It was Lilly with the knife in her hand, not Walter.

Her brow furrowed with concern as she twisted it around, eyeing the initials engraved on the blade. Clementine swallowed, hard, pushing the door to the lodge open. Lilly didn't seem to notice until Clementine got her attention.

"...Lilly?" The woman jumped, almost dropping the knife. She looked at Clem, eyes wide, before relaxing somewhat.

"O-oh, it's you." Lilly stood straight, trying to act as if nothing was bothering her. Clementine knew she wanted to ask her about the knife. She wasn't very good at hiding her emotions. She took a glance at the forest, pursing her lips.

"Lilly, where's Walter?" Clementine asked hesitantly, breaking her from her thoughts. At least if he was busy they would have a chance to think about this, what they were going to say. Surely Lilly understood.

"He's, er- shutting off the wind turbines," Lilly 's eyes shot from the girl to the windmills then back to her, opening her mouth to say something before closing it again. After a moment, she lifted the knife. "... Clementine, where did you get this?"

Here it comes. Clementine swallowed, pointing towards the bridge. "It was in the little house. D-down by the bridge." Lilly already knew what had happened. Clem could tell by the look on her face. "Matthew, he's..."

Lilly closed her eyes, gritting her teeth. "How did it happen?" She managed to ask, putting a hand on the railing. She looked upset. Clementine couldn't tell why. "Clem, it wasn't you...?"

Clementine shook her head quickly, wringing her hands. "N-no! Luke and I, we were crossing the bridge, and Matthew was there, and... Nick thought he was going to shoot us, so, he-"

"Where's Nick?" Lilly cut off, not needing Clementine to finish her sentence. She pushed off the railing, her back straight, eyes open. They looked darker than ever.

"You aren't..." Clementine swallowed again, backing up slightly, "You aren't going to hurt him, are you? I-it was an accident, I swear!" That made Lilly hesitate, her grip on the knife easing up slightly.

"N-no, God, of course not, I just..." She looked at her hands, taking a deep breath. "We need to talk about this. We're going to tell Walter."

"Yeah. Nick wanted to..." Clementine heard the door open and she tensed, turning around. It was just Nick, not looking up at them. When he finally brought his head up he looked surprised to see Lilly and Clementine standing there.

He leaned close to Clem, eyebrows furrowed. "What's, uh, going on?"

"She knows," Clementine replied simply. That was enough.

Nick bit his lip, looking up at the woman. But she didn't seem angry, or upset. She just seemed tired.

Lilly sighed, gesturing Nick over to the balcony. Nick followed nervously, and Clem moved too. Lilly stared over the edge for a while, like she was thinking something over. "Tell me what happened," She requested, placing the knife on the railing.

"I-I thought he was gonna shoot my friends," Nick muttered, looking away, "From a distance i thought he had the rifle pointed at them, and I... I shot him. I didn't mean to, but I did, and... At this point, I don't care what Walter does to me. I gotta tell him."

Lilly nodded, taking the knife in her hand and standing straight. "Well, better late than never, huh?" She motioned for Nick and Clementine to follow before she set out to find Walter. Eventually they did, Clementine's knee's shaking as if she would collapse at any moment.

It didn't take long for them to find Walter, hanging the key to the wind turbine back up inside the panel. Shutting it, he seemed surprised to see the three standing there.

"Oh. Hello, you three. Was there something wrong?" He rose an eyebrow, gauging their faces. "I... suppose I shouldn't be expecting good news."

Lilly, after a moment, stepped forward. She held out the knife and Walter took it, brows furrowed.

After a moment, he understood. "Matthew's knife...? Then he's..." His grip on the knife tightened as he took a step back. His hands were shaking. Lilly closed her eyes. "How?" Walter finally spoke up again, his voice cracking, "How did this happen?"

Nick looked away, as if he suddenly changed his mind, but eventually stepped forward as well.

