Perfection Chapter 14

So, I planned to post this chapter on my bae Byakuya's birthday, but couldn't get it done in time because I'm a lazy ass. Anyways, here it is now! And the story is coming to an end. Next chapter will be the last. Enjoy!

Ichigo woke up feeling rather...bright and happy. Strange. He was supposed to be very dejected, since Byakuya was returning to Soul Society. Today was the day their happy days in the human world ended. Byakuya'd go back, and he'd have so much work to catch up on that he'd have no time to contact Ichigo. At least, that's what Ichigo feared. Then he looked to his left and saw the reason for his good mood. For there was Byakuya Kuchiki himself, draped on Ichigo's bed, a hand on Ichigo's stomach. Ichigo slowly reached to remove that beautiful pale hand from on top of his abdomen so he could get up. As the covers slipped, Ichigo's eyes widened as more of Byakuya's perfect, white sculpted back became visible. He tentatively lifted up the covers to check whether the other was wearing pants or not. He was. Ichigo sighed, but the sigh was more of disappointment than of relief. He tried to recollect what had happened last night, when suddenly the door banged open.

"Good morning, Ichigo! Today is a new day! You have lived for another day! I congratulate you, my son! Now hurry up, receive your father's kick of love-" Isshin's yelling stopped as he took in the person lying beside his shocked son. The covers covered the person's lower half, and taking in the naked upper half, Isshin assumed him to be totally nude. What's more, the naked person was a man, and Rukia's, his second daughter's brother, which made him his other son.

"'re sleeping with your brother! Shame on you, Ichigo, I never thought...incest...MASAKIIII I HAVE FAILED YOU." Isshin started to say and then collapsed in the doorway sobbing.

"W-what the hell, you fucking dumb old man? Why didn't you knock? And Byakuya and I aren't brothers, stop being so damn creepy!" Ichigo said, recovering somewhat from the shock.

"S-son..." Isshin managed to say before breaking out in sobs again. Ichigo thought of getting out of bed and kicking his father out, but decided he was too lazy to.

"Get out!" Yelled Ichigo, half in frustration and half embarrassment.

"Yes, of course, son. By the way, good choice. And I expect to hear the story of how you got a man like him to sleep with you! And I'll be sure to tell the pretty ladies that come after you that you're taken and send them home." Isshin said, recovering so suddenly that it surprised Ichigo too.

"What pretty ladies, dumbass?"

"Oh, it isn't important anymore, is it, son?" Isshin said cheerily and left without Ichigo having to throw something at him or curse him. Wow.

Now, all that was left was to remember what happened yesterday nigh- oh wait, he remembered already.

Ichigo entered his room, sighing. He had drunk a lot before. Not nearly as much as the other shinigami, but still, a considerable amount. His head hurt. He lay down on his bed, trying to sleep, when his door opened. Ichigo was about to tell whoever it was to get the hell out as he was trying to sleep, but stopped as he saw Byakuya's fine form.

"What's up?" He asked, a little surprised. Wordlessly, Byakuya made his way towards him, and climbed on his bed, till he was sitting on Ichigo's chest.

"Byakuya, what are you doing?" Ichigo asked. He knew what he was doing, of course, but why so suddenly? And then he remembered. Byakuya was drunk. He remembered the last time Byakuya had gotten drunk, and shuddered in relief that Byakuya hadn't started stripping out of the blue in front of his family or started giving them lectures on stupid topics.

And then, his brain stopped working as Byakuya bent down to kiss him.

"Mm-wait, you're drunk, we really shouldn't." Ichigo said hurriedly.

"Why? Do you not want to?"

"Hell yeah I do, but-"

"Are we not in a relationship?" Byakuya questioned, raising an eyebrow. Ichigo's heart nearly skipped a beat. Great. Now he was a fucking schoolgirl.

"...We are." Just saying it made him feel good.

"Then, I see no problem, Ichi."

And Ichigo was deprived of the need to say anything further as Byakuya kissed him again, his warm, wet tongue dominating Ichigo's. Then, Byakuya let go. As Ichigo went to kiss him again, he noticed that the other man was asleep. Talk about anticlimactic. Ichigo frowned in disappointment. Deciding he didn't want to drag Byakuya all the way to his room, and if he carried him Yuzu and Isshin would probably get a heart attack. So he tucked him into his bed and stalked off to the bathroom. He had a boner to take care of.

"So, nothing happened." Ichigo said to himself in disappointment.

"Talking to yourself is a sign of madness." Came a voice from beside him.

Ichigo jumped badly. "B-Byakuya? You were fast asleep!" He exclaimed.

"I happen to be a rather light sleeper. And your father's yelling can wake up even a dead man."

"I really need to buy a lock for my door."

"Please do. We can't have your family interrupting us, can we?"

