"She hit her head pretty hard, whatever she was doing." Will explained to Voight.

Voight didn't call the team yet, he was planning to after he talked to Will. There was just too much on his mind.

"We don't think she has any brain damage, but we can't be too sure. We'll just keep her here for a few days. She will most likely have a concussion." He continued.

"Thanks, I appreciate it." Voight patted him on the back.

"If you, wanna see her she's in room 237. She should wake up in a few minutes."

Voight nodded his head and walked down the hall to see Erin. He peeked in the doorway and then walked in the room. He sat down next to her shifting his position to be comfortable. This was going to be a long night.

Erin slept in the hospital bed with Voight and Bunny watching over her. She attempted suicide.

"This… this is all my fault!" Bunny sobbed.

Voight just looked at her in disgust.

"You're right. It is." He said simply. Voight only knew Erin for a few months now but already had a special connection with her.

"I just had a few drinks and didn't come home 2 days later! There was food on the table."

"The only thing I saw on the table were pills and empty bottles of vodka."


"I'll make a deal with you," he said cutting her off. "I won't call child services if you let me take her in. No money, no support, nothing. I've got it all handled."

"Voight you really think I'm gonna let you take my-"

"Or you see her get taken away by a social worker. Your choice."

Bunny sighed.

"Will I get her back when I'm better?"

"You just worry about yourself right now. We'll see what the future plans for us."

"Fine. But Voight, remember, she's my daughter."

Voight saw Erin shift positions in the hospital bed which made him snap out of the memory. She looked weak and pale, but that was her new look ever since Nadia died. Erin looked around the room trying to figure out whose house she was sleeping in.

"Kelly?" She croaked. That was the last person she saw, well, at least she thought.

"Ahem," Voight said. At that moment Erin started to remember every single thing she did that day.

"You have a lot of explaining to do."

"Hank, I just hit my head and-"

"The hospital didn't have records of you coming earlier,"


"I got Mouse to see where you were."

"Will you stop cutting me off?" Erin snapped. Hank always does that. Simply because it was his thing. He never gave anyone the chance speak their mind before he got to finish speaking his.

"Erin, why didn't you just tell me you wanted to see your father?"

"Oh, and you wouldn't have stopped me?" Erin snapped.

"Well, I would try to reason with you."

"Hank, give me the reason my father was put in jail. Give me the reason my mom was and will always be a junkie who tries to put me down in life. Give me the reason I was-"

She was stopped by a massive pain in her head which caused her to feel fuzzy. Voight's eyes were closed until she stopped, so he opened them.

"Erin?" He asked in a twisted face. He then ran to the hallway and yelled through it reaching the two doctors down the hall.

"We need a doctor in here right now!"

2 doctors came rushing in and surrounded Erin.

"Oxygen level?" One doctor asked.

"Low. She's losing oxygen to the brain."

"C'mon kid.." Voight mumbles to himself. What has he done?

"Oxygen mask. Quick. Let's get her a MRI."

"Yeah, this may be more severe than it seems."

The two doctors left Voight standing in the middle of the room dumbfounded. This may be more severe than it seems.

"I feel like this is all of my fault, Al. She just wanted to see her father" Hank said to Olinsky privately.

"Well, Hank, sometimes we gotta make hard decisions as fathers, heh. Lexi sure ain't the easiest daughter."

"But this is Lindsay. You know how she is." There was a slight pause. "Hey, remember all those times she got into fights when she was a teen. I may have seemed mad but I was actually pretty impressed. I knew one day that she was gonna be good police for some reason."

"What are you gonna do? Huh? Call Daddyyy?" The most popular boy in school, Tim Whithers, was starting trouble with Erin.

"Oh wait! Isn't he in jail Ron?" Tim asked his best friend Ron. Ron just nodded in agreement.

"Go to hell." Erin said trying to walk away from Tim and the whole school.

"Hahah, I knew it Ron."

"What dude?"

Erin tried to keep in her anger.

"Erin's just too afraid to face us. I mean come on, a girl with a junkie mom and an imprisoned dad doesn't want to get in trouble."

The whole school calls shouts of 'ohs'.

"How, do you know that about my parents?" Erin says trying to fight back the tears.