"It's my fault," He said, bringing his eyes up to look the man in the face, "We were on the bridge, and... He had a rifle pointed at us. I thought he was gonna shoot my friends, s-so I... shot him. I-it happened really fast, and from a distance he looked like anyone! I didn't think I hit him, but I did, and I..." His voice wavered and he brought his eyes back down.

"I didn't want to believe it," muttered Walter, staring down at the knife, twisting it in his hands, "I heard you talking earlier. About shooting a man. I didn't want to think it was true." He stumbled back, leaning against the wind turbine with a hand to his head. "... Jesus. I don't... I don't feel good."

"I'm so, so sorry, Walter," Nick offered, grasping at his sleeve. He looked like there wasn't much more he could say.

"Do you know what you've done to me?" Walter choked out, stepping forward. Lilly stepped up next to him, quickly putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Walter-" She tried to calm him but he pushed her away, staring Nick in the eye.

"Do you have any idea?" The grip on the knife was so tight Walter's knuckles were white, but he didn't make a move to raise the weapon. He only gritted his teeth, tears beading at his eyes.

Lilly stepped between them, finally, arms forward. "Walter, please. Breathe."

The man stopped, giving her a look, before stepping back. Clementine swallowed, taking a moment to realize she'd been holding her breath.

Walter pressed his forehead against the turbine, before banging it with his fist. It make a dull 'thunk', not making much noise, but it still made Clementine jump.

"He was always going out alone," the man muttered, eyes closed, "I told him something like this would happen. But he wouldn't listen. No, Matt always knew best." The man sighed, his grip on Matthew's knife loosening until it almost fell from his hands. "I just..." His voice faded, a tear slipping down his cheek. Nick backed away, rubbing the back of his neck.

Lilly shook her head. "Just... Give him time." It was loud enough for the two of them to hear, but low enough as not to disturb Walter from his grief.

Unfortunately, their quiet was soon disturbed. A low moan echoed through the forest around the turbines, bringing the small group to attention.

"Fuck," Lilly sighed, watching movement from the trees, "The wind turbines must have been drawing them in again." She looked down at Clementine, pointing in the direction of the ski lodge. "There aren't too many. Walter, Nick and I can handle it. You get back inside, okay?"

Walter didn't look like he was in any shape to shoot Walkers, but the girl eventually coincided, making a beeline for the lodge. Once she pushed open the door she nearly ran head first into Luke, making him stumble.

"Woah, the hell?" He sputtered, righting himself. "What's goin' on?"

Clementine glanced out the window. "There were some walkers outside. Nick and Lilly and Walter are taking care of them." Luke furrowed his brow, grabbing his machete off the table.

"Well, hell. Better go help 'em out, then. Carlos, you comin'?" He looked over at the man who sat next to the fireplace. Carlos stood, nodding.

"Right. Let me get my gun."

Clementine eased out of the way, moving back to the couches. As much as she would have liked to help, her arm was still sore from the dog bite a week ago. She wanted to avoid pulling the stitches if she could.

Before they left, Luke hung back. "What happened with Walt? I saw Nick leaving earlier. Even though I told him not to. Is he, you know..."

Clementine looked away, shrugging her shoulders. "I'm not.. sure. I think Walter forgives him..."

"Well, we'd better damn hope he does." And with that, Luke left, leaving an empty feeling in the girl's stomach.

In the chair next to her Sarita stirred from her sleep, sitting up and running a hand through her hair. "Oh... Clementine. Are Lilly and Walter still not back yet?" Clem shook her head, sitting down at the couch next to her.

"They're taking care of some walkers outside... Lilly said the wind turbines lured them in."

"Yes, they always do seem to hear them... It is the worst during storms. We make sure to turn them off in case of bad whether. It at least keeps them from coming in such large packs." Sarita sat up, rolling her shoulders, before pausing. Her brows knit together in confusion. "... Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Inquired Clementine, perking her ears to listen in. She heard the faint sound of gun fire. That wasn't too strange, but Sarita seemed worried. "It's just gun shots..."

