Ask, and you shall receive. While I would love to have turned this into a full length fic, I already have way too many going. If you want more Eric/Tris, by all means check out my profile if you haven't already.

Note: This chapter, as with the last one, is rated 'M' and not suitable for those under 18 years of age.

Drop me a line and let me know what you think!

Tris woke up the next morning tangled in sheets and deliciously sore in places she never had been before. She groaned and stretched, rolling over to look at Eric.

He lay flat on his back, mouth half open and snoring softly. He looked younger asleep, without the scowl and resultant harsh lines creasing his face. He looked... sort of cute, actually. Tris shoved the thought away and shook her head, refusing to think of Eric like that. Her eyes travelled downward as she took in his sprawled out, prone form tangled in the sheets much the way she had been.

Tris's eyes widened slightly when she noticed that the sheet covering his hips happened to have a good size tent in it, and the sight made her mouth feel a little drier. Her heart thumped harder in her chest as she recalled the night before, the way his body had moved with hers and the things he had made her feel.

Tris, overcome with curiosity, glanced up at Eric's sleeping face before slowly drawing the sheet down across his thighs to expose his erection. She eyed thick, curving shaft and the veins that ran along it to the swollen head, dark pink and leaking a single drop of a clear fluid she had no name for.

Feeling just a little breathless Tris reached out slowly to touch him, wrapping her small hand around the base and squeezing slightly. She traced the veins idly with her fingers, noting the way it twitched when she touched or stroked certain places and tried to remember the conversations she had tried not to overhear the Candor girls having in the locker room at school.

Tris shot Eric's face another quick glance, noticing that while he was still asleep his face was pinched just a little bit, and his mouth had fallen farther open. She wondered if it was just a coincidence or if it had something to do with her touching him. She strained her memory for any mention of what to do with a guy during sex, and vaguely recalled a couple of the girls talking about putting it in their mouths.

Once the memory came to the front of her mind Tris recalled it and others like it better, remembering the way she had cringed at the idea of putting a man's penis in her mouth. Tris eyed the drop at the tip again, and a small part of her wondered what it might taste like. Another part of the conversations came back to her, when a couple of the girls had talked about how the guys in question had begged and writhed when they did it. Tris looked at Eric again and tried to imagine him writhing in pleasure, or perhaps begging her to keep going and couldn't help the sly grin the mental image caused.

Hesitantly she shifted her position to hover over his hips, stroking his erection gently as she considered what she wanted to do. Slowly Tris lowered her mouth over him, wrinkling her nose slightly at the bitterly salty taste of whatever fluid was leaking from it. The skin was smooth against her tongue while the muscles were undeniably firm beneath, and Tris brought him farther into her mouth, wondering how far she could go before she ended up gagging.

As she did so she noticed Eric's hands twitch slightly as his breathing became uneven, and a small groan escaped his throat when she swallowed reflexively. Remembering a slang term that she believed had something to do with sucking Tris did so, though his girth made the motion difficult. Tris pulled back and tried again, finding it easier when only the head was in her mouth and earned another sleepy moan.

Curiously Tris took as much of him as she could once more, waiting until just before she gagged to swallow again and felt the muscles of her throat clamp against his head. His hips twitched as another moan escaped, this time sounding less sleepy and a little more alert. If she hadn't had half his dick in her mouth, Tris would have grinned at the reaction she imagined he would have when he awoke completely. Tris tried sucking again, pleased when she noticed relaxing her jaw made things easier. In response to the discovery she attempted a suck and swallow motion that was choppy at first, but got easier with a few tries.

Tris felt a hand brush clumsily through her hair as a much more awake sounding groan escaped his lips, and Tris gagged slightly when his hips bucked up into her mouth.

"Oh what a hell of a wake up call," she heard him mutter, still sounding half asleep. "Are you seriously down there sucking my cock or is this just the best dream I've ever had?"

Tris gave a forceful suck before swallowing hard, earning a loud moan from Eric as she attempted to take him deeper. Out of the corner of her eye she saw his hands twist in the sheets, clenching until his knuckles turned white. As long as she didn't think too much about what she was doing, Tris could see why the other girls did this.

"Oh fuck Tris," Eric groaned as his hips lifted off the bed again. "Suck that dick..." His words trailed off to an unintelligible moan, and Tris hummed happily.

