Wanda's powers had a farther reach than she first realized. She came about this knowledge three days after Pietro's death. Three days of mourning. Three days of being in the air on the Helicarrier as plans were made for the rebuilding of Sokovia. Three days where the red in her eyes never seemed to fully die.

Though she wasn't constantly at Pietro's side, most of her time was spent in the refrigerated room where his body lay. The cloths he'd died in hadn't been removed yet and he still hadn't been cleaned up. Despite plenty having been saved, there were those that had died due to Ultron's power, hundreds of buildings had been destroyed, families completely uprooted, and she understood if the looking after of one boy had to be postponed.

Because that was what he was. A boy. And she was only a girl.

And in this moment of feeling powerless, of feeling broken and utterly crushed, she had truly never been more potent.

Wanda hadn't even realized what she'd done until she'd heard the huge gasp of air, felt the hand on her own. She almost screamed but just barely contained it as her eyes met her brother's, wide with fear. They didn't stay open for long though, his body quickly going slack like before though now his chest faintly moved in an uneven rhythm.

Even though her once thought enemies had become her allies, not even for a second she thought to go to them. Even with one of their own having saved her, even with them taking the initiative and rebuilding her country, she couldn't fully trust them. At least not all of them.

One man had left the scene early and she didn't mean the Hulk. What with Stark's own army of robots, Thor's godlike power, and Captain America's quick, strategic thinking, and the remnants of SHIELD there, they could honestly spare one person and from Wanda's understanding, he had left because he had his own family to take care of too.

She found the location from one of the Avenger's minds, not even having to leave her place beside her brother to do it, and then succeeded in avoiding all security. At one point or another, she would have cataloged the information for her and her brother's sake but now she did so, promising to give the helpful information to SHIELD.

Leaving a note, Wanda claimed that she was going to bury her brother and that her trip could take as long as a week but that she'd be back.

After already leaving the Helicarrier however, she now realized that she needed a way to get to the destination. Commandeering a cargo plane destined for the US, she flew with the pilot, right in the cockpit, though he never did find out they were there.

She then took a car, knowing that hitchhiking would jeopardize the whole point of the destination being hidden. And that was when she didn't take into account that her brother was still unconscious though his breathing hadn't slowed down or escalated either.

Nearly twenty-four hours had passed by the time that she finished driving through the forest and the field in front of her opened up with the house in the distance. She drove a bit more and then stopped unnecessarily far away, both cautious and unsure if she'd be welcomed.

It being about four in the morning, Wanda knew that suspicion would be great so she kept her wits about her and her powers ready, not to hurt but simply to protect on the off chance that the policy was shoot and ask questions later.

Knowing that any introduction would be odd, she went with the simplest and made her way to the front door and knocked.

The one called Hawkeye probably had looked through some window, peered behind a curtain, because the door was fully opened with a very confused man exclaiming, "Wanda?"

"I…was not sure where to go. Or who to trust."

"How the hell did you even find this place?"

"I looked into the red haired woman's head. Black Widow. I just…we needed someone's help," Wanda carefully responded.

"We, who else did you bring?" he asked, clearly still cautious as proven by the gun that he suddenly revealed. He didn't point it at her though, simply kept it close to his chest and looked towards the car.

"Come. It is easier to show you," replied Wanda as she turned her back and quickly headed over.

She could hear the other following her, his steps careful and methodical. Wanda moved to the side of the car and pulled open the door. Hawkeye moved over and then she could hear his sharp intake of breath.

Moving forward, Hawkeye checked for the pulse, found it, and then asked, "Is he still bleeding?"

"He never got shot."

Confused, Hawkeye didn't ask any further questions as he scooped up Pietro and quickly walked back to the house. He pushed the door aside and then set Pietro on the couch as he rushed to grab any medical supplies he could find but Wanda quickly stopped him.

"I told you. He never got shot."

Looking down at the small collection he'd already gathered, Hawkeye slowly said, "How about you tell me everything. From the very beginning. Like why come here? Weren't you at the Helicarrier?"

"Yes but…I did something. I do not think they would trust me if they knew. You are one of the few men who has told me what I needed to hear. Someone who truly seemed to care. And I needed someone," she finished.

Hawkeye sighed but allowed himself a small smile. He finally seemed to ease up as he asked, "You drink coffee?"

"I have once or twice. But not American Coffee. It is stronger, yes?"

"Depending on where you are, definitely," Hawkeye replied as he moved into the kitchen and quickly went about making a pot.

