Bonnie POV:

The sun shined through the wooden window of my small two bedroom cottage. I sighed at the pain in my lower back from sleeping on my iron bed.

I quickly get out of bed and grabbed my uniform for work. My uniform consisted of a long chestnut colored dress with a dark brown vest to go over it. I always wore a pair of uncomfortable short dark brown boots and a chestnut colored rag on head to prevent from showing my untamed hair.

I hated everything about being a servant. I worked as I servant for the Gilbert family. The Gilbert family were one of the richest families on the countryside of Paris, France, and they had become like my family. My mother died when I was a small child from a deadly virus, and my father and I were sold into slavery shortly after. When we eventually gained our freedom and we were left homeless and destitute. When my father and I wondered onto the countryside, the Gilbert's welcomed us into their home, and allowed my father and I to work as there house servants. The Gilberts treated us just like family and as equals until another deadly virus spread through the town killing Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert instantly.

My father decided to use the money we earned from the Gilberts to buy an old, wooden cottage not far away from the Gilbert's house. My father and I continued to work for the Gilbert's until my father fell ill from an unknown illness. A few years have passed and my father's health is continuing to decline.

My father no longer is capable of working for the Gilbert's, so I have to provide for us.

After I completed my morning routine of dressing and cleansing myself. I walked into my father's bedroom.

"Hello father." I said quietly not wanting to alarm him.

"Bonnie is that you?" My father said looking toward the ceiling.

"Yes, it is me. Is there anything I can help you with?" I asked standing by his bedside.

"No. No you work too much as it is. It is time I get out of bed and go back to work." My father said attempting to get out of bed.
"Get back into bed." I commanded grabbing his arm.

Once my father settled back into bed. I grabbed his handkerchief beside him and wiped the sweat off of his forehead.

"It is my job to take care of you. I was just thinking the other day about practicing magic again. I know there must be some way for me to heal you."

"No. There is no way you are practicing magic again. I will die before I allow that to happen. You will end up just like you mother."
"I will never be like her." I said trying to remain respectful.

"That is a risk I am not willing to take. I am getting better every day."

"I wish that was true." I said walking away from my father's bedside.

"I will be home soon." I said before walking out of the door.

Every day I walked down a narrow dirt road and into town to arrive at the Gilbert's mansion. The people in town were always rude and disrespectful towards me. They treated me as an inferior even though we were equals financially.
After my brisk walk through town I arrived at the Gilberts ten bedroom, spacious mansion. The only Gilberts left were Eleanor Gilbert and Jeremiah Gilbert. They were two siblings and we all practically grew up together. Eleanor was my best friend and despite her flawed personality, she was like a sister to me. While Jeremiah was like a younger brother to me, I could tell he had other things in mind.

I knocked on the door and it was immediately opened by Jeremiah.

"Well hello, Ms. Bennett." He said proudly.

"You have known me for ten years, you can refer to me as Bonnie, Jeremiah." I said walking past him.

"I know but you have such a fine last name." Jeremiah said walking near me.

I backed away from him. "Is Eleanor home?" I said trying to distance myself from him.

"Yes, she is upstairs preparing for her evening with the infamous Damon Salvatore." I cringed at the sound of the Salvatore's name.

"Alright." I replied strangely before going upstairs. I grabbed a broom from the supply closet and I began sweeping the long hallway filled with five bedrooms on each side.

Eleanor walked out of her bedroom in a pure white gown with her hair tightly curled.
"Bonnie? I thought I heard a knock at the door. Come, I need you to help me choose a dress for this evening." Eleanor said gesturing me towards her room.
I sighed from exhaustion.

Once we arrived in her room, she immediately pulled several dresses out of her wardrobe. She displayed each dress one by one, and I was equally uninterested.

Eleanor eventually noticed my disinterest. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing. I just do not understand any of this, I guess." I replied dryly.

"Whatever do you mean?" Eleanor said clearly not grasping the concept.

"I just don't know what you see in Damon. He is arrogant and childish."

"No one is perfect, Bonnie."

"Sure. I would rather be alone than trapped in a toxic relationship." I said meaning every word.

"You say that now, but I am sure that you will find a gentleman that makes you feel the way Damon and I feel about each other."

"I doubt it." I replied.

"What about my brother?"

"What about him?" I said knowing where this was going.

"I am not blind. I see the way he looks you." Eleanor said with a playful smile.

"There is nothing going on between me and Jerimiah. Trust me." I said with emphasis.

"Very well. You should inform him of that." Eleanor said and she turned towards the mirror and observed one dress in particular.

"That one." I said gazing at the lilac colored, flowy corseted dress.

"Perfect." Eleanor said and I could tell she was lost in her own dream world.

I exited the room shortly and returned to sweeping the hallway. My work shift ended quicker than I expected, and I walked home eager to get some rest.

When I walked into my home everything was quieter than usual.

"Hello." I said waiting for my father to respond. No one answered me, and I began to get worried. I stormed into my father's bedroom only to find it empty.

I saw a note lying on my father's bed, and I grabbed it quickly.
I opened the note and it said…

"Dear Bonnie,

You have been looking after me for a while now, and it is time for me to look after you. I am going to seek out another wealthy family and try to find work. I will have to travel through the dark forest, but it is worth it. Do not worry about me. Take care of yourself.

Sincerely Your father,"

I looked up from the letter in shock. My father was truly unwell. I unconsciously balled the letter up, and then I threw it onto the floor.

I walked into my bedroom and I grabbed a vial from my dress drawer. I opened up the vial and I inhaled the contents inside of it.

Once I was done, I grabbed my hooded black cloak, and I stormed out of the house.

AN: Ok, so I know that everyone was disappointed about the season six finale including me. I also remember someone mentioning a Beauty and the Beast AU for Bonkai, so I thought that I would write a fanfic based off the original story. I also kind of have a case of writers block, and I am traumatized from making a horrible grade in my math class. But at least it is the summer for me now. Anyways thank you to everyone who gave me feedback for my story Dead to Me, hopefully I can continue it soon! As always thanks for reading .

Warning: The characters might remain OOC so I can stay true to the original story.