
The woman with the rifle towered over her, brown hair unwashed and cropped close enough that grasping hands wouldn't take hold. She stared down at Clementine with wide eyes ringed with dark circles from an obvious lack of sleep.

"H... How do you know my name?" It was a question the woman wasn't expecting, Clem found as much when she looked almost hurt. It wasn't until she knelt and smiled at her that Clementine realized who she was.

"W-wait, you're..."

"Clementine, do you know this woman?" Carlos asked, stepping up behind her. Almost as backup. Considering who was in front of her, Clementine was more than a little grateful.


The woman from two years ago smiled, and that only made Clementine take a step back. Not like she could ever forget what had happened with the RV. What happened with Carley, how she saw someone murdered before her own eyes.

Lilly didn't seem like she had forgotten either, her smile turning sour once she realized what the problem was. "L-look, Clementine, I-"

"Why's she so afraid of you, huh?" Interrupted Nick, stepping up as well. His fingers curled around his gun, ready for what was bound to come next. But nothing did- not a fight, at least. Lilly simply resigned, frowning, and the other woman standing beside her took her place.

"Look, I am not sure how you know her, but... Let's put down our guns for now, hmm? We are still rational people, after all."

The balding man beside her joined, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"A fine idea, Sarita. Why don't we step inside and talk this out? It's going to storm soon, and you seem like a nice group of people- we simply got off on the wrong foot." He held out his hand to Carlos, who looked at it as if it was a live snake. "Don't worry, we have people stop through here all the time. We'd be happy to accommodate you."

The group mumbled, looking at each other nervously. Clem stepped aside as she felt someone attempt to squeeze past her- Sarah, who reached forward to touch her dad's arm.

"Dad, can we stop? I'm starving..." She asked, looking up at him. Carlos softened, before looking back at the man.

"... Fine. We accept your offer."

"Thank god," Clem could hear Rebecca say, huffing, "if my feet swelled up any more they'd have to put me in clown shoes."

"Excellent! And don't worry, we have plenty of food- not just for your little girl, but all of you." The man smiled, retracting his hand. "I'm Walter; this is Sarita and Lilly, but I'm sure you know that."

"Pleased to meet you," said Sarita, an arm on Lilly's shoulder. Lilly herself, however, stayed rather silent. Clem stared her down the entire time, not sure if she even believed it was actually her or not.

"Well, let's not dilly dally, shall we?" Walter pushed them along, opening one of the glass doors of the Ski lodge. Slowly the cabin group filed in until it was just Lilly and Clementine left, discomfort and distrust heavy in the air.

"... You know, I was worried about what would happen to you when I left. I almost expected Lee to be standing beside you," Lilly said, rubbing the back of her neck. Clem bristled, frowning.

"If you were so worried, why'd you take the RV?" The girl's tone was sharp, accusatory. Lilly looked away. She was embarrassed, or regretful. Clementine couldn't tell; or maybe she just didn't care.

"I-I'm not proud of what I did. It was stupid, and if I could take it back, I would." Clem narrowed her eyes, and Lilly sighed. "... I don't really have the right to ask you to forgive me, do I?"

It was then that they heard the door open, Sarah's grinning face poking out to break the tension.

"Clem, check this out! They have a Christmas tree, with lights and everything!"

"... Coming, Sarah." The younger girl coincided, stepping through the door. Lilly was left outside, a hand to her head.

A burst of warm air hit Clementine as she stepped inside, Sarah tugging her along with excitement. A thick sugary scent drifted through the air and her mouth watered, and it was then that she realized how hungry she really was.

Walter stood at the top of the steps like he was the gatekeeper of this haven, his hands on his hips and a jovial smile on his face. The group below him didn't look so happy.

"Why don't you all set your things over there and make yourselves at home? I was just getting dinner ready." He gestured to the table, where a pistol had already been placed with care.

"The hell we will," stated Rebecca, matter-of-factly.

Nick added "Yeah, I'm holding onto my rifle, thanks," as he gripped his gun. Rebecca folded her arms as if to challenge Walter to disagree.

"Please," The older man calmly argued, "You're our guests. There's no need to worry." The door behind them creaked open as Lilly stepped inside, her own gun raised to her side.

"Why don't you tell her to put her gun down then?" Nick said, pointing out his chin. Lilly furrowed her brow, confused about what she had just walked in on. Luke looked worried, putting a hand on Nick's shoulder as if to ground him.

"Hey, hey, we're cool. Okay? We're cool," Luke said, in an attempt to keep the peace. Nick brushed the gesture off with a scowl.

