Kol had gone off to plot with Davina, meanwhile back at the house a dozen different things were happening. Nik was planning for Hayley and Jackson's wedding; to be hosted at the house. He had compelled a team of decorators who were going over the top. Elijah and Cami had returned with Hope. Nik had to "see to" the werewolf opposition. And Rebekah had ditched the ceremony to see if she could find a way to help Kol.

I went to find Nik after the ceremony because I had expected Kol to return by then, but he hadn't. Davina had showed up without him and I was concerned. I found Nik upstairs on the balcony with Elijah while the rest of the wedding party paraded the street.

"Have either of you seen or heard from Kol?" I asked.

"No, were we supposed to?" Elijah responded.

I shrugged. "All I know is he went to meet Davina and Davina showed up to the wedding without him. No call, no text about a change of plans," I answered.

Nik growled. "No one in this family let's anyone be. Elijah here is trying to be my chaperone all night."

"Chaperone, steward, babysitter," Elijah grinned. "Whatever term tickles your fancy most, brother. You are welcome to indulge whomever and whatever you please, I would only ask that you refrain from any homicidal behavior."

"Now, Elijah," I laughed. "You're forbidding one of the only two fun activities in the world."

Nik chuckled, too. "Only one day back and you've already more than fulfilled your quota for irritating, brotherly conduct," he told Elijah.

"I made myself quite clear, Niklaus," Elijah spoke again, but Nik was pretending to ignore him, walking back into the house. "So long as Jackson brings even an inkling of joy into Hayley's life, you are not to harm him."

Nik rounded on his brother. "It's amusing listening to you defend the man who married the woman you love, but then you've always coveted that which is not yours to have."

"Just listen," Elijah was becoming quite exasperated. "You're so fueled by your delusions of protection. Just think, Niklaus, if you kill Jackson the wolves will descend into chaos. You're action out of fear, terrified that Jackson might be a better father to Hope."

"Do not bring the child into this!" Nik shouted.

"Your child arrived her today, your security strengthened by the wolves that would defend her and you would jeopardize that alliance," Elijah chastised. "Niklaus, even you yourself mentioned had you been raised by Ansel, you might have been a better man. Now, perhaps a better man has entered Hope's life and seeing that you are shaken to your core."

I was torn between stepping between them and letting the brothers fight it out of their system. Either way I kept anxiously checking my phone and the time. Where was Kol? What if he had already died?

"You have the audacity to analyze me!" Nik growled. "That's ambitious considering your psychological deficiencies. How was your time with my therapist? Was it helpful? Cause it was a great risk leaving you alone with her. These days, who knows what you might do?"

"I have stood by you and defended you for as long as I can recall, but in the name of your daughter and her mother, I will not watch you commit this evil!" Elijah retorted.

"Kol is still missing you complete dunderheads! Jackson isn't going anywhere. Don't you think this can wait?" I shouted at them and took off to find the youngest brother on my own. I found him in the cemetery with Davina and Rebekah.

When I arrived, he asked Davina for some space and family time. Rebekah volunteered to get the rest of the family. Davina, crying, kissed Kol and whispered a promise to bring him back. After she had left I wrapped my arms around him.

"Of course, it's raining," I muttered into his chest, simultaneously inhaling his scent.

He chuckled which quickly turned into coughing.

"Always and forever is not something you can weasel out of, little brother," came Nik's voice.

We brought him into the Claire tomb where he reclined on the ground with his head on my lap. All of the Mikaelsons gathered around, the men stood further away and Rebekah knelt by us.

"All my life, all I ever wanted was for you lot to care about me," he coughed weakly; blood was beginning to seep into his mouth, tainting his teeth.

I pet his hair, trying to comfort not only him, but myself as well. It was all happening too quickly. I was supposed to have another lifetime with him.

"You're going to die a witch," Rebekah spoke gently to him. "We'll consecrate your body and you'll join the ancestors of New Orleans and those spirits can be brought back and I promise you, brother, I will not leave this body until I find a way to bring you home." She kissed his forehead and then when to stand near her other brothers, all of which had their backs turned.

"I need you," I told Kol and kissed his bloodied lips.

"You won't forget about me, will you?" he attempted his smirk.

"Don't ask questions you know the answers to," I scolded.

"Listen here, now," he choked out. "Last time I told you to find love and you didn't listen. You ran away from your family."

"I can barely love you," I told him.

"There's this paranoid narcissist who kills everyone who betrays him," he spoke, interspersed with coughs, his voice only a whisper. "And yet he has never hurt you no matter how much you manage to piss him off."

"Oh, Kol," I kissed him again.

"I'll see you again, mate," he grinned before his heart stopped.

Finn was dead; nothing could protect him, even if I had to summon my own sire.