"Meteor" Jellal yelled as his body was taken over by a yellow glow, as he started to move Natsu realised he was moving at extraordinary speeds. He moved towards Natsu with his right fist cocked backwards readying it to strike Natsu.

Natsu was to keep with the speed that Jellal was moving at and he noticed his right first, Natsu quickly flung his body to right out of reaction and dodged Jellal's first strike only to be hit in the back by his second attack causing Natsu get pushed towards the edge of the tower.

Natsu quickly turned around to dodge another attack that was aimed at his chest. Natsu quickly countered with a Fire Dragon's Iron Fist only for it be dodged by Jellal.

"You can't win this, you may be a Wizard Saint, the same as me, but do you really think that I used all my strength for when I joined?" yelled Jellal as still flew around using his spell Meteor.

"Do you really believe I went all out as well?" Natsu yelled back as his whole body became covered in flames and charged at Jellal. Natsu lept into the air at speeds that could nearly matched Jellal's. Natsu quickly delivered a Fire Dragon's Iron Fist into Jellal's stomach and then hit him with a Fire Dragon's Wing Attack, hitting Jellal with both streams of fire sending him crashing into a wall of the tower making in him groan out in pain.

"Is this all you have Jellal?" Natsu mocked while he still had his cloak of fire surrounding his body.

Jellal pulled himself out of the wall and used Meteor again "I am the chosen one, I was chosen by Zeref, I will be the one to revive him and you will not stop ME!" Jellal yelled out maniacally.

'He's totally lost it' Natsu thought to himself as he watched Jellal 'It's like something had made him completely insane.'

Jellal shot off again using Meteor flying straight at the Dragon Slayer, Natsu quickly reacted using fire on his feet to match Jellal in the air. They both started to trade punches and kicks while they were flying in the air. Jellal was able to get a kick into Natsu's stomach and send him back so that Jellal was able to get some breathing room, while Jellal was still in the flying above Natsu, Erza and Simon he placed both his hands on top of each other, with the top hand having only his index and middle fingers spread, seven magic seals appeared in front of Jellal and they all connected "Grand Chariot" he called out as the seals shot out massive amount of yellow streaks that were fired up on Natsu, Erza and Simon.

"Fire Dragon's Guardian Dome" Natsu yelled as he summoned his flames to incase Erza and Simon while leaving himself completely unprotected from the attack. Natsu was hit many times by the attack as each one hit they felt like he was being stabbed, but he was more occupied keeping the dome up that was protecting his friends.

Once Grand Chariot's attack stopped and the smoke and dust cleared what was left was a heavily beaten Natsu, who was still standing but you could tell that the attacks did some serious damage to him. Natsu was breathing heavily and some blood was stained on what remained of his clothes, Natsu's Wizard Saint jacket had a few rips and was missing part of the back of the jacket, his scarf was eerily untouched..

As the dome that Natsu created vanished Erza and Simon could see the wounded Dragon Slayer. "Natsu!" Erza yelled when she saw him.

"Stay back!" Natsu replied has stood back up straight. Erza was absolutely stunned 'how could he survive one of Jellal's most powerfulest attack?' she thought to herself as tears started to run down her left eye.

"Natsu stop you can't beat him, you took too much damage protecting us. You need to leave" Erza yelled.

"I said I was going to protect you and that is WHAT I AM GOING TO DO! " Natsu screamed as his body was engulfed by a massive amount of flames, quartering all of wounds that he had, but these flames Natsu had summoned were not like his normal flames these one were a lot more orange compared to his normal ones.

"We should get back things are about to heat up" Simon said as he could feel the heat that Natsu was emitting.

As the flames died down, what was shown was Natsu with his Fire Aura surrounding him but his skin had red scales going up and down his forearms and covering his fingers they also ran up his shins coming from the bottom of his feet, the scales also covered what was shown of the bottom of his jaw with some scales running up onto his cheeks. Natsu had entered his full Dragon Force.

"What power is this?" Jellal said with a shaky voice "It doesn't matter I'll destroy you and then rebuild the tower" Jellas started to bow down and pointed his hands downwards with his fist closed except his index and middle finger "You are about to die to one of my most powerfullest attacks, you should feel honored" Jellal smirked as his other arm began to move upwards till he pointed his arm straight into the air, the clouds started to move and form above jellal "this is True Heavenly Body M-"

He was cut off by a fist that was struck into his gut making Jellal cough up blood. Natsu was standing in front of Jellal with his right fist striking Jellal's stomach.

"I said I was going to protect Erza and that is what I'm going to do" Natsu yelled as he punched Jellal in the face with his other hand sending him flying.

"This power what is it?" Simon said in shock.

