Hello everyone, I'm back. Things have been getting hectic in my life with my Senior year of high school almost over, so I apologize for the delay. This spawned from my first thought after completing Awakening and delivering the final blow. When I saw the final cutscene this was my first thought as to what happened.

Warning: Spoilers for all of Fire Emblem: Awakening

Edit 02-19-16: I made a few minor changes to this chapter, nothing story altering mostly just fixing a few mistakes and changing the wording here or there.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Fire Emblem series.

"Robin! No!" Chrom cried out, reaching for his wife in a desperate but futile attempt to stop what he knew was happening.

Robin smiled slightly. In that moment, she wanted to remember everything. The light from the slowly rising sun playing across the battlefield, the light tresses of hair that had broken from their binding floating in front of her face, the sound of her allies celebrating the defeat of Grima in the distance, and the royal blue of his hair, matted and covered in blood and grime though it may be.

She was well aware that this may be the last time she saw him. The moment she has was fleeting, and yet, there were so many things she wanted to say to Chrom, to Lucina, to Morgan, and to the others who fought with them. She was not going to apologize, she was happy with her choice. Her only regret was that she would leave Lucina and Morgan motherless again. Nor did she feel she had to tell Chrom how much she loved him. No, she knew exactly what she would say. There was one phrase that could sum up everything she wished to tell him.

"Thank you, Chrom. For...everything... Tell the others my last thoughts were of them. May we meet again, in a better life," She waved at Chrom, pretending not to see the tears streaming down his face and ignoring the ones falling down her own, and faded from existence.

It was neither dark nor light, not that she had anyway to perceive either of them. There was neither up nor down, nor left or right. There was nothing. She was in an odd state of awareness, where she was neither awake nor asleep. She was only aware of one thing: the emptiness. It was the only concept that she could seem to grasp, but it felt wrong. It was too empty, too void. There was nothing and that made her uneasy. There should be someone. There should be someone beside her. There should be many standing with her, but there were none.

She felt it then. A tug, a song calling her to consciousness. She followed it because she knew that was where they were. She didn't know who they were, but they were important to her. They were calling to her, breaking the all encompassing silence and pulling on the ties they had worked so hard to create. She let herself be pulled, desiring to see the faces of those she had loved. She felt a strange sensation (was this warmth?) course through her as she fell into a state of unconsciousness.

"Chrom, have to do something," a familiar childish voice said.


"What do you propose we do?" A deeper, more masculine voice answered. Robin's heart fluttered and clenched in her chest. Chrom.

"I... I dunno…" Robin opened her eyes, the bright sun blinding her, only allowing her to see two silhouettes standing above her. They slowly came into focus as her eyes adjusted to the blinding light of the sun. The pair of siblings noticed her stirring and bent over, caring concern in their eyes.

"I see you're awake now," Chrom stated, smiling slightly, a smile that threatened to dance across Robin's own lips. This was exactly like their first meeting all those years ago.

"Hey there," Lissa said with a small laugh.

"There are better places to sleep then on the ground you know. Give me your hand," Chrom offered his hand, and Robin grabbed it gladly. She nearly burst into tears of joy when she saw that the mark of Grima had disappeared from her hand, but was able to control the urge. Chrom helped her to her feet.

All Robin wanted now was for Chrom to pull her into his arms. Tell her everything was alright, that the war was truly over and they could live in peace.

"You alright?" Chrom asked

"Y-yes," Robin was taken slightly aback by the question. He hadn't asked her that question in years. After fighting side by side for so long, and , "Thank you, Chrom,"

"Ah, then you know who I am?"

What? This didn't make any sense. Did he not remember her? Was this some cruel trick of fate?

"O-of course I know who you are," She responded, praying to the gods that this was simply a cruel jest, "You're the prince of Ylisse. I-I'm sorry if I offended you with the lack of a proper title, milord," Robin nearly cringed as she said these words. Chrom never was one for titles, but something was off about this entire situation.

"Think nothing of it, I was never overly fond of titles," he replied, "Tell me, what's your name? What brings you here?"

"My name is Robin, but" she replied, before throwing on her best confused expression, which truthfully was not terribly difficult, "I'm not sure... I'm sorry but where exactly are we?"

"What?!" Lissa exclaimed in shock.

"I can't seem to recall how I got here, or anything before waking in this field," Robin avoided eye contact with the Shepherds in front of her, hoping that none of them could tell she was lying.

"I've heard of this," Lissa said just like when she had first met Robin, "it's called amnesia,"

"It's called a load of Pegasus dung," Frederick the Wary scoffed, "You expect us to believe you can remember milord's name but not how you ended up here,"

"But it's the truth," Robin insisted, hoping that she was as good an actress as her daughter.

"What if it is the truth Frederick?" Chrom countered, "We can't just leave her out here alone and confused. What kind of Shepherds would we be then?"

"Just the same, milord. I must emphasize caution. 'Twould not do to let a wolf into our flock,"

"Right then. We'll take her back to town and sort this out there," Chrom declared.

"Thank you," Robin said, internally breathing a sigh of relief as they made their way back to the main road.

As they walked towards Southtown, Robin remained mostly silent, caught up in her own thoughts. It was most certainly not some cruel jest unless it was by the gods. Everything was eerily similar to when she had first woken up in the field. She had an idea of what had happened, but she was really hoping that she was wrong.

"So," Robin began, hoping to break the silence, "What are you going to do with me? Am I to be your prisoner?"

Chrom let out a bark of laughter, "No. You will be free to go once we establish you're no enemy of Ylisse,"

"If we can establish you are no enemy," Frederick commented.

"Frederick, please," Chrom reprimanded, "I guess some formal introductions are in order. My name is Chrom—but then, you already knew that. The delicate one here is my little sister, Lissa,"

"I'm not delicate," Lissa huffed indignantly, "Please ignore my brother he can be a bit thick sometimes,"

Don't I know that, Robin thought, remembering the time when the prince had walked in on her in the bath and the chaos that ensued following it.

"But you're lucky the Shepherds found you. Brigands would've been a rude awakening!"

"Shepherds? I never would have guessed that the Prince of Ylisse would be tending sheep, especially in full armor,"

"We have many sheep and it is a dangerous job, just ask Frederick the Wary here," Chrom replied with a friendly jab at Frederick

"A title I shall wear with pride," Frederick responded, "Gods forbid one of us keeps an appropriate level of caution. I have every wish to trust you, stranger, but my station mandates otherwise,"

"I understand, sir. I would do no less my..."

"Chrom, look! The town!" Lissa cried in a panicked voice pointed in the direction they had been traveling.

They all turned, though Robin already knew what she would see before she looked. Sure enough, Southtown was ablaze. The smoke pouring high into the otherwise clear sky.

"Damn it!" Chrom cursed getting ready to take off to the town's aid, "The town is ablaze! Those blasted brigands, no doubt... Frederick, Lissa! Quickly!"

"What about her?" Frederick gestured to Robin.

"I can hold my own in a fight. I'll come help," She replied quickly, checking that she still had her weapons.

"Okay, okay, let's go already!" Lissa said impatiently.

"Right," Chrom nodded as the four of them took off towards the burning village.

This is my first attempt at a multichapter fanfiction, so I'm not completely sure where this is going, though I do have a general idea. I'll try to update this regularly, just please be patient and tell me what you think. Until next time.