Ichigo turned red. Byakuya smirked. He loved embarrassing Ichigo.

"Ichigo, you shouldn't keep the pretty ladies that come calling for you waiting." Byakuya said, changing the topic.

"Don't listen to that crap the old man spews. And weren't you sleeping? How'd you hear?" Ichigo asked, surprised.

"As I said before, I'm a light sleeper. And your father's footsteps are as heavy as that of an elephant's. I must say your stairs are rather sturdy."

"Oh man, please say that to Goat-Face once. I wanna see his expression when he hears that."

"I think the last thing your father needs is the man he saw his son sleeping with insulting him."

"Hey, he's Goat-Face. He doesn't even mind being insulted anymore. It's the same as being complimented, to him. Besides, he's cool about it. You heard him, right?"

"Yes, I did. It is shocking how quickly he went from a surprised father to a perverted old man."

"Exactly!" Ichigo said in exasperation. "You know, as much as I enjoy lying in bed with you, we probably should get up." He added.

"Yes, we should." And Byakuya got up and dressed himself in some skinny ripped jeans and a tight black tee. Ichigo nearly drooled all over himself, before getting up and wearing a purple tee with black pants.

After they'd finished the daily morning activities, Ichigo went down first, cautiously. He found them all sitting around in the living room. Just great. An ambush. Sighing, he beckoned Byakuya to come down as well. They might as well face it together. As soon as Isshin and Karin saw them, they grinned widely. And, to Ichigo's and Byakuya's surprise, Yuzu gave them a wide smile and mouthed "I'm so happy for you!" Oh, so those two assholes told her everything. Even better. Ichigo was going to glare at them, but then he saw that Byakuya had fixed Isshin with an ice cold stare, and the damn old man was positively squirming under the force of the glare. Che. Serves him right.

The two men took as seat at the table as Yuzu served them scrambled eggs. And Karin kept on grinning at them, wiggling her eyebrows when either of them looked at her.

"Oy, old man, Karin is dating Toshiro." Ichigo said, smirking, trying to get back at Karin.

"What the hell? I thought we had an agreement! I don't mention witnessing you guys making out, and you don't mention Toshiro!" Karin said in indignation.

"My...daughter has a boyfriend." Isshin said in a daze.

"What about your son making out with Byakuya-san here? And what about them fucking?" Karin demanded.

"My beautiful daughter is more precious than my scowling son!" Isshin exclaimed before breaking down into tears and mumbling something about how they all were going to leave him and run away with their boyfriends.

"Fuck you, Ichi-nii." Karin said.

"Language, Karin. And Byakuya, try not to look so amused."

"I have hardly seen anything as entertaining as this. Except for when Renji tripped on his own zanpakuto." Byakuya said, barely controlling his mirth. Ichigo sniggered at the mental image of Renji tripping and falling face first.

"Hey, you two lovebirds, don't go laughing about things on your own, okay? Tell us too!" Yuzu spoke up. Ichigo frowned at her calling them lovebirds, and was about to say something but was interrupted by Isshin, who had managed to compose himself a little.

"My daughter, please wait. Your interrogation shall start later. First, your brother." Then Isshin turned to Ichigo.

"Ichigo." He said with a serious face.

"What is it?" Ichigo was surprised at his dad's seriousness.

"How was the sex? Is he any good? How big is his dick? Do you top or does he?" Isshin questioned.

"Wha-what the fuck? Your daughters are right next to you! And Byakuya is right here! Damned old man, have some shame!" Ichigo sputtered, turning red.

"Meh, Ichigo, you spoilsport. But my other son won't disappoint! So, Byakuya, how was the sex? Is my son any good? Are you any good? How big is your dick? Who tops?" Isshin moved on to Byakuya.

"I do not answer the questions of dirty old men." He said coolly. And that shut Isshin up. The rest of Ichigo's family looked at him, impressed. Karin and Ichigo burst into laughter.

"Good one!" Ichigo said, amidst peals of laughter.

"Boy, Ichi-nii, you sure have good taste! Good to know you don't only pick them based on their looks." Karin said, laughing as well.

"Of course, I'm not that shallow." Ichigo said, sobering up.

"You know, I like you. Take good care of our brother. And don't mind him frowning all the time. He's just engineered like that, it's not his fault." Karin said, turning to Byakuya and clapping him on the shoulder.

Byakuya said nothing, just smiled a little at Ichigo. But that minuscule smile was enough to make Ichigo's heart stop. And then he remembered.

"By the way, guys, Byakuya is leaving today." He announced.

"What? Where's he going?" Yuzu asked, disappointed.

"Well...he has a modeling assignment scheduled somewhere else. And remember, he was only supposed to be here for a few days?" Ichigo said.

"Long distance, then? I'm sure you can make it work." Karin said.

"Yeah..." Ichigo said, a bit saddened. He noticed that Byakuya's face had lost all its amusement as well.

