As always, I want to thank to aimeegreenwood1 for helping me with this story. Without her this story could have been on Hiatus forever. THANK YOU SO BUT SOOOO MUCHHH!

Thank you to everyone who reads this story even when doesn't leave a review...But I really appreciate if you can write something below :)

Disclaimer: The turtles and his friends belong to their creators. The bad guys on this story belong to me.

Chapter 9: Trauma

Raphael's eyes widened as he heard a sound from outside his cell. As he struggled to lift his heavy head, Raph caught a glimpse of the screen Fernando had hung in his room. The image that was broadcasting stopped his heart. His older brother- his leader- lay on a bed of metal fastened by chains. And as far as Raph could tell, he was unconscious, his arms extended upward, his legs wide open, and his head tilted slightly to the right side. His mind went blank. His older brother had fallen into Fernando's clutches. Again. Fernando was there, wearing the same clothes as he had this very morning. There was no way this was from Central America. This was new.

"Leo..." he called weakly, watching as Fernando moved around the screen, circling the bed a few times before whispering something in his brother's ear and slowly injecting something into his neck.

As he looked closely, Raph realized that his older brother was in fact not unconscious, he seemed dazed and looked at Fernando with cloudy eyes. He bit his lip to keep from screaming as he tugged weakly at his restraints. He had never felt more useless in his life. Leo had to have come to rescue them, and now that creep had one more prisoner to torture.

Raph could clearly hear everything that was going in Leo's cell. His older brother groaned slightly before opening his eyes. Raphael felt his heart shatter in his chest when Leo at first blinked confused and after a few seconds, his brother's eyes opened wide and he immediately tried to sit up.

Donnie watched from his cell as his brother regained consciousness.

"No... Leo..." he breathed, tears rolling freely down his cheeks. His body ached, but seeing his brother at the mercy of that monster made him forget the pain he was in.

Mikey screamed and struggled with the chains that held him, shouting Leo's name. His watery eyes didn't leave the screen. His worst nightmare was coming true. His older brother was about to be tortured or worse still, rape AGAIN by that man. But this time it was happening right before his very eyes and he couldn't do a thing to help him.

"LEOOOOOO!" His vision was growing darker, his body refusing to give him more energy. He felt his eyes close and his mind succumbed to unconsciousness. He fell into a dark sleep, plagued by his worst nightmares featuring his oldest brother. At least he wouldn't be awake to witness the terrible act Fernando was about to commit. He didn't think he would be able to continue living after what he knew about Leo, and even worse what was about to happen just a few yards from where he was sitting.

Leo stared at Fernando, who was slowly approaching, carrying the syringe filled with the liquid he always used on him.

"My bitch," Fernando whispered, crouching beside Leo and pressing his lips to the ninja's right ear. "How much I missed having you under my control..." The ninja blinked to remove the haze from his eyes. The effects from the sedative were messing with his mind. As he processed the man's words, he remembered what had happened. He tried to get up but couldn't move. He was firmly attached to the metal bed, which he remembered quite well. Leo saw the hand he had cut- which was now metal- injecting him with the liquid and felt the familiar heat spreading through his veins. After a few moments, he began to feel something warm flowing through his body and his heart beat a thousand miles an hour. His breathing quickened. Fernando began stroking his stomach slid his hand slower towards his crotch. To Leo's horror, the man undid the button on his jeans, and lowered his pants to expose an erect member.

"My sweet whore." He kissed the young leader on the neck while with his free hand, which he had placed on Leo's lower stomach, began to descend to his tail, where beneath its weak protection was his member. Leo had to endure the nausea when the man's cold hand moved closer and began to moan. Leo closed his eyes and bit his lower lip, the aphrodisiac was beginning to take effect and Leo couldn't stop his body from responding lasciviously to the touches of the raper.

"My bitch..." He moaned once more before placing his whole body on top of Leo's and beginning to rock up and down on the ninja. Leo could feel the man's limb on his lower belly. While Fernando kept moan, Leo lost control and began to groan weakly at the caresses and thrusts that stimulated his already erect member. Until embarrassingly, he came into Fernando's hand, filling it with semen and coating his arm.

