Random Scott & Rogue fanfic

By: CSI-Panther

Summary: as title says.

A/N: Don't own X-men evo.

" This is some vacation. " Rogue said as she and Scott walked through knee high snow.

" Well it..." Scott began.

" Don'tcha say it! " Rogue exclaimed, glaring at him.

If not for the shivering she was doing, Scott would've been more intimidated.


Since the crime level had been down lately, the professor gave them all a vacation. Everyone was at a lodge in Canada, talking, goofing around, sitting with their boyfriends/girlfriends, that sort of thing.

Rogue had come in the room, grabbed a snack and went outside to get some air. Scott had come out a moment later after he told Jean that he was going to get some air too.

" Hey. " He said.

" Hey. " She replied. " What are ya doing out here? " She asked as she bit into her apple.

" Same reason as you. Getting some air. " He answered.

" Ah ain't staying out here long. Ah was going to go riddin'. " She said.

" Mind if I come along? " He asked.

" Sure your girlfriend's alright with that? " She asked back, tossing her finished apple out into the woods.

" I don't need her permission to be with a friend. So come on. " He said, turning back to go inside, holding the door for her.

" Alright. Ah just need ta tell Logan and grab my keys. " She said walking by him.

" I'll tell him. " he offered.

" Naw, Ah'll tell him. " she insisted and went to the kitchen where Logan was having a cup of coffee.

" Hey Logan, " Rogue said.

" Yeah Stripes? " He said not looking over at her, keeping his eyes on the paper he was reading.

" Me and Scott's goin' riddin' " She said.

" Just you and Cyke? " He questioned.

" Yeah, Dad. " She said with sarcasm.

" Be back before sundown. " He said, ignoring her sarcasm.

" At sundown. " She offered.

" An hour before sundown. " He countered.

" Deal. " She said and went to get her keys and coat.

Logan got up and went to find Scott.

" Hey Cyke. " He said, knocking on his door.

" Yeah Logan? " Scott said tying his boots.

" You and Stripes got an hour before sundown to be back here before I come looking for ya. And ya betta not be a minute late either. "

" Yes sir. " Scott said opening his door and saluting him. ' He is always protective of her and Kitty. Like he's their father or older brother. More so father then brother. And I'd pitty the poor soul that dares to hurt either one of them. ' He thought as he went down the stairs to wait for Rogue, but she was already there.

" What kept ya? " She asked.

" Logan. " Was all he said and that was enough answer for her as she just rolled her eyes and they walked out the door.

As they went down the stairs, Jean came out and asked, " Where are two going? "

" Riddin' " Rogue said shortly and kept walking.

Scott was about to walk with her when Jean's voice called out to him,

" Scott. "

" I'm spending the day with my friend Jean. It's no different then you hanging out with your friends. " He said and kept walking.

" Hmph! " Jean grunted and crossed her arms.

Inside, Kurt and Kitty saw the display and laughed and giggled at the sight.

" Like why is she jealous? Scott wouldn't do anything. He's too much of a gentleman. "

" Ja. But I think it has something more to do with the fact that he is spending the day another girl. " Kurt said.

" Who happens to be his best girl-friend. " Kitty replied smiling.

" Ja, so what's to worry about? " Kurt said as they turned away from the window and got ready to go outside too.

" Sorry about that. " Scott said as they went to the snow-mobiles.

" Hey she's just being a girlfriend. " Rogue said being indifferent.

" She's usually not like that. " He said.

" We live in tha same house, Scott. I know how she is. She's just jealous that your hanging out with a another girl. Though why'd she be jealous of someone like meh, I don't know. " She said starting up her snow-mobile and speeding off so quick that snow hit Scott in the face and half the snow-mobile.

Sigh " She's mad. " Scott said, starting the snow-mobile and going after her at the same speed. ' Maybe this'll cheer her up. ' He thought as he sped up until he was right beside her and sped up again, let off and sped up until he saw her smile and she sped up too and the race began.

Scott of course kept it straight, Rogue went up and over a rock, landing in front of him. She turned and smirked at him, but saw him smirk too and then turn off.

' Now where is he goin' ' She wondered and was surprised to see him beside her in the woods and heading for a rock with a slope on it. She watched as he went up and over and was now in front of her.

