The six months following David Lee's exit weren't easy for Will, Alicia and the firm. While the firm was left standing, it took four months to get back onto stable ground where they weren't in some danger of losing everything. They didn't lose many clients in the process, but gaining new ones proved difficult. It took awhile for people to forget the alleged voter fraud, and Will and Alicia's non participation in the scheme. Headlines are often soon forgotten, but photos had a way of lingering in peoples minds.

Working together as professional partners would always be the right decision for the pair, but it wasn't always simple and it never would be. Their two strong independent personalities got them into some occasional disagreements over the firm's future, and clients. But in the end after a sometimes lengthy healthy argument had been resolved, they knew they wouldn't have it any other way. It certainly wouldn't be as much fun if they always agreed.

During the six months as summer turned to autumn, and autumn turned to the early days of winter their personal relationship grew stronger. It became more comfortable. Alicia finally stopped looking over her shoulder every time they went somewhere together. She stopped eyeing everyone in a restaurant before even sitting down at their table. As the days grew shorter the work load increased which was good news for the firm, and in ways was good for their personal relationship as well. It forced them to make a point of spending time together doing things that weren't work related. Will spent more time at her place when Grace was around. Alicia spent more time at Will's when Grace wasn't. The two did more and more couple things together during these autumn months. They would go to movies, take long walks along Lake Michigan. Will even convinced Alicia to take a ride with him on the ferris wheel at Navy Pier, and even managed to get her to watch the entire final game of the world series with him. In return Will agreed to take her to the theatre.

Thanksgiving rolled around and Alicia was introduced to Will's sisters. Will was almost regretting the meeting by the end of the evening. It turned into two women telling every embarrassing story they could think of about him, and the other woman laughing so hysterically at the stories that she'd been brought to tears. Later that evening when they were curled up in bed together Alicia was still chuckling at some of the comments from the evening. Will vowed that he would get all the dirt on her out of Owen and Veronica the next day. She stopped her chuckles at the statement.

December came with its usual freezing temperatures and heavy snowfall. The two had been working long hard hours on a case against Preston, Canning & Lee. The case went to trial just two weeks before Christmas. It was their first meeting since the fallout. If Will and Alicia could win this case it would make them a lot of money, and hopefully prove to the opposing firm that they were definitely still in the business of destroying their competition.

A few days before Christmas they were in Alicia's office working on prep for trial. Will was sat at the couch with files spread over the coffee table, Alicia was sitting at her desk with her heals off. Her attention had turned to Will. She loved to watch him work. Watch the wheels spinning in his mind. She smiled as he took the pen from his lips and made some notes on the pad in front of him. She turned her chair towards the windows to grab another file she needed and paused something in the darkened Chicago skyline caught her attention. She stood and moved towards the window to get a better look.

A few minutes later Will closed the file he was working on and set his pen down. This was a tricky case, and had taken more hours than they had expected to spend on it. They wanted to get as much of it done as possible before the holiday so they could take a few days off. He was tired and ran his hands through his hair as he turned his attention to Alicia. Just as she had been watching him moments earlier, he sat and watched her for a few moments. He loved the pose she was in arms crossed over her chest and one finger lifted to her chin deep in thought.

"I'm tired. Let's go home and get some sleep," he said, as he stood and walked over to her placing his hands on her shoulders.

She nodded but didn't move. "This office has a good view of the city."

"Yes, it does," Will said looking out at the same view. "Hey look, you can see the Christmas tree in Daley Plaza from here," he said, pointing out the window.

"Yes, it caught my attention as well. It's only a few blocks away."

"I guess I never noticed it before."

Alicia turned to face him placing her hands on his chest. "Well I can't imagine you ever had reason to come into Diane's office just to take in the view, and I doubt you can see it from your office. It's at the wrong angle," she said, rising up on her toes to kiss him. After she pulled away she had a thought. "Let's walk over and see tree before we go home."

Will chuckled. "It's ten at night and twenty five degrees outside and you want to go for a walk?"

"Yes," she said with exaggeration as she pulled away from him and went to put her shoes back on. "It's not that far, and the crowds will be gone!" she said, pulling her coat on. Will didn't move. He was stuck between fighting his need for sleep, and staring in awe at Alicia who at this moment held a smile on her lips that made him adore and love her spontaneity more than he could have ever imagined. She wasn't one for spontaneity too often and he wasn't about to say no. Once he agreed they bundled up and headed towards the plaza.

