Note: Accidentally got into anime and I'm in denial over L's death so here. Set along Death Note canon timeline with eventual LightxL.

The weight of the notebook in his bag was practically undetectable, of course, but Light still felt as if he was dragging around a bag filled with bricks. After his discovery last night, it hadn't been safe to just leave the so-called Death Note anywhere. Bringing it along to school had seemed the safest option but really, it was a rather flawed plan.

He was pretty used to his fellow students' gazes following him, both because of his reputation and his seemingly favorable looks. However, now he felt like a suspect, carrying what was conceptually a murder weapon. He'd never realized acting inconspicuous would make you feel so suspicious. Keeping his head down, Light entered the classroom, taking a seat and praying for this day to go by faster.

A girl whose name was irrelevant finally dared to sit down two seats away from him after what had seemed like a lot of contemplating, earning a discreet eye roll from Light. All of their problems and worries seemed so disgustingly petty, even more so now compared to the decisions that Light had ahead of him.

Moments before class began, one of the two seats between Light and the giggling girls was occupied and annoyingly, it was the seat closer to Light. The lecture started and he mindlessly took notes, his thoughts occupied by the Death Note and Ryuk and all the possibilities that lay ahead and why was this idiot whispering to him?

"I'm Mamoro Miyano," the guy whispered, glancing over at Light out from under the ridiculously long and dark locks. "You're Light Yagami, aren't you?"

Light simply made some hum of agreement, pretending to be immersed with the professor's childish explanations. The disinterest seemed to throw his ''new friend'' off for a short while, giving Light peace to think once more. He was distracted once more, this time by wheezing laugh from behind him. Ryuk… Before he could even start to wonder what the Shinigami's problem was, a note slid by his elbow.

Brown eyes narrowed at the characters on the torn piece of paper. You're not very talkative. What was this guy trying to achieve? Did he want something? Was he just trying to somehow up his social status by making friends? An even darker thought crossed his mind. Could it be that it wasn't a coincidence, this stranger suddenly wanting to make friends at the same time that Light discovered the Death Note? No, it couldn't be that someone knew or even suspected him this soon. That was ridiculous.

Pushing those thoughts away, Light crumpled up the note and flicked it to the floor. Dismissing this guy was the best course of action. He had to get the hint soon enough. Thankfully, that was the last of the distractions until the end of class. In a collected hurry, Light packed up his things, discreetly making sure that the notebook was still in its place to calm his worried yet irrational thoughts.

Sadly, before he could actually leave the room, his path was blocked by this Mamoro. The fact that this guy was tall enough to almost tower over him sparked a sense of annoyance with Light. Before he could ask him to move, Mamoro handed him another stupid note with a grin on his face. Light's plan to immediately crumple up that note as well in front of the guy, to make a final statement, was ruined as he wordlessly left.

Light scoffed quietly, figuring he may as well see what the damn thing said. If you ever do want to talk, or not talk at all, call me. Light's eyes widened as he looked at the phone number scribbled underneath the message. That guy had been… flirting?

"How cute." Ryuk's raspy voice snapped him out of his shock and Light quickly tore up the note, walking briskly out of the classroom. "You hesitated to tear that note up, are you going to start dating tall, dark and handsome?" Ryuk taunted, following Light through the crowded hallway.

Light's jaw tightened. Of course he'd hesitated, he'd been surprised, that was all. He didn't have time to be thinking about pointless relationships right now. Not that he wanted a relationship, or anything similar. Especially not with that guy. Or any guy. Cursing that idiot for managing to put him off like that, Light pushed the whole ordeal out of his head, throwing on a fake smile as the girl from before waved shyly.

"Get rid of that stupid smile, Ryuk," Light muttered once they'd gotten to a less crowded space. "I don't date. Especially not cocky idiots like that guy."

"Whatever you say, Light."

Note: First time writing for this fandom so all feedback is very well appreciated.