Welcome back everyone! I know, I know I'm slow as Hades in updating. That aside, thank you as always for the lovely comments/reviews; they mean the world to me!

Chapter Twenty-Four:
The Fortunate Isle

1 Hour Ago.

It was safe to say Will's day had royally sucked. No, scratch that, his entire week had sucked.

Just when he had thought a crisis had been averted- Python had fallen dramatically to his doom (he had spent most of the ride back already working on a celebratory poem in his head) and Tartarus's freedom had been thwarted- Leo had ended up getting slashed West Side Story-style, Calypso had been kidnapped, and Zeus had appeared to explain to them just how much they all really sucked.

So yeah. His whole week had sucked.

Well, most of it. Like 98% of it.

Actually, kissing Nico di Angelo had possibly been one of the top highlights of his entire life.

Unfortunately he was 100% sure Nico hated him right now.

He hadn't missed the way the son of Hades had avoided making eye contact with him, or the way he had flinched away from his touch. Actually Will was pretty used to that from him... just not recently. After Nico left he had remained in the infirmary, organizing, restocking, and just generally catching up on all that he had missed. None of it was enough to get his mind off more troublesome matters. When Nico hadn't showed up at dinner he had considered going looking for him but ultimately decided against it. If Nico really was avoiding Will then perhaps the best thing Will could give him, painful as it may seem, was some space.

Dammit Agnete, Will thought bitterly. Tricking and betraying Zeus? That was one thing. Tricking and betraying them? That was... actually not very surprising. Attacking Leo and kidnapping Calypso? Rude, but what could ya do? Doppelganging Will, strangling Nico and probably sabotaging any chance he'd had at a relationship with the son of Hades? Well that really ticked Will off.

It was with looks of surprised apprehension that Jason, Piper, Percy, and Annabeth wandered into the infirmary that evening only to find Will rather ferociously preparing bandages.

Will froze in the middle of his savage bandage-ripping to look at them in surprise. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Nico wasn't at dinner." Annabeth said expectantly.

"Oh. I didn't notice," Will muttered spitefully. He had noticed. Of course he had noticed. He noticed everything Nico said or did like he had some sort of undeniable mental link to him. But after the painful experience that was Nico's checkup, he had a horrible nagging feeling that the son of Hades was avoiding him. Nico had said he wasn't angry but...

He has every reason to be.

Will noticed Piper looking around the infirmary with scrutiny like she was searching for something.

Will raised an eyebrow at her. "What, you think I'm hiding him in here? You know he hates the infirmary."

"Well yeah but-" Percy clamped his mouth shut when Annabeth nudged him harshly with her elbow.. "I mean, no. I can't think of any reason at all Nico would want to be in here." He cleared his throat awkwardly. Will noticed that Jason was still looking around like he didn't believe him. What, did they believe Will was trying to protect Nico from them in his state of distress? Will snorted at the thought.

"He's not in here," Will reiterated snappishly. "Why are you looking for him? And where's Leo? I need to check his side again too. What is it with all my patients skipping their appointments?" He was almost relieved Nico wasn't here, knowing the son of Hades would have some snide remark to answer that question.

Jason sighed. Will noticed that his glasses appeared to be stained with motor oil. Grimacing, Jason tugged them off and wiped at them with his shirt. "Leo's currently with Nyssa trying to see if they can develop some sort of tracking device for Calypso. I don't know, don't tell him I said this but it sounded like a bit of a long shot. Look, we know Nico's upset but we sort of need to talk to him. You know, gotta make plans and stuff."

"Okay. And?" Will frowned up at them, hands pausing in the middle of tearing another bandage. His heart sunk as he realized what they were trying to ask. "Uh-uh, no. Sorry. You can't make me go talk to him. " He ripped the bandage in half and threw it in the heap with the others, probably with more force than necessary. It missed and landed on the floor. Will cursed and bent to retrieve it.

Piper and Annabeth exchanged worried glances. "Will, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Oh... you and Nico didn't get in another fight did you?" Piper asked, looking sincerely concerned.

Will hesitated. "No." He wasn't inclined to add anything else.

"Because I thought you guys were friends," Piper prompted.

"We are," Will emphasized. "At least, we were. I think. I don't know. I probably ruined it. Gods, I'm such an idiot!" He flopped his head into his hands miserably. The roll of bandages flopped off the counter and unrolled across the floor like a little deplorable runway for Will's pathetic-ness.

"What happened?" Percy asked him.

"My evil doppelganger tried to kill him," Will muttered miserably, like it would help clear things up for them. "Do you think that would make him mad at me?"

"Uh, what?" Percy chuckled slightly. "Come again?"

"It was Agnete..." Will launched into a brief explanation of what had happened.

"That's ridiculous," Annabeth said immediately. "You didn't do anything."

"I know," Will exclaimed. He frowned down at his hands. "But he was so closed off when I met him. Not just emotionally either. What if I've... been pushing too hard, you know?"

"I can't say I really know Nico that well," Piper admitted. She stepped forward and nudged the fallen bandage-roll with her foot, rolling it back up. Will took it reluctantly when she handed it to him. "But I do know that he's tough and he wouldn't let himself get pushed into anything he wasn't comfortable with. He's got a way with letting people know what's on his mind, believe it or not."

"I know," Will sighed. "But hypothetically, if some person - a hypothetical person, of course- kissed him, hypothetically-"

Percy choked violently. Unfortunately Annabeth's not-so-subtle kick in the shin wasn't quick enough to stop him from asking, "You... kissed... Nico?"

"Uhhh... Maybe. Hypothetically?" Will suddenly felt uncomfortable. Crap, should I have kept that a secret too? He wasn't stupid. He knew that Nico could be very private about some things especially when it came to the details of his personal life. He had noticed it particularly when they had sat outside Asbolus's hut in Elysium and Nico had turned beat red upon being informed that Will was gay and then had progressed to a worrisome shade of purple upon admitting that he himself batted for that same team.

Will had been nothing short of delighted upon hearing the admission.