"Delicious," he said looking at his stained hand. Licking the semen where Leo could clearly see him. Without saying anything more, he separated Leo's legs and positioned himself between them. Leonardo already knew that he would, he moved his head to one side. He could feel how the member of Fernando was positioned in his anus and entered his body without any preparation for the passage. Just to feel it made him retreat to the moment when he had first experienced the pain he was feeling at that moment. He could feel something warm inside, which made it easier for Fernando to keep his penis in his rectum. After what seemed an eternity, Fernando had entered completely and without speaking a word he began to push deeply into him. Leonardo couldn't believe that his worst nightmare, the one he thought he had finally escaped, was back again. That he was once again at the mercy of that man.

Raphael watched as his older brother was rape and there was nothing he could do to help. He detested the situation he was in and he detested even more that man who was sexually abusing his older brother.

"Leo... Leo fight back." He whispered over and over as he saw Leo's face, full of horror and disgust.

After what seemed like an eternity, Fernando reached his climax and ejected his semen into Leo. A sickening smile spread across his face as he turned to leave, not interested how dirty it was or the semen and blood that littered the bed. By that time Leo had lost consciousness once more, not noticing as Fernando pulled his clothes back on and opened the door to leave.

"Well, I couldn't resist. But when he wake up let me know immediately. The punishment for running away must be paid." He ordered a guard as he walked away.

Raphael stayed close to the screen. The image of his older brother on that bed, being violated without any way to stop it, made him want to rip out Fernando's intestines and use them as a rope to hang him. But the most important thing was to know his brother's condition. When they left, Leo was going to need everyone's support. And he refused to leave him to deal with it alone.

Leo's Cell...

He didn't know how much time had passed, but Leonardo returned to the conscious world feeling contaminated and dirty. The stunned, aching, and utterly shattered turtle stared at the ceiling of his cell. His empty eyes saw nothing around him. What he had just experienced was repeated over and over in his head. The shame and humiliation were suctioned on to his being. His brothers knew about his acts in Central America, but they couldn't know the pain that they had caused him. Raphael always criticized him, he wasn't the same as before. Taking innocent lives, and being the object of sexual pleasure of a man who was determined to get what he wanted. The Leonardo Hamato that they knew had disappeared and would never return. He had died at the hands of that man long ago. Now he was in the same condition he had been before. Only this time, the violations would be the only thing that had. Fernando loved raping him, pushing and suffocating the Leonardo who tried to overcome the trauma he experienced. There was no way to fix it anymore. He hated to feel the man's member inside him, but given his present position he could do nothing against it. He could still feel the semen of that man inside him and on his thighs, as well as the dry blood from his rectum, covering his tail and legs.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry," he repeated over and over as he closed his eyes, trying forget where he was and what was happening. He vaguely heard the door of the cell open and Fernando entering, followed by two other men carrying huge black briefcases. A chill ran down his back. He would recognize these suitcases anywhere. They were full of Fernando's favorite instruments to use to torture him. Leo figured he should've seen it coming. He had run away- he had tried to kill him. It wasn't going to be just rapes, there had to be torture. And it wasn't going to be pleasant. The instruments were brutal. Leonardo still had evidence across his body from the torture he suffered at the hands of that man. The scars, though faded, were still there. Now more scars were about to be created. He swallowed and waited tensely for the inevitable.

"My sweet bitch, it's time for your punishment," Fernando announced. "This is going to be fun. It's time to pay for what you did to me," he said, looking at his metal arm. Leonardo watched as the men opened the briefcases and began to pull out instruments he knew extremely well. Thanks to those his body still had scars that would never disappear, and in that moment he could feel each one of them throbbing as his heart rate speed up in preparation for what was to come.

Leo closed his eyes and waited.

The footsteps grew stronger and a horrid sound filled the cell. Leo began to scream as the instrument began to cut deep into his body without warning, the machine wasn't making the same noises as before, he supposed Fernando had improved it during his time in New York. He could feel the blood running down his sides as his plastron was separated. Fernando always preferred to go directly to the organs. Another screech and his arms were punctured by thousands of needles from another of Fernando's beloved instruments. It was a special machine that pumped him full of drugs that caused horrible, vivid hallucinations. Meanwhile, a burly man clasped a shock color to Leo's exposed neck, turning it on low enough as to keep him alive and conscious, but high enough to cause agonizing pain and increase the amount of blood flooding out of his body. Leo couldn't stop the screams that ripped through his throat as images after images of his brothers being murdered right in front of him began to flash through his mind and the pain of what they were doing to him became unbearable.