"It's his Dragon Force, I partially felt his magic when he versed Jose, but this power it feels so much stronger" Erza replied

"Meteor" Jellal yelled again as he tried to get away from the enraged Natsu. He was only able to dodge the Dragon Slayer by a few millimeters, but Natsu was right behind him using fire on his feet to shoot him into the air. While they were both flying around in the air, Jellal turned around to see Natsu about to grab his leg before he yelled out "Heavenly Arrows" as multiple arrows made of golden light shot out of his hand hitting Natsu in the arm and shoulders, slowing down the Dragon Slayer.

This gave Jellal extra seconds to come up with a counter to the power that Natsu was now emitting. Jellal may be insane at the moment, but he was not stupid, he could feel the magic that Natsu was producing which trumped his own three times over, he was struggling just to move, if he did not have his Heavenly Body Magic: Meteor he knew he would of lost as soon as Natsu entered Dragon Force.

Jellal just kept flying around at insane speeds as Natsu landed back onto the tower, watching and waiting to see what the man possessed by Zeref would do. A minute went by with both parties doing nothing, until Jellal flew closer the Natsu to try and strike him, Natsu went to dodge the strike, but he realised that it was feint as Jellal's hand was open with his palm "Heavenly Arrows" was the name chanted as multiple gold arrows shot out of his hand again striking Natsu in the chest, making him stumble back two steps.

Natsu glared daggers at the blue haired man as he released a Fire Dragon's Roar trying to bring him down, but Jellal was to quick for any of the attacks to hit him. Natsu tried launching a Fire Dragon's Inferno Blast combined with his Fire Dragon's Roar, the combined attack led a massive torrent of fire which easily covered six meters wide on both sides, with some explosive pressure built inside. When the attack was released Jellal got a massive surprise, just from the sheer size of the attack, but it narrowly missed, he was even more surprised when the torrent of fire exploded and explosive force slammed into his back sending him crashing into the side of the tower.

Natsu quickly rushed over the the down mage, when he released a Fire Dragon's wing Attack into the crater which contained Jellal sending back onto the floor which Erza and Simon were resting on.

Jellal received heavy damage from the fire attack but he could still fight. He stumbled his way back onto his feet only to shift his eyes up to stare into the face of a red scaled Natsu Dragneel. Jellal panicked as he tried to use a Meteor to get away,but he couldn't get away as Natsu lunged at the Heavenly Body Mage grabbing him by the leg and slamming back into the towers floor.

'So fast' Jellal thought before the felt the pain of impact, before he could even think of what to do next, he received another blow from Natsu as he slammed his fist into Jellal's stomach making the deranged Wizard Saint cough up blood. Natsu slammed two more fists into Jellal before picking him up by the throat.

"If you EVER hurt Erza or her friends again. I make this beating seem like child's play. Do you understand me?" Natsu said as he slammed Jellal through the floor into the one below.

Jellal could only let out a whimper as a response. The pain that he felt was tremendous, but he was the man that Zeref chose to revive him, if he couldn't have Erza no one could. Jellal moved his hand to floor and used what magic he had left to utilise one of his most destructive spells. The floor began to glow as purple inscription began to cover the floor.

"What is this Jellal?" asked a shocked Natsu as he began to back away from the purple symbols that were quickly covering the walls and floor.

"Self-Destruction Magic. If I can't have Erza... to revive Zeref then... she will die and so will you... and that traitor" coughed out Jellal as more blood begun to ooze out of his mouth. Some of his internal organs being damaged from the powerful strikes that Natsu had done once the had entered his full Dragon Force.

Natsu still in his Dragon Force, acted quickly as he grabbed the Wizard Saint and through him over his shoulder and jumped up through the hole in the floor he created earlier from the fight.

"Natsu!" Erza yelled as she ran upto him "Are you ok? That magic power you have, it's amazing, the one you used against Aria was nothing compared to this."

"We have to get out of here, the bastard used Self-Destruction Magic, he plan to blow us all up, just because he couldn't have you to revive Zeref" Natsu said as he walked up to the other two mages and he offered his hand "Grab hold and I'll get us out of here"

As Erza grabbed hold of Natsu by the hand, she couldn't stop the grateful smile that crossed her lips, as she stared into the Dragon Slayers onyx eyes. She then turned around and grabbed Simon by the arm and all four of them disappeared in a swirl of flames.

As the four people reappeared on the closest beach of the tower, Natsu breathing heavily from the amount of magic it took to transport four people, he was slowly getting used to only taking himself and now he had just taken four people, a very long distance.

"I have to go find the closest Magic Council outpost and deliver my deranged friend here. Will you guys be ok for an hour, maybe you could find Gray or Lucy?" Natsu said as he slowly bent over to pick up Jellal who was left lying on the ground after the transport.