"Well... what did he do?" Piper inquired matter-of-factly, moving to sit next to Will. Will figured if anyone had decoding-the-behaviors-of-cute-guys down to a science it was her. "After you kissed him, I mean."

"Um..." Will had a brief flashback to the Island they had visited lost at sea, of standing in the waist deep water, bathed in moonlight and feeling Nico pressed against him, his skin warm against Will's, of running his hands through the dark locks of hair... it had felt like a dream, all the way up until Will discovered the horrible mark that had burned upon his skin and the frightening promise that went along with it. "We got in a fight."

Piper, who had been smiling quietly to herself like she was expecting to be entreated to some sappy and possibly graphic description of their first kiss, looked suitably taken aback. "Oh. Well, that's interesting, I guess-"

"Wow, it was that bad?" Percy asked blatantly, eyes wide.

"Yeah," Will sighed, before realizing what he meant. "I mean no! It's just-" He hesitated. He couldn't very well tell them about Nico's secret. If Nico wanted to keep his deal with Tartarus to himself than it was his own business. Or did the others have a right to know? "Well, you know Nico..." He trailed off. It sounded like a poor explanation even to his own ears.

"Yeah, we do actually," Annabeth agreed unexpectedly. "And I can't see him holding anything Agnete did against you. Nico can be stubborn and, er, irritable- no offense to him or anything-"

"No, I'm sure he'd take it as a compliment," Percy said.

"-but he isn't spiteful. I can't imagine him being mad at you for something someone else did." Annabeth frowned deeply after her words. "He was probably just upset by the news about the Underworld. I wouldn't take it personally, Will."

Annabeth was trying to be kind, Will knew, but her words didn't comfort him much. Nico had been withdrawn even before they had spoken with Zeus. Will remembered with a sinking feeling the way Nico had flinched away from his help when they'd first landed at Camp on Festus. He cleared his throat. "Yeah, I suppose. I was going to go check on him at dinner, but now I think it would be best if I just gave him some time. And space."

"Just not too much time," Jason interjected. "'Cause the world's still about to end. We need to speak with him."

"What about?"

Percy grimaced. "To start I figured I might owe him an apology. He... seemed pretty pissed at me earlier."

"I don't think he was that mad at you," Will told him honestly. "Zeus just freaked him out. The Underworld is his home. It means a lot to him. To be honest, I don't like it either. We can't just let the Underworld be destroyed."

"We agree," Jason stated, taking Will by surprise. "That's why we need to talk to him."

"You have a better idea?" Will asked hopefully.

"I have a different idea; we fight." Jason said. Reflexively he reached for his sword, as if reassuring himself it was there. "Both camps together, again. Whether it's 'better', who can say? I already notified Reyna of what is going on and she agreed. She's not happy. She..." Jason drifted off, expression clouding like he wasn't sure if he should continue.

"What?" Will asked.

"It's nothing," Jason said briskly, seeming to have pressed whatever was bothering him to the back of his mind. "The important thing is the Romans will fight with us. Now we just need to start preparing. Organize weapons, allocate rations, the whole lot."

"Not to mention figuring out how to get an entire army into the Underworld," Percy added. "Hades won't like that idea."

"We'll have to hope he likes it more than the idea of the Underworld being obliterated entirely," Annabeth said darkly. "We figured Nico could help convince him. He's done it before."

Will knew that to be true. He could still remember the Manahttan Battle, surrounded by chaos and monsters. Just when all hope had seemed lost... Will smiled slightly. "Didn't he end up opening a giant chasm in the streets?" Will hadn't been there for that part sadly. He'd been on the sidelines, attending to the wounded, trying to heal Annabeth from her mishap with Kronos.

"He does like to make an entrance," Annabeth said briskly. "And to break things."

"Yeah, he also put that giant crack in the dining pavilion when he first got here," Percy added.

"He did?" Will exclaimed, somewhat amused at the idea. He felt weirdly proud now, knowing that Nico had been at camp for all of one week and had apparently left a mark. Literally.

"Exits on the other hand..." Percy mused, gaze unfocused from some old memory. "He always tries to slip away unnoticed."

Will had noticed that as well. It was hard to believe that not two weeks Nico he had followed Nico into the forest and sat beside him at the canoe lake, trying to convince him not to leave. He wasn't sure how he'd known that Nico was trying to sneak away at the time. Perhaps he'd tried to ditch Will so many times during his three days in the infirmary that Will had mastered the art of heading him off. It was almost like some sort of sixth sense to him now. It was also partly the fact that Nico hadn't shown up to dinner that day either-

Will's eyes widened.

"Aw crap," he muttered. With a sudden burst of energy, he tossed the bandages back into their drawer and leapt up, ignoring the startled looks from the others as he ran for the infirmary door.

He just hoped he wasn't too late.



"They looks like ants," Nico mused aloud.

A cool breeze ruffled his t-shirt, setting the hairs on his arms on edge. He and Hades stood upon the balcony off the tower of the East wing of the black palace. After the meeting had been dismissed Hades had requested to speak with Nico in private and then whisked him up here in a vortex of shadows. Far below them ghosts, skeletons, and all other manner of dead beings scurried, appearing not unlike an anthill that had been unexpectedly disturbed under someone's foot and thrown into unrest. Particularly if that someone happened to be Tartarus.

Nico shivered, not welcoming his comparison. "It's not enough is it? They're no match for Python's army."

And there was a lesson in and of itself; cut off the head of the snake and the body did not always flounder. Not if that snake had been backed by other powerful allies, such as Morpheus. Or Agnete.

"No," Hades said eventually. Nico could tell he was loathe to admit it. "I fear it is not enough."

"Have you spoken with the rest of the Gods?" Nico couldn't help but ask. "Has Zeus-"

"Zeus," Hades interrupted harshly, "-hears no one but himself. He would rather turn-tail and run like a frightened mouse, than fight. I am not surprised. It is his nature. It has always been his nature." Hades' voice was petulant, bitter. Nico chanced a glance at his father. His eyes, always so dark, were as somber and bleak as Nyx herself.

"What about the camps?" Nico suggested. He ran his thumb over the ring on his finger, comforted by the familiar metal band. "If they were allowed entrance into the Underworld we could join forces with them. It could give us a chance."

