Ganondorf stood in front of a familiar throne, looking at a familiar face. Behind him, there was a mixture of races from all over Hyrule, from bokoblins to humans. They were all armed, ready to fight, but so was the force in front of them. Heavily armoured knights blocked the path to the princess like a great wall of metal wrapped around flesh. Their helmets covered their entire faces, and each one had a large blue feather sticking out of the back of it. Some helmets had more than one feather in them. Behind the knights was princess Zelda herself. For a good while, he didn't say anything at all. He just soaked in all the tension in the air, knowing that both sides in this room would take heavy losses if he gave the order to just attack. He had numbers, but now he was facing the best and most loyal knights Zelda had. "Doesn't this feel familiar?" Ganondorf had a big grin on his face. "If it doesn't, then you don't deserve the triforce of wisdom..."

The princess rested one white gloved hand on a knights shoulder, who then let her pass to face Ganondorf. She wore a beautiful shiny breastplate that was etched with all the symbols of their kingdom. Her legs were covered in plate mail, unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for her arms. Ganondorf's people had stormed in before she could get the rest of it on. In one hand, she held a rapier. "Yes, it does feel familiar... You do realize how this ended for you and your minions last time, don't you?" Her words were well spoken, but very cold.

"Things have changed since my last attempt. The winds have blown in my favour this time around, and I will not be so forgiving to my opposition anymore... Any man that fights for princess Zelda will be emasculated, hanged, disemboweled, and their heads put on pikes for their family to see... Of course, you can avoid such a terrible fate by simply putting down your swords, and walking away." He knew these knights were tougher than the average guard, both mentally and physically. He had to break them down, one way or another.

The princess looked back to her knights, seeing hesitation in some, but fierce loyalty from the rest. It was their job to defend her with their lives, but she knew that if she didn't order them to step down, no one loyal to her family would leave this place alive. It hurt her pride to have to do this again, but she threw her sword to the floor. "Do as he says. No more people need to die tonight..."

"A wise move," Ganondorf replied to her as he gazed towards the knights. He watched them toss their blades to the ground, one by one. He could tell some didn't want to do this, but they followed their orders regardless. He then approached the princess, towering over her. "But I am not foolish... Where is your brother?"

"I don't know. No one knows," Zelda quickly replied to him.

"If you do not know, it is because you do not want to know... Either way, I'll be sure to extract all the information I can out of you. It shouldn't be too hard."

The way he spoke worried Zelda even more so than the first time she met him in her past life. She could hear the malice in his voice, she knew that he was going to hurt her, she just didn't know how bad.

"You must think that Link and Midna are going to come in here and save the day once again. You and your little friends won't win this time. Link will die alongside his twilight princess, and the bodies of all those who help him will pave the way to a new kingdom, a stronger kingdom led by me."

Zelda glared at him, biting her lower lip a little. She tried to hold her tongue, she knew that it would be better for everyone if she just let him finish his speech.

Ganondorf watched her knights being escorted out by his own men before turning his attention back to her. "You've gotten so silent... I understand, I wouldn't know what to say if I lost my kingdom either." He walked past her, and towards what was once her throne. He turned around, and sat on it. He thought back to all the years he spent fantasizing of this moment, thinking about burning down Zelda's family tree and getting revenge on all those who sought to destroy him and his plans. "I have survived my own execution, I have ignored death, and now I'll make you watch your whole world crumble."

Zelda really believed the only reason this man existed was to make her life a misery. She could tell that there wasn't one part of him that didn't absolutely despise her. "If you put as much effort into helping Hyrule as you do plotting our demise, you could be a hero to these people."

Ganondorf chuckled as he crossed his legs. "Your family is a joke. Your family has failed Hyrule again and again. Another civil war was inevitable with the way you run things... You haven't secured the roads, you still have not solved your little bulblin and bokoblin problem, and your people are beginning to wonder why are they paying for you to sit on your ass all day. You stuff your face with the finest foods and dress in the finest clothes. You haven't earned any of those luxuries, you were born into it. You are pathetic..."

Zelda didn't feel like it was her fault that the kingdom was in such a state, she felt like her family did a good enough job considering how dangerous it was beyond the castle walls. "It isn't so easy, looking after a whole kingdom. I wasn't prepared for it, I had to learn fast. My brother was supposed to take the throne after our parents passed, but he left before that happened."

