A/N: Yup, I'm doin this everytime. By this I mean my all too wonderful author note that I just use to advertise myself and tell you peps that I AM TAKING REQUEST! Seriously, just message me. Its that f*cking easy! Well considering the fact that most, If not all of you have completely skipped over this part I am going to head out and say that CinemaSins Is the most amazing thing ever.

Dedicated to my main chick Pen-Woman!

Michelangelo released another agonizing groan as she clutched the poor pillow closer to her platron as she was hit with another sharp wave of pain in her lower stomach. She curled up even tighter than before and reached for the bucket beside her bed. Pulling the bucket to her face she promptly let go of all the remaining contents in her stomach into the bucket. She had given up being quiet with her puking out of hope of letting her brothers sleep but soon realized that it was impossible.

As if on cue a tired looking Donnie burst into her room and rushed towards her. Mae sat up, bucket still in hand and clutched against her chest. "Hey Do-" Michelangelo got cut off as another wave of nausea hit her like a truck. Donatello sat himself next the her and rubbed her shell, trying to gentle her violent heaves. She finally stopped long enough to look into Donnie's worried eyes through her orange mask that was slowly slipping off her face as the large bow in the back had come undone.

"D-Did I wake you?" Mae asked quietly and horsley.

"Kinda." Donatello gave an honest answer as he offered her a small, crooked smile.

"I'm s-sorry…" Mae trailed off before losing consciousness in Donnie's arms.

"Mae? Mae! Michelangelo!" Donnie shouted while shaking his unconscious sister, attempting to rouse her.

"What is going on!" Leonardo yelled as he and Raph ran in the doorway, battle ready.

Donnie felt Mae's pulse and forehead before picking her up bridal style and taking her to his lab. He walked and talked as he updated his brothers. "I woke up when I heard her puking and went to comfort her. After her last bout she passed out cold. She has a fever and her heart-rate has accelerated." Donnie ranted.

"Whats wrong with her?" Raph asked the genius.

"She's evolving," The genius quipped sarcastically as he always did when he was stressed. " Obviously, I DON'T KNOW! Why else do you think we are in my lab right now?!" Donatello lie his unconscious sister on the bed made up for emergencies and late nights. Donnie immediately pulled out the medical supplies and reached for the stethoscope and checked her heart and breathing pattern. Her breath was getting shallower by the second.

Donatello cursed under his breath and pulled an oxygen mask over her face and pulled the long tube connected to one of many oxygen tanks -scavenged from abandoned Kraang labs- over the coat rack next to the bed. He then checked her temperature and heart rate for any signs of improving. Mae's heart rate slowed and her breathing evened and got deeper.

Donnie sighed and collapsed in his desk chair, rubbed his face, and groaned loudly. He took a couple deep breaths before taking a clean syringe out of one of his drawers and approaching his patient.

"What are you gonna do with that?" Raphael asked, looking frightened at the sharp instrument.

"Blood sample.," Donatello stated,"Then maybe I can find out what's wrong with her. Her heart is beating as fast a a three-year-old with a sugar rush, she has a fever of 104°, and she is having trouble breathing on her own." Donatello informed his older brothers. Leonardo pulled a chair up next to his unconscious little sister as Raph stood beside him.

Donnie inserted the needle into his beautiful little sister's arm and pulled the plunger, drawing blood. He then took the sample and ran multiple tests for hours while his brothers stayed beside their little sister. After the test were completed, Donnie collected the results and looked them over.

Donatello's eyes widened and a small blush spread over his face. "Oh-kay." Donnie stuttered. "I think I found out what's happening." Leo and Raph's heads snapped towards their younger brother. "Mae is going through her first mating cycle. Her hormones are way off and it seem as if her body is trying to either kill off all the toxins in her body or expel them. Her body is preparing itself for- uh- impregnation.," Donnie awkwardly scratched the back of his head ,"Oh- But she's gonna be just fine but I don't know how this will affect her behavior so be supportive." Donnie finished and noted the obvious blush on his brothers' cheeks.

Donnie picked the stethoscope up off his desk and checked Mae's heart rate. He smiled and noticed her heart-rate was stable and consistent. "She should wake up before you know it." Donnie reassured.

Just then Michelangelo began to stir and opened her beautiful baby blue eyes.

"Hey beautiful." Leonardo rasped as he squeezed his little sister's hand but got a weak squeeze in reply. Donnie pulled the mask off her face as he and Raph laughed joyfully and wrapped their arms around their beloved little sister and cried slightly.

Mae giggled and squealed.

"I feel so loved!"