Hades looked affronted by the very notion. "Absolutely not. I will not further jeopardize our borders nor allow the living to come traipsing through the realm. It is already teetering on the brink of chaos. We need not add to it."


Hades silenced him with a look. "Even if I did allow it- I said if- they would never agree to such a plan. You heard what Zeus said; he would sooner abandon Elysium to Tartarus than defend it. This place means nothing to him. I know you wish it were not so, but the camps loyalties lie with Olympus as well."

"That's not true," Nico countered. "They would fight for you, for this place. They have friends and family down here, people they don't want to see abandoned to Tartarus."

"Even if they agreed they would need to prepare," Hades reminded him. "This is the sort of planning that would have had to have happened weeks ago, if not months. It is too late."

"Let me try," Nico pleaded. "I can send an Iris message to Will and-"

"Will?" Hades interrupted, frowning. "Who in my own name is Will?"

Nico blinked, taken aback by the question. He supposed his father would have no idea who the son of Apollo was. "I mean Percy," Nico amended quietly. "Or Jason. I can convince them to come, I know it and then I'll-"

"You'll what?" Hades demanded, turning on him. His voice was harsh. Nico resisted the urge to take a step back. "You'll have achieved nothing besides more death. Listen to me, Nico; do not condemn your friends to meaningless deaths. It is not worth it. There is a better way."

"There is?"

"There is," Hades took a deep breath and gazed out over the balcony into the distance, beyond his armies, beyond the madness down on the ground, like he was willing himself to see past it all. "This woman everyone speaks of, this Agnete, if she evades capture, if she succeeds, I do not trust to hope that Zeus's plan will go without a hitch either. I need you to find her, put a stop to her plan. I am telling you this because I know I can trust you, my son. You have proven yourself to me before, succeeded more than I ever could have hoped. That is why I am assigning you this task; find these three traitors. Discover their identities and bring them to me. If they fight, if you can't bring them... kill them."

Nico let out a nervous breath. No pressure then. "I understand," he said.

"Promise me," Hades said, gripping Nico's shoulder. His grip hurt, not that Nico would ever complain aloud. "Swear it. You must stop them."

Pulse fluttering, Nico inclined his head. "I swear. I'll do my best."

Hades released his shoulder and stepped back, looking pleased. He glanced once more over the edge of the balcony, down at the dark commotion below. "You are right. They do look like ants. I find it is too easy to feel invincible from up here, indestructible. And then other times..."

Nico looked at him questioningly when he didn't continue.

Hades shook his head as he turned away from the edge. "Other times it hits you, that all these ants are the only ones standing between you and total annihilation." With that depressing statement Hades disappeared into the shadows, leaving Nico to stare down at the armies of the Underworld as they prepared for battle.


Will stood outside the Hades Cabin door, which was still open, staring blankly into the space Nico had occupied moments before. The dark recesses of the Hades Cabin stared back at him hollow and empty. He didn't even react when he heard the other's approaching. Apparently they had figured out where he was heading and chosen to follow.

"Did you find Nico?" Percy asked him, coming to a stop at Will's side.

Will swallowed down the lump in his throat. "I found him," he admitted, voice slightly hoarse. "He's gone."

"Crap," Jason said under his breath, although he didn't look particularly surprised. "I should have known. Hang on, this might actually be a good thing."

How is Nico being gone ever a good thing? Will wondered miserably. "Why?"

"Because he probably went to the Underworld," Jason said. Inexplicably he started feeling inside the pockets of his jeans. "I'll Iris message him and explain. Does anyone have a drachma on them?" Piper did. She tossed it to Jason, who caught it and started heading back to his own cabin.

As Percy and Annabeth moved to follow him, Will couldn't help but blurt out, "Percy, can I speak with you?"

Percy turned back to Will, looking faintly startled. "Sure. What's wrong?"

Will opened his mouth but the words stuck in his throat. His eyes flickered briefly to Jason, Piper, and Annabeth who stood a little bit behind the son of Poseidon, waiting.

Percy took the hint, much to Will's relief. "Hey guys, can you give us a minute? We'll catch up."

Jason nodded, although he looked slightly concerned. "Of course. Just remember-"

"I know, I know. We're on a time crunch," Percy said. "We'll be quick. Right Will?"

Will nodded. As the others left, Percy turned back to Will with a puzzled frown on his face. "Hey man, what's this about?"

"You've..." Will hesitated, trying to think of the best way to broach such a delicate subject. "You've been to Tartarus too right? Like Nico?"

Whatever Percy had been expecting, it wasn't that. Will felt he might as well have slapped him in the face. Where he had first looked curious, Percy now looked withdrawn and guarded. "Yeah," he said cautiously. "I have."

Will suddenly felt guilty. Like Nico, Percy had literally been through hell and here was Will, questioning him tactlessly about what had to be, at best, painful memories. The only thing that made him decide to continue his line of questioning was the fact that he felt he didn't really have a choice anymore. "Right. And uh... how are you? After it, I mean?"

Percy looked decidedly uncomfortable and not at all happy about the turn of this conversation. "Okay, I guess. I mean, I'm alive aren't I?"

"Alright." Will nodded to himself. Percy continued to stare at him questioningly. "And, uh, any nightmares?"

"Are you asking me as a doctor?" Percy asked suspiciously.

Will leapt at the opportunity. "Yes! Definitely. As your doctor, I just... want to make sure you're doing okay."

"Oh, well yeah, I've had some nightmares. Annabeth too." Percy reached up and scratched nervously at the back of his neck. "It was really bad the first few nights after the battle- well, actually the first night I was so exhausted I just passed out and then they gradually started getting worse from there- but they've also eased up a little recently. Like I said, I'll pull through."

Will nodded. "I suppose that's good. And in these dreams... have you felt any physical sensation?"

Percy shot him a strange look. "What do you mean?"

"Like..." Will waved his arms. "Do you ever... feel physical pain? In it or after you wake up?"

"Um, no." Percy's frown deepened. "They're just dreams. What makes you ask that?"

