The story opens up with Po and the Five walk down the steps of the Jade Mountain.

Po: *yawns and stretches* Another day ruined, guys. It's so boring!

Tigress: *sarcastically* How about, if you go to the Chorh-Gom Prison and ask a bandit, who want to play with you today?

Po: *confused* Are you serious? I can't go to the prison and pick one of the bandits, just to enjoy my day!

Tigress: *rolls her eyes and sighs* I give up! *walks away*

Monkey: *whispers to Po* I think, she was just sarcastically.

Po: *understands now* Oh!

Mr. Ping: *runs panicky to the group* Po! I need your help!

Po: *sighs* Aw, but dad! I have no time to cook in the restaurant today!

Mr. Ping: *shakes his head* No, son! It's urgent! There are bandits in my restaurant. I could flee but...

Po: *interrupts him* What? Bandits? *readies his fists* I'm on it. Come on, guys! We have work to do! *runs off with them and yells to his father* See ya, Dad!

Mr. Ping takes a step as if to call after him as well, but he says nothing. He sighs as he stands alone in the steps.

Po runs with the Fife across the village until they reach the noodle restaurant. When they enter it, they notice some pig bandits who rob Po's father.

Pig Bandit: *takes a copper wok* I think, we will earn lots of money, guys. Come on, hurry up, before the Dragon Warrior and the Five are here. *turns around and notices Po and the Five* Oh, no! *sighs*

Po: *smirks and folds his arms* Don't you guys know, that today is Sunday? The restaurant is closed!

Pig Bandit: *sarcastically* Oh, sorry! We didn't know that! We will go now and come tomorrow back. *thinks* Hmm... How about in the early forenoon?

Po: *and thinks* Well, ok, but not too early, because I have to meditate at 6 clock with Master Shifu. And then...

Tigress: *facepalm and interrupts him* PO!

Po: *confused* What?

Monkey: *whispers* It was sarcasm!

Po: *embarrassed* Oh! *takes a fighting stance* Sorry, guys, but we will give you today a lesson!

The pig bandits take some metal weapons.

Pig Bandit: *looks unexciting* Oh, really?

Po: *smirks* Yeah, really!

Pig Bandit: *sighs* Why everything must end with violence? *walks in a relaxing way to Po and looks very long into his eyes*

Po: *looks confused* Emmm... Should be something happen today?

Pig Bandit: Oh, yes! *growls and hits Po with the copper wok across the face* Do you like it?

The Five are shocked as their best friend was hit. Tigress is about to attack, but Po lifts his arm and stops her with a lowered head to the ground.

Tigress: *looks confused* Po, what... *sees that something is wrong with Po*

A dark aura forms around the panda.

Tigress: *asks carefully* Po? Are you alright?

Po: *chuckles darkly* He, he, he. But of course. *lifts the head up and looks darkly to the pig bandit* I feel never... *his fangs and his claws get longer, his breathing increases and his green eyes change to red*...better! ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!

The pig bandits and the Five look shocked at him.