"No need to worry about that princess. Hey here's an idea, why don't you call your cop 'godfather' and tell him to pick you up. Face it, nobody here likes you."

Erin looks at her 'friends' and they look away. She then puts her backpack on the ground and walks toward Tim.

"You know what Tim. I'm sure my mom made more money by selling drugs than your mom did by being a prostitute." With that she punched him in the nose and waited until it started to bleed. Tim then punched Erin across the face and in her gut. Before it got too intense, someone called the teachers to announce the fight.

"Hey, hey break it up!" Principal Hall said while holding back Erin. She then pulled her to her office and sat her down on the chair.

"Im calling your godfather."

"Great another thing I have to worry about."

"Hi, Mr. Voight?" Principal Hall said into the phone.

"This is him."

"Hi, this is Principal Linda-"

"Hall. Yes we've met plenty of times." Voight said knowing that Erin is in trouble.

"Erin got into her 3rd fight this week. I am sorry but we will have to suspend her for 3 days. We can discuss more when you come."

"Im on my way."

It took Voight 15 minutes to actually walk through the door of the principal's office.

"Hank, I-" Erin tried to explain.

"I don't wanna hear it. We will talk later."

"Well Mr. Voight," Principal Hall said, "Erin seems to have broken Tim's nose so the parents are asking you to chip in for the expenses."

"Of course. Look, I'm sorry about her and the broken nose kid.. This is the last fight you will ever see her in."

The two men smiled.

"Hey Al,"


"What if this whole incident messes up her whole life. I mean, it's bad enough she got a concussion in New York working with SVU. And to top that, her best friend died. I feel so bad for the kid."

Just as Alvin was about to look down at his fingers, he saw one tear go down Voight's face. Is Hank Voight actually crying?

"Woah, hey man, don't tear yourself up like that. She's gonna be just fine."

"I've already lost Camille, I lost Justin. I can't lose another one."

"And you won't. You saved her didn't you? You can and you will save her again."

Voight smiled.

"Thanks, bro. Oh and if you tell anyone I have a soft side, well I'll deal with you later."

They both laughed and right on time, the rest of the team came to the hospital.

"Hey boss, where is she?" Dawson asked.

Voight sighed and looked down.

"She's uh," Olinsky started to say looking at Voight. "She's getting a MRI."

"What? I thought it was just a small concussion." Halstead said raising his voice.

"It may be more severe than it really seems."

There it was again. That phrase. Voight couldn't bear listening to the conversation.

"I'm gonna get some coffee." He said and walked away.

As he was walking away, Will was approaching him in the opposite direction.

"Hey Sarge-"

Voight kept walking away, not even acknowledging him.

"Don't take it personally, bro." Halstead said reassuring his younger brother.

" 'Kay, well Jay, I need to talk to you." Will said.

"What's up?"

"Oh.. In private?"

The whole team exchanged looks. Antonio nodded to Jay."

The two brothers walked away into a supply closet that Will had a key to.


"I need a favor.."

"Go on.."

"I uh, owe some money to people.."


"People I messed with before I moved here. I wasn't getting a lot of money in the start so I shook some hands, if you know what I mean."

Jay sighed.

"How much?" He asked.

"Don't bite my head off when I-"

"Dude, just say it."


"Okay... And you can't afford that on your salary?"

"Well here's the problem.. I kinda just got suspended because I haven't been on time. Apparently I missed a 'planned' operation and an inexperienced surgeon had to come in my place. Whatever."

"Will, when would your next paycheck be….." Jay said trying to tame his anger.

"A few days, heh."

"How the hell am I supposed to provide this type of money?"

"Well I was thinking that... Since you're pretty close to Ben Corson's family... I kinda-"

"Don't you dare." Jay snapped.

"Jay you don't understand. These guys are gang members, they're coming for my neck. C'mon dude, I'm sure you can relate with me on this one."

Jay saw the concern in Will's eyes.

"I'll... See what I can do." He said sighing.

They ended their conversation with a brotherly hug.

"Wakey-wakey.." Ruzek said to half-awake Erin.

"Aye!" Olinsky said punching Ruzek.