"No reason," Will said quickly. "And uh... does he ever talk to you?"

Percy shot him another look.

"Does Tartarus talk to you?" Will elaborated. "Try to get you to do stuff? Make deals with him? Threaten you if you don't grant his wishes?"

Apparently subtlety wasn't his strong suit because Percy was starting to look very suspicious. "Why are you asking me all this?" He took a step closer to Will and lowered his voice. "What aren't you telling me?"

"What? Oh nothing, I was just curious," Will said, backpedaling immediately. "It'll be good to add to my report, you know? I'm always telling my sibling, you can never be too detailed. In fact a good rule of thumb is that a patient write-up should be approximately the length of a minor novel... But I'm rambling. Which I do all the time, not just when I'm worried. 'Cause I'm not. Worried, I mean. Even though I'm rambling." Will flushed. "Anyways, I should be going-"

"Hey, wait." Percy stepped sideways, blocking Will's path. "You can't just blow me off after that. Something's clearly bothering you."

Standing there and feeling unwantedly cornered, Will randomly found himself trying to conclude just what exactly it had been about Percy that had Nico so taken when they first met. In addition, Will may or may not have been privy to know that Annabeth was not the only girl to have a major crush on Percy, and that could also create a certain type of appeal. Will himself had never shared much in their attraction and, actually now that he thought about it, frankly he couldn't see why Nico did either. Unless Nico was into the brave, heroic types... With his messy, ocean-blown dark hair and green eyes, the son of Poseidon was sort of very good looking in a sort of obvious way... you know, if Will squinted. But all that aside, compared to Nico- with his jet-black hair, mischievous eyes, and smart-mouthed remarks- Will couldn't help but feel that Percy was downright mundane in comparison.

Nope, Will really couldn't see just what made Percy seem so great in Nico's eyes. Not when there were other people who were just as worthy of his attentions... Heck, there was probably all kinds of stuff Will could do that Percy couldn't. Like, deliver a centaur baby... or sing gods-awful opera, or be terrorized by pillows.

Oh my Gods, Will thought with a slow sinking feeling. I have no chance with do I?

But wait, when did this become about him?

Percy was still frowning at him, though now he looked a little worried. "Why are you squinting at me like that?" Oblivious to Will's hormonal inner musings, Percy's eyes narrowed. If it were possible, he looked even more suspicious now. "Does this have something to do with Nico?"

Will's eyes widened. "What? No!"

"Tell me the truth," Percy said. "If Tartarus is strong enough to be able to communicate with people outside his prison, I need to know. Surely I don't need to tell you how bad that is."

"I know..." Will muttered.

"Tell me what happened," Percy repeated.

Feeling like an utter traitor to his friend but not knowing what else to do, Will told Percy about the mark that had appeared upon Nico's shoulder and of his promise to Tartarus. With every word the sense of guilt grew. He couldn't help but feel like he was betraying Nico's trust by confiding in Percy, but frankly Will didn't know what else to do. They were out of time to figure out a different plan.

"Nico made a deal with him?" Percy exclaimed violently when Will finished. Will shushed him and looked around to make sure no one was listening to them. He didn't need rumors flying around camp that Nico di Angelo had made an evil pact with Tartarus or some other such nonsense. Even if it was sort of accurate. "Is he insane?"

"I got the impression Tartarus didn't give him much of a choice but to agree," Will said defensively.

Percy shook his head. "This is important. What was the favor Tartarus wanted?"

"Nico didn't know," Will told him. "Tartarus wouldn't tell him. He just made Nico promise that he owed him one."

Percy stared at him for a moment, clearly thinking hard. "Hm."

Will frowned at Percy. "What is it?"

Percy sighed. "Look, I'm not trying to dis Nico or anything, but he isn't exactly the most truthful person I know of."

A small flutter of rage shot through Will's gut. "Nico's not a liar!" he exclaimed loudly. He looked around sheepishly but it didn't appear anyone had heard him. He forced himself to lower his voice.

"That's not really what I meant" Percy amended. "Here, let me rephrase it; he's not the most forthcoming with what you could call arguably vital information. You may have noticed but sometimes he keeps stuff to himself. Dangerous stuff."

"What's your point?" Will demanded, feeling annoyed. How dare anyone accuse Nico of being anything less than perfect?

Percy hesitated before appearing to come to a decision. "My point is; how can you be sure he doesn't already know what the favor is and just didn't tell you?"

Will gaped at Percy, feeling more than a little betrayed by the notion. "He- he wouldn't lie to me!"

Percy watched him for a few seconds before dropping his gaze. "Okay. I just really hope you're right."

It took Will a moment to understand just why he felt so hurt, angry, and defensive at the accusation. It was because as much as Will loathed to admit it, there was some truth to Percy's words. Nico did keep stuff to himself, stuff that could potentially hurt himself. The difference this time was that it wasn't just himself he could end up hurting. But this was all ridiculous anyways. There wasn't any reason for Nico to have lied to Will. Besides, did Will really think Nico would choose to keep something this deadly to himself? Unfortunately he felt he knew the answer to that question, and he didn't like it.

"Yeah, me to," Will said in a small voice as he watched Percy walk away.


He didn't pause until he reached the peak of the dune. Ahead of him the rolling golden hillsides glimmered under the pallid sun of Elysium. Long yellow stems of wheat grass swayed lazily in the breeze, the picture of innocent tranquility. As if they weren't about to be charred back into the soil, brittle and blackened. Nico reached out a hand, skimming the dry blooms with the palm of his hand. He was as far as could be from being a plant person, and certainly no child of Demeter, but these fields were part of his home. These great, shimmering fields, the rippling clear waters of the lake, and the snow capped mountains in the North. Even the soil beneath his feet. That soil was the very same earth he he had clung to with all his strength, months ago, when he first felt the tug of Tartarus. He had been dragged into the core of the world, watched as the ground disappeared from view as he fell. A cold hand closed around Nico's heart.

Tartarus might be able to have him but he had no claim to the lands of the Underworld.

At the docks of the lake he found Rhadamanthus.