"Your parents deserved to die, they were terrible rulers."

Zelda found his words repulsive, beyond insulting. "Better rulers than you will ever be..."

Ganondorf stood up, and slowly walked towards her. For a moment, he just stood there in front of her with a wild look in his eyes. He swung the back of his fist into her left cheek, knocking her down to the ground. He watched her attempt to get on her hands and knees, but before she could, he slammed his foot down on her armoured back. "You're nothing but shit, waiting to be scraped off my boot. Know your place, princess."

She felt so humiliated, but she knew she had to endure this. Zelda knew Ganondorf was keeping her alive for her knowledge, she just wasn't sure what he wanted to know yet.


Both Link and Midna were approaching Kakariko as they chatted back and forth. "I think it was four... No, five zoras and a goron," Link said. He was still riding on their bullbo, on their way to try and recruit the gorons first. He figured it he could gather enough gorons to fight, then perhaps he would have an easier time convincing others to join his cause.

Midna looked more than a little surprised. "No way! How does anyone even do a goron? Aren't they all...rocky?"

"Some people get off on that. I was personally more surprised that he managed to find a goron prostitute, there can't be that many around... Can there?"

Midna giggled a little in response. "I knew there was always something weird about that postman. Do you remember the time he saw you transforming back from a wolf and into a Hylian, and he just pretended nothing happened?"

"I remember that. You gotta give him credit though, he was an excellent postman. Not many people would be willing to run across Hyrule field armed with nothing more than paper. They must've been paying him a lot, it would explain how he could afford all those prostitutes."

"I've been wondering something since we found out about our past lives, do you think everyone else we knew was reincarnated too?"

"I hope not. I don't want to deal with Zant again," he replied. "Even if everyone we knew was reincarnated, I don't think they'd remember me or you. Colin clearly doesn't remember me... If he did, he wouldn't have attempted to kill me or you. He knew how I felt about you..."

Midna was still a little curious about his life after she had left. She wondered if her own memory of what happened afterwards was as clear as his. "Did you talk about me much after I left?"

"Ahh... Only when I was drunk. Most of the time I kept thoughts about you to myself, I think Zelda asked me a few questions about you. She knew there was something between us, but I think she was too polite to say anything, or maybe she just didn't want to know any of the details... We have to gather this army fast so we can save her. She might not know the value of a good strong army, but she's filled with good intentions." Zelda sometimes did things that he disagreed with, but he decided not to get himself involved with her affairs. Instead, he did his own thing, and occasionally did favours for her.

"It'll be strange meeting her all over again if she doesn't remember us. Imagine her face when she learns two nobodies assembled an army strong enough to take down Ganondorf." Things were going by so fast for Midna, but she didn't let it get to her. She wore a big smile on her face feeling confident that together, nothing could stop them.

"After taking that beating, it's going to feel pretty good knocking him into the dirt," Link admitted with a smirk. If all his previous years of combat experience kept coming back to him like this, he had no doubt that he could beat Ganondorf once again. Still, there was a problem this time around. Even with all that experience, he wouldn't be able to stop an army alone. "I know it's not going to be easy getting enough people together though... If we can't recruit everyone we need, then things will get very difficult."

"We'll kill him again...but it won't stop him forever. Now that we know we can be reborn, will we always be at war with him? How many times do you think we have fought him before this?" Midna was beginning to think that perhaps killing Ganondorf wasn't the answer, but she knew of no magic that could seal away someone like that forever.

"I don't know...but being reborn again and again doesn't sound so bad, so long as I have you by my side."

She saw Link look back to her with that lovey look on his face again. "Keep your eyes forward." She playfully slapped his back. "...but yeah, it'd be fun to stick around forever, seeing every part of the world and fighting monsters."

Already, Link was thinking about what life could be like after they were done with their quest. Life wasn't really easy for him after they got rid of Ganondorf the first time around, but at least this time she was going to stay. "Fighting monsters, getting glory, and fucking in every inn we can find..."

"Eee hee hee! That last part goes without saying! Speaking of fucking, I want to try something a little different next time."

"What did you have in mind?"

She dragged a single finger down the middle of his back, still thinking about all the things she wanted to do with him. "It's a surprise," she responded.

"I've been getting a lot of those recently," he said as their bullbo took them through the entrance of Kakariko. There were tents set up around the town that weren't there before. Judging from their clothes, the people living in those tents came from Castle Town. He guessed that some people must've thought that Kakariko was beginning to look safer than Castle Town.