"Those are machine guns," Sarita whispered, standing up to peak out the window. "... None of us have a machine gun, so how...?"

The ski lodge door burst open and Clementine jumped, shooting up out of her chair. It was only Nick, gripping his own gun so tight his knuckles were white. "It's Carver. It's Carver, fuck-"

"Who's Carver?" Sarita interrupted, confused, but Nick only shook his head.

"I- We'll explain later, just-" He looked over at Clem, motioning upstairs. "Clem, go wake everyone up. We gotta go."

The command was made in vain. Rebecca was already making her way down the stairs, Alvin and Sarah in tow. "What the hell's going on?" The woman asked, leaning over the railing slightly. There was a commotion outside, yelling, and she rushed to the window. Sarah wasn't far behind, biting her lip as she pressed her face against the glass.

"Carver...?" Rebecca whispered in disbelief. The man stood in front of Carlos, arms crossed, a smug grin on his face. The same man from the cabin. Clementine couldn't see Luke or Lilly, but Walter was close by. A group of three others pressed in close to them, guns drawn and threatening to shoot. Among them was a woman with red hair that seemed familiar.


Of course.

Clementine's eyes were drawn back to Carlos as she heard Carver speak. She couldn't hear them from inside, but he obviously said something he didn't like. Carlos spat in Carver's face in defiance, and her breath hitched. He was nothing if not brave.

Carver, however, didn't seem to think the same. He wiped his face and brought his fist hard against the man's cheek, sending him reeling. Clementine heard Sarah gasp, pushing away from the window as she stumbled towards the door.


"Sarah!" Nick and Rebecca called in unison, Nick moving after her. She'd already gotten out the door, pressing herself into her father's arms. Guns trained on Nick and he threw his hands up, gritting his teeth. Carver glared at them before turning his eyes to the Ski lodge.

He pointed towards it, urging his group forward. "Inside," he growled, eyes narrowed. The group pressed their hostages onward, through the doors. Clem could feel Rebecca and Alvin move away, and as she followed suit she saw Sarita, frozen in place.

"S-Sarita, we have to hide!" Clementine whispered urgently, and the woman nodded, as if distracted.

The doors clanked open a second time and Clem dived behind a couch instinctively. A man forced Carlos and Sarah to the kitchen, forcing them to sit down, as Walter and Nick did the same. Clementine heard a sharp whistle and saw shadows around her hiding spot as someone walked past.

"Look at this place," she heard a familiar southern drawl echo, and she felt a lump in her throat. The girl shifted, looking around at her surroundings. She spotted Alvin tucked away near the stairs and he nodded at her. For understanding's sake, she nodded back. His eyes were focused on something, and she didn't risk moving over to see what.

After a moment Alvin made a sweeping gesture at her with his hand, signaling her to stay low. Clem turned, looking over the top of the couch. She spotted the man from earlier looking around the place, eyes wide.

"You believe this fuckin' place, Bonnie? Power and everything," he said, striding around. She couldn't see Bonnie, but she heard a frustrated grunt from Nick and assumed she was busy tying their hostages up. "Lotta windows though. Bill's gonna hate it," He shifted and The observer ducked back behind the couch, heart thudding in her chest. "It's fuckin' huge... God, the rest of 'em could be anywhere."

Clementine looked back to Alvin, and, after a moment, he waved her over. She quickly made her way to him, making sure to stay low. They made their way up the stairs without many complications, though Clementine felt like her chest was going to burst from the anxiety. She was so tired of having to hide.

"Man, how the fuck are we gonna cover these guys and look for them, too?" She heard the man continue in exasperation, pacing around the room. The floorboards creaked underfoot and Clementine was thankful that the sound masked her own footsteps.

Bonnie rolled her eyes, pointing towards the windows. "Johnny, just cover that window." Clementine peered over the railing as much as she could, watching the woman give orders. there were only a few other men down there, and no one had yet thought to come upstairs. She just needed to find an opening.

The girl hurriedly made her way across the floor to where Alvin was now, the man still moving, guiding her to a new place.