Rhadamanthus was speaking with quiet urgency to one a spirit, a woman whose hair was styled in an elaborate updo and clothing that suggested she'd died in the early 19th century. She carried a clipboard, and had a feather pen tucked behind a bejeweled ear. After she departed Rhadamanthus turned toward Nico. For a ghost himself, the guardian of Elysium looked tired. His eyes were still that unnerving shade of molten gold but they held a weariness to them Nico hadn't seen there before. He remained silent as Nico approached him, just watching with solemn sort of sadness.

"Any success?" Nico asked, already knowing what the answer would be.

Rhadamanthus sighed and shook his head. "I am afraid not. A-Agnete, this... traitor you search for, she is not here. Not in the Isle of the Blessed, at least. I would know if she were."

Nico was momentarily gladdened to have a fellow friend, one who was not a God, one who was not bound by duty alone to protect this place. No, much like Nico, Rhadamanthus had chosen Elysium as his home, protected it with his life, or rather (since he was already dead) - his soul.

Nico winced although he'd been expected nothing less. "Agnete is devious and manipulative. She is more adept at controlling the mist than anyone I've ever met. I was hoping I could go into the city and make certain she has not slipped by," he informed Rhadamanthus. "My father has asked me to find the traitors Asbolus mentioned."

Rhadamanthus nodded. "Of course, I understand." He turned away from Nico in favor of gazing out over the lake. Nico could just make out the steeples of the city through the shroud of mist. "You truly believe she may have slipped in there?"

Nico nodded. "I know she plans to raise Tartarus in Elysium and she is running out of time. She has to be here."

"Elysium is huge," Rhadamanthus reminded him. "What makes you believe she is here?"

Nico stared at the city, imagining all the nooks and ally ways he would have to search. "It is busy. Agnete will want to slip by unseen. And it is by Erebus. If she does manage to raise Tartarus he will have easy access to the palace." Of this he was certain. If he was Agnete it was exactly where he would go. "How're preparations?" he asked Rhadamanthus suddenly.

Rhadamanthus shrugged. "The ghost are not happy. They do not want to leave. Right now the plan is to get as many as possible back across to purgatory." A smirk suddenly twisted across Rhadamanthus's face. "I heard Hades made Charon trade in his canoe for a cruise ship to fit more people."

Nico snorted. That was something he would pay to see.

Rhadamnthus sighed and rubbed his hands over his face. "I feel bad for them all," he admitted. "Forced to stay, forced to leave. An eternity of enduring. That is no choice. That is no way to live."

Taking his leave, Nico climbed into the small boat at the end of the dock and pushed off for the Isle of the Blessed. At the other side he clambered out, taking note of a message engraved into the rockwork of the city; τυχερός νησί.

The Fortunate Isle.

An ironic name, given the situation. Upon entering the front gate of the city a massive stretch of stairs led upwards into the main section. Nico let out an annoyed breath. Why did all ancient cities seem to have a crap-ton of stairs to climb before you reached anything interesting? Part of him wished he could simply shadow travel up there but he knew he was pushing his limits after being injured and having so little sleep the past few days.

When he reached the top, Nico's legs were on fire and he was forced to pause for breath. In the center of the cobbled street a large, circular fountain bubbled quietly. Nico gazed at it sullenlly as he caught his breath. The centerpiece of the fountain was adorned with three little cherubs that spat streams of water from their rocky pursed lips. Nico stared at them blankly. He'd never liked babies, fat babies, or fat incontinent babies. So why did he suddenly feel so damned sad?

A glimmer in the water stream caught his eye and drew his attention away from the dark storm of thoughts drifting through his head. Frowning, he stepped closer to look. His eyes widened when he realized what it was.

"Dechómaste to mínymá sas," Nico said, striding forward eagerly. Sure enough, an iris message unfolded before him and Nico found himself looking into the tired yet hopeful faces of Will and Percy.

"Nico!" Will exclaimed, relief evident on his face. "You're alive!"

"Of course I am," Nico said, frowning. "What's going on?"

"We have a plan," Will began, before launching into an explanation of how both of the camps alike were preparing to march into the Underworld. As he spoke Nico found himself watching the son of Apollo closely, noting the dark circles under his eyes, and the way his voice cracked- whether from emotion or exhaustion or both. Nico wanted to ask him if he'd slept at all since they got back, even hough he already knew what Will's answer would be. First and foremost Will was a doctor and Nico knew he would never take time for himself if he thought he could be helping others. "-they're just waiting for Jason's signal at this point. We need you to talk to Hades and convince him to let the camps enter the Underworld."

Nico shook his head, wising he had something else to say rather than dash Will's hopes. "It won't work, Will. I already tried talking to my father about that very same idea- he thinks bringing more people into the Underworld will only add to the chaos and leave the borders vulnerable to subterfuge."

"But we can help!" Will blurted out. "With all three armies combined-"

"I think my father's right," Nico interrupted Will before the son of Apollo could leap in full throttle and kindle a new argument. "He's ordered me to hunt down our traitors from the inside-"

"Hold on." For the first time since the iris message had appeared Percy spoke up. Nico eyed him somewhat anxiously. Percy didn't seem mad at him, despite the fact that Nico had lost his temple and screamed rude insults at his face. It had felt good at the time but now Nico felt thoroughly ashamed. Unfortunately, apologizing immediately and without grudge wasn't one of his virtues. He needed a little more time to cool off. "Did you just say traitors? As in more than one?"

Nico nodded. "Three, apparently. I have to hunt them down before it's too late."

"Agnete is one," Percy said slowly, counting her on his finger. "Who are the other two?"

"I'm not sure," Nico admitted, and wondering how on earth he was supposed to find someone when he had no idea who he was looking for. Percy nodded slowly in response but Nico was aware of him watching him closely. Why that was, Nico wasn't sure.

"Well, we can help," Will said immediately. "I'll come to the Underworld and help you search."

"No!" Nico exclaimed loudly. Will paused, mouth still open, looking like someone had just shot his favorite prized cow. Nico immediately felt guilty but he needed Will to say put. "The Underworld is a mess right now. I have enough to keep track of without having to worry about your safety."

