Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers.

There was something about her that many bots found eerie. That being said, they avoided her if they could and if they couldn't, she wasn't spoken to. It wasn't all Pixie's fault that her classmates had functioning sixth senses, but could she really blame them? She was a monster, to say the least, and no one but her creators knew. Pixie was unlike the rest of her class; she could hear every little whisper, see every little speck in the air, and feel different sensory stimulation than seeker wings. Pixie was stronger and faster than the rest of them, and far more intelligent, but they didn't know. She hid her optics behind her visor, shielding them from the rays of Cybertron's star in order to prevent her from feeling a painful burning surge throughout her frame.

Like all mornings, Pixie sat up from her lounge chair after an uneventful night of staring at the two moons. She couldn't ever sleep; the most she did was nap to sate the half of her frame that required rest. With the grace of a feline, she found her way to her home's kitchenette. Only her Carrier used it since he was the only one who really needed fuel. Pixie occasionally did too. Surely enough her Carrier was up and about, sipping his warm energon.

"How did you rest?" Prowl asked as he set down his half-empty cube on the table, leaning back leisurely into the chair.

Pixie gave him a single shoulder shrug, making her way to the second cube that Prowl had set out for her. Steam flowed atop it from the heat of the energon, swirling above it before it disappeared. She collected the cube into her servos and gave it a gentle blow before taking a large gulp. The heat of her energon hardly bothered her and she relished the feel of her frame shivering at its warmth as it spread throughout her cold frame.

"It was alright. Stared at da moons fer da majority of da night."

Prowl hummed as he reached for his cube, taking another swig. "They are quite lovely when the star shines on them at night."


Silent fell over the two for a moment until Jazz emerged from the balcony, striding in with a gentle smile as he gazed at his family. "Fine, mornin'. Don't cha think?"

Prowl stood up from his chair, approaching his mate with a kiss.

"Mornin', Sire." Pixie greeted. The black and white mech found his daughter and he smiled, beckoning her to come. She set down her empty cube and joined his embrace, nuzzling his neck.

"Mornin', babycakes. Ya ready fer school?" Jazz heard her groan.

"Sire, Ay don't wanna go anymore. Can't Ay go wit cha instead?"

"Sweetspark, weh talked 'bout his. Ya can't come wit meh yet." Jazz said with a sigh, stroking her helm.

"It's gettin' borin' an' lonely. There isn't anyone Ay can talk ta." she insisted. "It gets more an' more lonely..."

Her creators frowned. They knew she was going to eventually feel lonely. When Pixie was young, she wanted to go to school, to learn and have friends, but Pixie soon learned that she was going to be known as a monster after her only friend had died in an accident she had provoked. Since then, she never tried to fit in. She stayed in the back, watching in envy and jealousy as everyone else became friends with each other. Jazz knew she needed to find a companion in order to feel accepted, but Pixie kept isolating herself from everyone around her.

"Pixie, just ah few more months, okay?"

Pixie looked at the floor, pushing away from her Sire. "Yeah. Sure, whatever..."

The pair watched her go, collecting her datapads from the desk beside the door and leaving. Prowl sighed loudly rubbing the base of his chevron with his digits. "Jazz... she needs somebody."

"Ay know." the other said.

The Praxian turned towards his mate, an almost pleading look in his optics. "Can't we have another sparkling?"

Jazz contemplated on his answer that had been the same for vorns. He didn't want to run the risk of them being discovered, but Prowl had become rather insistent now that their only femme was nearing adulthood. "Ay'll... think about it."

Prowl's hope lifted and he pecked his mate's cheek.

Jazz smiled softly before he grinned, fanged dentas flashing. "Now, where's breakfast?"

Today, something smelled interesting. Pixie had been used to the dull and bland smell her school and its students had to offer, but now there was something delectable. Her wings perked up the moment she stepped through the front threshold and she took a whiff. Who on Cybertron possessed this smell? It made her mouth water at the thought of how savory and delicious the smell could have tasted. Before Pixie knew it, she was following the scent through the crowd of students; many of them looked at her, wondering where she was headed before going back to the interest of their groups. Her optics darted between the different bots, dismissing them as she immediately recognized them and their dull smell. Pixie screeched to a halt as the owner of the scent was just a few steps away.

