Prompt: I'm running late to school and you just hit me with your motorcycle cause you're also late and no I don't want to go to the hospital instead because I cannot miss this test just please give me a ride instead?

This doesn't really fit with my main college AU, but I had fun writing it, so...

If he was being fair, Hiccup considered, he was the one who had been rushing and had not exactly been watching where he was going. However, given that he was the one currently sitting in the gutter with a motorcycle on top of him, he decided that fairness was completely overrated.

For a moment he'd gone back in time in an instant of déjà vu. Flashes of a half-remembered accident five years ago tore through his mind and he sat up with a gasp.

"No. No. No! Lie down! Shit!"

Hands pushed him back down, but he struggled against them to sit back up.

"I'm fine," he assured the hands, following them up to meet two very blue, very pissed off eyes.

"What were you doing?" The blonde girl who had been helping Hiccup to sit suddenly clutched his shirt to shake the already rattled boy.

"What was I doing? You hit me with your bike!" Hiccup flung his arm out at the motorcycle lying haphazardly beside him.

"Barely!" The woman scowled. "Besides, you stepped out in front of me." She stood and went to the bike, picking it up to inspect the damaged and groaning at the dints and scrapes in the powder blue bodywork. "Did you even look where you were going or were you just leaving it to the Gods? Urgh!" The kickstand was still functional, and the bike was propped up on the sidewalk. The blonde flicked her long braid over her shoulder and retrieved her helmet from where she had flung it in her hurry to check on Hiccup.

"You're right, I'm sorry." Hiccup ran a hand through his hair. He was going to be so late now. The whole reason he'd been rushing to college in the first place was because he'd had a test worth forty percent of the grade. He'd fail and have to go home to Berk. His Dad would say "I told you so," but with that disappointed scowl he did so well. And to top it off, Hiccup would have no choice but to take up the mantle of heir to his father's company.

He watched as the fair-haired girl started the engine of her bike. It started first go.

"You're okay girl," he heard her mutter under her breath. "May still make it to school on time after all."

"Wait, which university?"

Hiccup realised how ridiculous he must have looked. Sitting on the road, clothing dishevelled. There was a tear in his pants over his knee and there was a scrape on his forehead. He could feel the itchy-stickiness of the drying blood.

"Uhh, Raven's Point…" She was looking him up and down, confusion plain on her face.

"Do you think you could give me a lift?"

Confusion gave way to disbelief.

"What? No, I'm calling you an ambulance and I'm getting out of here." She brushed her bangs out of her eyes and reached into her pocket.

"I don't need an ambulance, I'm okay. I just really need to get to class." Hiccup could see she didn't believe him. "I'm Hiccup." He held out his hand. The girl stared at it but said nothing. Hiccup tried again. "And you are…?"

Yellow brows narrowed. "If I tell you my name, you'll sue me… or something. Just remember one thing. You walked in front of me."

Hiccup sighed loudly. "I'm not going to sue you. Do people even do that? I just want to know your name."

"…It's Astrid," she said finally.

Hiccup gave a dorky smile. "Nice to meet you Astrid. Could you give me a hand? I'm likely to get hit again if I stay sitting on the street." His arm was still extended. Astrid reached over and took it, pulling Hiccup to his feet. He shook himself off.

"So about that lift?" Hiccup stepped up onto the curb, eliciting an almighty crack from his left leg and causing him to stumble to his knees.

"Ah shit!" And now his day had become even worse.

"Hiccup!" Astrid was crouched beside him. "I'm calling the ambulance."

"No! It's okay," Hiccup grumbled.

"That was not an 'okay' sound." Astrid protested. "Why are you being so thick headed?"

"It's a good thing I am thick headed," Hiccup muttered. "Or you'd be scraping it off the street."

"Is this some kind of a joke to you?" Astrid stood, hands on hips.

"Sorry, sometimes I open my mouth and sarcasm just pours straight out. I really am okay," Hiccup rolled up his pant leg. His shoe looked normal enough, but instead of flesh and blood ankle, sneaker gave way to metal and plastic. Astrid's mouth dropped open.

"I ran over a one-legged man. I will never live this down."

"The one-legged man stepped in front of you," Hiccup countered. He reached the crack in his prosthetic and inspected the damage. "Eh, I think I can make this work. Give me a hand?"

Astrid helped Hiccup back to his feet. He tested his weight against his bad leg and was met with the sound of grating metal. "Only has to last until lunch time," he mumbled to himself.

"What are you going to do now?" Astrid asked.

"Probably something stupid," Hiccup quipped, grin back on his face.

"Ha ha Smartypants, you've already done that," Astrid pointed out, with roll of her eyes.

"Well, I guess I'm going to do something crazy then." His smile was contagious. Astrid helped him limp over to her bike. She picked up her helmet and tugged it on over her flaxen hair.

"You owe me," she told him as she swung her leg over the battered motorcycle.

"I'll buy you coffee sometime," Hiccup promised.

Astrid started the ignition and kicked the bike into gear. "It better be the best damned coffee I've ever had."

"I'm sure I'll work something out."

Astrid revved the engine and Hiccup clutched at her waist as they sped off down the street.