Will scowled. "I can take care of myself, di Angelo!"

"I know," Nico said impatiently. "That's why you-"

"-can help!" Will finished determinedly.

"Yes," Nico enunciated carefully. "From camp. In the infirmary."

"I'm not sitting around doing nothing!"

"Yes, you will," Nico snapped. "If you actually want to be helpful you'll do a I say and stay out of my way! Look, I know my father's kingdom better than anyone and I work better alone."

"Yeah right," Will yelled. "Gods, why can't you ever just accept help when you need it?"

Nico opened his mouth but couldn't find words immediately, shocked as he was by the outburst. Will rarely lost his temper and when he did Nico was starting to realize it usually meant he had crossed a line. "Will... Are you okay?" he asked quietly. He was more than aware that Percy was still there, listening to every word.

"Fine, Nico," Will muttered, looking unbearbly miserable all of a sudden. "I'm just fine."

Nico's heart ached. He couldn't stand this. He wished the Iris message was a portal and that he could step straight through and into Will's arms. If he thought he had the energy left to shadow travel straight back to Camp he might have done so.

"Will..." he whispered, wishing suddenly that Percy wasn't there. He didn't know what he wanted to say to the son of Apollo, just that he was willing to do anything to wipe that look off his face.

"It's alright Nico," Will said quietly. "I get it. I'll stay here. Just... be careful okay?"

Nico didn't know how to respond. Here they were at the end of times and no words seemed to be enough. He opened his mouth to respond only to find he had waited too long. Will had already swiped his hand through the mist, leaving Nico staring at nothing but the steady stream of water and feeling incredibly alone in the giant city.


"You okay, Will?" Percy asked once the Iris message closed.

"Fine," Will muttered, doing his best to have a staring contest with the ground and swallow the rock-sized lump in his throat. Stupid, stupid, he thought. Stupid Agnete for starting all this, stupid Underworld for getting destroyed, and most of all, stupid Nico for thinking he could save the world alone.

Percy tried again. "Look, I wouldn't take it to heart. Nico's always been super independent. If he says his best chance at stopping Agnete is by himself, then maybe we should trust his judjment. He's a pretty smart kid, believe it or not. He does actually know what he's doing."

Will gaped at Percy, disbelieving. "Is that seriously what you believe? That Nico can do this all on his own? Just because he said so? Is that also what you thought, all those years ago?"

"What?" Percy blinked at Will, clearly startled. "What are you talking about?"

"I know Bianca asked you to look after him," Will said, voice shaky. "And you promised you would. Nico told me."

"Yeah," Percy said slowly. "And?"

"And you didn't!" Will shouted, eyes prickling. "You let him run off with no idea who was and no idea where to go!" He knew he was being horribly unfair to Percy. After all Percy had only been, what, thirteen himself at the time? How was he supposed to have looked after the world's angriest ten-year-old when he was barely more than a kid himself? "Sure, he can swing a sword and survive on the streets for years but haven't you realized by now that he has no idea what he's doing!"

"I tried-" Percy said, clearly taken aback by Will's outburst. "I tried to go after him. I did my best. But when I got to him he didn't want help."

"He never wants help!" Will yelled, exasperated.

Percy looked pale. And deeply annoyed. "What's your point, Will?"

"My point is..." Will waved his hands helplessly. "I don't get why you couldn't have tried harder!"

He marched off without waiting for a response. Forget what Nico said. He would NOT sit around and do nothing.

Will tried to remain awake, tried to keep putting together more medical supplies. He had the distinct notion they would be needing them soon, too soon. At one point Kayla came and touched his wrist, telling him he should go to bed, to which he forced his mouth into a sort of pained smile and nodded. He didn't go to bed. Around 10 pm his eyes felt full of sand and his head drooped, the dramatics of the day having finally decided to creep up on him.

Re-corking a solution of unicorn drought and finely ground harpy talons, he stood up and made to leave the infirmary. He nearly dropped the vial in surprise by what he saw.

A woman stood immobile in the doorway, watching Will with eyes as silver and ancient as the moon. Her russet hair was woven tightly into braids and she wore a deep green tunic, bound tight to her bodice with thick leather straps. An elegantly crafted longbow was slung over her shoulders, a hunting knife resting at her waist.

"Lady Artemis," Will said in surprise. She appeared older than she had on the island of the Lotus Eaters, but her eyes gave her away and her face was just as solemn as he remembered. Now however, she looked ready for battle.

Will felt he should kneel, or bow, or something, but as he moved to do so the goddess stepped forward and touched his shoulder. "That is not necessary, I think," she said quietly. Her silver eyes glinted as she searched Will's face. Will was reminded briefly of starlight. "Because of you I have been reunited with my brother."

A feeling of warmth briefly flooded him from where her palm rested on his shoulder and Will sensed the unspoken thank you beneath her words. Finding his voice Will asked, "Is Apollo alright? Has Zeus...?" He wasn't sure what he wanted to ask but Artemis seemed to read his expression.

Artemis's brows knit together in concern. "Our father was most upset when Apollo confronted him. I-" She broke off with a soft shudder. "Not a moment after my brother was freed and I thought Zeus was going to tear him apart where he stood." She must have caught the look on Will's face because her expression cleared somewhat. "You needn't worry, Will. I am not privy to the details but they must have come to some manner of agreement because Apollo returned to Olympus an hour ago. Zeus insisted that he needed to be there to help, ah, prepare. As for whether his punishment will continue, Zeus has not said. He has... other things on his mind."

Will's heart leapt in his chest. "Does he still plan to cut off the Underworld? Let Tartarus have it?"

Artemis finally removed her hand from his shoulder, expression guarded. "I know it is difficult to understand but at times certain sacrifices are necessary. I will be the first to admit I do not always agree with my father's actions even if I understand his reasoning."

"That's easy for someone to say when it's not them doing the sacrificing," Will said, feeling daring. He may have been sleep deprived and miserable but he still had sense enough to know offending a goddess was a bad idea.

