Authors note: This is my second Buffy story and also my second take on Wara, or Tillow as they are called. If you all recall Tara's death scene, I try not to but what if things happened differently, what if the bullet had not hit Tara and caused Willow to become Dark Willow? Bear with me as this first chapter takes a horrible situation and only reverses it, not sure anyone has ever done this, if they have not stealing the idea as I probably haven't read your fanfic, so I am going off an idea in my head right now and we shall go from there. Hope you all enjoy.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Matter of the heart

CH.1: Switched in death

Tara and Willow were kissing, as they normally did when together and after a nasty split they were back together. It was rather sad that Xander's wedding with Anya didn't pan out but right now Tara was only concerned with kissing her girlfriend. She wore a blue sweater and then remembered something…a slight blush playing on her cheeks as her love was moving her hands to a naughty place. "I-I need to go get something…I'll be right back."

"Oh ok…don't keep me waiting." Willow told her with that saucy vixen look of hers. Tara considered staying but as she headed out of the room she thought that nothing could happen in that time, right? She couldn't shake the dread as she went fetch the present she got for Willow. Ever since they had got back together she had been contemplating the direction her life had taken and where it could possibly lead. At the end of all that thought she knew she couldn't be with anyone else…she had found her soul mate.

And that is when it happened. The sound of a gunshot ripping through her heart and her thoughts of finding the engagement ring forgotten; Tara, in all her life had never rushed faster to the room. What she found was Willow bleeding out on the floor…her body spasming about as her eyes sought her out.

"Baby…oh no…hold on Willow don't die…no…" Tara reached for her hand as that was where their power came from, long before they kissed it was this magical moment that drew them together.

"I-I waited for you…guess I should've came with you…I was deciding whether not to or not. It is getting cold babe…my shirt…it doesn't look good in red. Hold me…I feel cold…Tara honey…you there?"

"I'm here Willow…don't leave me…please." Tara heard footsteps and then saw Buffy in the doorway, her hand going to her mouth and tears welling in her eyes. "Buffy…someone shot Willow…I think it came from outside…I don't know…"

"Keep pressure on the wound Tara…I'll find who did this and make them pay!" Buffy then fled the room jumping out the window and down to the ground below.

"Buffy is going to find who did this Willow…baby…say something?" Tara felt so alone now…even with Willow lying there she felt alone. Xander was next as he came to the door and before she knew it was down beside her, a questioning look in his face.

"Tara…Willow is…oh god there is so much blood. Willow can you hear me…want me to do the Snoopy Dance and make it all better? God that was awful, I'm sorry I just don't know…what to say…"

"You are doing great Xander…you are being you…don't ever stop…being you. Promise me something Xander…promise me you will apologize to Anya…she can be a tad bossy but she needs you." Willow gasped and Tara saw Xander sniffling.

"Yeah sure…I will try…no I will do." Xander was Willow's closest friend and for him to be like this she felt like she should be doing something else.

"Buffy I heard a…gunshot…oh no." Tara looked over and saw that Dawn was standing there. Dawn had gotten over the loss of her mother but to lose Willow too…it would break her heart. Standing to her feet she saw Xander take her hand where she left it. Holding out her arms she felt Dawn crying hysterically into her body.

"The shooter got away…how is she?" Buffy was there and Tara had wished she had found the shooter. As they all stood there looking over Willow the Scooby Gang for which she had felt so isolated from stood together. Dawn held onto her tightly and she felt her own sadness well over her. Her life partner was dying…her world was shattered and the shooter was still at large. There was a huge absence in her life for which nothing could ever take its place.

"Don't look all sad…I'm going to a better place guys…be strong for me Dawnie…and do your homework, school work can be fun. Buffy…keep everyone together and look out for Tara…she is a strong capable witch but she is my girl…and I don't want any harm befalling her. I feel light…it isn't so…bad…anymore…"

And just like that Willow Rosenberg was dead. Tara knew it should've been her…what sick twisted fate was this? Had she not pulled away from Willow and stayed in the room it…it should've been her. Everyone cried or mourned then…for one of the main Scoobies was now lost.

Authors note: I know this is a sad way to start a tale but it is important to get through this. Willow is dead…life must go on right? Welllll…in a writer's corner death can be moved around; a loop hole of sorts can be found and sorted through. How it comes about remains to be seen, right now however we move on to our next scene…the funeral.