"Hey-! Stop right there!" And then Clementine's heart froze and she stopped dead in her tracks. It was a voice from downstairs- There was no way they had seen her, so who...?

Sarita made a sort of choked cry and Clementine knew who had been caught. She felt regret, but as long as they didn't hurt her, she still had a chance. At least it kept them busy for a minute.

"Stay right there," The man ordered, and Sarita replied with something inaudible. Clementine got back to her feet and continued on. She caught sight of Alvin with Rebecca, who had her back pressed to the wood and a hand to her head. She seemed sick, and Clementine couldn't blame her.

She pulled her eyes away and peered over the edge of the railing to assess the situation. Sarita was being tied up by a man with short hair and a camo jacket, 'Johnny' was still watching the windows, and Carver had finally arrived inside. He paced around the room slowly, triumphantly, a pistol clenched in his hand. He turned, and Clementine ducked down again.

A moment later Clem heard Sarah gasp and the sound of someone being yanked up reached her ears. Her heart raced faster at the sound. Before Clem would have thought they were above hurting a young girl like her, but now, Clem couldn't be so sure.

The sound of flesh connecting with flesh and the grunt of a grown man reached her ears and her initial fears were put to rest. "Dad-!" The teen screamed, confirming the target of Carver's abuse. Clementine's gut wrenched as Carlos coughed in pain.

"Listen," Carver's voice echoed through the Ski Lodge, irritation clear in his tone, "I'm only gonna ask you once. Where's Rebecca?"

Carlos seemed to ignore him, addressing the sobbing girl in front of him instead. "Sarah, look at me- It's gonna be okay." Even while he was being tortured, his only concern was for his daughter. It made Clementine feel even worse. She had to help them, somehow.

Carver growled, and the sound of cracking bones filled Clementine's ears as the man screamed. Sarah's cries of fear followed soon after, and Carver's demands could barely be heard over the two. "Rebecca? Rebecca! Our baby deserves to be raised in a place of safety!" Clementine watched Alvin grit his teeth, fist clenched. "I know you're out there. And Alvin. And Luke. And the girl."

Carver was talking about her. Clementine bit her lip, huddling into herself. If she was going to be honest, she was afraid. This was much scarier than any dog bite. Scarier than anything she'd had to deal with when she was with Christa. If anything it reminded her of the man with the walkie-talkie. Though they were nothing alike, really, she couldn't help but think so.

"This is real simple," Carver continued, and Clementine knew he had his eyes focused upstairs, "You want this over quick, you all play nice and show your faces." Neither Alvin nor Rebecca stood up, the woman hunched over herself like she was ready to puke.

Sarah's sobs only grew louder. "Don't hurt my dad," she pleaded, "P-please..." Rebecca turned even more pale at the noise and she looked up at Alvin, who put a hand to his head.

"He'll kill him," The man whispered, shaking his head. Rebecca put a hand on his arm.

"No. Alvin..."

"We gotta go down there," he pushed, looking her in the eyes. She only looked away.

"I can't do that," she muttered in response.

"Bec, the baby... You need a doctor," Alvin insisted. Clementine was offended that was what Carlos was reduced to. Not Sarah's dad. Not a person. Just a doctor that they needed. Of course. Who would they have if he was dead?

"No," Rebecca only persisted, shaking her head. She glanced out the window next to them, brow furrowed. "Where's Luke and Lilly?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know?" replied Alvin in frustration, following her eyes.

"They're still outside. They can help us," explained Rebecca, sitting up. That made sense to Clementine. If only they could get outside...

"We have to help Carlos," said Clementine, matter-of-factly. That was the most important thing, at least. She couldn't bear to hear Sarah's wails anymore.

"Well, the only way to help him is to do what the man says," Alvin retorted, giving her a pointed look. She supposed he was right.

"But what about Luke and Lilly?" Replied Rebecca, glancing away again.

"Look at those guns," explained Alvin, "We start shootin' and people are gonna die, on both sides."

