Chapter 1: Long way home

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I do not own "The Outsiders" or any of the Curtis' Gang. Sigh. The real owner of "The Outsiders" is my favorite author, the fabulous S.E. Hinton. I also do not make a profit from the stories that I write here on this site.

A/N: If you like it, love it, or even if you hate it, you know what to do. Tell me in a review. I would love it if you favorited, followed, and/or if you gave me (a) suggestion(s). Thank you. :)

I know, another sick fic? I can't help what I love :) hope you enjoy.

Ponyboy's POV

I tugged on my shirt collar, it was awfully hot in here. The heat coupled with my churning stomach made it difficult to concentrate on my math teacher's boring voice drone on and on.

"Mr. Curtis, can you tell me what the answer to number 7 is?" My teacher asked. I gulped back the bile that wanted to rise in my throat.

"17?" I guessed quietly.

"No, (-16). Are feeling alright?" Mrs. Phillips asked me.

"I'm alright," I lied.

"Then I'd assumed you'd have no problem going to the nurse." I sighed heavily, getting to my feet and grabbing the nurses pass.

When I got in there I felt uncomfortable. I never liked the nurses office, it always seemed to lead to spending money later on.

The nurse took my temperature and all the other stuff and told me to lay down while she called Darry. I felt my stomach jump and turn violently as I struggled to keep my breakfast down.

"You poor thing. Your fever is 103 degrees," she cooed in a sugary-sweet voice.

I think I dozed off because all of a sudden Darry was at my side and helping me up.

"I got your stuff Pone," he told me. I nodded and trudged to the truck.

Each bump made me feel like I was going to throw up. Darry tried to take it slow, but the roads were so bumpy. I kept my arms wrapped securely around my stomach. I could feel myself continue to grow paler and paler as each second ticked by.

"Sorry," Darry confined to apologized with each bump.

"Pull over Darry," I choked out. To keep from vomiting in the car I put my hand over my mouth, but as soon as I flung the door open I threw up my breakfast all over my hand.

I spit and gagged stomach bile onto the side of the road and realized I was crying; in public. Most people don't stare at people on the side of the road, but I felt like everyone was staring at me right then.

"Come on, Pony, let's get you back in the truck," Darry cooed once I had finished.

Darry's POV

The road was so bumpy and with each violent bump Pony paled and groaned. I tried to take it slow as slow as possible. Ponyboy kept his arms wrapped securely around his stomach. The truck slowly crawled down the street.

"Sorry," I apologized again as we took a sharp turn.

"Pull over Darry," He commanded me suddenly. He put his hand over his mouth, but as soon as he flung the door open he threw up all over his hand.

He continued spit and gag as I came up behind him. He started to cry a little, but I just rubbed his back.

"Come on, Pony, let's get you back in the truck," I told him once he finished gagging. He nodded and let me help him into the truck.

"Love you Darry," he whispered.

"Love you too," I responded.

He was able to keep from vomiting the whole long, bumpy car ride home.

Aufenthaltd Gold,
