
Hello~! I'm here with another story. It's Fem! Aomine as stated in the summary. This was originally Fem!Kuroko but every time the idea passes through my head, instead of Fem!Kuro I see Fem!Aomine so well, that's that.


Disclaimer: Kuroko no Basuke does not belong to me.


A land of prosperity and peace— that was what Teiko was known for. It was consisted of many, many kingdoms far and beyond. Kingdoms rise and fall much like any other but throughout history— only five stood at the top, reigning over the most parts of the land.

The Kingdom of Rakuzan, hailed as the strongest kingdom who reigned the north and stood undefeated. The Emperor of Creation—the very first kingdom founded in the land of Teiko.

The Kingdom of Shuutoku, hailed for their perfect accuracy with projectile weapons and stands atop warfare second to Rakuzan. The Legendary King of the West—second to found a kingdom in the land of Teiko.

The Kingdom of Yosen, hailed for their impregnable defense and stands third in the list. The Shield of Aegis of in the middle of Teiko—third to found a kingdom in the land.

The Kingdom of Touo, hailed for their unstoppable prowess that can singlehandedly destroy a kingdom no matter how small or big. The Crowned Tyrant of the East—fourth to found a kingdom in the land of Teiko.

And lastly, the Kingdom of Kaijo, hailed for their prowess next to Touo. The Blue Elites of the South—fifth to found a kingdom in the land of Teiko.

The leaders of these kingdoms had been known under one title: Generation of Miracles. Together, they are individuals who appeared once in every century and none could match their skill.

However, there has been a rumored sixth kingdom who matched evenly with these kingdoms:

The Kingdom of Seirin.

But this kingdom remains to be a rumor only existing in fiction. For in history, the name Seirin never appeared. There are no records of this kingdom ever existing or ever been founded.

Seirin does not exist.

The sky had been particularly clear that day. Soft winds ruffled the flowers, making some dandelions rise up, floating to the sky. Two people sat under the shade of one tree in the middle of a flower field. A pale blue haired woman and a seven year old child who had the same hair color. Blue eyes peered at the older woman, lips pouting childishly. "That's it? But that's so boring, Hahaue!(1)" the girl complained, as the woman closed the book.

The woman chuckled, flicking the little girl's forehead. The girl yelped, hands flying to nurse her forehead. "But of course, it would be boring if I ended the story that way. Be patient, Aomine Daiana."

The little girl pouted even more, but settled herself on her mother's lap. Her dark skin deeply contrasted with her mother's white dress, she noticed but never the less, got pulled back into her mother's story as the woman started playing with her dark blue hair. "Seirin is only a rumor to others but I believe it existed."

"Why?" she asked innocently.

"Because…" she said slowly, smiling, "our kingdom has been founded on the love story of their great warrior and your great-great many times great grandmother—Queen Daiana, the one who founded the kingdom. And the one you are named after. You know of the Warrior of Light, correct?"

The little girl crinkled her nose in distaste. "That old statue in the forbidden room back at the castle?"

The woman raised a brow, pinching the girl's nose. "You! How did you know of that you naughty girl? No one was ever allowed in that room."

"I'm sorry! I just got curious and took a peek but I swear I never touched it!" the girl defended, flailing against her mother's restraints. With a huff, the woman let her go, a smile touching her lips as she resumed playing with her daughter's hair.

"Well, you take after me after all…" she muttered to herself.


"Nothing. Listen well to my story, Daiana. For what I will tell you is our family history." She said sternly. Not knowing what else to say, the little girl nodded. The woman took a deep breath, staring at the blue sky. "Your grandmother was hailed to be one of the Generation of Miracles in her time, despite being the only woman in the group."

The girl 'ooh'-ed at this, eyes sparkling in awe. "Grandmother was a kick-ass lady, wasn't she?"

The woman laughed, "Yeah. She is. Did you know? The Kingdom of Touo was just another nameless tribe before Queen Daiana established it as a one. Daiana grew up not as a woman should, but a son for her father who wanted a son instead of a daughter. Times were dire at that time, my little girl. She was forced to grow up with only knowing how to fight and thus, her title. But there was one individual who came to match her prowess, if not even being even stronger. And that is the Warrior of Light."

"Where did the Warrior of Light come from? And does he have a name? Warrior of Light is so long…" the girl interrupted.

"Hush now, Diana. I will answer your questions in due time, but you have to listen first."

The little girl groaned but never the less kept quiet as the woman continued her story. "The Generation of Miracles, despite being put under one name, were rivals. They frequently met on the battlefield. The Warrior of Light wasn't an exception even though he wasn't part of the group. Your grandmother crossed swords with him often on the battlefield. She always won of course but in due time, the Warrior of Light finally beat her."