Another sickening crack interrupted the argument, Carlos's howls of pain once again echoing through the cabin. "Dad!" Sarah cried again, only making Clementine panic worse.

Rebecca looked down at her, biting her lip. "Clem can sneak out. She can find Luke."

"What the hell's she gonna do? And you heard him. Carver knows she's with us," Alvin stubbornly insisted.

"Just stop! Don't hurt my dad anymore, please," It seemed as if Sarah was the only one showing any real concern over the man, and that made Clementine's mind up for her.

"We're goin' down there," Alvin stated finally, making a move to stand up.

"He'll kill you-" Rebecca began to argue, only to be interrupted by Carlos.

"Fuck you! Just shoot him!" The man pleaded, voice hoarse, "Somebody, just shoot hi-" another noise and the man's voice was cut short. Clementine was almost afraid Carver had gone through with it then. Carlos's hoarse breathing and Sarah's stifled cries said otherwise, though.

Rebecca looked back at Clementine, eyes filled with worry. "Clem, go get help." That was all the girl needed.

"He'll kill him, Bec-" Alvin began, but Rebecca cut him off again.

"He'll do it anyway!"

Clementine swallowed, sitting up, preparing herself. "I'll find Luke and Lilly. Stay here." She began crawling towards the windows, Alvin huffing in frustration.

"Goddamnit..." He followed her, at least, and that's all Clem needed.

"You never did listen," Carver growled in the background, Carlos making a strangled noise in response. Alvin looked pained, and Clem could feel guilt in her stomach.

"Hurry," directed Alvin, pushing the window open for her. Clem made her way through it, the man looking away to focus on Carver's threats. Clementine couldn't pay attention to that now. She could only hope she'd make it in time.

The drop from the window to the ground was short but sharp, a stinging in her legs as she hit the bottom. She could still walk, nothing enough to hinder her progress. She stood up shakily and began to search.

Clementine took a brief glance through one of the windows just in time to see Carver land another blow on Carlos' face. The girl winced, looking away. She had to keep moving.

The edge of the ski lodge looked clear. There wasn't anything that immediately stood out to her, at least, and Clementine both felt lucky and unlucky at the same time. It meant there was no Lilly or Luke here, either.

It wasn't until she looked over the area a second time that she saw something moving near the front of the lodge. It was clearly a person, a living person, and she soon recognized it as Lilly. Her chest flooded with relief as the woman seemed to see her too. Lilly waved her over and she nodded, beginning to move.

Clementine stopped in her tracks as she saw the man from before staring through the windows. A few tense seconds later he muttered something inaudible before turning, and that gave her the go ahead to continue.

She had almost made it to the front before she heard Carlos screaming in pain again, making her seize up. Lilly looked at her with eyes wide, then back through the windows. Carlos wasn't dying yet, at least. That made Clementine continue. Carver would just bluff for as long as he could.

Once Clem made it to Lilly's side the woman stood up, a rifle at her hip. "There you are. Christ. Are you okay?" Clementine shook her head, looking through the windows with her.

'Where's Luke?' Was the most prevalent question in her mind, but when she asked it, Lilly only looked away.

"No clue. He said something I don't remember and stuck off. Not very reliable, is he?" She shook her head, lifting her gun slightly. "Who are these people? Do you know?"

Clementine looked down, feeling a bit guilty. Maybe if she'd said something before this wouldn't be happening. "They were chasing the group I'm with now. I don't know why... I think it was because they used to be a part of their group, but they left."

Lilly grunted. Clementine looked back to the window to see Alvin and Rebecca finally coming down the stairs, much to Carver's delight. He threw Carlos to the ground, watching Rebecca come closer to him. He touched her cheek but she pulled away, yelling something that Clem couldn't hear.

"That's everyone, isn't it?" Lilly sighed, lowering her gun. "There's a clear shot on the one on the widow, but... I've seen situations like this before. Taking potshots at these assholes is going to get someone killed."