"You deserve a pleasant surprise for a change." Midna felt like they had earned the right to have a little fun, but she also knew that it may have to wait depending on how long they were stuck talking to the gorons. She got more than a few odd looks, the fact that they were riding a bullbo didn't exactly calm them. She got a lot of frightened looks, and a few angry ones too. She noticed Link staring down the ones that looked a little aggressive. She looked to a tent up ahead, spotting a familiar person emerging from it. He was wearing guard's armor. "Hey, isn't that..."

"Hey, Link!" Dylan the guard yelled over to him. "I'm glad to see you again. That big bastard really fucked you up, I was beginning to think you were dead."

"I just had some things to take care of. What are you doing here?" Link quickly inquired.

"What am I doing here? Eh, after you left with your imp friend, people started questioning if I too was working with demons. None of that bullshit hearsay convinced me to leave though, I left because a few days after you left, things got real weird and bad. You know how calm the town usually is, well all that changed when that guy came. It was like people were hiding him, helping him. I don't know what he promised them, but whatever he said or did, it convinced some of the guards to ignore him too. All of the guards that were against him started to disappear, so I decided to leave before I disappeared too. Oh, and another thing, I heard there's a price on your head. I saw a few mercenary types in town before I left."

"I could use a few mercenaries myself," Link thought aloud. It seemed that have to watch his back while he was in Kakariko. "How's your wife?"

"She's alright. She's just sleeping right now... How's your imp friend?"

Midna floated off the bullbo. "Great, thanks for asking."

Dylan looked at the imp, and then at the bullbo, before eventually looking back up to Link. "Okay, I have a lot of fucking questions for you."

"One at a time," Link casually replied.

Dylan had a lot of questions, so he just decided to go with the question he had been asking himself for a while. "What in the name of the goddess's floppy labias are you doing with the imp?!"

Midna couldn't stop herself from answering. "What isn't he doing with me? My name is Midna by the way."

Dylan looked between the two of them, still processing what she had just said. "Wait... Are you saying that you two are..."

"Look," Link interrupted. "Let's just talk this over in the Elde Inn."

Dylan nodded, thinking that he may need a drink after getting the answers he wanted. He walked into the inn with Link and the imp, only to be immediately greeted by gasps. "Hey now! I know this looks bad, but she's not a bad person...I don't think so, anyway."

"She's not a bad person," Link assured everyone firmly. "She saved my life... Now, if you done mind, we need three mugs of ale here."

The innkeeper paused for a moment before deciding to grab three mugs, filling them all. "As long as you're paying, I don't care what you bring in here. Just don't break anything."

Half an hour later, he found himself sitting down at a table with his best friend and Midna. He had just finished listening to his friend briefly tell him about his past life, and everything that happened up until this point. He was left with a stunned look on his face, his mouth hanging open slightly. "Wow... You know what the most surprising thing is about all this?"

"What?" Link replied before lifting a mug of ale to his lips.

Despite the insane situation they were all in, Dylan thought now was a good time for a joke. "That you're not gay."

Link almost spat out his ale whilst Midna laughed at his reaction. "Oh, haha," he sarcastically responded.

"But seriously though, if you two wanna be together, I'm all for it. I ain't about to get in the way of love! Oh, and Midna, why aren't you hiding in Link's shadow anymore?"

"Seems pointless when everyone wants to kill us wherever we go," she told him. "Besides the strange looks I get wherever I go, it isn't so bad, being out in the open. I like the way Link glares at people whenever he sees them giving me dirty looks anyway."

Link didn't think that she had noticed him glaring back at people. "I just don't like how they're judging you from a single glance."

"I'm used to the dirty looks and mean words. I'm tired of hiding, if they want to fight, then I'm more than ready to fight," she replied with a devious tone to her voice.

"If anyone wants to fight you, they'll have come through me first." No matter what, Link would always be willing to defend her.

Dylan crossed his arms, thinking about the massive task his friend had to complete. "How are you two going to get the gorons to listen to you? I mean they don't just let anyone talk to their leader."

"By now, they must've heard about what is going on at the castle. You grew up in this village Dylan, what do you think our chances are of getting an audience with the goron leader?"

"Not good." Dylan searched his mind, trying to think of a way to help his friend out. "You said that you have experience with those guys, right?"