Alicia did most of the talking on their way. Will listened, and answered only if he needed too enjoying the cold air and the warmth of her gloved hand in his. His thoughts had been turned from their case and the headline news of the day to something else that had been distracting him over the past week. Once they got to the plaza they stood in front of the enormous tree gazing at all the lights for a few minutes. It was beautiful illuminating the street with the fresh blanket of snow from the previous day. They stood in silence for a few minutes before Alicia spoke up again.

"Peter and I used to bring the kids here for the parade and lighting ceremony every year," she said, looking up to the top of the tree shaking her head. "The last time we were here was the holiday beforeā€¦" She paused as her thoughts wandered back in time. Will watched as her smile faded just above the dark blue scarf she had wrapped around her neck. He put his arm around her and pulled her in close. She reached up and took his hand that was on her shoulder.

It was in moments like this that hit her every so often where Will could almost see the memories flashing through her mind. It hit a sore spot that was buried deep inside of her. Something he knew would always be there, the hurt and the original betrayal that had turned her life upside down six years earlier and had tainted some of her happy memories. It was in moments like these where he wished he could take that last bit of hurt away from her, and make the bad memories go away. But he couldn't. And even though he lingered on it longer, she just seconds later shook her head and smiled pushing the painful memory back deep down inside of her. He continued to watch her with his arm around her as she told him about how Grace had reacted to the lights when she was three and finally old enough to be placed in awe at the sight. And how at age ten Zach had informed them he was too old to come to a parade. Thoughts of her children could always bring her good mood back. After about ten minutes she turned to him and asked if he was ready to leave. He didn't say anything, but continued to look at her.

"Hey is everything okay? You've been really quiet tonight," she said, turning to fully face him. He pulled away from her grasp and looked around for a minute. Alicia followed his gaze to nowhere in particular. It was fairly quiet being so late in the evening. He smiled and turned his gaze back to hers taking her hand.

"Yes, everything's perfect," he said. She continued to stare at him making sure everything really was okay as a light snow began to fall.

"We should go," she said, looking up at the night sky. She turned and took his other hand trying to pull him in the direction of the office, but he didn't move. She turned back and looked at him.

"Alicia," he said with a gentle tone.

"Yes," she said, moving back in front of him.

"Marry me" Everything around them seemed to fade away as he looked into her eyes and the snow continued to gently fall. Her smile turned a look of shock. They'd talked about marriage, but they hadn't talked, about it. He hadn't planned on asking her, not tonight standing near the light of the tree with the snow gently falling down on them. But as he'd watched her standing there in the gentle glow of the night it felt like the right time.

"Will, I..." She honestly didn't how to respond. She didn't know if he was serious. Deep down she knew she wanted him to be serious. He'd brought her more happiness in the past year then she could have imagined, despite everything that had gone wrong. And he'd stuck by her side. He hadn't cowered away when things got tough. As she stood there looking at him she thought certainly he hadn't planned this little walk, it had been her idea, and he didn't have a ring. But then she watched in more awe as he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small black box. Her head began to spin as she inhaled and cupped her mouth in her hands as he held it in his hand. He'd seemed nervous just moments before, but then he shook his head and smiled all his confidence streaming through him once more.

"Grace and Zach are going to kill me," he said, looking back up to her. He moved closer to her as he opened the box that held a beautiful diamond set among some smaller ones on a simple but elegant band.

"Grace and Zach knew you were going to propose? Tonight?" she said, looking from the ring to him in confusion. She was still trying to wrap her head around the fact that he had a ring. To say she was surprised was a complete understatement.

Will smiled sheepishly. "Yes, who else was I going to ask if it was alright for me to marry you? We had it all planned out. I was going to ask you on Christmas Eve. Zach was going to find this wrapped under the tree. Then you'd open it and well, I'd pop the question."

Alicia smiled and shook her head. Will returned the smile, and pulled the ring from the box. The snow continued to fall around them. They were practically the only ones in the area at that moment. "Alicia, I had a whole speech prepared, but most of it seems irrelevant now." He looked down at the ground for a brief moment then looked back up into her eyes. "I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy. I want us to come here every year as a reminder of this night. I want to spend the rest of my life with you not just as your business partner, but as your life partner, your best friend. Marry me!" he said, taking her hands into his.

