However, on this night, something unusual happened. Snow fell down on the streets of Arendelle.

The night was like any other for Elsa Bowman. She was driving alone in her car, on her way to her mother's house, where her three year old child awaited her late arrival. Elsa's husband has passed away a couple years ago, and Elsa no longer liked to think about him, though she knew young Lily was curious about her father, and with such a good man he was, Elsa wanted Lily to know some about him.

However, on this night, something unusual happened. Snow fell down on the streets of Arendelle. Elsa frowned, slightly bringing her head down in an attempt to see the road before her, but was unsuccessful in doing so. Face grim, she looked down and pushed a button in front of her, allowing the windshield wipers to turn on and prevent the snow from blocking her view.

When Elsa Bowman looked back up, her icy blue eyes caught sight of something metallic. Her mind was not quick enough to react to the new and dangerous situation she was in, and soon she was plummeting off the side of the vacant road she had been driving on. Elsa was thrown around like clothes in a washer as the car rolled off the side of the hill, and finally landed in a little lake below.

First, Elsa's body took shock to the coldness of the water, making her unable to move and taking her consciousness completely. Slowly, hypothermia set in on her body, shutting down her organs. Elsa Bowman was dying, and she didn't even know it. Within only a few minutes, her heart only continued to beat one or two times a minutes, until it stopped completely.

Within five minutes of entering the water, Elsa Bowman was dead.

And then, something extraordinary happened. Lightning struck the vehicle, starting Elsa's heart once again, and allowing her to take her first breath for the first time in five minutes. From this point on, Elsa Bowman would not be affected by the horrendous aging of time. She would forever stay as she was now, not growing a day older, or reversing a day younger. She would be stuck at age twenty-nine forever.

These chapters will be longer, this is more of a prologue. Please review!