Link nodded whilst staring down to his mug of ale. "Yeah, but that was a long time ago, and I'm not sure that they'll believe the whole resurrection thing."

Midna floated out of her seat. "They might not believe that, but they might believe that their huge lumbering asses are on the line after talking with a few of the refugees here. We should start moving soon, I'm getting tired of these idiots staring at me." She turned to face one of the patrons who didn't seem to be able to cast his gaze elsewhere.

Judging by the look on her face, that guy was about to learn just how much damage an imp could do. Link shot up out of his seat. "Let's not waste anymore time then. Come on, we have a goron army to acquire." He figured they had better get out of here before she does something she regrets. He remembered what she did to Zant. "I'll see you later Dylan, stay safe."

"You too, you crazy bastard." Dylan watched them leave the inn before he started mumbling to himself. "Past lives, bullbos, goddesses, twilight princesses! This is fucking bonkers..."

Midna floated alongside Link whilst they strolled towards the path leading to Death Mountain. "Who'd want to live next to a place called Death Mountain?"

"Quite a few people apparently, although I'm not one of those people. Kakariko is a nice enough place, but it just doesn't compare to Ordon, or Castle Town." He took a quick glance around himself, he had forgotten just how defendable Death Mountain really was. The further they travelled up the path, they found themselves flanked by large natural rocky walls, although he suspected the gorons had carved this rocky valley themselves. He could easily imagine goron archers absolutely decimating any invaders marching up this trail, but it appeared that for one reason or another, there were no gorons keeping watch.

"Not enough goats for you?" Midna mocked him.

"Ugh, don't remind me about those goats. They were such a pain in the arse to herd. But seriously, Ordon was a very nice pace to grow up in. Plenty of food, clean water, and pretty views to be found just about anywhere you go... I'd like to move back there some day."

"You prefer it to Castle Town? Why? That place is full of idiots, and smells like goat shit," Midna bluntly replied.

"You're still mad at the locals, aren't you?" Link asked.

"Of course I am! They tried to get guards to kill me! You're lucky you didn't try to attack me." Midna loved Link, but at the time, she would've turned him into a smear on a nearby tree if he tried to attack her the first time she met him.

"I know I am, I wouldn't have stood a chance back then... Now though, I think I can hold my own against you," Link cheekily replied.

"Oh really?" Midna crossed her arms whilst she floated besides him. "Maybe I should put that to the test, when you least expect it."

"Sounds fun," Link happily replied until he was stopped by the yell of a goron.

"Halt!" The goron raised his hand, signalling for him to stop. He had big blue eyes, and a thick metal helmet on his head. He also wore plate mail that looked a little thicker than anything human knights wore. "What business do you have up here?"

"We've come to talk to your leader about the recent troubles at the castle. May we come up?" he politely inquired. So far, it was going better than he expected. He half expected the goron to start rolling towards him on sight.

The goron shook his head. "Not with your weapons. None are permitted up here due to the recent assassination attempt."

Midna and Link looked at each other, both knowing who ordered the assassination. Midna tried to speak to the goron, hoping she could inform them of what was going on. "You're all in danger. Ganondorf is going to come for you, and us. We need to speak to your leader before it's too late, we need to tell him about what he is up against."

The goron guard had a rather curious expression on his face. "What are you?"

"Does it matter?! What matters is that a man is trying to kill your people, and we need to stop him!" Her words were very firm. They were running out of time, and Midna knew they couldn't afford to waste anymore by sitting here talking to some random guard. She'd force her way past him if she had to.

"That little flying person is very brave," the goron said to Link with a chuckle. "Very strong in the head. Come with me."

Link smiled a little as he followed the goron. "Well, that was easy."

"Yeah, too easy. You just know that something bad is going to happen." Midna kept looking around herself, wondering if this was some sort of a trap.

Link noticed several more gorons up ahead, guarding a fairly new metal gate. Behind the gate were several more armed gorons. It seemed like they were expecting trouble.

The goron guard turned around. "I'll go speak with the others. If they allow you in, you'll be stripped of your weapons and taken to our leader."

"Fine with me," Link replied. He watched the goron approach the others. "Do you think they'll let us in?"

Midna shrugged. "I don't know. You tell me, you lived in this realm for all your previous life."

