I don't own Danny Phantom or x-men evolution

AN: If you have seen the shows then you know what they look like, but for those who haven't seen the shows then please go and watch the shows.

AN: Danielle will have her regular Powers and will have shape shifting powers, and will have control of the elements, and Danielle will be kind of cold hearted in the beginning

AN:I know that this chapter is short but I'm up at 12:00 Am in the morning to get this story up, Danielle's past with Naruto will come up in later chapters.

AN: Some stories will have Prolongs, but some won't and this one of those stories.

AN: I write for fun, but I also like to hear what people think how it's good or bad or even have ideas.

Last AN: the story takes place after Season three of Danny Phantom and this story also take place between Season 2 and Season 4 of the x-men evolution


Chapter one: Danielle the new student and meets the x-men

Danielle was walking home from school when she sees Vlad at her home, Danielle knows something isn't right. Danielle runs into the house and she sees everybody is dead, Danielle looks down, I was weak, I should have come home right away instead of going to basketball practice thinks Danielle. The cops come and asked her what happened and Danielle tells them what she saw. I can't stay here in this town thinks Danielle, the bank gives Danielle all the money and Danielle sells the house and she hits the road and head towards New York.

The next few months Danielle has been thinking of not using her powers forever, Danielle finally makes it to New York and decides to go to Bayville High School and she buys a small house with land just outside of Bayville city. The next day at Bayville, everybody this is Danielle Fenton said the english teacher. Whoa Guys, do you sense that power from her? asked Jean as she is looking at Danielle, yes we do but what do we due? asked Scott. Danielle walks by and she is looking down, why are these powers of mine still working, I thought I veiled to never ever used them since they cost me my family thinks Danielle with anger. That is when a icicle appears and Danielle sees it and she takes deep breathe and the icicle disappears as soon as it appears. Danielle rises her hand, Can I please be excused? asked Danielle. Yes, you may said the english teacher, Danielle walks out and goes to the lady's bathroom.

At lunch time, Danielle goes to the cafeteria and get her food, when some kids start to tease her. Hey new girl, why don't you smile or are you a freak said kid number 1, Danielle is about to lose her temper, when she remembers what Danny said which was if you feel like losing your temper then your powers will go out of control. I can smile, but I really can't right now since it's only been four months since I lost purpose to smile said Danielle. Danielle continues to find a table, she finds one and she picks at her food. Danielle then thinks about all the time she and Danny used to due for fun, they used to play and learn how to use her powers. Danielle starts to cry and she gets up from the table and runs out of the cafeteria, that is when Rogue look at where Danielle was siting at. Danielle makes it outside and she then thinks I have to get out of here, Danielle then runs, as she is running her powers start to go berserk. Danielle thinks I need to find away to seal these powers forever.

X-Men we have a mutant said Professor X, the x-men head out and they find Danielle. Danielle keeps on running and the x-men follow her into her house. Danielle goes to the basement and opens a portal to the ghost zone. The x-men are shocked, but they leave Danielle's house. Danielle finds clockworks, I want you to help me by sealing my power said Danielle. Danielle, I can't, but I can teach you how to control all of your new powers from being able to shape shiftier to being able to used your powers without transforming said clockworks. Okay, I want that said Danielle, it's been two months since Danielle disappears from Bayville. Danielle returns on Monday after being gone for two months and she finds out about the mutants and how they are being treated like freaks. That is enough, what you guys are doing is wrong, what if you were in trouble and there was nothing you could do to save your skin and they come along and helped you what then? asked Danielle.

When nobody speaks, that is what I thought said Danielle. why do you care for them? asked a kid as they point to the x-men, I don't care for them, but I understand where they are coming from said Danielle. What do you mean, are you a mutant? asked another kid, no, but I know a person who was a mutant and I made a promise to him to stand up for others' said Danielle. What? asked everyone, just knocked it off, they may have powers but they will protect you and all they want is your acceptances, that is what my cousin wanted and he never got it until two weeks before his death said Danielle coldly. We are so sorry for the way we're treating you said everyone to the x-men, Danielle then turns and goes to her class. As Danielle, going to her next class that is when he appears and starts to attack everyone.

V-Vlad said Danielle very sacred, there you are said Vlad. Please, leave me alone I don't want to fight said Danielle, I don't care try to dodge these said Vlad and he throw eco plasma at Danielle. Danielle dodges them, she is about to used her ice attacks, but she stops herself. I won't fight you, I don't have a purpose to said Danielle as she looks down, Vlad keeps on attacking her. Danielle dodges them all, that is when the x-men appear and attacks Vlad. Danielle turns to run when one of Vlad's attacks hits her in the back and Danielle becomes angry. That does it said Danielle as she throws a ice attack at Vlad, everybody stops attacking Vlad and looks at Danielle. Danielle keeps on attacking Vlad and he keeps on dodging her attacks, Danielle becomes even more angry and combines all her attacks into one.

