It had been almost three months since the battle with Ultron. Three months without Pietro. Three months as an Avenger. A lot has changed since that day. The first few weeks were especially tough. Training was hard, but knowing that I would never see my brother was harder. I often woke up screaming, watching Pietro die for the hundredth time. Most of the time is was Natasha who comforted me, but some days it was Steve. After a week of nightmares, they recommended me to an Andrew Garner. They said he had experience working with "enhanced people" like me. He was the one who suggested that I go back and see the monument that was built to honor my brother and all who died that day. Try to get a sense of closure. I asked Steve and Natasha if I could take some time off and they agreed to give me a week. Natasha even offered to fly me over to Sokovia. I accepted, knowing that she was trying to be nice. I also knew that it would be quicker via the Quinjet than a commercial flight.

Six hours later.

After a pleasant flight we landed near the memorial. Nat asked if I wanted her to come with, but I politely declined. This was something I needed to do alone. She just nodded and tossed me a cell phone. Call me when you're ready, she mouthed. I nodded back and left the Quinjet, and she took off.
It was a short walk to the statue. It portrayed Pietro, a firefighter, and a police officer, with a simple inscription

"Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary."
Gerald Way

The names of all who died that day were also etched. Even just looking at it brought tears to my eyes.
A man standing nearby glanced at me and quickly looked away when I caught his eye.
"So who did you lose," I asked softly.
"The love of my life," he replied, pointing to a name.
"Elizabeth Danvers?"
"We were supposed to get married on that day," he stated sadly, "instead a maniacal robot kills her. Who'd you lose?"
"My brother," I said , nodding at the statue.
"He was your brother," he asked incredulous. "He's the only reason why I'm still alive."
"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch your name," I inquired.

"It's Aaron. Aaron Shepard," he responded, offering his hand.
"Nice to meet you Aaron," I replied, shaking it gently.
"Say, I know a decent restaurant down the street. They've obviously had to rebuild since the attack, but they're pretty good." He looked slightly nervous, "did you want to join me for lunch?"
"Three months after you lose 'the love of your life', and you're already hitting on other girls," I joked. As his face fell, I quickly backtracked.
"I apologize, that was in bad taste. I'll take you up on your offer."
He smiled slightly, "Great, just follow me."

One week later

"So did you get laid?" Sam asked after I finished my story.
"Really Sam. That's what you're worried about?" Rhodey stated, shaking his head.
"Remind me to never talk to you again, Sam," I muttered.
"What? It's important," he responded. "Do you think Vision is going be jealous?"
"He's an android, so probably not," Rhodey retorted.
"Jealous about what?" Vision asked, appearing behind them.
"Jesus, I thought I told you never to do that," Sam exclaimed.
"I don't understand why you keep calling me Jesus," Vision stated, confused.
"Never mind," Sam said sulking.
"Anyways, Black Widow sent me to tell you that our lunch break is over and we have 5 minutest to report back to the training room."
"Ok. Thanks Vision," we all replied as we prepared ourselves for another grueling training session.