Yo guys back with the preliminary chapter and i'm making another modifiacation kind of like how sasuke can change to whatever tomoe sharingan well naruto can change to rinnegan to rinnesharingan by his own will and he will not use it in prelims since he JUST got it probably in the final exams who knows I also made some modifications to his rinnegan jutsu's.

[timeskip preliminary]

as the matchups were being picked sasuke was puzzled he thought of naruto as a brother in all but blood but if he wasn't blood then how could he have the sharingan he would have to ask itachi about this.

[first round sasuke uchiha vs yoroi]

sasuke and yoroi dropped down waiting for the fight to start.

"BEGIN" hayate called

sasuke jumped back as he was working on this new jutsu

"lightning style, electric bind" sasuke shouted as electricity flew from his hands as yoroi was stuck by the lightning but not only that it was hurting him badly as well.

"now it's time to unleash my new combo, shadow clone jutsu"sasuke yelled as a shadow clone appeared

then sasuke rushed at yoroi and uppdercutted him but the shadow clone came and shot electricity at him holding him in place as sasuke unleashed a fury of punches and kicks at yoroi but what he didn't know was that yoroi was absorbing his chakra all together as the shadow clone dissapeared as with the lighting sasuke jumped back in suprise.

"h-how and why does my chakara feel depleted"sasuke said

"sorry sasuke-san but my powers allow me to collect chakara from you now basicly more then half of your chakara is gone what will you do now? Yoroi yelled as he attacked sasuke with a punch as sasuke saw through it he dodged as he used lion barrage yoroi as they both fell sasuke did on last kick sending yoroi to unconscious land.

"WINNER SASUKE UCHIHA"hayate shouted

"yeah way to go sasuke-nii"naruto shouted

"yeah sasuke-kun"sakura said

[tenten vs temari]

As both contestants came down naruto came out with a bet to might gai

"alright gai sensei 600 ryu says temari wins"naruto said

"deal, though i'm curious why you betted against her"gai said

"isn't it obvious gai tenten through weapons as her fighting style but as you see temari is a wind specialist as every time tenten throws a weapon or everytime she comes in close range she'll just get blown away each time hurting her so it's not in strength, it's just a bad matchup.

Gai realizing naruto was right was saddened but still believed she would pull through and win...that hope was soon crushed at the begginings of the battle

[at the battle]

tenten was doing the best she could she through all the weapons she could but nothings was working as the wind girl was just blowing them away as she could do nothing

temari then used her wind technique and sent tenten flying in the air with he landing on her feat execpt she was unconsious as she fell back lee caught her.


[naruto vs kiba]

"oh cool akamaru we gotthe namikaze's son lets show him thats he's not top dog"kiba said as he jumped down but was surprised as naruto walked out of a whirlpool from the ground

"give up kiba you can't beat me"naruto said

[in the sidelines]

as sasuke went to make a bet with kurenai (all these bets)

hey kurenai sensei, I bet you 800 ryu that naruto will beat kiba six ways into next sunday"sasuke said having that confident smirk.

"deal but I hope you know that kiba is to fast for naruto it will be impossible believing kiba would win.

"ok but I hope you know that if naruto wins i'm going to laugh as you eat your word and naruto hands kiba his ass on a silver platter."sasuke betted

"ok but don't be mad when I win"kurenai said

[back to the battle]

"aright begin" hayate said as the two started

"tunneling gatsuga"kiba said as he went flying to naruto but naruto did something that surprised not only kurenai but sasuke aswell naruto grabbed kiba by his face out of his gatsuga and slammed him to the ground as kiba was in pain trying to get up from that painful attack he realized akamaru was missing and it turns out akamaru was unconsious on the ground floor but he didn't have time to worry as much as he heard words that shocked him "water style:water dragon jutsu"naruto said as a water dragon appeared from air particles and he did it with ONE hand.


"w-w-w-what impossible I thought only the second hokage could make water from air particles"kurenai said

[back to battle]

kiba was dodging the water dragon as good as he could as the water dragon stopped he sighed only to hear "wind style great breakthrough" naruto shouted as kiba was sent flying back to the arena walls but naruto shunshined behind him and kicked him as he seemed to shunshined so much from the air it was like he was teleporting, he punched and kicked kiba through the arena like a ping-pong ball as he suddenly kicked kiba to the arena floor slamming him down creating a small crater as kiba was unconsious.

"woah, WINNER NARUTO UZUMAKI" hayate yelled

as kiba was lifted up and healed but he was still out

Kurenai was currently handing 800 ryu to sasuke since he was right naruto handed kiba his ass on a PLATNUM not SILVER PLATNUM platter.

Shikimaru vs kin


shino vs kankuro


hinata vs neji


[rock lee vs gaara]

as rock lee and gaara came down to the stage

ah you seem strong (no,no,no I am not writing youthful in every sentence)

gaara-san for that I will go full power on you no holding back" lee said as he took off his weights and rushed towards gaara as his sand could not follow as gaara was getting hit every second, with punches and kicks

"leaf whirlwind"lee shouted as he attacked gaara again, with "dynamic entry" as he sent gaara flying into the arena walls as lee was tired gaara was coming out as he had pain all over his body he never of a person that strong his eyes couldn't keep up and his sand was allowing him to get him he was pretty sure another hit like that could end him up in a coma or worse so he did something that surprised lee.

"proctor I give up I cannot defeat this foe" gaara said (YEAH thats right the envasion will happen but gaara won't go shukaku mode and orochimaru will die, never liked that snake pedophile.

"alright WINNER by FORFEIT ROCK LEE" hayate shouted as the next match call ups were being called it was

sakura vs ino


choji vs dosu


naruko vs kenji (oc)

as naruko and kanji began to jump down the rails.

"BEGIN" hayate said

naruko jumped back sending a shadow clone at kenji but this ninja (he is a rain-nin) was slicing them with water as shen sent another shadow colneas she rushed to punch him but he turned to water

"dang it he keeps turning to water i'm gonna use a last resort to win"naruko said as she powered up a full power rasengan and rushed at the rain-nin the rain nin was still fighting the shadow clones as he realized something was being pushed in his stomach it was the rasengan as he was pushed back into the walls unconsious.

"i knew the fourth would be stupid but to teach her THAT if there was more chakara inside that move, his insides would have exploded from the inside out"naruto thought


and here is the chunin exams preliminaries peace R&R