"I think they'll let us in. They probably won't see me as a big threat without any weapons, and they certainly won't think you're a threat so long as you don't show off any of your powers." In the back of his mind, Link was already formulating a plan to get the leader's attention if the guards didn't allow him in peacefully. He didn't doubt that Midna was doing the same.

She watched the gorons talk amongst themselves, she used this time to come up with another plan. "If they don't let us in, I'll sneak past and see if I can find us a way in."

Link opened his mouth to speak, but the sound of fast approaching footsteps got his attention. He spun around just in time to draw his sword. Metal blades clashed as he looked into the eyes of a bokoblin assassin. The assassin wielded a mean looking curved sword, with obscenely large serrations on the back of the blade. Link could see several more assassins over the shoulder of the one he locked blades with.

"Ganondorf wants your head!" The assassin was kicked in the chest after his loud vocal outburst. He let out an enraged yell as he swung his sword for Link's neck.

Link was glad that these bokoblin's weren't very bright. Even the smartest of their kind seemed quite dim compared to the other sentient species of Hyrule. He deftly ducked under the quick blade before thrusting his master sword right into the bokoblin's neck. The tip of the sword sliced through every shred of flesh it touched before erupting in a geyser of blood right from the base of the bokoblin's skull. Before the body could drop to the ground, Link violently yanked his blade to the side, pulling his blade free and leaving the assassin partially decapitated in the process. He turned his gaze to the several nearby bokoblin assassins, seeing them about to strike him with their blades. "I'll send you all back to Ganon in pieces!"

The gorons ran over to intervene, but it quickly became clear that the young man needed no help. Before they could even strike, Link parried a blow and shoved his blade right through an assassin's chest, while Midna used her telekinetic power to launch a large rock straight into the face of a bulblin's face. The sound of hard stone swiftly meeting flesh and bone made even the gorons recoil in disgust as the bulblin's body crumpled to the ground. The remaining couple of assassins immediately backed away, and fled. Even they were not stupid enough to carry on this fight. The gorons however were not keen on letting them get away. One of them bellowed before pursuing them.


Link looked to his side, just in time to see a couple of gorons quickly rolling down hill. He still found it quite impressive how they were able to roll for such long distances at great speeds. Link then turned to the bulblin that had been slain by Midna. He was impressed by how much damage she could cause with that magic of her's. "Nice throw, Midna."

"Good stabbing, Link," Midna casually replied.

Link wondered if Midna could still move huge objects like she could in her previous life, or break metal with her magic. He wouldn't be surprised if she could, she still seemed fairly powerful, possibly stronger than him. Link watched a purple eyed goron approach them with a big smile on his large face. "Can we come in now?"

The goron immediately nodded. "Anyone that is against those assassins is a friend of ours! I'll let you in, but I have to ask you to leave your sword at the gate."

If that's what it took, he was ready to set aside his master sword, for now. It felt good, wielding that blade once more. He wondered if that made him a bad person. He was defending his own life, but part of him had to admit that there was a certain thrill to it all. He nodded to the goron, and held out the blade for him to take. "Sorry about the blood."

The goron took the bloody blade and led the way. It was a bit of a hike up the mountain, but it gave Midna a chance to take in her surroundings. It was strange, she remembered this place, but a lot of things had changed since she was last here. There were a lot more passageways carved into the hard stone. It looked like the goron population had seen a bit of a spurt since their last visit, there were a lot more of them going about their business, taking quick glances at her. She suddenly stopped for a moment, floating with a wide grin on her face. "Awww, look! Baby gorons!"

Link looked back over his shoulder, seeing a female goron cradling a small goron in her arms. He had to admit, baby gorons were cute, but they were here for a reason. "Come on, we don't have time to-"

Midna ignored whatever Link was saying, and made her way straight towards the adorable goron. "Is it a boy, or a girl?" Midna curiously asked the female goron.

She giggled a little, welcoming the strange imp's curiosity. "A boy."

Midna couldn't hide how cute she thought the tiny goron was. "How old is he?"

"He's nine months old now. If you don't mind me asking, what are you? I have never seen anyone like you before."

"I'm a twili," she replied before looking back over her shoulder, seeing Link waiting for her. It was a shame that they were in such a rush, she would've liked to spend a little more time talking with the goron.

The motherly goron looked confused for a moment. "A twili? I haven't heard about your kind before."

"That's because we come from a land far, far away... So far away, I don't think I'll ever get to go back there. Anyway, I should really be going! I've wasted enough of your time anyway."