"We will." Said Byakuya quietly, looking at Ichigo. Ichigo smiled, and took Byakuya's hand into his own.

"Holy shit. You made Ichi-nii smile. You guys are perfect together. When's the wedding?" Karin asked cheekily.

"Karin-chan!" Yuzu exclaimed. Karin just winked at her.

"By the way, Byakuya, shouldn't you be leaving soon?" Ichigo questioned.

"Yes, I should. Thank you all for your hospitality."

"M-my son, don't be so formal!" Isshin exclaimed.

"I would prefer it if you did not call me your son. I do not want people to think that my father is an insane man like yourself." Byakuya said.

"Basically, he's just saying that he'd be ashamed if he had a dad like you." Ichigo teased.

Isshin ran over to the poster of Masaki, crying and yelling about how no one loved him anymore.

"We're leaving. Better than stand here and listen to his shit." He gestured towards his sniveling father and left.

"Thank you for all you've done. I enjoyed staying here." Byakuya said. And there wasn't an ounce of exaggeration or untruth in his words.

"Bye, Byakuya-san! Do drop by sometime!" Yuzu waved cheerily. Karin nodded at him. Byakuya nodded back and left.

"I wonder how my good for nothing bro landed such a man who's so perfect, albeit a bit emotionally retarded." Karin mused out loud as soon as they'd left.

"Karin-chan!" Yuzu exclaimed in exasperation.

" Urahara's?" Ichigo asked.

"Yes. We all will meet up there, deposit our gigais and leave. I have already contacted all of them. They will all reach there soon. We should get going. You lead the way."

"Someone still isn't very good with directions, huh?" Ichigo teased, understanding the true meaning of Byakuya's last words.

"I do not know who you might be talking about."

"Heh, sure you don't."


"It was fun, you know. Spending all this time with you." Ichigo said somberly.

"Yes. It was."

"I'll miss you." Ichigo said, sighing. And Byakuya pulled him into an alley and kissed the wind out of him. Ichigo turned as red as his namesake.

"W-what the hell was that for?" He sputtered.

"Didn't like it?" Byakuya smirked.

"You know I did." Ichigo muttered, averting his eyes.

"Ichigo. I'm not leaving forever. You can come visit me, and I will be accepting more missions to the World of Living. I will also talk to Histugaya-taicho, about when he plans to tell your sister the truth about who he really is and what soul reapers are. Then you both can come to Soul Society together." Byakuya said, stroking Ichigo's face gently.

"Yeah. But if we visit each other so frequently, won't people know?"

"It does not matter to me is people know. And Rukia and Renji, the people closest to us, already know."

"Wait wait wait, how'd you know that they know?" Ichigo asked in surprise.

"I am very perceptive, Ichigo, and not nearly as thickheaded as you are."

"I am not thickheaded, asshole!"

"Everyone, please come out of your gigais!" Urahara said loudly. There were several successive thumps as the fake bodies fell to the floor.

"Now, now, don't be so rough, they're your bodies after all." Urahara said reprovingly.

"Whatever." Ikkaku said, evidently uncaring. They all stuffed their gigais in a closet. Ichigo mentally burst out laughing thinking what deep shit Urahara would be in if he ever got arrested for possession of contraband, and the cops searched his place and came upon that closet full of bodies.

"Thank you for your help, Urahara Kisuke." Byakuya said.

"What about me?" Yoruichi asked indignantly.

"You were more of a nuisance than a help." Byakuya said without even looking at her. Renji sniggered.

"Oh, was I, Byakuya-bo?" Yoruichi asked, teasingly calling his his nickname. Byakuya bristled.

"I'm opening the Senkaimon." Rukia cut in, saving her brother. All the other soul reapers nodded. Rukia opened it, and they all stepped in one by one, following their hell butterflies. Byakuya went last. He entered the Senkaimon, and looked at Ichigo.


Ichigo smiled. "No, this isn't a goodbye. It's a 'see you later'."

Byakuya smiled back, and the Senkaimon closed.

Ichigo sighed and turned to leave, but was stopped by a widely grinning Urahara and Yoruichi.

"What?" He asked, looking for an escape.

"What's the deal, Ichigo? Spill it." Yoruichi said. Ichigo got a strange feeling of deja vu. Then he decided to tell them. He knew he wouldn't be getting out of there anytime soon if he didn't. And Byakuya had no problem with their relationship becoming public.

He smiled a little when he thought of Byakuya. God, he was falling head over heels in love.

So sorry for disappearing all of a sudden! But I'm alive and well, and since my exams are going on right now, I figured what better time than this to write fanfiction? Lol.

Anyhoo, please review, fav and follow! Next chapter will be the last. If you've got any ideas for how you want it to end, feel free to share!

Bye guys, wish me luck with my exams T-T