"Then what are we going to do?" Asked Clem, afraid. The man in the camouflage tied up Rebecca and Alvin as Carver started to pace in front of them. Lilly furrowed her brow for a moment before standing.

"I'll try to sneak in. Through one of the windows. You just wait out here, okay?"

Clem scrunched up her nose, looking up at the woman. "What am I going to do? I want to help."

"Clem..." Lilly sighed,

"I can distract them," the girl insisted, "I can distract them while you get in. Just trust me, okay?" She held up a rock, a determined look on her face. "I'll lead them over here while you climb in over there."

"That's..." Lilly quirked a brow, seeming impressed. "Actually a pretty good plan." Clementine glowed with approval as Lilly began to stand, staying out of sight from the people in the ski lodge. "Just... stay low. Don't get hurt, alright?" The girl nodded, crouching behind the railing as Lilly slinked away, gun in hand.

Clementine listened for anything in the building, and, sure enough, she could hear Carver yelling something just loud enough for her to make out.

"Alright, now that I've got what I wanted, here's what's gonna happen," Clementine peeked up to see him pacing back and forth in front of the incarcerated group, hands folded behind his back. "I'm gonna stand you all up and we're gonna go for a walk. I'll advise you all not to do something you'll regret. ... And that counts for any of your friends you still got hanging around, too."

The younger girl bit her lip, gripping her stone in her hand. When she had the chance, she lobbed it at the nearest window, breaking it in the process. A little louder than she would have liked, but it did the trick, a commotion coming from inside shortly after.

"Ah-! What the fuck?"Clem recognized the voice of Johnny at the window, hissing in pain. She couldn't tell if he'd been hit by the rock or just the glass, but he was back at his post in an instant. Clementine ducked down out of sight again, listening.

"What was that?" That was Bonnie, close to the window now.

"Some motherfucker's throwing rocks!" The man shot back. Clementine could hear the sifting of glass as they walked around, not moving from their spot.

"I knew that girl was still with 'em," she heard Carver spit, onto her in an instant, "Probably with Luke. Well? What are you waiting for? Go find 'em!" Clementine's heart rate sped up as she heard the two make for the ski lodge door. She scrambled up from her spot, gravel crunching loudly underfoot as she made her way around the building.

Scanning the area around her, it became apparent to Clem that there weren't many places for her to hide. She could hear her pursuer's not far behind, and out of desperation she ducked behind a nearby gazebo.

"Dammit... Who knows where she is now," Bonnie huffed somewhere close by. Clementine held her breath, beginning to slide herself underneath the spiderweb-ridden space between the wood and the ground. It would have to do. "Johnny, you go that way. I'll look around here. She couldn't have gotten far."

Johnny sighed, and Clem could see his boots from her hiding spot as he made his way to the other side of the ski lodge. Bonnie, however, didn't move far. She paced back and forth for a minute, seemingly surveying the area, before she began to actually move around. Clementine stayed in her spot for a good few minutes, not daring to make a sound.

She continued to watch as Bonnie stopped for a moment before slowly beginning to make her way towards the gazebo. The girl held her breath, the crunching sounds growing closer and closer until she couldn't see the woman's feet any more. She could only hear them, the sound of steps growing louder until they were right behind her. Clementine prepared herself for the inevitable discovery of her hiding spot, closing her eyes tight.

But then there was a commotion inside the ski lodge, and her discovery never came. Bonnie muttered an "Oh, shit," under her breath before bolting towards the building, and Clementine was left alone. The girl's eyes widened in surprise as she made out the sounds of yelling from inside, and as fast as she could she began to ease herself out from underneath the wooden structure.

The sound of Carver's alarmed yelling reached Clementine's ears as she made her way to the lodge, and once she peeked through the window she could see why.

Lilly had gotten inside, alright, and it seemed she'd made Carver her first target.