"The situation is difficult. Recent alliances aside, there is bad blood between Hades and Zeus. Between all the Gods in fact. And we are prideful. We are used to being in control, making our own decisions. Even now, with all that we have built at risk of collapse, my family sits in their thrones and argues. Sometimes I fear that our pride will be our undoing," Artemis admitted. She frowned at Will for a moment, scanning his face with her luminous eyes. Will didn't know what she was hoping to see there, besides fear and worry. "I thought my messages had been clear, but... Well, I can see now that you still do not comprehend."

"I comprehend Zeus perfectly," Will muttered, trying not feel insulted. Why did everyone seem to imply he was a dimwit? Perhaps that was one of the reason Will liked Nico so much; Nico had the politeness to proclaim Will an idiot straight to his face. Loudly. And often. "I just don't understand how he can stand by and watch the Underworld be destroyed."

"You mistake my meaning," Artemis interjected. "Please close your eyes."

Will stared at her, unsure what she intended. But as she raised her hand, fingers extended to touch Will's forehead, he suddenly realized what she was trying to do. The moment she touched him he found himself far away, both in distance and time.

He stood in the middle of a wide marble walkway, not unlike a patio. On all sides thick pillars extended skyward, swathed in thick vines of ivy and other varieties of climbing flowers. The pillars must have been purely for aesthetic purposes because there was no ceiling to be held up. For a few seconds Will gazed upwards breathlessly, struck by the sheer vastness of the sky and the thousands of twinkling stars that shimmered like blanket. He realized he must be in some sort of ancient atrium or garden-terrace. Tropical plants of various species, colors, dexterity, and aromas filled the room. Farther down the pathway a fountain trickled lazily, foamy bubbles rising and popping on the crystal surface.

None of that held Will's attention for long because he was not alone in the room. Two other boys were with him.

One appeared to be older possibly around 18 years of age, if that. Under the fall of his dark, curling bangs Will could just make out the faint gleam of a thin circlet that encompassed his head. His eyes were a light brown and brimming with a startling amount of malice for someone so young. Beside him walked another boy, younger, probably around Nico's age. Like the older boy he had dark, curly hair and brown eyes. Though his eyes were not as deadly as the other's, Will noted that something else smoldered just beneath the surface. Rage. The rest of his face was impassive, a carefully constructed mask for his anger. It was then he realized something else; the boys were clearly related. While there were differences, the younger being tanner, leaner rather than more muscular, the similarities in their features could not be denied. They both shared the same sloped nose, the same resolute set in their jaw, and the rigid posture of someone raised with the expectation of nobility.

The younger boy looked vaguely familiar to Will. He had seem him before, he realized, in the very first dream he'd had of Agnete. He was the same boy who had stood beside her in the field, though he had been a child then. But that wasn't it. There was somewhere else Will had seen him.

"The plans are set then?" the older brother was asking lazily. He reached out to pluck a pale yellow flower from a vine. "No difficulties?"

"No, my Lord. I will have them all ready to depart at first light." The younger boy spoke quietly, casting a dark eye at his brother. For a couple of second he eyed the older ones face, apparently searching for something. He looked away quickly, a decidedly grim expression settling over his face.

"Excellent." The older boy- Will assumed he was a king or ruler of some sort, though he still wasn't sure exactly where they were- twirled the flower between his fingers, watching it spin. "How is your friend doing? What is her name again? The pretty blonde one."

The younger one shrugged his shoulders. "Agnete is fine. The city seems to delight her, although her studies have kept her quite busy as of late so I have not seen her as much as I would like."

"So you say. And yet my sources tell me your never at the palace. And I find it hard to believe you spend your nights wandering the dark streets in solitude."

The younger boy flushed deeply as he glared sharply at his brother, annoyance written plain across his face. "You've been having me followed?" Will might have thought a faint touch of alarm trickled into his voice.

His brother laughed. "Of course not. Though I would be a fool to not have noticed. If you disappear over the summer months should I act surprised as well?"

"You need not worry," the younger one said, almost bitterly. He hesitated before adding, "I daresay both of us will soon be spending a lot more time here."

The older one froze in the midst of twirling his flower. A second later he spun around, fury flashing across his face. "Are you mad?" he spat, lip curling. "I know love can turn even the brightest of us into fools, yet I thought you had more sense than that? Surely you must realize how stupid marrying her would be!" Will blinked, mouth half open is surprise at the sudden one-eighty in his temperament. On the other hand the younger boy must have been used to his brother's outburst because he didn't flinch or look remotely surprised, though is hand clenched ever so slightly.

"Just because you are frightened of her powers does not mean I will be so easily cowed," he retorted. "I do not ask for your support but as your brother I do command respect."

He looked ready to continue but the older one's face suddenly quieted, the hostility and repugnance replaced by a veil of calm. "My apologies. You are correct of course. I spoke out of turn." He took a deep breath, finally releasing his grip on the flower. It fluttered down to the stonework like a miniature pinwheel. He stared at it for a few seconds. Twice he opened his mouth like he wished to say something else but then closed it. Eventually he seemed to reach a conclusion to his inner dilemma. "Perhaps it would be best if Agnete and I were to... start afresh. You say she is impressed by the city?"

The younger one frowned deeply. "She is."

His brother nodded, slow and thoughtful. "In that case I shall have her added to the ceremony tomorrow. Our architecture is impressive of course, but compared to Daedalus's masterpiece-"

Whatever he had been about to say was lost to Will because he was too distracted by the younger one's reaction to his words. In a brief instant his guise of serenity had vanished, leaving nothing but pure hatred upon his face. "You think-" He gazed at his brother like he had spontaneously morphed into some sort of vile reptile. "How dare you," he seethed. Then he whirled back and punched him in the face. Will winced at the loud crunch and knew his nose had been broken.

His brother doubled over with a sharp cry, blood seeping between his fingers as he attempted to staunch the flow. He shouted something else and barely ducked to the side in time as his brother snarled and attacked, hands outstretched for his throat.

"You think I don't know what happens to them?" he screamed, struggling. "All the ones you send in there? I swear if you even think about touching her, I'll-!" He continued screaming even as guards rushed into the courtyard and tore him free of the King. "You're a monster Minos! I will never forgive you!"

