AN: Short but hopefully an enjoyable and fulfilling ending. I may write a sequel or at least a little epilogue later but I wanted to give everyone an ending that would hopefully be worth this story. Thank you for reading, for those who were with me from the beginning and those who joined later on. Thank you!

Pietro didn't directly do what his sister had told him to, instead deciding it was best to wait until Clint wondered off to do something. The man eventually did, going into the kitchen to check on the cooking food for that night, and Pietro followed without making a sound.

It only took several moments before Clint turned back and finally spotted Pietro, jumping ever so slightly.

"Christ! Don't sneak up on me!" spluttered Clint.

"What? I thought you were an assassin," Pietro replied with a grin. However, he dropped it seconds later and asked, "But uh…being a bit more serious here, I was wondering if we could talk…maybe."

"Yeah about that," Clint said slowly, "I've been thinking about it and well I—"

Clint was interrupted as Pietro spoke, looking like he was becoming stiffed and closed off. "No, don't say any more! I already know where this is going. I'll just-leave yes leave I'll just—"

"Alright, please stop assuming things," Clint replied as he moved forward and stopped Pietro from running off. "I mean, I know I'm an idiot and I always have a shit ton to say when it doesn't matter and when it does I don't say anything at all but that doesn't mean I'm ignoring you, or I'm angry, or anything like that."

"So what are you saying?" asked Pietro carefully and uncertainly.

"Well…that I didn't mind it…the kiss that is. It was…nice."

For a moment, both were silent until finally Pietro asked, "Nice enough for a second one?"

The line should have made the air romantic, made the moment sweeter in some way, but both were to much of an asshole to allow that to happen and instead Clint laughed. "You suave motherfucker!" he cried out with a laugh though he quickly closed his mouth as he remembered that his kids and others were still in the house.

Pietro just grinned and replied, "Well I am European."

"You don't say," Clint responded sarcastically with a cheesy grin.

And then both dipped down for a kiss and any anxiety over the situation, all ill thoughts and uncertainties, vanished.

Little did they know they were being watched by Vision and Wanda though. Wanda would have left the two alone but until the moment they kissed, she honestly didn't think Pietro would do it. When she did, she just barely hid her cry of excitement and gave a little jump.

Vision looked at her curiously but also smiled. "This is cause for celebration?"

"Yes, he finally did it the little shit. I didn't think he had the guts to but I am glad he did."

"The thing they are doing and continuing to do. I am confused," Vision remarked. "I thought humans had to have air to survive."

"Idiots need less air than those with brains," Wanda joked.

"Then I suppose you should only peck someone who is very intelligent so that they are able to keep getting their air supply."

"What?" asked Wanda, utterly confused.

She didn't get a straight answer though as Vision leaned down and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

"I believe you express your affections for someone like that, and Ms. Romanoff has informed me that no matter the chance, one should never let the carrying for another remained hidden; that a chance can be a good thing. I hope I have offended you in anyway."

"No," Wanda replied as she gathered her thoughts together. "No, not at all. That was very sweet of you. Perhaps…perhaps I could show you what a real kiss is later on."

"Is that a good thing?" asked Vision curiously.

"I hope so," Wanda said with a grin as she leaned up and gave Vision a quick peck of her own. "Now to give the news to everyone." She walked away and into the sitting room where everyone was gathered and cried out, "Pietro and Clint finally are together!"

Tony actually dropped the mug he was holding as Thor looked on confused and Bruce appeared utterly baffled. Poor Cooper looked utterly shocked at the words as Lila pumped the air with a triumphant fist. Silvia and Laura both gave knowing and approving nods as Natasha was the only one that spoke with a small murmur off, "Finally."

At the same time, Clint yelled out, "Hey! No fair on spying on us Natasha!"

"Whoever said it was me?" she cried back with a sly smile even though they couldn't see.

A couples of seconds of silence spread across the room as Pietro suddenly shouted, "Wanda!"

The look of shock on everyone's faces broke out into laughter as Tony folded over and said through his laughter and tears, "I'm surprised he hasn't ran through here, knocking us all up side the heads in the hopes of erasing our memories!"

Wanda smirked at that. "Because no matter how fast he goes, that blue streak of his is probably bright red now and no way would any of us forget that."

"Hey! I heard that to!"

Pietro flashed through, causing Wanda to unbalance though all she did in response was laugh and grin in happiness. If anyone noticed the bit of red that went with the usual blue streak, they didn't say anything as for once, it truly felt like a family for everyone present.