Glancing at her brother, she decided he was safe enough and Wand followed Hawkeye into the other room and said, "I thought Hawkeye preferred bows and arrows."

"I do but guns are easier to hide about the house. And call me Clint. I'm not an Avenger right now," he responded. "Now, explain to me how he didn't get shot because I was there. He saved me and that kid."

Wanda bit her lip, unsure if she should reveal her secret and finally she led with, "I did not bring him back to life. Not the way you are thinking. I changed reality. I made it so that he was never shot in the first place."

"You mean you changed the past," Clint slowly responded. "Like you changed the universe?"

Nodding, her face clearly turned upset as she murmured, "I did not think of the implications. I do not know if there will be any. But I could have hurt so many people because of a careless mistake…again. Pietro means the world to me but I could have changed the outcome of the war without meaning to. I still could."

Looking like she wanted to cry, her eyes remained dry however as it was clear she was nevertheless beginning to crumble.

"Hey, come here," Clint said softly as he took a couple of steps forward and opened up his arms into an inviting hug. After some hesitation, she took it and held on tightly.

"I could not trust the Avengers or SHIELD. I could not trust what they would do to Pietro or me…or what they may force me to do. I could not trust them."

Pulling away slightly, Clint looked her in the eyes and said, "Well you can trust me, alright? Kay? But I need to know what you want from me."


"What you want from me? I'll help you in any way I can, even if it's as simple as keeping this a secret but you came to me instead of going to someone else or even going out on your own. So what do you need?"

"Could you…would it be possible to allow Pietro and I to stay here for several days. And if he does not awake, even if he awakes, could he stay here with you watching over him? In case something wrong happens."

"Of course!" Clint replied just as the coffee finished. "You can stay longer if needed."

"I left a note saying I would be back soon. And I want to help. I believe I want to be an Avenger. But I cannot trust them so readily with this. I only trusted you because I felt that it was my only option," responded Wanda.

"Alright, but I'll keep Pietro here for as long as he needs a place. I'll see if Tony or SHIELD records—hey I won't tell anyone what you've done. I'll just see if either or have any information on someone being able to manipulate reality. I can probably get Nat to hack in without any questions asked," Clint replied as he handed her a cup of coffee and then headed into the living room with his own cup in hand.

Clint sat next to Pietro and carefully peeled up the shirt, some areas sticking, to reveal smooth skin that said it had never been shot even though Clint's memory said something different. "How do you know you didn't simply bring him back to life? If you've never done this before, how do you know you changed reality?"

"I could…feel it," Wanda said carefully. "It is another dimension. One that we are aware of but cannot see. Cannot change. Like time."

"Thought about talking to Thor or Vision about this? Sounds like something right up their alley," responded Clint.

"I only just changed my brother's future. I have not been thinking about much else except Pietro and the consequences of my actions."

Letting out a small sigh, Clint replied, "Right…it was meant more as a joke than anything else. Anyways, let's just clean him up, okay? Has he woken up since you brought him back?"


"Kay. The only place with a tub is upstairs so we'll clean him off and put him in the spare room. You'll have to stay with him. All the other rooms are full at the moment," Clint responded.

"That's fine. Thank you," Wanda said earnestly.

They quickly brought Pietro up the stairs and gave him a quick wash down, just enough to get the blood off him and to slightly clean up his hair. Clint then grabbed some spare cloths and had just finished getting the kid into something cleaner in the spare room with Wanda's help when the door opened.

An elderly woman stood in the doorway, not looking the least bit surprised. "Already leaving again?"

"What? No no Silvia. I'll explain in the morning but these two will be staying with us for a bit," Clint quickly said.

"It's already morning."

"I'll explain later in the morning."

Raising an eyebrow, Silvia glanced at a clock in the room and replied, "It's nearly six and I smell coffee. I'll be downstairs and I expect to see you in five minutes to explain all of this."

Clint rolled his eyes but gave a nod as he turned back to Pietro to make sure he looked comfortable.

"Your mother?" questioned Wanda curiously.


"Ah, what of the rest of your family?"

"You looked into Nat's head, right? Didn't you see anything else?" Clint asked.

"I just got the coordinates. I didn't want to appear intrusive."

"Ah, well thanks I suppose. But yeah it's me, my mother-in-law, and my two kids. Listen, you can come back down if you want or stay with your brother. It doesn't matter to me and I'm sure you're exhausted anyways. We can talk more after you get some rest. Or not. It doesn't really matter," Clint answered honestly.

His rambling caused a small smile from Wanda before she moved her eyes back to Pietro and Clint hurried down the stairs to explain everything to his in-law.