Hi there! This is my first fanfic, it came to me while I was listening to a song on the radio and the lyrics just hit me hard ahah. It's 'Dear Future Husband' by Meghan Trainor. Please excuse me in advance for my english and writing skills, I live in France and I study english in college, but it's far from perfect! Please leave me a review with what you think, it will help me a lot! No more jibber jabber, enjoy ;) [ I don't own any of this ]

"Good bye Sheldon." Amy said, her bottom lip shaking. As soon as she hung up with her boyfriend, she started crying, she managed to keep it still while talking with him, but she just couldn't fight it anymore. She stayed on her couch, she turned off her laptop and leaned on the couch, burying her face in a pillow as she started crying, more and more loudly.

She just couldn't take it anymore. She was tired of everything, tired of being the most attentive, loving, caring one in the relationship, she just wanted to have equality between them two, even though she knew deep down that Sheldon will never be able to love her as she loves him. She was exhausted, both mentally and physically, so she went to bed, without even taking her clothes as she just buried her face in a pillow, again, and cried herself to sleep.

In Pasadena, Sheldon was trying to understand his girlfriend's decision to take a break from him. He couldn't understand why she would take such a harsh decision, I am a delight! He thought, but he knew that this time he screwed up, for real. He knew that the Flash comment during the make out cession was not the only reason why she wanted distance between them, he knew it was one of the many things that led her to her decision. He stared at the little velvet box in his hand, gently stroking the edges, thinking of how many times he tried to propose during the last couple months. He felt the urge to run into his bedroom, to burry his face in a pillow and to cry like a child, but he was not a child, he was just a man who was about to lose the love of his life. He was a genius in every other subjects: School, work, hygiene, he never failed anything. But the simplest, the thing that even Penny was pretty good at, he failed it miserably : love.

He went to bed early, even though every inch of his body was telling him to run to Amy's apartment and to get her back, but he knew that she needed space.

The next morning, Sheldon woke up late and very tired, with red and puffy eyes and still dressed, as he slept without even properly getting ready to bed. He went to the bathroom and took a shower, colder than normal, he wanted to wake up his nerves and brain from the exhausting night he just had. He kept dreaming of Amy's pale shoulders, delicious brownie flavored lips and amazing curves. He wanted her so badly…

Amy woke up at 8am, she felt like it was a hangover, but she soon realized that her migraine was caused by all the crying the night before. She went to the bathroom and took a long and relaxing shower. She didn't slept very well, she kept dreaming of Sheldon's jaw line, muscular arms and dazzling blue eyes. After her shower, she dressed like usual and left her apartment and went to get some groceries. Wine, a lot of wine, ice cream, marshmallows, chocolate, she wanted to heal the pain in her heart by intoxicating herself the girly way. In the car, everything was silent, she was alone with her thoughts, and decided to switch on the radio and listen to some music while driving. She wasn't allowed when Sheldon was in the car, so she tried and enjoyed the hits coming on. She knew some, tried to sing along but then she heard a mysterious song. It was a pop music by Meghan Trainor, and she was just amazed of how the lyrics described her feelings : "I deserve the best, don't forget the flowers on every anniversary.." Sheldon never bought her flowers, he once gave her a mushroom log for Valentine's day, that's the only plant she got from him. "Dear future husband, make time for me..." She laughed at the thought of Sheldon getting on his knee and popping a ring in front of her without saying 'Bazinga!', she knew he would never be ready for that, at least not in the next decade. This thought saddened her, as she was dreaming about marrying him and to start a family for almost 5 years now.. she shook her head to escape from her hurtful thoughts. "Open doors for me and you might get some kisses…" she then remembered the sweet sensation of Sheldon's lips on hers, as they ended their Thursday night dates and she felt a wave of melancholy envading her..

This song obsessed her, she found herself wiggling in her car seat and clapping at the rhythm, she rushed home and downloaded the song. At the end of the day, she knew the song by heart, and she bought every other song on the album. She decided to enjoy her time alone, she changed into comfy clothes, long socks, an oversized shirt from UCLA and just her underwear. She poured herself a glass of wine and some ice cream. She was having fun singing along in her apartment, her headphones covering every other noise, including her thoughts.