Helios was intently looking over his schedule and school map, trying to match up his room numbers to the map and finding the best route to all of them. He didn't noticed the winged femme staring at him in interest. The young mech grumbled to himself.

"If this school wasn't so fragging big..."

"Ay can help ya."

Helios jumped in surprise, almost dropping his datapads. He clutched the map and schedule to his chest, optics focusing on the femme in front of him. "Oh! Um..."

The mech felt his spark flutter, a knot forming in the back of his intake as he briefly looked over the black and white femme. His optics lingered at her wings, white panels bobbing almost excitedly up and down. Pixie could hear his spark pulse accelerate slightly, making the rich scent even sweeter. She watched the mech fumble for words as she showed him a soft smile, one that she reserved for herself.

"S-Sure. I could use all the help I can take. I-I came from Tyger Pax so I haven't the slightest clue." Oh dear Primus, Helios thought to himself. She was cute!

"What's yer first class?" Pixie asked.

Helios looked down at his small stack of datapads, flushing yet again as he tried to find the one with his schedule. He pulled out his schedule and handed it to the femme.

Pixie glanced at it and cringed.

"Mecha Anatomy?"

"Yeah." he looked at his pedes, shuffling. "I'd like to be a medic, like my Carrier."

She continued to look over his schedule. "Yeah, Ay noticed. Ay can show ya where yer classes are."

Helios smiled. "Thanks."

"No problem."

If Pixie hadn't had super being hearing, she wouldn't have heard the voices whispering about her as she passed. Unfortunately, she did have an acute sense and could hear them.

"What is a mech like him doing something like that?"

"Why is the recluse talking with the newbie?"

"When is the freak going to just drop dead? She doesn't belong with him."

It hurt. Those words hurt, but Pixie didn't show it. She couldn't let them know.

Pixie was a mess of emotions. She loved going to school because it meant she could be with Helios, but it was hell for it meant she would have to endure the whispers of her peers. At home the loneliness was even worse. No one to talk to, no friends to go hang out with; she didn't have anyone. Pixie couldn't even sleep her troubles away because she didn't recharge. Being a monster made it hard for her to be normal, to enjoy the simple things in life.

Third term was set to start in a decacycle, which is when Pixie was pulled aside along with another femme she had seen, but never actually talked too before.

"Alright, now you've both been struggling in your core classes and your teachers believe you need to have some additional help," the femme was telling them. Additional help?! Pixie was ten times smarter than every bot in this jailhouse. She just didn't try, didn't try at all; at least until the last couple decacycles.

Everything about Helios captivated her: he way he looked, how he acted, his opinions on the world, and, of course, that delicious smell coming from him. Helios was different from the rest of the entire school and she liked it.

Pixie quivered a bit, a new smell hitting her hard. She turned and the femme next to her was on her peds, shouting at the femme about her grades and how hard she tries. Suddenly, she'd become interesting too. Since Pixie had gotten here, nothing exciting happened. No fights, spats, absolutely nothing. Everything and everyone was boring.

Watching her, Pixie saw her peds sink into the floor some, a wave of heat rolling over her frame. Pixie hissed, hating the sensation.

"Rhea, please, calm down!" The instructor pleaded. "You are too old for these breakdowns." Rhea's face contorted with rage.

"Too old? Too old?! I'll show you 'too old' you crazy femme!" The heat slamming into Pixie grew more intense, hotter and stronger as Rhea stormed from the room, screaming at the top of her vocal processor as she went.

Pixie smiled. Maybe people here were interesting, she'd just been too bored to notice.

A/N: This is an AU set in the G1 universe, co-written with warperchick on

Pixie and Helios belong to warperchick. Rhea belongs to me.

Please review. It's the only way we can get better and hear what you think of our work!