Erin was moved back into her original room. She was starting to gain more consciousness.

"Would you guys back up and give the woman some space?" Burgess said laughing.

"Yea, really." Halstead agreed.

They all started laughing until they saw movement from Erin. Following that, she moaned and opened her eyes.

"Rise and shine princess!" Antonio greeted. "Took you long enough."

"Huh?" Erin was still a little fuzzy and didn't know what happened. Everyone laughed.

"Hey, where's Voight?" Ruzek wondered.

"Oh, he.. he had some business to take care of." Olinsky answered.

"B-business?" Erin hazily asked. "What kind of business? Is he okay?" She said suddenly gaining more of her consciousness.

She attempted to sit up but Halstead made her lay back down.

"Woah, woah, careful." He said concerned.

"Where is he?" Erin asked. Olinsky just sipped his coffee from his cup and looked sideways.

"Al, please." Erin begged.

Olinsky sighed, drawing attention to him by the whole crew. There was a moment of silence until a phone rang. Everyone looked around to see if it was their own. It was Erin's. She struggled to get her phone from the nightstand next to the hospital bed. Roman grabbed her phone and gave it to her. She looked at the Caller ID.

Call from:


"You gotta be kidding me." Erin mumbled.

"Who is it?" Jay asked confused. Erin just ignored him and answered the phone.

"This better be important" Erin said on the phone with Bunny.

"Don't worry honey it is. Well not for me, God bless my heart." Bunny answered

"Would you get on with it?"

'It's your father. He's getting an early release."

"Oh? When?"


"Isn't that a bit.. too early?"

"Don't ask me, he always found a way to pull his threads. Makes you wonder how he got with me because-"

"Mom!" Erin snapped. She did not mean to say her name. She didn't want the team to know who she was talking to. Especially Olinsky. He shares everything with Voight. The room's temperature felt like it dropped 50 degrees.

"Just tell me when he does, okay?" Erin asked.


She clicked the end button and was ready to face awkwardness.

"Is.. everything okay?" Halstead asked.

"Hm? Oh yeah. Everything is just peachy."

"So you and Erin, you guys were getting lunch?" Voight asked Severide.

"Uh.. yeah. She felt bad about the bar fight so we just went out to eat."

Severide knew that Voight had some problems with Casey, but never thought he would be confronting him about Erin.

"And you two were drinking?"

"Huh? No! Uh, sir. No sir, we were not drinking."

"Did Erin not seem like herself?"

"Well, she did say that she had to go as soon as she got a text. Almost as if she was rushing."

Voight sighed.

"Um, what exactly are you questioning me for?"

"Erin's in the hospital." Voight said simply.

"Wait.. what? Is she okay?"

"She apparently hit her head on something and got a major concussion. Gave her an MRI. Luckily she was cleared that it was just a really bad concussion."

Severide was speechless.

"It just seemed weird for her to just 'hit her head'"

"Woah, I know what you're implying, but Erin and I just had lunch together. Nothing more."

"Just making sure, thanks Severide." He said patting Severide on the back.

Hank walked away while Severide remained speechless.

"Atleast you get out tomorrow." Jay said smiling.

"Yea, hey, thanks for being here. Wish they allowed beer in the hospital." Erin admitted. They both laughed.

"Erin, don't ever scare me like that again."


"No just listen. I know we are I guess 'taking a break' but I nearly passed out myself once I heard you were getting a MRI, yet alone being in the hospital."

"Hey, I'm fine. See?" She said trying to pull a fake smile.

"Are you really?"

Erin sighed.

"I guess I'm just...scared. Look at who I'm becoming! Sneaking out on the clock, getting drunk, meeting my fa-..doing other things. I'm going backwards, Jay."

"Hey, whatever you go through, I'm going through with you. You're not alone in this."

He grabbed her hand for comfort as he saw a tear stream down her face.

Author's Note:

Hey people! I think this chapter was another, so I call a "transitional chapter". Basically prepping for the next chapter. Thanks for the comments and I beg, please give me some more ideas! Lol. I need inspiration from you guys. What should the next chapter be about? Oh and sorry I've been slacking, I have been very busy lately. Thanks a bunch!

-ml2d ;}