Disclaimer: I don't own Pitch Perfect. Yet.

Maybe sometime in the future, though. I'll work on it.


"So… This is goodbye?" Every part of Beca felt heavy and crushed.

"Yeah," Jesse breathed; air catching in his lungs. "This is it." The words came out with a sort of deft finality that sent Beca inwardly writhing in agony. Four years of a relationship, gone. Just like that. All because two stupid jobs pulled two stupid idiots apart.

Beca had gotten her dream job, and Jesse his. ...And of course, with their luck, these jobs were four hours of flight apart.

Jesse had tried his best to find a job close to Beca's. He applied and applied, but the only companies nearby were small; irrelevant to what he wanted to do. So when he received word back from a major company in Seattle, he took it. Seattle was his place, and Atlanta was hers. Beca could have easily picked LA as a sort of middle ground, but the term "go big or go home" came into play. Why work for a foreign and possibly risky company when she could feed off of the place that had been her home for a year? And for what, a reduction of 3 flying hours? Not worth the losses.

The duo had no choice but to do what was best; break it off.

...Break it off before shit hit the fan. (As if it hadn't already.)

"Maybe we'll figure something out later," she offered.

Jesse smiled, "I'll dream on it."

...This really sucked.

Overhead, the PA called his gate number aloud. The two momentarily flicked their attention to the planes outside, and then back to each other.

"I'm gonna miss you," the brunette admitted.

"And you know I'll miss you, too."

Beca found a fake smile snaking its way onto her lips, "so much for our Aca-Children."

"Yeah, that bites. It would've been Aca-Mazing."

"Please never do that again."

"Fine, fine." A fake look of hurt flashed in Jesse's eyes before he gave Beca another smile. Forced, but a smile nonetheless.

"Love you."

"I love you, too."

With a quick breath of air, Beca gave Jesse the simplest kiss she could manage. Jesse instantly returned the gesture.

"I'll miss you."

"Make sure you visit."

"You can count on it."

As if that had said it all, Beca dropped her hands and allowed for her ex to leave. The feeling of his hands in hers lingered, and Beca quickly started to realize how much she'd miss that certain warmth.

'Bye', she mouthed.
