A/N: Alright, here will be a collection of drabbles I guess. These will all be letters written by Lucy during the one year time skip. I realize this has probably been done before, multiple times I'm sure, and that it's kind of old news now, but I need to get these out of my system. Lucy is a writer, she wrote/writes letters to her deceased mother frequently, and I believe that she would have written to SOMEONE even if only for the sake of getting things off her chest. So I chose Natsu as the recipient, although none of them are ever sent. As someone who has dealt with depression and abandonment issues, as I feel Lucy battles with, I know how important it can be to put your struggles into words or art or SOMETHING to be able to deal with it.

I'm not sure how many I am going to do for now, but I will post them as they come to me.

Also, thank you so much to everyone who takes the time to read/review my work, I appreciate all of you!

I do not own Fairy Tail or any of it's characters, they belong to Hiro Mashima.

Dear Natsu,

Hey, how are you? Is the training going well? I hope so.

I'm alright I guess. By now I'm sure you've heard about the guild. It's only been a few weeks but it feels so… wrong. I mean it's gone. I'm still not sure what to make of it. Everyone is going their separate ways now. Some people left so quick, it was hard to see them all go. Master gave everyone in the dorms time to find somewhere to go, guess I'm kinda lucky I have my own place. Well, not for long, not here anyway. Rent is due soon, and without the guild I can't go on any jobs. I'm moving to Crocus within the week, I got a job at Sorcerer Weekly! At least now I can maybe get a little more experience as an author.

It's so empty here, it's really… lonely. I keep forgetting that you're not here to barge in unannounced. I miss it, I know, silly, right? You always seemed to make every day brighter. But I really miss you guys, I miss YOU. I miss everyone.

You know, when I got your letter I couldn't believe it. I tried to find you, I had no idea where to even start, but I ran. I ran, and ran, and ran. It hurt. Not my legs, I honestly stopped feeling anything after the first few minutes. But my heart, it just, it hurt so much. It still hurts, and I still don't know if I completely believe that you're gone. I guess I thought you'd just always be here. That's really selfish of me isn't it? I don't blame you though, I mean I'm sure you have your reasons.

Oh listen to me rambling on though, I'm sure you've got lots of training ahead of you! I'll send this as soon as I get word of you. I'll keep track of everyone. I know Fairy Tail is gone, but we're all still family, right? We'll be together again someday. I have to believe that, even if no one else does.

