "Yes."

"Aww, I love you." Bella said sincerely.

"I love you," Marie responded.

"Sleep tight my angel. Bye," Bella said and waited for her response.

"Bye!" Marie responded and the line went dead.

Bella smiled to herself before she decided to return to the others. She turned around to exit the room she was in and found Rosalie standing against the wall. Bella jumped in shock.

"Gosh, you scared me Rose," Bella said clutching her heart willing it to stop beating so fast.

"You're really close to your sister," Rosalie stated. "Almost… maternally so," Rose was looking at Bella thoughtfully.

Bella gulped. Rose was way too observant for her liking. "Erm, yeah. I love babies and I guess we just bonded. I love looking after her cause it's almost like practice for when I have kids one day. I plan on having a lot." Bella invented desperately.

Rosalie narrowed her eyes at Bella. She simply said "hmm." and walked out of the room.

Bella had to compose herself before she went back to the others. Rosalie was way too observant and it was starting to worry Bella. She had noticed all of Bella's slip-ups and the clear resemblance between Bella and Marie. Bella tried to convince herself that there was no way Rosalie could realise the truth and went back to the others. They spent the rest of the night talking and joking and laughing with each other. When it was eventually time for bed Bella slept with Alice in her room, as promised by Esme. Rosalie also joined them and they all managed to fit on Alice's double bed. The girls spoke and shared secrets until eventually they all drifted to sleep.

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