











Hi. How are you? How's it been? How's life?




Don't be mad at me...

Tbh, I truly need your guys to help me because I am stuck with this story. When I try to get back onto the story, my mind completely forgot this plot and went to a completely different one with the same characters, genre, but changed the way Hana is again!

Trust me, I'm upset with myself as well because I thought this was going to go through with this plot. I thought I was going to go through with these chapters, but as you previously read in the last chapter. I didn't like it. It wasn't my best work or writing. I was tired and being lazy with that chapter because I wanted to upload something. I'm very passionate about writing and having that kind of mindset when making a chapter isn't a good thing.

So I started to think of an idea of where I can make that chapter better so I started writing and that chapter went nowhere because it didn't fit the plot. It didn't fit who Hana was in the previous chapters.






I honestly don't know guys. I'm stumped. Should I continue but restart the entire thing from scratch for the THIRD TIME, or just continue on ignoring the previous chapters, or give up on this story...

...I really don't want to say that but my head can't decide on one plot for this story, and I'm not happy with I write in this. I tried to rewrite the first chapter to see how it goes but again, my head went to a whole different idea.

Please help me out. Let me know what you think.

Until Next Time