Yay! A new journey!

It had been two long amazing years for Jax. He had a gorgeous fiance, an even more gorgeous daughter and a son. A son who he had learned to love and raise. Now as he sat and watched his children chase after each other in the backyard, he couldn't keep the huge smile off of his face. Everything was finally going right, so right that at times, when he was alone, he'd try to figure out ways it could potentially go south for him. He shook his head as he watched Janelle start towards him, her light brown pigtails bouncing with every movement she made.

"Daddy!" Janelle laughed as she held her arms in the air, hoping that her father would hoist her up onto his lap. "Up!" She giggled as his large hands wrapped around her more tiny ones and lifted her up.

"Hey darlin'." He smiled at her as he dropped her hands. "You having fun playing with Abel?" He locked his eyes on the blonde haired little boy playing in the sandbox alone.

"Uh huh." She nodded her head as she reached up, her hands cupping his face. "Darlin'." She flashed a very familiar lopsided grin at him. "Where's mommy?"

"She's at the store but she'll be back." He placed a kiss to her head and smiled at her once again. "You need something?"

Janelle slowly shook her head. "Juice!" She slid of his lap, grabbing ahold of his shirt as she attempted to free him from his seat. "Daddy! I want juice!" She stomped her little foot and let go of his shirt as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Juice! Juice! Apple Juice!"

Jax couldn't help but chuckle at the toddler's antics, he shrugged as he continued to stare down at her, waiting for her to drop her arms down to her sides. "You're so much like your mom, it's kind of scary Janelle. Use your manners, what do we say?" He leaned forward, his hands on his knees as he glared at her.

"Pweese!" The brunette dropped her arms to her side and smiled. "Pweese! Pweese! Pweese! I want juice, juice, juice, juice! Pweese daddy!" She grabbed his thumbs and tugged with all her might as she dug her heels into the grass. "Juice!"

He laughed as he grabbed the little girl and tucked her under his arm as he looked at his son. "Come on kid, we're gonna get some juice." He watched for a moment as Abel stopped playing in the sandbox, slowly rising and moving towards him and Janelle. "What kind of juice do you want Abel?"

"Apple!" Janelle wiggled in her father's grasp as she looked at her big brother. "Apple juice! Abel wants apple!"

"Let him answer." Jax shook his head as they walked into the kitchen. "You gonna let your sister pick your juice out for you?" He sat Janelle on the sink. "I need you two to wash your hands, otherwise Noelle will have my head."

Abel shrugged, walking up the step stool to wash his hands. "I want grape juice, only Nelly likes apple juice." He shook his head as he stuck his tongue out at his little sister. "It's all she drinks!"

The man nodded. "I know, it makes life easier on me because I never have to ask plus, I only think she knows how to say apple juice." He dried off the small brunette's hands and tossed the paper towel away. "Grape juice for the man, apple for my darlin'." He pulled open the fridge, grabbing an apple juice and a grape juice. "Don't drink it fast Janelle." He passed her the juice box and smiled as he passed Abel his grape juice.

"Juice!" Janelle shouted as she crawled onto the kitchen chair, her legs swinging back and forth as she sipped on her juice. "Good!" She smiled at her dad and brother.

"What's happening?" Noelle entered the kitchen, dropping a few bags of groceries onto the counter before kissing Jax. "Juice time already?" She smiled at Abel then Janelle. "She give you two a headache or was she good?"

"She was loud." Abel looked up at the brunette and shook his head.

The brunette nodded her head. "I think she gets that trait from me." She shrugged and moved towards the kitchen table, her brown eyes locked on her daughter. "You were screaming your head off my love?"

Janelle shook her head. "No!" She shouted. "I was quiet."

Noelle chuckled. "Abel, take her outside and I'll bring you two a snack in a minute. Can you do that for me sweetheart?"

"Yes." He smiled, grabbing his sister's hand. "Come on Nelly, let's drink our juice in the fort."

"What's wrong?" Jax moved to the brunette, concern etched on his face. "Something happen while you were at the store Noe?"

"No." She shook her head as she moved towards the groceries. "You hear anything from Wendy? She usually doesn't leave Abel with us this long… I'm starting to worry about her Jax. What if something happened to her?"

Jax rubbed his face, staring at the woman in front of him. Leave it to Noelle to be worried about Wendy. She was full of surprises, wonderful ones. "Why are you worried? You know something I don't?"

"No." She shook her head and let out a sigh. "You're not worried about her? We've had him two extra days now and we've heard nothing at all from her. Usually she texts me or calls you to let us know she's leaving him with usan extra day."

He shrugged. "I like having him here, so now I wasn't worried about not hearing from Wendy. She's not the most responsible person to begin with. Maybe she's caught up with her flavor of the week and blanked on calling us. Don't get yourself all worked up about it Noe. I'm sure it's nothing too big." He rested his hand on her cheek, smiling as she relaxed into it. "Now, what are you making us for snack time? I need a snack before I have to head over to the clubhouse anyway."