Lilly grabbed Carver's coat, digging her knife into his shoulder. Carver's people had their guns trained on her but didn't risk a shot. She was too close. Her hand was on his throat, trying to choke him out, but he was too strong. He let out a gutteral scream, throwing her off of his back and to the floor before he pulled his gun from its holster. He glared her down, venom in his stare.

They were both breathing hard, eyes locked onto each other. The group of hostages looked on, eyes wide with fear. The only one who made any noise was Sarita, understandably distressed.

"S-stop! Don't shoot her, please-"

"Shut up! Shut the fuck up!" Carver spat back, his gun trained on the woman on the floor. "What..." He reached over, yanking the knife from his shoulder, "Did I fucking say?" He moved his gaze to the cowering group, blood dripping down his arm. "Do you people want to die here tonight? You wanna keep playing these games, that's what's gonna fucking happen." He pointed his gun back to Lilly, finger straining against the trigger. "Get the fuck up. Now. Hands on your head."

Lilly glared up at him but followed suit, and the other man in the camo coat grabbed her arms, pulling her towards him. She grunted as she was tied up, blood still clearly coating her hands. When she was clarly secured, Carver pushed her ahead. He jabbed his gun into her back, making her wince.

"I know there's more of you out there," He growled, looking directly at the windows. Clementine ducked away, heart racing. She knew what Carver was going to do next. "Luke, the girl... Whatever other friends you have lurking around. I'd suggest you show your faces right fucking now, or this stab-happy bitch is gonna get what's coming to her."

"Clementine-! Please, he'll kill her!" Clementine could hear Sarita pleading, on the verge of tears. The girl swallowed, closing her eyes. If she gave herself up there would only be Luke to help them. But if she didn't...

"Clem, I'll be fine! Just go-!" Lilly managed to get out before there was a thump, the sound of Carver kicking her to the ground.

"It'll make it easier on everyone if you come out now, girl. I'd do it now, before I get impatient." Carver finished for her, his words echoing through the lodge.

Clementine exhaled, finally making up her mind. It wasn't worth risking Lilly's life. She stepped out from her spot, hands in the air, looking at the man with the gun. "I-I'm here! Please, don't hurt anyone. I-I'm giving up." She made her way to the door where Bonnie and Johnny stepped beside her, ushering her towards Carver. Lilly looked at her regretfully, and the younger girl could only manage to look away.

"And where's your wannabe leader Luke?" Carver scoffed, looking back to the windows as if the man would jump out at any second. "Finally cut and run, eh?"

"He's gone," replied Lilly, picking herself off the floor, "No clue where he went." Carver narrowed his eyes, as if he wasn't convinced.

"She's telling the truth!" Clementine backed up, and from the look on the cabin group's face, this wasn't news they wanted to hear. Carver grunted, finally lowering his gun. He motioned to have Clementine's arms tied as well, and Bonnie took her hands a little more gently than Clementine expected she would.

"Why am I not surprised?" Carver paced around them, his hands on his hips. He turned sharply, pointing straight at Carlos's face. "I warned you. I warned you not to follow him. And look where he's led you." He walked away, before turning back to the group, a smug look on his face. "... But you're safe now. We're going home. As a family." He made his way back towards Rebecca, who glared up at him in response. Alvin leaned towards her as best as he could for comfort, but it was obvious no one was happy about this.

Sarah sniffed, doing her best to keep from breaking down again. Lilly stared down at the ground, the effects of her failure taking its toll. Walter kept his eyes closed, silent as the others. Clementine wondered if he regretted taking them in.

And Carver looked over them all, obviously pleased with his results. He looked at Bonnie and Johnny and the man in the camo coat, gesturing towards his catch. "All right, round em up. We're heading back to camp."

Clementine watched as they moved towards them, pulling them all up one after the other until it was finally her turn. Her stomach lurched, as if it was filled with stones. She felt sick, and her mind only focused on one thing: What Carver had in store.

SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG GUYS WOW. I'd been at work so much I'd been too tired to write, but hopefully this will tide you over till next chapter. HOPEFULLY i will get it done in less time.