"Wait!" the girl intercepted again, earning a disapproving look from the older woman. The girl smiled sheepishly. "Uh, I'm sorry but I was just curious! I mean, this was war right? Grandmother won against him a couple of times but she didn't kill him. Why is that?"

"That is because they are evenly matched but your grandmother always won against him. Sometimes she scraped out barely winning; at other times, she was almost on the losing end." Her mother answered, "But she enjoyed the thrill of having a rival who could stand up to her. And what she also didn't realize at that time was that: she had fallen in love. And what drove her to realize this was when there was this one time her enemies banded together and started attacking her and her men. A little bit clichéd move, if you ask me." She crinkled her nose in distaste. "Your grandmother stood her ground and fended most of them. But in the end, she couldn't fight them all as her men diminished to only a quarter of their original title. And it was at that time, that the Warrior of Light who caught a wind of this predicament, came to save her."

The little girl snorted. "So he became her knight in shining armor? I don't like it, Hahaue, if those bad guys were just fair, Grandmother wouldn't have needed one. She's a kick-ass lady!"

The woman hummed, inwardly sighing as she gave up on making the girl quiet down. "Well, they aren't bad guys for nothing. And think about it, Daiana. Your grandmother was an enemy to the Warrior of Light, why would he help her?"

"Because they are secretly friends?" the girl perked up.

"Hmm… maybe. A better guess?"

The girl scrunched her eyebrows together, thinking. "He didn't want to lose a rival?" she tried again. The woman hummed.

"All of your answers are correct but the main answer is that: He fell in love with her."

The girl 'ooh'-ed again, then frowned, "Huh? Love again, Hahaue?"

The woman chuckled, ruffling her hair. "You'll understand when you grow up. But as I said, the Warrior of Light fell in love with her and thus, their relationship sparked a new beginning for both of their tribes. You were asking earlier where the Warrior of Light came from, well, I'll tell you now. He was from the tribe of Seirin."

The little girl gasped, staring at her wide-eyed. "Seirin tribe? But—"

"Seirin tribe was never established as a kingdom." She paused. "Well, I'll get to the reason why later. As I said, the two became the Romeo and Juliet of their time, though a bit one sided because only Daiana's father objected to the two. Seirin never said anything against the two of them but I surmise it was because the Warrior of Light was their leader. The argument between Daiana and her father escalated that time and Daiana just upped one day and left the tribe. The Warrior of Light naturally was on her side and they were happy for quite some time. But like all other relationships, it had to hit an obstacle. Daiana's enemies were back as well as Seirin's and with the help of Daiana's own father, they attacked the two at their weakest. Never let it go unsaid that the two didn't fight for their love because they did – valiantly and fearlessly. But…" at this, the woman paused again, lips pursing into a thin line. The girl who was absorbed in the story looked up worriedly, her young mind trying to figure the trail her mother left. But of course, there was only one answer and she couldn't help but be sad.

"…Did they die?"

The woman smiled sadly, looking over her daughter. "Daiana didn't die but her beloved did. Daiana's father hated the Warrior of Light and he knew he wouldn't match with the man's strength. So he used a poisoned arrow and killed him. When Daiana knew of this, she killed her own father in anguish. Help came from Seirin and Daiana's tribesmen but in the end as you see," the woman exhaled deeply, "they were too late."

Tears fell from the girl's eyes as her tiny hands clutched her mother's dress. "But—that's unfair!" The woman nodded in agreement with her daughter.

"Unfair, yes, but Daiana never gave up. She prayed to the Guardian of the Light to give their love another chance again. Be it on this life or on another. The Guardian of Light granted her wish. On the spot where her beloved died, a tree grew. Daiana founded Touo afterwards and likewise cared for that tree until she died. Later on, her descendants cared for it in her stead until one foolish wood cutter cut it. Daiana's great grandson had then retrieved it and was amazed the tree remained in one piece, not at all cut into pieces as her would have expected. The wood cutter himself admitted he could not cut it to pieces no matter how hard he tried. It was then you grandfather had a sculptor sculpt the Warrior of Light with the drawing your grandmother left and thus the wooden statue you saw."

The little girl brushed away the tears from her eyes. "What happened to Seirin?"

"Well, sadly, after their leader died, another leader took his place and then they disappeared slowly to the shadows. Never to be seen again. And you asked me about the Warrior of Light's true name, right? His name was lost in the passage of time. And he is simply known now as the Warrior of Light…"





Hahaue = mother

I am aware I should be updating my other stories but this idea just won't leave me alone so there. I wrote this. And don't worry, I'll be updating the other ones before this because…

Well, ehem, that's that. I hope you like the story.

Any thoughts? please review!

Itterashai masse~!