"Not at all. It was nice meeting you," the goron happily responded as her baby gurgled.

Link had his arms crossed, watching Midna return. "I didn't know you were so easily distracted by babies." A sly smirk crossed his face.

"Shut it," she bashfully replied. She stayed quiet most of the way up the dirt path, preoccupied with her own thoughts. She was already thinking about what she was going to do after they defeat Ganondorf. Her mind snapped back to reality when she saw that the goron had led them to the mouth of a cave. Inside, she could see a large circular room. It was lit by braziers. The smoke that emanated from the burning fuel was sucked up into a vent in the cave ceiling. At the end of the room, there was a large stone throne, carved into the very rock that made up the walls of the cave. On the throne, there sat a large, eight foot tall, muscular goron. He wore white face and body paint. There were white dots above each of his brows, and a long white line running down the centre of his face and body. "That throne can't be comfortable," Midna whispered to herself.

The goron stood up, looking at Link with his dark brown eyes. "..." He turned his attention to the imp that was beside the Hylian, and raised one of his brows. "You two are the ones that repelled the attack?" He looked around to his guards. "Are you sure these are the ones that repelled the attack? They don't look very...capable."

Link wasn't put off by his words, he needed the goron's help, somehow. "I might not be big, but I know how to swing a sword. I came here for help."

The leader of the gorons was willing to hear him out, for now. "Help? What kind of help? You want supplies, tents for your people?"

"Both of those things would be nice, but we also need your soldiers. I know it's a big ask, but if we don't help each other out now, then everyone loyal to Zelda will be wiped out by Ganondorf. After that, he'll be coming for you. He's already sent people to test your defences." Link wasn't exactly a great negotiator, he preferred to let his actions do the talking. Still, he hoped to convince the gorons to join his side.

"You've got a point there, but who am I going to join forces with? A single guard and his imp friend? You either need to become the leader of those refugees, or find another suitable leader for your people. I hate to say it, but without a good leader, looks like your people are shit out of luck." The goron really wanted to help, but at the moment, he saw no good reason to help this man who seemed to have no real power over the rest of the humans and Hylians.

As the two men talked, Midna was thinking of ways to try and change this goron's mind. She could see why he was refusing to help. As heartless as it was, saving supplies and resources for their own people seemed like a better idea in some ways than helping people who looked as if they were already doomed. "You want to see leadership amongst the refugees? Fine, we'll get it done. Come on Link, we have work to do."

Link looked over his shoulder, seeing her already turning her back to the goron and floating away. A smirk grew across his face, seemed as if Midna was taking charge all over again. He walked away, following the imp. Once they were out of earshot, he began speaking to her. "So, how are we going to unite the refugees behind a single person? Doesn't sound like an easy task."

Midna shrugged. "We'll figure it out, we always do." The imp narrowed her eyes, finding herself deep in thought. "... People followed the princess, right? Is there anyone else that shares her blood that wasn't in the castle?"

"Actually, there is her brother," Link replied.

A rather surprised expression soon painted Midna's face. "She has a brother?" Because Zelda didn't have one in her past life, she just assumed that was the case again in this life.

"She does, in this life anyway. As far as I know, he is actually the rightful heir to the throne, but he went missing. With him gone, the responsibility fell to Zelda to rule the kingdom."

Midna let out a long sigh. "Great, so finding him is probably impossible!" She then began thinking of alternative solutions, and quickly, her mind went to the one person she knew the people of this world would follow. "Well, there is always you."

"You think the people are going to rally behind me?" Link responded as he crossed his arms.

Midna nodded with a wide smile. "Of course they will! Once we get some food and water for them, they'll more than happily follow your lead. You're in a position of authority, being a guard, you can use that to your advantage."

"You sure have a lot of confidence in me," Link replied.

"You have a way of inspiring confidence, it's really annoying," Midna teased. "Come on, let's get back to Kakariko."

Link nodded in response. It seemed like their adventure was only just beginning, but he sure hoped he didn't have to go through anymore dungeons this time around.

Author's note: There might be dungeons. XD Thank you all for reading this far! This was a pretty chunky chapter, so I wanna thank BigBossSonic for helping me out again as always! I have been having a really fun time thinking about where this story is going, and while I won't give anything away, I will say that the best has yet to come. The wait won't be so long for the next chapter either! Anyway, thanks again for making it this far!