Tears had already started to spring from her eyes as she leaned in under the gentle snowfall and cupped his face in her hands. "Yes, I will marry you!" she said, then pressed her warm lips to his. After they pulled apart he smiled again his nerves having been put at ease. She smiled wiping at the tears as he removed the glove that covered her left hand. Then he placed the ring on her finger becoming emotional himself.

Once the ring was in place he leaned over placing his forehead to hers. "I will always love you!" he said.

"And I will always love you!" she said, and kissed him one more time.


Five months later on a warm breezy sunny afternoon in the May the two were married in a small intimate ceremony along the shores of Lake Michigan. The two committed to each other for life in the gentle spring breeze. Only their families, a few close co-workers and friends had been invited. Following the small dinner and reception after the ceremony the two took a much needed two week honeymoon break at a secluded resort in the British Virgin Islands.

By July and the one year anniversary of the firm fall out they had managed to start a new family law and bankruptcy department. The firm was on stable ground once again and they were looking into opening an office up in D.C. They decided it made more sense to expand from one end of the country and make their way towards the other in time.

Alicia now in her mid forties, with the previous ectopic pregnancy, and her diagnosis of hyperthyroidism, she and Will decided that the best way for them to have a child of their own was to use a surrogate. They had found a surrogate they both liked, and in one weeks time she was to be implanted, and hopefully bear them a child.

Just one week before the procedure on a hot July afternoon Alicia had gone in to see her endocrinologist for a routine blood test all had gone well. But the doctor had called her the next day and told her she and Will both needed to come see her. The anxiety in both of them during the next five hours before the appointment was palpable. Just when things seemed to be going so well they hoped they weren't in for another whirlwind of bad news.

They sat nervously across the desk from doctor in the small office in the late afternoon.

"I received your blood test results back this morning."

"Yes, we know," Alicia said.

"Your thyroid levels are fine." Will and Alicia both looked at each other exhaling some of the anxiety, and then turned back at her. Will tightened his grip on Alicia's hand. They were braced for the worst.

"That's good, so what's the problem then?" Alicia asked.

"Alicia, how have you been feeling?"

Alicia looked to Will again. "Fine, why?"

"The test results show that you're pregnant." The doctor let the words hang long enough for the two to process them. Alicia and Will both looked at each other in shock as the anxiety crept back in. The same thought was crossing both of their minds. Was this for real? What if the same thing happens again? What if we lose this baby too?

It was almost to much to take in and Alicia shifted uncomfortably in her chair tightening her grip on Will's hand. "I'm what?"

"The results show that you're pregnant. You need see your OB/GYN as soon as possible to confirm, and make sure the fetus is alright. We can control the thyroid issues with medication, but I know your history with the last pregnancy, and if you really are pregnant a few precautions need to be taken.

As soon as they left the office Alicia set up an appointment for an ultrasound the following day. They were both excited and scared to death. Will couldn't help but stare down at her stomach that was covered with one of his old t-shirts that night as they lay in bed together. It had been a quiet evening. They had too much on their minds to go back into work, and too much on their minds to have much of a conversation in the hours at home before bed. They didn't need words. Will helped her prepare dinner, she helped him wash the dishes afterwards in near silence. But the intentional brushes of his hands to her shoulders and back during the process was both meant to comfort her, and reassure both of them.

As they lay there in the quiet of their bedroom with only the dim light from the moon Alicia couldn't keep her thoughts in any longer. "What if it's not okay? What if it's just like before?" she said, shifting in the bed to place her head on his chest.

Will began running his fingers through her hair. "Then we'll get through it again. And we can still use the surrogate."

"I don't know if I can take the heartbreak again Will."

He placed his arm tighter around her. "We can, everything's going to be alright either way, I promise."

The following day Will held onto Alicia's hand as the sonographer prepared to do the ultrasound. As the technician placed the cold cream onto Alicia's stomach then placed the monitor and began searching for the fetus. Alicia closed her eyes squeezing Will's hand tightly silently pleading that this baby would be resting comfortably in her womb. She was concerned since she'd finally done the math, and realized that she was probably already eight to ten weeks along and hadn't had bad bouts of morning sickness. In the past this had been a sure sign for her that she was pregnant. Deep down she wondered if the ultrasound would show nothing and that this had all been a false alarm.

Will's eyes were focused on the monitor and he held his breath as the technician searched for their child. An agonizing few moments later Alicia finally heard and recognized the faint sound of a heartbeat. The baby was alive, but was it where it should be? She continued to hold her eyes shut. Finally the technician pointed to monitor

"There it is." Alicia still couldn't force her eyes open let alone look over to the monitor. "There's your baby settled quite comfortably right where it belongs." Will let out the breath he'd been holding and tears sprang from Alicia's eyes.

"You're sure?" Will asked, as he looked into Alicia's eyes and ran his thumb across her fingers.

"I'm sure!" she said smiling over to them.

Alicia's tears continued at a slow stream as the technician checked everything. With their fear put at ease the technician continued to point out some of the barely recognizable features on the small fetus turning the appointment into a moment that Alicia had hoped Will would someday experience into a reality. When they were done the baby was given a clean bill of health. Alicia's medications were adjusted and she was told to take it easy.

When they got home Alicia collapsed into Will's arms as they sat on the couch. He wrapped his arms around her holding her tightly. A few minutes later she pulled away from him. "I can't believe its okay," she said.

"See I told you it would alright!" A gentle smile crossed his lips as he leaned over kissing her forehead.

"Are you happy?" she asked him.

"I'm ecstatic!" he said with a huge grin. "I'm going to be Dad! I still can't wrap my head around that!"

"Well you have some time to get used to the idea!" Alicia said as she leaned in to kiss him.

"What do we do now?" he asked.

"Now we wait! And get as much sleep as possible, because when this little one arrives there will not be much sleeping ever again."

They both chuckled. Alicia was excited, but knowing what would come with a newborn in the house was exhausting to think about. She sighed and leaned up against him closing her eyes.

"Do you need anything?" he asked gently wrapping his arms around her.


"Okay but I'm not going to let you run yourself ragged this time around. You have to rest when you need too. Stay home from work if you need too."

"Will, I'm fine. You are not going to try and tell me what I should and shouldn't do for the next nine months are you?" she said, lovingly but with a hint of sternness in her tone.

He chuckled. "No, as long as you don't push yourself to hard."

"I think I can agree to those terms!" she said smiling as she rested her head against him. "We should wait to tell everyone, just in case," she said, glancing back up to him.

"Yes, we should. It will be our little secret for awhile."


Pregnancy was kind to her over the next few months. While she did on occasion have bouts of nausea it wasn't frequent like it had been before, and it usually only occurred when she was exhausted from working too much and didn't get enough to eat. After that had happened a few times Will made sure she ate and rested at frequent intervals until the morning sickness had subsided. Because it had been labeled a high risk pregnancy she had to go in to see the doctor frequently, but things continued to look good.

The months passed with ease, the only noticeable change between the pair was the growing bump on Alicia's stomach. It didn't slow her down much at work, but Will spent a healthy amount of time at night massaging her swollen feet and aching back. The way he looked at her now was different. He found her even more beautiful than before which he didn't even think was possible. As the due date drew closer they decided to move into their own place instead of her apartment. They would need more room with the addition to the family, and decided on a house in a nearby Chicago suburb, with a view of the lake, and excellent schools. Alicia was only slightly concerned with the fact that Will had already planned out the first twenty three years of this child's life. When moving day rolled near at the end of January, Will insisted he and Owen could move everything to the new place. But when he saw all the boxes, and a huge snow storm hit a week before moving day, he decided Alicia was right, and they hired movers.

In early April the baby was due within the next few weeks. Alicia was in the office busy with work one afternoon when the contractions started. Figuring she still had a good few hours before they needed to head for the hospital she didn't try to pull Will out of court, thinking he would be done for the day soon anyway. But thirty minutes after the contractions had begun they were getting stronger and occurring at closer intervals. Feeling a sense of urgency, and quite frankly pain, she sent Will a text message, and tried to call. Ten minutes later there hadn't been a response. Luckily Kalinda was there.

"I need you go get Will," Alicia said, as another contraction hit, and she tried to breathe through the pain holding onto her desk.

"Alicia we need to get you to the hospital," kalinda said, with a sense of urgency.

"I know, but I can't drive like this, and I don't want to go alone."

"Cary is in the other room deposing one of our clients. He could go get Will, and I'll take you to the hospital," Kalinda said, as she walked out of Alicia's office and into the conference room.

A few moments later the pair reappeared in her office. Alicia looked over to Cary. "Cary, I've never been so happy to see you! Will you please go pull Will out of court for me?" she asked, as another contraction hit.

"Yeah, I'm on it," he said rushing out, realizing urgency in the situation.

