After Snow was defeated and killed, her forces had left the area; they were basically scattered. While there were some casualties, they all came from Snow's side rather than the Western pack. While everyone was recovering, Brenda flew to Jasper to tell Alex that Julius and the rest of the wolves who were still loyal to him were fine; he, Mustang, and Alex were able to fight them all off and take many of them down. As for Snow's body, Alex volunteered to have it taken back to the burial ground in his pack for all wolves that died. Even if Snow betrayed them, he still considers her a member of his pack.

(At a peak overlooking Jasper)

So, are you still hunting down the rest of Snow and Bruce's followers, said Alex

Tony and Stella are taking care of that right now with some of our alphas. Why are you still here, said Winston

I just had to make sure that there were no hard feelings towards our packs, said Alex

Snow was the wolf that did this, not you; it would be foolish of anyone to blame you for this, said Winston

True! But she is still part of my pack regardless; if anything, I take full responsibility, said Alex

Was Trina ok with you having the throne destroyed; it was her, yours, and you daughter' birthright since you all have the marks of the king on you, said Winston

Only my mother and Lightning had them; me and Sophia don't have them. Besides, mom wish she had thought of it sooner and saved all of us the trouble, said Alex

So where is your mother now, said Winston

She and everyone else that we evacuated are heading back to Golden Oaks. She wants to just go home and get on with the rest of her life now that this whole thing about the throne and the stones are over. Plus, she wants to punish dad for going off with you and Jeremiah on your own to fight Bruce, said Alex

He's not the only one who's getting punished, said Winston

I know. Mom said that Eve was going to make your punishment just as I better go meet up with my family at our meeting point. Before I go let me ask you something: do you think any wolf is going to learn from all of this, asked Alex

I would like to hope so. I would like to hope that this will show wolves just how valuable and necessary it is for us to truly come together; maybe then the class system of wolves will disappear on its own, said Winston

Lets hope so. See Winston, said Alex as he was leaving

(At Kate and Humphrey's cave)

Thanks for having us over, said Sophia

Anytime, said Kate

We hope you come back and visit Sophia, said Claudette

So are you guys going to take the train back, said Humphrey

No! Alex wants us to walk back and make a few stops along the way. He feels that we should get a nice family vacation after all of this; we might go to Alfred Creek Falls, said Rain

Come on Mom, we better meet up with dad at our meeting point. Tell everyone else that we said goodbye.

By the way, where's Lightning, said Runt

She told us she had to take care of something, but she wouldn't be late to our meeting point. What about Stinky, said Sophia

At a spot in the forest, Barry the moose was eating some berries. As he was eating, Stinky would run up to him. Barry would simply walk away. Until he tripped over a vine that was being held by Brent, Agnes, and Lightning. The four of them would then take a bite out of Barry before deciding to let him go

Are you sure you wanted to let him go, said Lightning

Yeah! We can always hunt him down again later on, said Stinky

Besides, I don't even like meat, said Agnes

So are you really leaving Lightning, said Brent

Yeah! But my dad said we can come back and visit whenever we can, said Lightning

Well I guess this is goodbye for now, said Stinky

Yeah! See you later Stinky, said Lighting as she gave Stinky a small lick on his face before leaving

Awwwwww, Stinky has a girlfriend, said Rose as she and Basil were watching

Hey, were you spying on me, said Stinky

It was Rose's idea, said Basil

As future leader of the ack, you two have to apologize, said Stinky

You have to catch us first; just wait until I tell Runt and Claudette, said Rose

You better not, said Stinky as he began to chase Rose

To anyone who commented and reviewed my story, I thank you. It was one of my most tricky stories that I have written so far. Before you leave, I have two announcements

First, I might/will update Alpha and Omega Chronicles. I plan to use it to answer any unanswered questions that you might have based on the events that took place in this story. I hope to give you closer in the event you feel this ending and story was unfulfilling or was missing anything. PM if you have a question/request on what you would like to see me make

Second, I'm going to do another Alpha and Omega story. Its a remake of my own. It is called "Alpha and Omega: Our moon will always be there". Its a remake of Kate and Humphrey's love story. I plan to put it up sometime in the fall. I hope you all decide to take a look at it once I start to post it