She settled into a steady rhythm then, wondering to herself if she could actually make him orgasm by doing this. According to the girls she had listened to, she could if she kept up a steady rhythm for long enough. Tris attempted to ignore the ache slowly spreading through her jaw as she worked, noting with pride the way Eric's moans were growing louder.

"Holy shit baby, just like that!" Eric cried out suddenly, and Tris felt the muscles in his thighs tighten as he arched off the bed slightly.

Both of his hands wound tightly through her hair, and she could feel him struggling not to force her head down onto him. She picked up her pace slightly, realizing he was close to the edge and feeling slightly amazed that she was able to get him to a state like this.

"Oh god don't stop, please, fuck baby don't stop now..."

Internally Tris mused over the irony of his words, the pain in her jaw and how badly it made her want to stop, but the way Eric was losing control made her push through it. Suddenly Tris felt a tug on her hair, and realized he was trying to pull her off of him. Confused, Tris resisted his tugs and continued her rhythm, too close to her goal now to think of stopping.

"Shit Tris I'm coming," He cried out, and just as Tris comprehended why he wanted her to stop she felt a surge of warm, bitter liquid fill her mouth and did the only thing she could think to get rid of it, she pinched her eyes shut and swallowed it down as quickly as possible.

Dimly Tris heard Eric swearing brokenly as she continued to swallow the spurts of thick semen, gingerly removing him from her mouth when his hands fell away from her head. Tris moved to lay down next to him, watching as he panted harshly beside her.

"Holy fuck Tris, where the hell did you learn that?" Eric groaned a few minutes later.

Tris shrugged. "I just kind of... Went with what made you react," she said uncertainly.

"Better question, what made you do it? I'm not complaining, don't get me wrong. But what brought that on?"

Tris decided to be honest. "I was curious."

He gave her a look of disbelief, before laughing aloud. "You were curious? What are you, Erudite?"

Tris flinched slightly before controlling her expression and shrugging nonchalantly, but Eric seemed to have missed her brief lapse of control.

"Roll over Tris," Eric told her. "Time for me to return the favor."

She shivered slightly at the husky tone in his voice before doing as he bade, heart pounding as he moved to hover over her. Eric kissed her deeply for a lingering moment, letting his hands trail down over her body as his mouth moved across her jaw to her throat.

He trailed kisses slowly down the column of her neck, taking his sweet time and driving her crazy as he did so. While he worked his hand moved to cup her breast, thumb and forefinger pulling and teasing one of her nipples at the same time, making her back arch into his touch as sensations raced through her body. Tris's fingers tangled in his hair as he teased her, mouth moving slowly down the path of her collarbone to her sternum.

Tris's fingers clenched and pulled at his hair when his tongue brushed gently over her nipple before closing his lips around it, suckling lightly. He grinned when a breathy, high pitched moan escaped her throat and grazed his teeth lightly over her nipple, making her cry out before switching to give the other breast the same treatment.

Eric trailed kisses slowly down her abdomen, pride swelling his ego when he noticed how out of breath she already was. He looked up at her quizzically for a moment before deciding to leave the teasing out of it, she looked almost too wound up as it was. He shifted down on the bed and spread her legs on either side of his ribs, propping his elbows on the inside of her thighs.

"Breathe Tris," he told her, humor in his tone. He felt her take a shallow, shaky breath, but she didn't relax. Gently, trying to be mindful of how high strung she was, Eric covered her with his mouth and circled her clit gently with his tongue. Her hips bucked sharply as she cried out, but her legs fell open farther at the same time. He felt her hands leave his hair to grasp the bed frame as her hips lifted toward his face, begging for more attention.

Eric hooked his arms under her thighs and grasped them with his hands, using the leverage to pull himself more firmly against her. Judging by the steady, high pitched moans coming from her he wouldn't be able to draw things out and tease her the way he wanted to. Instead he met the tip of her clit with the tip of his tongue, circling, flicking and pressing rapidly to draw her into a hard, fast orgasm.

He felt her hands grasp his hair again as her entire body went rigid, spreading her legs as far apart as they would go. Eric opened his mouth farther again, adding in a steady lower jaw movement to the pattern his tongue was still drawing. Her sharp cries became one long, loud moan before her body let go and her thighs clamped down on either side of him, pinning him in place as she rode out her climax.

