AN: WOW. WHAT A FINALE! I'm definitely going to have to watch it, specifically the Captain Swan scenes at least 30 more times. I'll be posting my tumblr prompts on here, for those who do not have a tumblr account, and I will be accepting any fic prompts via private messaging on here. My new motto for this hiatus is double the smut, double the fluff. Reviews are much appreciated- gives me a better idea of what's working, what everyone likes reading, and what not. What did YOU think of the finale?-Laur

She can't help but giggle to herself as she sees him fumbling around with the sword. It's quite adorable how even in this alternate reality, he finds ways to make her heart leap. He looks at her with such hope in his eyes- the same way she looks at him, back in their world.

She can't believe that in this reality, he's been cursed and even more so he's been cursed to be allergic to rum. Taking a swig from that flask, she couldn't even begin to explain her disappointment and disgust that it wasn't rum. She'll gladly pass on goat's milk from now on.

He still has the hook and he's still in the pirate garb, but he exudes a sense of innocence. Not cowardice- he did muster up the courage and confidence to come rescue her. He's much more trusting here- but it could be that he trusts her. The even in his state where he's blind to the fact that she's his love, his Emma, he still chooses to believe her, to see the best in her, to take her word. And for that, she can't help but love him even more.

She's known for awhile that she's fallen in love with Killian. Maybe not forthcoming to admit it, but this rush of feeling has overtaken her and she thinks back to when he told her that one day she would want him. Because it's true- she wants him in every way.

She hears him struggling to her side, and she takes a page out of his book and offers to help him out. The poor guy is blushing and stammering over his words- it's cute and she can't help but want to tease him even more. She reaches around him to tuck in the sword to his sheath and she hears his breath catch.

Goosebumps rain down her skin and her ears are ringing. She's heard that sound before- during the pillaging and plundering they are both fond of...very fond of. It's the same sound he makes right when she grasps him tightly in her hand, when she slowly teases him by grazing her tongue on the tip, when she holds him in her hand as she lowers herself on him. It's the noise he makes when she clenches around him, when she arches into him pulling him deeper into her, when he's right on the verge of emptying himself inside of her as he follows her into a state of complete bliss.

She pulls away from him, finding him blushing and looking at the floor, mumbling to himself that he's not very good at this- that he's just a one handed deckhand boy. He has no idea of how that sound has affected her- of how that's a sound she's become all too familiar with.

"Hey," she says, causing him to look up. Placing her hand on his cheek (she can't help it, it's natural instinct when it comes to him), "you can do this. It'll come back to you- good form and all." She smiles encouragingly at him, and she sees a flicker of motivation dance across his eyes. "But for now, we'll just have to keep practicing- to make up for lost time," she winks at him and he reddens.

She's brought back to a time when he said the same words to her, but in a much different context. After slowly ravaging her into a point where her body has molded into the bed, his scruff has left marks on her inner thighs, and her mind has been clear of all thoughts, except for those involving him, he'll whisper those words to her- we'll just have to keep practicing- to make up for lost time.