Regina felt something poking her. The sun was bright in her face as she tried in vain to see what the stimuli was.

Emma felt a shift in the mattress and her eyes shot open just in time to see Henry poking Regina.

"Shit, kid." Emma tried to whisper, but it came out harsher.

Henry jumped back.

"Sorry mommy, I had to go potty and was going to ask Regina if I could use her bathroom?" He looked like he was about to cry.

The brunette slowly started to get her bearings. Her voice also groggy with sleep, she set her hand lightly on Henry's arm.

"Of course dear."

Emma watched Henry's smile return as he bounded off to go potty.

Emma blushed. It was their first time sleeping together, just sleeping. Her, Regina and her son, life just wanted to kick her in the face it seemed. Thoughts started to creep in, bad thoughts.

Regina smiled up at her.

"Good Morning dear." Regina stretched.

Emma tried not to watch how Regina's body shifted under her clothing, but Regina took notice and laughed lightly. She was watching, Emma looked anywhere but at her.

Regina looked off across the room too.

"You're beautiful…"

She shifted her eyes to Emma's.

"Not that you aren't always, just with the light and your hair and your eyes are really... right now… was that wrong to say?" Regina's hand started to tremble.

Emma reached for her, her eyes watering, holding back a laugh.

"No, that was perfect. You are gorgeous."

Regina's face lit up.

"But I just woke up…" Regina looked harder at Emma.

"Emma, what's wrong. Your face looks strained, that means something is bothering you."

Emma nodded again fighting back tears, she didn't want to have this conversation. This morning was perfect so far.

She turned to fully face Regina.

"I…I can't look at my phone because I know I will be fired. I don't have the money to get me and Henry home…." She stared at the sheets, trying to find something to occupy herself with, but the sheets were immaculate.

Regina squeezed her hands.

"It is my fault you missed your flight. I will be paying for your tickets back." She used a tone that said the conversation was over.

Emma shook her head.

"Regina, I can't let you do that…"

Regina quickly cut her off.

"Emma, this isn't up for discussion. I am making up for the tickets you lost because of me."

Emma wanted to argue but she knew she would lose, she also knew she would not be getting back to New York without Regina's help no matter how much she wished it.

Regina reached for her ipad in her nightstand.

"Give me your purse."

Emma glared at her.

"Dear, you will feel better once I get you the tickets."

Emma shook her head.

"Regina there is no way I can fly back on Crown. One I might be fired, if for some miracle I'm not, I will be fired if it comes from you.

Regina sighed.

"I am wiring you money. You can choose whatever airline you wish, feel better?" She held her hand out while she went back to her ipad.

Henry padded out of the bathroom.

Regina, not glancing up. "Henry dear, please fetch me your mother's purse. Then we can make pancakes."

Henry went as fast as he could out of the room until his mom yelled no running.

He came back in and jumped on the bed, handing the purse over.

Emma stiffened.

Regina smiled, "Thank you Henry."

Emma cleared her throat, "Kid, go brush your teeth and put on clean clothes, ok? I have to talk to Regina."

The woman had already dug out her check book and was typing in numbers.

Emma sat there watching her. No one had ever freely given her anything, well maybe David and Mary Margaret, but there was something odd with those two , like they were just born heroes or something.

Finally she got up the courage to speak.

"Regina, I can't…"


Emma almost choked on her words, "What?" Looking back at Regina in horror.

Regina handed her the ipad.

"There I promise that is exactly as much as you will need for two tickets. Thank you for staying last night, I really don't know what I would have done without you…" A chill took over her composure as she feared what might have happened last night.

Emma swallowed hard, "Regina, I'm not with you for your money…"

Regina looked up confused, "Why would I think you were? We have made no such arrangement…"

Emma watch the brunette play catch up.

Emma looked down, "Regina! This, that is way too much." Emma flipped the ipad back around.

Regina's brow furrowed.

"No I can assure you that is exactly double what I pay per ticket…"

Emma's mouth hung open.

"Regina we don't need to fly business class!" Her voice raising an octave.

Regina moved to get up.

"You're being ridiculous, where else would you sit?"

Emma tossed the ipad down on a pillow.

"You can't just throw money around like that!"

Regina turned around and scoffed, "And who are you to talk to me about money Emma?"

Emma knew that sadistic smile wasn't meant for her, that Regina couldn't mean it.

Emma grabbed a pillow and chucked it at Regina.

"Take it back." Her voice low and dangerous as she stormed out of the room.


Regina was left standing there clutching the pillow to her chest. She heard the front door slam.

She leaned back against the wall and slid down it. What did she expect? Emma wasn't one of those bimbos she paid to put up with her social problems. She was a real person with her own issues, she didn't have time for Regina's.

She smothered her face in the pillow to stifle her sobs. It hurt. She knew she was in love.

A hesitant sound brought her from her internal hell.

