Hi guys, I decided to change the title of the story; Witness Protection and Rules to Things I'm not allowed to do while I'm at Wayne Manor. Basically it's still the same, except I decided to write underneath each rule that Cat isn't allowed to do a short story of her, of course, breaking the rule:D

Thanks to my beta FanFicGuy94 for beta this story:D

Okay, here are the first five rules, enjoy:D

#1. I'm not allowed to play with the Chinese vases! My hand and eye coordination's are not that skilled as I think:

Pretty heavy for a cheap thing Cat thinks as she lift's up the 'expensive' looking vase in her hands. Without her knowledge, Bruce walks upon her, looking at what she's doing.

"Selina, what are you doing?"

His voice comes out of no-where and the young cat-burglar, who just tossed the vase up in the air at the same time, startles up and looks over to Bruce.

Why is that boy so freaky quiet when he moves?

The sound of crashing porcelain knocks her out of wondering, following Bruce's shocked look to the ground beneath her feet.

"Miss Kyle!" an angry voice sounds from the kitchen and the girl widens her eyes, looking anxious at Bruce.

"You are in so much trouble" Bruce whispers, still with the shocked expression on his face, his glance still on the smashed vase.

"No I'm not" Cat replies, a mischievous smile forms around her lips. Bruce looks up questioning, Alfred's footsteps coming closer. "You're the one he finds here."

Before Bruce even could respond to that, Cat runs toward the front door and disappears, right at the same time as Alfred pops up behind Bruce.

Alfred looks confused from the shatters to Bruce. Bruce's upper lip trembles, then points at the front door and Alfred knows exactly what that means.

Alfred sighs tiredly, grabs the broom and starts sweeping the shatters together. "And then they say Cat's don't break stuff."

#2. I'm not allowed to grab my own breakfast when I slept through. No matter how hungry I am.

"Relax old man, I'll figure it out!" Cat says, walking back inside the house. Behind her, a totally not happy butler, responds sarcastically before continuing his boxing practice.

"Yeah, and you can mind your manners as well, you cheeky little minx!"

Cat scoffs while walking into the kitchen. She'll show the butler how cheeky she can be. A cat always gets what they want. If they don't get it, they'll grab it them self.

Cat opens the fridge door, grabbing a bottle of milk for herself.

"I can make you some pancakes to go with that" Bruce says, suddenly standing behind her.

Cat just shrugs. "This will do." She sits down behind the kitchen table, unscrews the bottle and takes a sip. "Where is your buddy butler anyway. Realized he's too old for boxing practice?"

Bruce just smiles. He knew how to ignore her cheeky comments by now. "Are you sure you don't want anything to eat?"

Suddenly her ears pick up Alfred's heavy footsteps, knowing that is her cue as she jumps up quickly and sneaks through the back door.

"Got to go, kid!."

#3. I am not allowed to sneak up onto Alfred and shower him with flowers. Not even if he looks really grumpy and I want to cheer him up.

Alfred, not aware of any danger, slowly walks through the garden looking for Bruce and Selina. Since they girl was in witness protection, they hardly went from each other's side. Alfred was happy that Bruce wasn't alone anymore, though he didn't really appreciate the things Selina made him do.

Suddenly Alfred felt something soft falling onto his head. He brushed his head off and watched as a daisy fell onto the ground in front of his feet. Wait, a daisy?

Alfred was surprised when two more flowers hit his head and quickly he shakes them off, nervously looking around but he saw nothing suspicious.

Alfred shrugs, thinks he just imagined things and continues his walk.

He stops a final time and yelps in surprise when a shower of flowers fall down on him. The flowers make him sneeze madly.

Behind a large flower pot, not far from Alfred, sat Cat, trying to hold in her laughter.

#4. I am not allowed to spy on people, looking for criminals. Not even when they look really suspicious.

"Well, what do you think about that one?" Cat asks Bruce, who's kneeled down beside her. The two children are hiding behind a dumpster, watching at the people passing them by, unaware of their presence.

"No, he looks too stupid" Bruce whispers back.

Cat rolls her eyes. "Well, maybe that one, then?"

"Do you really think a little girl would be a criminal? Bruce asks, narrowing his eyes questioned.

"Little children can be really mean and sly" Cat replies, ducking a bit further down behind the dumpster and into her hunting position. Just like a cat is about to attack a mouse, Cat is about to attack the little girl.

"You'd need to be one to know one" Bruce replies, a smile grin forms around his lips as Cat shoots an angry look.

"Hey! I am not – ooh, how about that one!

"No, that's a really suspicious looking one" Bruce points.

Cat nods agreed. "Let's roll!"

Stalking from behind the dumpster the two children stared at the tall blonde haired man who just passed by. Smiling like a cat that got the cream, the young boy and girl followed.

#5. I am not allowed to come in Bruce's bedroom and leave him a 'present'. No matter how much I think it will prove my 'hunting skills' or think Bruce will be proud.

Slowly, lingering, stalking, sneaking, closer and closer she reaches her target. Then, with a large and sudden leap, Cat jumps toward her target, grabbing it with both hands.

"Got yah!" It makes soft and anxious chirp as she cups her hands closed. Quickly and athletically Cat darts back to the large mansion. "Bruce will be so proud."

Making sure no-one sees her, Cat sneaks through the kitchen, up the stairs toward Bruce's bedroom. Quickly she sneaks inside, closing the door behind her with her foot.

Then, slowly she walks towards Bruce's bed, places her 'prey' onto the covers and leaves.

An hour later, Bruce getting ready to go to bed, enters his room and suddenly a little bird flies past him, trying to find a way back to freedom.

Quickly he opens the hallway window to release the little bird before shouting for Cat, who seconds later comes from her room, a pleased look on her face.

"What? You didn't like it?"

So, what do you think and which one is your favorite? Please let me know by review:D #4, BabyBatCat in a nutshell LOL. Anyway, if you have some rule idea's for Cat to break, feel free to let me know.