"Meanie face." She kissed him and smiled. "I'm thinking something quick like sandwiches, it'll tie them over until dinner anyways. You want yours with the usual?" She grabbed a loaf of french bread from her bag and set it on the counter. "Do you want me to grab you a beer to go with the sandwich, or would you love a juice box?"

Jax smiled at her. "I want my usual, no beer though. I'm feeling like, I want apple juice. It's all our daughter ever talks about. Not like she can say a lot but still." He pulled open the fridge and helped his girlfriend grab what she needed to make sandwiches. "You think she'll always love apple juice?"

Noelle nodded. "I think she'll grow out of the apple juice phase as soon as she tries other juices but she's two and a half, she's picky and I don't know how she got that way. I tried telling her a capri sun was apple juice and she cried."

"That's mean of you to do to my kid." He wrapped an arm around her waist and buried his face in her neck as he moved her towards the counter. "How about you just dump some cheese and crackers on a plate, give them to the kids and we get it in real quick before I have to leave for the night Noelle." He pulled at her jeans as he softly sank his teeth into her neck. "Come on baby, it's been way too long…"

"It's been two hours." She pushed back against him and smiled. "We can't right now, we have to actually watch the two children… They can't be left alone too long." She looked out the window and saw Abel trying to push Janelle on the swing.

"We can see them right from here." He moved his hands under her shirt and paused as he felt his phone start to vibrate. "I guess I'm not meant to get off right now…" He fished his phone from his pocket and groaned. "Yeah?" He mumbled into the phone as he continued to rub the brunette's side with his free hand. "I'll be there soon." He hung up the phone and slipped it back into his pocket. "I guess I'm going to have to take a raincheck on the snack and the fun with you."

Noelle sighed. "Too bad because you talked me into it." She turned around and smiled up at him and shrugged. "Problem at the clubhouse? That's a strange happening." She started to cut up the sandwiches for the kids.

Jax frowned. "You're killing me Noelle!" He pinched her side and chortled as she smacked his hands away. "I'll be back as soon as I'm done handling whatever it is they're having issues with." He pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Love you." He moved away from her, not waiting for a response as he shrugged his kutte on and walked out of the door.


"What's wrong?" Jax slipped his raybans into his pocket and looked at Happy who was sitting at the edge of the boxing ring, his hands being wrapped up by Blair. "Club shit?"

Happy blinked at him ."Nah, Gemma needs your help with something. Had one of the guys make the call because she knew you wouldn't just drop everything you were doing to come to her aid. She's in your old room."

He rolled his eyes. "Alright, thanks man." He patted Happy on the arm and moved towards the clubhouse door. He waved and nodded to his brothers a he swaggered through the main room, he entered the hallway, immediately running into his mom as she was walking out of the bathroom. "What's wrong mom?"

"I got a problem Jax." Gemma grabbed his arm and started tugging him to his old room. "Need to show you something…"

Jax shook his head. "I don't think I like where this shit is going." He chuckled as he walked into the apartment behind his mom. "What're you showing me? I left Noelle and the kids at home, we were about to have snacks." He smirked at her, as he watched her yank the blankets off the bed, revealing a seemingly lifeless woman. "I swear, I haven't even been here to do that shit." He held his hands up and stepped away from the bed.

The older woman shook her head and kicked at the bed with the heel of her pointy boot. "It's Wendy, I found her passed out in the parking lot in her car." She rested her fists on her hips as she watched Wendy start to stir. "I think she may be drunk or strung out."

"Jesus Christ." He rubbed his beard and looked down at Wendy. "Explains why Noe or I haven't heard from her… Abel's been with us for a few extra days already. I just assumed she was caught up in her girlfriend or whoever it is she's with this week." He grabbed the glass of water from the desk and dumped it on her. "Wendy…"

"Jackson…" Wendy mumbled as she wiped at her face, struggling to lift herself off the bed. "What're you doing here? Why are you in my room?"

"You're in the clubhouse Wendy." Jax tugged her up by her arms. "What are you on Wendy?" He shouldered her weight as he moved towards the en suite bathroom. "Tell me."

"I'm sorry Jax. How's Abel?" She looked at him through slits in her eyes as she felt him sit her down on the tub. An act that he had done so many times before when they were together. "Is he good?"

He nodded as he reached over and turned on the cold water. "Yeah, he's good. He's at home playing with Janelle on the jungle gym." He pushed her into the tub and stood back as the cold water started to wake her up more. "What did you take and where the fuck did you get it Wendy?"

"I just took some pills." She started crying as she looked at Jax. "I'm sorry Jax, I'll get help."

Jax shook his head. "I guess Noelle was right to be worried about you… I'll keep my son until you get your shit cleaned up Wendy." He moved out of the bathroom as he pulled his phone from his pocket, he was going to have to let Noelle know, Abel was moving in with them indefinitely.

Just going to jump into some drama from the start. Let me know what you think. (: