Wedding Day

Shiemi looked beautiful. She always did, of was just something about her today that really lit his heart afire. Perhaps it was the way her hair framed her face behind the thin veil? Or maybe it was the way her dress hugged her frame and trailed behind her as she walked down the aisle.

No, that wasn't it. It was her smile. The way her face shone and her eyes lit up with excitement and love. Even behind the veil he could see her love so clearly. She was so happy, so incredibly happy to be getting married.

Oh how he loved her. Every little thing about her enthralled him. She slowly became his world, the light in his life and his reason for living. He fidgeted in place, adjusting his glasses before clasping his hands back together.

The Wedding March ended and she stood at the alter. The priest spoke his part and before he knew it, it was already over. Shiemi Moriyama would now be Mrs. Shiemi Okumura.

Oh if only it was him she had married.