"Lilly, if you please," Walter nodded towards the table. After a moment, Lilly understood.

"... Right," Lilly pulled the strap of her gun over her head, setting it on the table. Walter looked at the group with an eyebrow raised, and after a moment they all did the same. Luke even put his machete under the table and Clem followed suit, pulling her backpack off her shoulders and sliding it underneath.

Sarita smiled. "Glad to see that's settled. Now, if you'll all follow me, I'll show you where you can sleep." She started up the stairs and the rest of the group reluctantly followed, while Sarah practically bubbled with excitement. Clem could feel her bouncing in place.

"Can we look at the tree?" She asked, fingers clasped together, in her best pleading tone of voice.

Sarita chuckled. "Of course you can." Carlos didn't seem too keen on the idea, though, holding Sarah by the arm as she made a run for the stairs.

"Sweetie, maybe you shouldn't touch their things..." It was obvious that it was less about her touching their things and more about how little he trusted these strangers.

"You don't have to worry, your daughter is safe here," Sarita assured, and that seemed to be enough to let Sarah go. She bounced up the stairs and looked down at Clementine expectantly, waiting for her to do the same.

"Just- Just stay in sight," sighed Carlos, waving them ahead.

As Clementine stepped up the stairs she saw just what was making the ski lodge so warm.

It was a large wood burning fire, encircled by a chimney made of bricks burnt black around the edges. Bright Christmas lights hung around the lodge, the only other source of light, but that was all it needed. It felt... Familiar. It felt right.

"It's... Amazing," breathed Sarah, echoing Clem's thoughts. Her face was shining almost as bright as the lights were.

"Isn't it? We found it all in storage," replied Sarita, clearly pleased. "I think the tree is missing a few things, though... If you girls like, you can help decorate." That was enough to keep Sarah interested, rushing towards the glittering foliage. Clem lagged behind, keeping an eye on the new people.

Sarita had turned back to the rest of their group, urging them along. "There are a few couches upstairs, as well as down here..." The conversation trailed off as they all went upstairs, and it wasn't much longer until Sarah had pulled Clem away.

The older girl had pulled a box of assorted ornaments out from underneath the tree, setting it down on the table. "Can you believe this, Clem? It's almost like a dream...!" She dug out a small blue bulb, holding it so carefully it was as if it was an egg.

"It does seem like it's too good to be true..." It was just honesty, after all. Even if it was as great as Walter was advertizing it to be, there was no way it was going to last. It never did.

Sarah didn't seem to notice Clementine's pessimism, instead hanging the bauble on the tree. "And who was that scary lady? She acted like she knew you."

Clem stopped, her hand halfway into the box. "She... She does."

Lilly was currently near the half kitchen in a deep discussion with Walter, who looked rather pensive. She seemed less angry than when Clem had last seen her, covered in blood and hair in a mess. Then again, maybe it was because the image was burned into her mind. It made it hard to remember Lilly as anything but.

"But... She scared you, didn't she?" Sarah continued, hesitantly. That was an understatement, but Clementine nodded anyway.

"I knew her before, and she was nice to me, but... She did something bad. Very bad," The younger girl answered, finally taking a shining red ball and hanging it on the tree. It reflected her face and the deep frown on her lips. "And then she ran away, and I didn't see her after that."

"What'd she do...?" Sarah's voice dropped to a whisper as she looked at the woman, brow furrowed.

"She just. Shot another woman," Sarah's eyebrows rose in surprise as Clementine continued, "Her dad died, and she was so angry... And sometimes people do bad things when they're angry."

Sarah mulled this over for a moment, fidgeting with the ornament in her hand. "I don't think I could ever do something like that. Like, even when I'm really mad, I'd never want to hurt anyone."

Of course not. Rabbit-hearted Sarah wouldn't harm a fly. A rare and dangerous trait nowadays, for sure. But maybe it was something to be valued.

"You girls seem busy," Clem's heart jumped in her chest as she felt the other woman from before walk up behind them. Sarah immediately straightened, bumping into the tree and getting a bulb's hook tangled in her hair.

"O-oh, yeah! It's really great, it reminds me of the tree we used to have at christmas." Sarah's disposition had changed completely, the worried expression from her previous conversation already replaced with a look of wonder.

If Sarita was suspicious, she didn't show it. She simply laughed, untangling theornament from Sarah's hair. "My family never celebrated christmas, but... I always did love the decorations." She turned to Clementine, a hand on her hip. "Clementine, was it?" Clem nodded hesitantly, and the woman smiled. "If you'd like, Walter could use a hand with dinner."