"Tell him to hurry!" Alicia called after him. "I don't think this kid is going to wait much longer before it heads for daylight." She stood from her desk and followed Kalinda to the elevators.

By the time they made it to the hospital Alicia's contractions were just two minutes apart. "I'd forgotten how much this hurts," she said, as they made their way into the maternity wing of the hospital. The nurses paged her doctor and got her prepped for delivery. She was fully dilated fifteen minutes later. Her doctor arrived, but there was still no sign of Will.

Even though Kalinda felt completely out of place she'd stayed with Alicia. "Kalinda, call Cary. Find out where they are. He can't miss this," Alicia said as a few tears sprang from her eyes. There hadn't been enough time to administer an epidural and she winced in pain when the next contraction hit

"Alicia we can't wait much longer, the baby is ready to come," the doctor said.

"Just a few more minutes. He has to be here," she pleaded. She couldn't bear the thought of Will missing this.

A few minutes came and went and they couldn't wait any longer. The baby was coming on its own. "Alicia, you have to push," the doctor said as the next contraction hit.

She gripped the nurse's hand and closed her eyes as the contraction became stronger and pushed. As it subsided she felt the warm familiar grip of Will's hand on her arm. "I'm here, just breath now,' he said, out of breath from rushing in. She opened her eyes as he leant over and kissed her forehead.

"I was worried you were going to miss it," she said as another contraction hit. She gripped his hand as she pushed through the contraction.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world!" he said. "You're doing great!" She was so grateful he was there. The pain was overwhelming and tears began to flow from her eyes.

"It hurts," she said looking at him with pleading eyes hoping he could magically take the pain away.

He rubbed her arm and continued to hold her hand. "I know, it's almost over, just a few more minutes."

"Just one more push," the doctor said. Alicia clenched Will's hand and cried out in pain as the contraction hit and she pushed with all the strength she had left. Will held tight and watched in amazement as the baby was pulled from her.

"It's a boy!" the doctor announced. Alicia leant back in the bed exhaling deeply as more tears streamed from her eyes. Will held onto her hand as the doctor placed the baby on her stomach.

"He's beautiful Will." Alicia said.

"I know," he replied with a smile. He shook his head, and a few tears escaped his eyes as he cut the cord, and the baby was cleaned up.

"Do you want to hold him Dad?" one of the nurses asked as the doctor finished up on Alicia.

"Yes!" The small bundle was placed in his arms, and Alicia watched overwhelmed by joy as he took the infant into his arms and sat in the chair next her bed.

Once everything was cleaned up, they were left alone in the delivery room together for a few minutes before they would move Alicia to her room.

"I can't believe it," Will said, his gaze still fixed on the bundle in his arms. "I have a son!" he continued. These were some of her favorite moments the quiet just after the birth when the parents were allowed to enjoy the baby so new to life.

"We have to give him a name," Alicia said, as the baby began to fuss. Alicia instinctively reached her hand over to the baby to comfort him. "It's my turn now," she said, reaching her other arm over and taking the baby from Will.

Will smiled as she settled the bundle in the crook of her arm and gently rocked him. "Let's name him after your father," he said as he continued to watch Alicia comfort the baby with ease. There was real sincerity in his eyes as she turned and looked at him. Her father's name hadn't occurred to her when they had their little argument over the babies name a month earlier, and decided to put the discussion on hold until after the baby had come.

"My father's name?" she questioned.

"Yes, it's a good name, and would have some meaning behind it,"

"I think that would be a good name!" she said with a gentle smile. "But let's give him your name as the middle name."

Will pondered it for a moment then looked down at his sleeping son. "Jack William Gardner," he stated. "I like the sound of that."

"Look he opening his eyes!" Alicia said and tilted the baby towards Will.

"He has your eyes!" Will said, as the baby yawned and quickly shut his eyes again.

"Yes, but he looks like you! He has the Gardner nose!" she said looking over to Will with a gentle smile.

Will smiled and inhaled. "If you would have told me two and a half years ago on that night in the car before the gubernatorial election that I would be sitting here today with you as my wife holding my son in your arms, I would have said you were crazy."

Alicia chuckled. "I would have thought I was crazy too. But life has a funny way of turning the most complicated things in life to the simplest of outcomes and I wouldn't have it any other way."

The End

A/N; I hope the ending wasn't too rushed. Thank you all again for the support of this story! It has really meant a lot! A big thank you to my faithful reviewers for your comments, ideas, and insight throughout the writing process! You guys are the best!