Will's blood ran cold.

As the boy was hauled out, still screaming, spitting, and struggling like a man possessed, he knew in an instant why he had looked so familiar even though Will hadn't recognized him at first. The last time he had seen that boy he had been a little older, his hair shorter, the brown eyes replaced by an unearthly shade of gold. His bronzed skin, in this vision tanned from days under the hot sun of Crete, had been pale, ghostly, most of the color washed out from hundreds of years spent in the Underworld.

"Oh my Gods," Will breathed.

He lurched awake and heard a soft thud! by his feet. He was still sitting in his chair but he had apparently fallen forward, his face pressed into the pillow on the infirmary bed. The unicorn-harpie concoction had spilled across the sheets, staining them a luminescent pink. He sat there for a moment dazed and trying collect his thoughts when he suddenly realized he was not alone.

"Percy!" Will jumped violently, a movement that caused Percy to jump in turn. "Don't do that! I could have killed you!"

Percy frowned. "With a pillow?"

Will stared from him to the pillow which he had clenched on impulse upon being startled, mouth working in soundless disbelief. "You know what? Yes! With a friggin' pillow, Jackson! Don't even try to argue otherwise!"

"O-kay," Percy muttered, looking suitably alarmed. "Noted."

Will breathed out a sigh. "Sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. Pillows are... deeply triggering to me."

"Okay." Percy nodded slowly. "Kinda weird. But I won't judge." He motioned with his chin to something by Will's feet. "What' that?"

Will peered down and saw a tiny, unfamiliar satchel laying upon the wooden floor boards. He picked it up cautiously, and saw that a small note was attached;

My thanks, to be used when in greatest need.
Cast the contents upon the winds and I shall answer.
We stand behind you.


Frowning, Will carefully opened the satchel and saw that some sort of silver powder-like substance shifted a sudden snap of clarity Will remembered what he had been dreaming- had it been a dream? - about. "I think- I think Nico might be in trouble," he gasped to Percy. His heart lurched at the words. What if he was too late?

Percy nodded his head. "I think so too."

Will froze. "You do?" He couldn't see Percy's face all that clearly in the low lighting of the infirmary but the son of Poseidon looked perfectly solemn.

"You were right before, Will. I Should've done more."

"Oh." Will blinked, frowning. It took him a few seconds to figure out what Percy was talking about. "Oh. About earlier, I'm sorry. I- I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine," Percy interrupted. He shifted uncomfortably and it was then that Will noticed he had his backpack slung over one shoulder. "Honestly, don't worry about it. It got me thinking and, like I said, you're right. I've made a decision. I've already spoken with Annabeth and she understands. I just want to know if you're coming with me."

Will gazed up at him, trying to clear the thoughts that swarmed through his head. "Coming with you... where?"

"I'm doing what I should have done years ago," Percy said quietly. "I'm going after Nico. I'm going to the Underworld."

To Be Continued...

Well that was definitely more depressing than I expected. I feel sort of bad for picking on Percy so much but I feel it is necessary, as he, Will, and Nico have some unfinished business with each other. Ugh, I'm sort of frustrated because a lot more was supposed to happen this chapter but when I hit the 10,000 word mark I though uh uh, no way, I have to stop. Anyways, thank you for reading! Hopefully the wait for the next chapter is shorter; it should be, since I finally figured out how everything is going to fit together.

Review Responses:

eternal-state-of-voorpret: As always, thanks a ton for your wonderful review! I guess I didn't really clarify what Apollo planned to do after standing up to Zeus- but I imagined he would confront Zeus long enough to make him reconsider blowing up Parnassus and then return to Olympus given the fact that they pretty much need all hands on deck a this point. Hopefully that was cleared up this chapter! I'm also now curious to know who you think the three traitors are. Just promise me when it finally is revealed you'll let me know if all your predictions were correct. I wouldn't be surprised if they were though - you seem pretty good at reading between the lines. ;)

avasofia406: Wow that's quite a compliment! Thank you soo much and taking the time to read it!

CharlieBradbury4: I don't know... would you be upset if this turned into one of those fanfics where I was like "just kidding! Tartarus has taken over the world, everyone's enslaved, everything sucks!" and then I wrote a sequel fic where everyone's enslaved and miserable? XD I'm completely kidding, of course... I'm mean, but I would never do that to you guys! That said, I'm not a big fan of definitive endings so there might be a teensy-tiny little cliff-hanger :)

tamillapierce: Yes, I know I am very slow, but I appreciate your patience! Tbh I've never really liked the idea where Leo shows back up and everyone picks on him. I get it's supposed to be ironic and funny but I can't seriously imagine people reacting that way when a friend they thought was dead ends up alive.

wishwars- Hmm you might be on to something there...

Honelle- I'm sure they'll confess their feelings before the end is nigh but I'm sure you've noticed that both Nico and Will are pretty pathetic at understanding their own emotions (well, Nico is at least). Don't worry though, I have planned out quite the dramatic scene for them coming up shortly :)

JudithMarshallah- Yeah, I know I take forever to update. While I have been busy part of the delay for this particular chapter was because I needed to carefully plot out the ending. I've always had an idea how I wanted this story to end but I never looked at it too closely. In addition I feel I created all these random little puzzle pieces during the ark of the story that need to be resolved still at the end but I still needed to figure how to make them fit together exactly, if you know what I mean. And I really didn't want to just throw them together either... I'd rather take time to plan it than rush it and end up with plot holes.

OctaviaLindon- Don't worry, Nico and Percy have a lot more to say to each other coming up. Also, now I'm curios to know if your guess was correct about Agnete's mysterious love interest! You'll have to let me know! :)

Hana-Liatris- Thank you so much! Honestly you have no idea how happy it makes me to know that people enjoy certain aspects of my writing and think it is worth the time to read! :D

LoveThisFic- Well, I'm glad you like the tension because, er, it's only going to get way more stressful/intense for a while (you know, stressful for the characters... not you (I hope) lol!)