Aknamkanon was holding petty court in the throne room. It was to decided the fate of a petty thief who had been stealing from various shops all week until he had finally been caught by the royal guard.

"So why have you been stealing from the shops this week? It sounds like you've never done something like this before." He asked the thief, who was kneeling on the floor in front of him.

The villager looked up at Aknamkanon "Well you see Pharaoh I-" He stopped when he the sound of tiny footsteps coming towards them as well as the sound of a child giggling.

"Prince please come back." A woman's voice called out.

A small chubby baby no more then three years old staggered into the throne room with a pair of nursemaids following behind trying to get a hold of him. He wore nothing more then a cloth diaper and had short messy black hair tipped with a purple-sh-red colour. His big purple eyes looked around the room before seeing Aknamkanon

"PAPA!." He said in a loud voice and began moving towards him with a big grin on his chubby little face.

Aknamkanon looked over "Atem, what are you doing here? I thought you were in your nursery." He said, wondering what he was doing in the throne room as well as how he manged to walk and or crawl all the way from the nursery to the throne room.

"Papa." He giggled staggering towards his dad with out stretched hands "Papa, Papa, Papa" He kept repeating as he moved towards his father smiling.

"Prince not now your father is very busy." Said one of the nursemaids about to pick him up. "I'm sorry sire he managed to sneak past us when we weren't looking. We'll get him out of your way now" She told him bowing her head.

Aknamkanon just smiled and waved it off "It's no problem, let him stay." He told them picking up his son and placing him on his knee. "One day he will become king so this will be good practice. He has to start learning about this stuff at some point." Even though that's what he told them the real reason was he just wanted to be able to spend some more time with his son. Being king he didn't often get free time so he took any opportunity that came by to spend time with his son.

Atem just sat on his father's knee attempting to chew on a piece of his father's robe and occasionally giggling as he swung his legs back and forth. Everyone looked at each other wanting to say something about the prince only being a baby and how he wouldn't actually understand anything that was going on, but they knew that once he made a decision not to question it so they stayed silent

"Alright if that's what you wish." She gave a small bow "Call us if need us." The two nursemaids bowed and left the throne room.

He turned his attention back to the thief "Now back to business were about to tell me why you had been stealing." He said as if nothing had happened.