He moved away from her the moment he felt her muscles unclench, knowing from experience she would be uncomfortably sensitive. Her eyes were closed as she panted heavily beneath him, groaning in a weary, pleased way. His erection had somehow already returned, and the urge to bury himself inside her was almost more than he could bear as he hovered over her, snatching a random article of clothing from the floor to wipe his face clean.

Tris drew him down to her level to kiss him once more, fingers tangling in his hair as she pressed herself against him, hooking her leg around his hip.

"Are you ready for more?" He asked huskily, nipping her earlobe as he did.

"Fuck, please," Tris groaned, earning a satisfied grin from Eric. He reached over and grabbed a new condom from the nightstand that he had grabbed in the middle of the night, slipping it on quickly before lining himself up with her.

Eric pushed inside her in one hard stroke, earning a loud cry from her as he buried himself inside her with a groan. He held still for a few moments while she adjusted, barely remembering that he should still be somewhat gentle at first. He rocked his hips slowly, waiting until she was lifting her hips to meet his own to set a steady rhythm.

On impulse he leaned down and kissed her, biting her lip gently before brushing his tongue along hers. Their breath mixed and Eric wrapped an arm securely around her waist, holding her in place as his thrusts grew more forceful. Tris's nails raked down his back as she moaned low in her throat, whimpering when he bit down on the soft skin of her shoulder.

"Is this hard enough?" He hissed in her ear, slowing his thrusts to the gentle pace that she had gotten fed up with the night before.

Tris growled in frustration, flexing her legs around his hips in an attempt to force him to move faster. Eric let her push him deep inside her, before holding completely still. She really was just just too easy to mess with.

"Do you want me to fuck you Tris?" He teased, pulling out until only the head remained inside her. She let out a keening noise at the loss, lifting her hips and flexing her legs in an attempt to push him back inside her. Eric relented just a little, sliding halfway in before pulling out again and setting a pace of gentle, shallow thrusts to tease her.

"Damnit Eric," Tris groaned weakly, sounding as though she were about to cry with frustration.

With no warning Eric slammed roughly back inside her, wrenching a cry from her throat that shot through his veins like adrenaline.

"Like that?" He whispered huskily in her ear, biting the shell as he did so. He pulled out of her to slam back in again, biting her neck when she cried out.

"Yes Eric, please," Tris begged, her nails leaving welts along the flesh of his back.

"Good little stiff wants me to fuck her nice and hard, does she?" He hissed, punctuating the question with several hard thrusts. "That what you want? You want me to fuck you good and hard?"

"Shit Eric, fuck me already," she growled.

"Well why didn't you just ask?" He jeered, pushing her legs farther apart and burying himself in her roughly.

Tris nestled her face in his shoulder then, and bit him. Hard.

"Ouch!" Eric hissed, "You little..."

Eric lifted her legs over his shoulders and propped himself up on his hands then, using the leverage the angle gave him to set a brutal pace.

He let go of all restraint and slammed into her ruthlessly, grunting and moaning in time with her sharp cries as he drove them both quickly to the edge. Eric felt his release fast approaching and changed the angle of his hips subtly, just enough that his pelvic bone met her clit with every thrust.

Eric heard his name mixed in with a half intelligible string of profanity as she came, and groaned at the sting of her nails making more welts on his back. They stung like a bitch, but as far as he was concerned they were a badge of honor he would wear with pride. Any further thought of wandering around the compound shirtless that day was lost as he reached his own orgasm, shouting out loudly as wave after wave of bliss washed over him.

He pulled her legs off his shoulders to fall down on either side of his hips, lowering his forehead against hers as he caught his breath. Tris's arms fell to her sides as she panted harshly, hips twitching at the residual throbbing of his dick inside her.

Eric rolled over and collapsed with a groan, tossing the condom aside absently as his eyes fell closed. He tugged her against him, groaning pleasantly when he felt her head on his chest.

"Never took you to be a cuddler," Tris teased as she settled herself against him.

Normally the remark would earn a snarky comeback or denial, but in that moment Eric was simply too blissed out to care.

"Just don't tell anyone, it would ruin my reputation," he shrugged, tightening his arm around her.

Tris laughed in response. "Your secret is safe with me as long as mine is safe with you."

Eric grinned. "You've got a deal princess."