Maybe Sarita sensed Clementine wasn't as into decorating as Sarah was, though she still was hesitant to leave the girl alone with someone new. After a moment of watching, though, Clem coincided.

"Anyway we could help?" She heard Luke ask as he made his way back downstairs. Nick was with him, the unease still evident on his face. Clem couldn't blame him.

"You could help me outside," was Lilly's reply, stepping away from the counter, "I need to bring in some supplies before this storm hits. Normally it would be Matthew helping me out, but..."

"Who's this 'Matthew?'" Nick asked, crossing his arms. Luke gave him a look before Walter answered for him.

"Just my companion," The man said, opening a can of beans, "He likes to wander around sometimes, but he should be back soon."

"He should be back now," huffed Lilly, making her way towards the door, "We need all the help we can get."

Walter didn't seem too worried, though. "Just don't be too hard on him this time, Lilly. You know how he dreads your talks." Lilly rolled her eyes and waved him away, not unkindly. He perked up as Clementine approached the counter, setting down his spoon. "Hey, Clementine. Settling in well enough?"

"Yeah, thanks." It technically wasn't a lie, the atmosphere was friendly enough. Mostly, though, Clem would have said anything to get a bite of what the man was cooking.

"Excellent. Want to help me prepare a little dinner?" He seemed nice enough. Clem looked over the side of the pot, but her appetite diminished when she saw what was cooking inside. It seemed like a soupy mixture of beans with flecks of something orange. Clem wasn't exactly sure what, but she also didn't have the nerve to ask.

Sensing her unease, Walter continued. "So, how do you know Lilly? She and Sarita have been a huge help. Matthew and I barely knew what to do around here the first week," he laughed, leaning back over to stir the pot, "Lilly, though? She's a great leader, has a good head on her shoulders."

Clem fidgeted, looking at her hands. "She... was with the first group of people I was with. After it all happened." She wasn't sure how much information she wanted to divulge to a complete stranger. Walter, however, seemed satisfied.

"With Carley and Lee?" he asked, an eyebrow raised, "She only told us a little about what happened." Clementine frowned, even further averting her eyes.

"You don't seem so happy to see an old friend," Walter's voice was a bit more toned down as he continued his work, "You know... Connecting with people is so important. I don't know what I'd do without Matthew." He added some salt to the mixture, seemingly deep in thought.

"... Gosh, you remind me of my students," that took Clementine by surprise, and she looked up. Now that she thought about it, Walter did seem like a teacher. Not like Lee, but the ones she was more familiar with. "I can't imagine what it's like growing up in the middle of all this."

"... Everyone underestimates me," replied Clem, crossing her arms. That made Walter smile.

"I expect you've used that to your advantage."

"Sometimes." Clementine put her hands on her hips, looking away again. She wasn't sure if she was trying to impress him or intimidate him.

"Smart girl," said Walter. It was obvious he interpreted it as the former. He went back to his food, stirring it once more before lifting the spoon to his lips. "Hmm. Almost done," He looked back at Clem, clearly pleased. "Would you do me the honor of tasting the first course, madam?"

Clem furrowed her brow, looking over the pot again. The beans and orange flecks bubbled unappetizingly together, a sweet scent emanating from them. "What is this?" She felt it wouldn't hurt to ask, but now she was afraid of insulting the man.

"Le Walter Surprise," he answered. If he was insulted, he didn't show it. Obviously he had gotten this question before. "An autumnal legume salad with a peach roux."

Clementine rose an eyebrow at that. That was obviously not a salad.

"... It's peaches and beans," Walter finished, savvy to her confusion, "It's all we've got." When Clementine didn't crack a smile, Walter changed the conversation. "Huh. Striking resemblance," he grabbed the empty can of peaches beside him, indicating the girl decked in overalls on the front.

This only made Clementine narrow her eyes, staring at the can. This was the second time she'd seen her, and Clem was already tired of it. She looked nothing like this girl. Frankly, she was insulted.

"Anyway, I'll take it from here," Walter finally said, setting the can down and lifting the pot from the burner. "You can tell everyone supper's ready if you'd like; but I figure everyone will find out soon enough." Then he left Clem alone, humming some tune to himself.

The girl gazed around the lodge, the sweet smell even stronger now. She saw Sarah and Sarita making conversation by the tree, smiles on their faces. They looked happy, and that put Clem at ease. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.