"I guess we can hopefully they didn't get caught up in the blast and another thing" Erza said as she hit Natsu across the back of the head.

"Ahhhh" Natsu said as rubbed the sore spot "what was that for?"

"That was for doing something stupid, like when you left yourself unprotected from his attack and created the dome for us" she said while glaring.

"Hey I didn't want you two to get hurt. It's in my blood to protect my friends" Natsu said with a smile 'and also the person I love' he added in thought.

"I'm sorry you made me worry is all. You scared me when you released the dome and I saw you all covered in cuts and bruises" Erza said with sadness in her voice.

"I've had worse. The 'Doctor' at the village I was living helped me train and she put me through the Nine Demon Gates of Hell and for some reason she knew a lot about Dragon Slayer Magic" he said as he remembered the memories of the grueling training she put him through. " Crazy light pink haired woman" he muttered.

"Sounds like a nice person" she asked.

"Oh she was, she acted like a mother to me. Even if she was crazy" he replied.

"Sorry to break up your reunion, but he doesn't look to good" Simon said as he looked at the man that was still lying on the ground with blood pooling around his face.

"ahh shit" Natsu said as he quickly scooped up Jellal "I will be back soon, I'll meet you guys back at the resort" he then disappeared with in his flames.

Natsu appeared at the closest town and quickly made his way through it looking for the closest doctor or Magic Council outpost to take Jellal too.

After three minutes of running around Natsu finally found a Magic Council outpost and quickly surrendered Jellal over to the guards and telling them the story of what happened to Jellal and that they should keep in locked up with magic restraining cuffs and that he should probably have a healer look at him. Then he left to go tell the Magic Council.

At the Magic Council

Natsu opened up the front doors to the wide spread out area of the Magic Council building. He was greeted by the receptionist, an elderly lady who had been doing her receptionist job for as long as Natsu has been alive, or on second thought as long as he has had Dragon Slayer Magic... maybe?.

"Hey, Am I able to speak to the Chairman, Crawford Seam?" Asked Natsu.

"I'm Sorry Mr. Seam is in a meeting with the other members of the Magic Council. What did you want to talk to him about?" She replied.

"Just let him know that I had to beat the crap out of a second corrupt Wizard Saint. The one with blue hair and a red tattoo is being held in a Magic Council outpost near Akane Beach and Hargeon. He was trying to resurrect Zeref using human sacrifices at a tower that was in the middle of the ocean near Akane Resort."

"I'll inform Mr. Seam of what has transpired right now thankyou. May I also get your name?" she asked.

"Natsu Dragneel, Wizard Saint, rank eight" he replied with a smile.

"Ohhh, you're the new Wizard Saint. I was wondering when I was going to get to meet you. My your very young, how old are you?"

"I'm 18, turning 19 in a month or so" Natsu replied with a smile.

"It's amazing how strong mages can be these days. I'll go to Mr. Seam of what has happened here. You are able to leave now Mr. Dragneel" She replied as she got up from behind the desk and left through some double doors on the right side of the entrance hall, leaving Natsu to go do what ever he wanted to do.

Natsu arrived at Akane Resort to see that most of the Magic Council Army had packed up and left seeing as the people that reduced most of the building to rubble had left.

Natsu walked around for a few minutes trying to find out sniff out Erza or anyones scent. After a few more minutes of walking around he finally got a whiff of Lucys. He took off after it.

In a small hotel that was separate to the casino which was destroyed we find Erza, Lucy, Gray, Happy, a woman named Juvia, another girl named Milliana and three men named Simon, sho and Wally.

Natsu finally found what room they were all in and knocked. After a dew seconds of waiting Gray answered the door.

"Hey Snowman" Natsu waved with a grin only to receive a glare from Gray.

"Matchstick" replied Gray as he let in Natsu.

"Hey everyone!" Natsu said as he walked into the room.

Everyone looked up to see the man that took down Jellal with only a few hits.

"Natsu!" Erza yelled "What happened to Jellal?" she asked.

"Took him to a Magic Council outpost between here and Hargeon."

"What took you so long?"

"After I went to the Magic Council and told them what happened" he replied.

"Oh, So what do you believe will happen now?" she asked sadly.

"Probably goto jail" was the simple reply.

"Oh" Erza looked down with saddened eyes.

'I need to do something that will cheer her up' Natsu thought when an idea popped into his head.

"Hey Erza" he asked meekly.

"Yes Natsu?" she replied softly.

"W-would you like to go on a date with me?"

AYYYYY i'm ba- No don't hit me. STOP NOOOOOOOOO!

Please don't kill me. Hopefully I can start to update more quickly again. Remember to Review and follow and favourite.

Oh and I also deleted my other story. I'm going to restart writing it, check my profile for more details.

Until next time

- Lumiloco