AN: Hi again! Here's another drabble based on a prompt I received on tumblr. Hope you guys like it and please review!

Prompt: Cisco notices that something is different between Barry and Caitlin so he tries to figure out what it is. xD

"Hey, Caitlin, did you get that information on the new meta-human case from yesterday?" Barry asked.

"Yeah, I have it right here. It's not much, aside from knowing that they have some form of telekinesis. We're going to need a bigger sample to analyze to discern whether it's merged with them on a cellular level and whether there's a way to block it from affecting yours," Caitlin said.

"Thanks Cait," he said, putting his hand on her shoulder. She leaned into his touch for a moment before pulling away briefly, avoiding Barry's gaze. He brought his hand down, his eyes showing his confusion and disappointment before snapping himself out of it.

"I'm going to head over to the station," he said, "I'll see you guys later, okay?"

"Yeah, see you," Caitlin uttered quickly, both of them glancing away awkwardly before Barry took his leave.

"Ookayy, I've got to know, what's going on between you and Barry?" he asked.

"W-what do you mean?" Caitlin asked, avoiding Cisco's gaze and fidgeting with a few things on her desk.

"I mean you guys are totally acting weird, I mean weirder than the fact that Barry was struck by lightning that gave him super speed and having a bunch of super meta-humans in our basement."

"We had a bunch of meta-humans, and nothing's wrong! Now if you'll excuse me, I have some scientific-y things to do in the other room," she said.

"Oh no you don't," he said, "I know something's off, what is it? Did one of you walk in on the other naked or something?"

Caitlin paused, chewing on her lip, remembering the kiss, the supposed kiss between meta-Barry and herself. She couldn't get it out of her head, the way it felt, the fact that she kissed him back when she thought it was Barry, wondering whether Barry kissed like that or better.

"No way! You did? Who walked in on who?" Cisco asked.

"No one! Although there was an incident with an evil dress once, but that was nothing! And I was kind of buzzed but that's beside the point!" she rambled.

"Evil dress? Okay, obviously I'm missing some things here. If it wasn't that, then what is it?" he asked.

"You remember Everyman? The meta-human that could turn himself into whoever he touched?" Caitlin asked.

"Yeah, one of the very few I didn't get to name, by the way."

"Well, if you want to name them you have to be present! Anyway, he transformed himself into Barry only I didn't know so I thought it was Barry and he may have kissed me. Twice. As Barry. And I may have kissed him back," she winced.

"Whoa, I think my mind just exploded," Cisco said, "so does that mean you like him?"

"No! I mean, I don't know-why are we talking about this? There's a lot of work to do and meta-human identifying to do," she said.

"Caitlin, it wasn't Barry. I'm not saying Barry doesn't like you, but I'm sure he might be just a little confused about how you're acting," he said.

She bit her lip again, remembering how Barry noticed that little quirk about her not too long ago. Caitlin missed hanging out with him, but her confused feelings got in the way and she couldn't make sense of them all, especially when she had no idea what he was thinking.

"You're right," she sighed, smirking at Cisco's "I know I'm right" expression.

"But in the mean time, how about we get some Coast City pizza?" she asked.

"Oh yeah, let's go," he said.

They grabbed their stuff, shutting the lights off in the lab as they walked out.

"So, about that evil dress situation…"

Caitlin's light laugh echoed through the S.T.A.R. Labs hallways, her voice carrying as she told Cisco all about "liquid courage" and her vow to never sing karaoke, at least not while she's sober.