"Um, Regina… Mom left…"

Regina slowly lifted her head, the boys face turning into a worried frown.

"You guys got in a fight, huh?" He sat next to her and looked up with his big brown eyes.

Regina sniffled, "Yes Henry, I did something wrong. Again…" She looked to the door.

He shrugged.

"Well let's make her an I'm sorry card. Then she has to forgive you right?"

Regina didn't want to move, she wondered how long Emma would be gone, oh no what if she just left them both?

She glanced at Henry and he tugged on her arm, giving her the strength to move.


"Mommy goes on the front. Cause that is who you are apologizing to."

Henry said like he was teaching a lesson at school.

Regina still had tears running down her face.

"But I call her Emma Henry, shouldn't I write Emma?" She asked in a shaky voice, trying to be strong for Henry.

Henry threw his hands up, "Fine, whatever. But don't forget to write I'm sorry with all the hearts you can draw and your name. You have to show her how much you love her." He put his hands on his hips.

Regina nodded, yeah she did love her, how would she ever get to keep her…


Regina was a madwoman with the crayons. Hoping that if she drew enough little hearts that Emma would come back, and maybe with a little magic that Emma would forgive her.

Emma had left to walk around the hotel but made it back to hear about the card. She had cooled down and she was glad that it was Regina she had left Henry with.

She silently opened the door, waiting a while, then finally feeling silly at not just walking back in.

She sighed seeing Henry asleep on the couch and Regina still hard at work on the card.

She walked over and hoped Regina would notice her presence, the woman never stopped drawing.

Emma knelt down across the table and pulled the card away when Regina went to grab a different colored crayon, jumping at the sudden movement of her paper.

"No! I didn't finish!" Regina reached for the paper.

Emma held it out of reach, studying it.

"Please, give it back." Regina whispered on the verge of tears again, some had splashed to the paper previously.

Emma looked up, "Regina, it's perfect…"

Regina shook her head.

"He, Henry said that if I made enough…enough hearts on the sorry page you might forgive me…but I don't know how many is enough." The woman said frantically.

Emma walked around the coffee table and sat in front of Regina, reaching her right hand to cup the brunette's face.

"Shhh, hey look at me."

Regina closed her eyes.

Emma smiled. Regina could infuriate her to no end, but it came from such a pure and selfless place, she could never stay mad at her.

She pressed her lips lightly to Regina's wet cheek. When that produced more tears Emma slipped an arm around her.

Regina shaking, "But I-I didn't finish…I'm sorry…."

"Shh, Regina look." Emma squeezed the arm around Regina firmly, as she held the card open with her other hand.

"Look at all those hearts. That is a lot of love."

The brunette nodded, "But there's more, I don't just love you that much." She pointed frustrated at the page, glancing at Emma.

Emma dropped the paper.


Emma lost all ability to function.

Regina huffed.

"I don't just love you that much…" It took her a few moments for her brain to understand what she said.

Her hand clasped over her mouth.

Emma's mouth slowly tried to close itself.

"Did you mean you love me? Or… um…"

She picked up the card and set it on the table.

Regina's hand found Emma's arm and she nodded, looking terrified.

"Are you going to leave now?" She asked looking like she was going to dart from the room, or be sick at any moment now.

Emma smiled, rolled her eyes and pulled Regina forward.

When Emma pulled back, Regina's expression hadn't changed.

"I love you too." That made Regina pull Emma to her, and kiss her.

After both adults remembered there was somehow a sleeping child in the room they tried to cool off their hot make-out session.

Emma pushing Regina's hair behind her ear and then placing her hand on Regina's hip.

"We're ok. It's ok. I'm sorry I just needed to calm down for a min."

Regina took a breath, "I am very sorry for what I said. I didn't mean that, it was rude."

Emma glanced over at the table, "I love the card. And I am sorry too, for freaking out. It's just, that was a lot of money to me Regina."

Regina looked like she was still in time out.

"But it's not Emma, not to me. Even if it was, I would do it for you."

Emma looked back with deep rooted sadness in her eyes.

"Regina I can't offer you anything…"

Regina jumped in, "Emma, you do. You try so hard to listen to me and that makes me so happy, and I don't feel alone anymore. And Henry is such a special boy. You two make me happy Emma."

Once Henry woke up Emma let him know that she did indeed forgive Regina.

As Regina and Henry started to pull out supplies for pancakes, Emma put the card on the fridge.

Regina glanced up still holding a bowl.

Emma smiled, "It's something special it gets to go on the fridge. When we get back to New York I'll frame it." She added a wink.

Regina nodded.

Emma walked up and kissed her.

They were both smiling like fools when the phone rang….

A/N:Sorry for feels and errors this popped in my head and had to get it out :) This is the best thing I have ever written and I am damn proud :) I had an idea but then the feels fairy pee-ed all over it. I'm glad she did ;) 3