"Yes... keep screaming. Your brothers are listening," he said, smiling crookedly. Leo gritted his teeth and looked at Fernando. "Your brothers are seeing everything I'm doing to you now, and a sample of our love from before as well." He gestured the machines encasing the young man's arms, which contained hundreds of needles. Another creak and Leonardo screamed, his plastron had been completely separated. The blood didn't take long to appear and he started to feel weak and dizzy. "Don't worry, I would never let my dear bitch die." Taking a syringe filled with a clear liquid, Fernando inject it into Leo's neck. "This will lower the blood loss. When my men finish the punishment the doctor will be here to look after you." He turned away and began to observe the torture he was inflicting upon Leonardo. Leo felt as one of the two men reopened the fractured protection of his intimate parts and introduced them to a spiked tool. At that moment Leo uttered a horrible cry when he felt his insides being destroyed like never before. His muscle walls were cut and damaged to a level that made Leonardo wonder if he would get out of this alive. Too much blood was flowing out of his rectum and onto the bed, creating a stain that was rapidly increasing in size. Leo felt dizzy and his heart began to pound faster to compensate for the lost blood, only to end up pumping even more out of his body as it flowed out the wounds littering his body. His plastron was completely separated and he could feel the man's hands inside of him. Barely, due to the darkness that tugged at the edges of his vision, but he held on, because of the fear that if he closed his eyes he would never open them again. Which is why he couldn't give up. At least not until he knew his brothers were safe.

Raph screamed insults from his cell. Now that he had seen firsthand the kind of torture that man had put his brother through, he realized that what he had been through was nothing. But he couldn't just stay calm and watch his older brother being tortured, raped, and drugged by that monster. He had to escape, to rescue Leo and kill Fernando while he was at it. But first he had to find Don and Mikey so they could make a plan.

He continue struggling with his chains. Pushing aside the fatigue, the hunger, the pain and the trauma, Raph focused solely on getting out of there.

The youngest member of the Hamato family watched the TV screen. His eyes empty and dull and his pale face drenched in sweat. It was dreadful, what was happening to his older brother. But in his current state he wouldn't be able to help much, even if he was loose. His vision darkened again and he lost the battle for consciousness once more. His body couldn't give any more. It was the only thing he knew.

The genius of the family had finally been able to slip one of his hands out of the chains. Just to see his older brother being tortured was enough motivation to help him plan something in order to save his family. He would not allow more trauma to affect his brother, increasing the tremendous amount already piled onto him. He used his free hand to tug on the rest of his restraints. He knew he needed to work faster if he wanted to get out without getting caught.

His plan was simple. First, he would break out of his restraints and go to find his brothers. Then with the help of Raphael, who knew he must be wanting to strangle Fernando, he would save Leo and kill the monster who had done nothing but cause pain wherever he went. Then he would figure out how to help his brother overcome the trauma created by Fernando. Simple.

Every few seconds he glanced at the door and paid close attention to every noise outside his cell. He had to hurry if he didn't want to be discovered.

Leonardo had lost track of how long he had been tortured. The pointed device inside his anus was still there, causing more damage to his fractured body. He couldn't feel anything more than the pain that, thanks to the drugs and the electricity, felt ten times more vivid normal. The hallucinations had stopped, but the torture would continue until Fernando was satisfied with the result, which usually took several hours. Blood was pooling beneath him, creating a sticky, warm sensation beneath his body, which didn't help his mental state. He could bear the pain, but he needed to concentrate. Unfortunately, the noise and fear made it rather difficult. He could feel his body weakening as the pain got worse. His vision was blurring, and his breathing was quick and shallow. He knew that the damage was worse than what he used to receive back in Central America. Fernando was angry, which was obvious thanks to the torture that he seemed to be thoroughly enjoying. He needed to get out of there. His brothers shouldn't have to know of his shameful past in Central America or what happened to him there. He was afraid to face them, but he had to put his pride aside and get them to safety. Although his chances of escape were looking pretty grim. He closed his eyes as his vision darkened, the sounds of flesh being ripped apart and bones snapping became distant and he began to sink into unconsciousness.

From outside the building April and Casey watched and waited. They knew that Leo and his brothers were there. They weren't leaving them in that dump. So they sat patiently and waited for an opportunity to attack. Not knowing what was waiting for them inside.