Vlad dodges again, after he dodges it's about to hit storm. Danielle sees it and she puts a shield up around Storm, the x-men give a sign of relief. Danielle looks at Vlad and thinks I need to stop him, but I made a promise to never used my powers. Danielle has small flashback, the flash back was when she didn't know which side to pick evil or good.

*small flashback*

Danielle was just adopted and she wanted to used her powers for evil, but Danny stopped her and told her to protect the innocents, after that she fought for good.

*end of small flashback*

Danielle looks at Vlad with confidence, father you have gone to far and I will stop you and protect the innocents said Danielle with new determination. Go on head and try to you disgrace said Vlad, you can call me a disgrace but I had a family that took me in when you tried to kill me because I was female clone of Danny Phantom and you wanted male clone of Danny Phantom, everyone cover your ears said Danielle and she transforms into her ghost form and uses her wail on Vlad in which sends him flying. I'll be back said Vlad, and I'll be waiting to take you down said Danielle. After the fight Danielle takes them to her house with land just outside the city of Bayville. Danielle, what's going on? asked Rogue, you just met my birth father said Danielle coldly.

WHAT?! yelled Kitty, Danielle looks at Kitty with coldness and she turns to leave. Wait, we can help you control your powers said Jean, don't brother, I want to the ghost zone and found my old master and he already helped out with my powers said Danielle. The ghost zone, what is that? asked Scott, the ghost zone is where ghost resides and stay, but sometimes they escape and it was up to me and my cousin to stop them, but since my cousin's death the ghosts have decided to come out of the ghost zone since I will probably send them back and they don't want to miss with the queen said Danielle.

Who's the queen of the ghost zone? asked Kurt, I'm the queen since Danny stop the first king of the ghost zone and when he died he nobody take his place so they were looking for somebody that was blood related with him and they discovered me and asked me to be the queen, at first I said no, then the ghosts start to attacked the world and without Danny as protector of the world, I had to make a choice between myself and the world and I choose the world and I become the queen and all of my powers come unlocked about time I made icicles said Danielle. What? asked Rogue, that was why I left to get complete control, you probably saw me enter the ghost zone said Danielle. Wait, you mean you known we were following you said Kitty, of course I'm half human and half ghost and at that time I was using some of my ghost powers without me knowing it and I never ever want you to find out about the ghost zone since it's dangerous, if I join the team I don't want you to asked for tours, because right now in the ghost zone it's dangerous,and the ghosts are trying to find away out of it to get to the world and I have sealed all of the portals and I'm the only one that can open portals said Danielle.

Wow, so what's it like to be the queen? asked Kitty, it sucks since I have to keep my guard up 24 hours said Danielle. Why do you have to keep your guard up? asked Professor X, if I don't then the ghosts will find a portal and they will cause chaos, that is why I sleep lightly said Danielle. We had no idea, that you have been protecting the earth for how long? asked Jean, I have been protecting the earth for past three years, but I did it in hiding until I had to help my cousin to turn the earth intangible said Danielle. Who is your cousin? asked Scott, Danielle looks down has tears coming fro her eye. Scott, what the hell man? asked Jean, it's not his fault for asking he was killed off by my birth father, but his parents adopted me and his name was Danny Fenton/ Phantom said Danielle. Wait, are you saying your related to the ghost boy who saved the world said Kitty, yes he's my older cousin/ brother said Danielle. Brother? asked Jean, when I was adopted I had to live on the streets for a two whole years since he didn't tell his parents about his powers, so I learned how not to trust people, but that all changed when he told his parents about his powers and about me and told he to find me and he did, I was in Japan taking care of a war and I lost my love, after that I try to kill myself, but he found me and took me to his parents where they made some papers up that stated that I was kidnapped by Vlad and that I was there daughter and that they found me in Japan trying to live, when that happened I was happy to finally have a family said Danielle.

Wow, your life has been hard for awhile said Kitty, yes, it been five and eleven months since my birth and I had to learn how to defend myself at a day old said Danielle. What do you mean, aren't you born sixteen years ago? asked Scoot, no I was made in a lab and I'm a clone said Danielle. What? asked Storm, are you evil? asked Professor X. No. I'm not evil but I was used for evil, but that all changed thanks to my cousin and I will always be grateful to him said Danielle with a smile for the very first time. Wow, welcome to the x-men said Professor X, that is when one of Danielle's powers starts to act up. That's weird, this only happens if a portal has opened up, I have to go said Danielle and she transforms into her ghost form and flies away,

The x-men follow Danielle, they come upon on Danielle fighting Ember. Give it up, you know what will happened said Danielle, that's what you think said Ember. Ember attacks and it hits Danielle and Danielle is in pain but she keeps on fighting and she uses her ice powers and knocks out Ember and she throws Ember back into the ghost zone and seals the portal. After sealing the portal, Danielle then reverts back into her human form and passes out. Danielle, wake up said Scott, but nothing is working. Danielle known with her so weakened state that she would be in a healing trance for the next week, so Jean catches Danielle with her powers.

In the next chapter we are going to find out if Danielle will wake up in a week or will she wake up in two weeks.