Sheldon stayed home all day, he needed to think about what he did wrong, before the Flash comment. He even got his white board and started studying and searching seriously. But he didn't came up with that much. He thought about who he could ask for help. Leonard and Penny were at Las Vegas to get married, and Penny wasn't that much help, after all. Raj? He would probably tell him to do something absolutely ridiculous like a flashmob or something. Howard and Bernadette…no. He suddenly knew who to call for help. He rushed to the phone and composed the number.

"Hi Shelly! Is everything okay?"

"Hello mother. Well, yes and no…"

"What's wrong Shelly Bean? Tell mommy"

"Well… I might have screwed thing up with Amy."

"Oh dear lord! Are you both living in sin? Is she pregnant?"

"No no no mom where did you get that?! It's just that last night she took the decision to take her distance from me and to take a break from our relationship, and I'm quite lost.. I mean I don't understand why… I'm a delight. Right?"

"Oh, I knew this was going to happen one day.."

"What do you mean?"

"Shelly, listen to me carefully. You know howwe all love you, you are a sweet boy with a good heart and Jesus is proud of you, you know that?"

"Yes yes mother, get to the point please."

"Well... what did she say exactly?"

"She said that it was challenging for her to be my girlfriend, and I don't understand why."

"Do you take care of her? Do you do the things that PopPop did for Meemaw?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you hold the door? Do you buy her flowers, on her anniversary, or for unexpected reasons? Do you take her in a fancy restaurant once in a while? Do you tell her how much you love her?"

"Mmh… you kow I'm not found of these hippy dippy feelings and all. I pay for dinner sometimes, but she pays by herself most of the time. And I seriously doubt she left me because I didn't buy her flowers, this is ridiculous." Sheldon started to realize that, even if his relationship wasn't like the others, he didn't do anything to prove how much he cared about her.

"Shelly, do you love this girl?"

"I…Well, mmh.. Yes. I love her, very much."

"Shelly baby, you need to act like a man now. You have to fight for this woman, because trust me, if you let her go, I'm afraid I'll never have grandchildren! I know she makes you happy, and I know you are not found of the hippy dippy things as you say, but you need to drop the shield. Stop protecting yourself, stop denying your feelings for this girl. You might be a genius, but you are juste as clueless as any teenager in things like love and commitment. You grew up so fast Sheldon, and I am proud of the man you became, but you need to be a true Texan, grab your balls and fight for ya woman!"

"Ew mother!"

"Have you understood? Don't be afraid, she will not hurt you, if she does, I'll fly and take good care of her myself!"

"Don't worry mother, there is no need for violence here."

"Be a man Shelly, make your momma proud, and get yo girl back. Meemaw is waiting to meet her."

"I will mother, I promised. Tell Meemaw that her Moonpie will be a grown man."

"Goodbye Shelly Bean, take care and call me back soon ok?"

"Goodbye Mother, I will."

He hung up, and sat on his spot, his chin in his right hand, external sign of the wheels working in his mind. He suddenly stood and rushed to the door. He grabbed his keys and phone, and rushed down the stairs. He was going to fight for his woman. The only one that will ever win his heart, and the only one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He didn't bothered getting the ring, he didn't wanted her to think he took advantage of the situation to make up. He knew it wasn't going to be easy, he knew he will not get her back at the first shot, but he was determined to let her know that he wasn't going to let her down, he will not surrender.

Half an hour later, he was in front of her door. He calmed his heavy breathing, counted to three and knocked.

Knock,Knock,Knock "Amy!" He said, hesitantly.

Knock,Knock,Knock "Amy!" He said, with more confidence.

Knock,Knock,Knock "AMY!" He said, loudly.

But no response. He approached and put his ear on the door and try to hear if she was home. He heard little noises, like someone singing, she was home. He knocked again, no response. He grabbed his keys, one of them was the emergency key she gave him 4 years ago. He turned the key, entered and stood at the door frame. His jaw almost dropping on the floor, as he saw amy dancing in her underwear, headphones on her head, in the middle of her apartment.