" Taking a page from meh book are we? " She said to herself as she sped up again.

She was just about to reach him when a rabbit shot out in front of her, causing her to swirve and scream out.

" Rogue! " Scott shouted when he heard her scream, turned the snow-mobile around in time to see her crash into a tree and fly off, managing to barely miss the tree and over a bush.

" Rogue! " Scott shouted again and sped over to her.

Slamming the brakes, he got off the snow-mobile and ran over and jumped over the bush to see Rogue on her side.

" Rogue? Can you hear me? " Scott asked, checking her pulse through his gloved fingers. He couldn't feel it, so he bent down to hear for her breathe. He sighed with relief as he heard her breathing, he leaned back up.

" Mmm.. " Rogue groaned as she woke up. Seeing that Scott was close to her face scared her and she pushed him away, screaming.

" Whoa easy. " Scott said, holding his hands up.

" Don't do that! Ya nearly gave meh a heart attack! " She shouted.

" You nearly gave gave me one when you smashed into that tree! " He shouted back.

" Well Ah couldn't help it if a rabbit shot out in front meh! " She continued to shout.

" Why are you still yelling?! " He asked.

" Why are ya?! " She asked back.

They were quiet for a minute before they started to laugh. But then something struck Rogue and she stopped laughing. Scott did too when he saw that she was no longer laughing.

" What's the matter? " He asked.

" Rabbits don't just run like that for nothin'. We need ta get outta here. " She said getting up.

" Maybe the snow-mobile's scared it. " Scott said, getting up as well.

" We have ta go, now! " Rogue yelled getting on Scott's snow-mobile.

" Rogue, calm down. " Scott said getting on the snow-mobile and facing her.

" Scott. Ah'm telling you we have to.. " Rogue began but a twig snapping stopped her.

" What was that? " Scott asked.

" Start the engine. " Rogue said.

" But.. " He began.

" Start the damn engine! " Rogue shouted.

Scott turned around and started the engine, just as he did, a grizzly ran out in the clearing.

For a moment, they didn't move. But then Rogue felt something run on the side of her head. She slowly reached up and touched her head. When she pulled it away, she saw blood on her glove.

The bear began sniffing the air.

" Scott. Lets get outta here. "

Scott turned to her and saw the blood on the side of her head and revived the engine and off they went.

" That was a close one. Oww! What was that for?! " Scott asked as Rogue hit him on his arm.

" Next time Ah say let's go, Ah mean go! " She shouted.

" Ok, I'm sorry! " He shouted back.


" What the.. " Scott looked behind them and saw that bear was behind them.

" Faster. " Rogue urged.

Scott sped up but the bear was still gaining.

" How is that thing keeping up with us? "

" Just keep goin'. He won't last long. "

20 minutes later...

" Still behind us! " Scott said, weaving around trees.

" Ah know that Einstein! " Rogue replied.

They broke out of the trees and were below a cliff facing piled up with snow. Scott looked up and saw the snow,

" Hold on! " He said.

" Why? " She asked.

" I gotta an idea. " He said looking up. Rogue followed his gaze and hoped that he was not gonna to do what she thought he was.

But he did. As soon as they were further away from the bear, Scott took his shades off and fired at the cliff and the snow came down. It covered the bear and was closing in on Scott and Rogue.

" There! " Rogue shouted seeing a cave.

Scott moved the snow-mobile over and shouted, " Jump! " Turning the snow-mobile to go the other way as they did. Just seconds later the snow rushed by, blocking them inside the cave.

" Rogue? You alright? " He asked after everything settled.

" Yeah. You? " She asked back.

" Yeah. " He answered.

Scott felt around, trying to find the snow. He touched something that wasn't a rock and appearantly also wasn't the snow.

" Scott. That is meh breast your grabbin' "

" Ahh! I'm so sorry! " He said quickly letting go of her.

" It's fine. Ya can't see anything. " She replied.

" I was trying to find the snow so I could blast us out of here. " He explained. Then a thought came to him, he reach up and took his shades off, keeping his eyes closed, he let his other senses take over.

He could hear Rogue breathing. Smell the damp rock of the cave. And he could smell the snow. It was to the...left of him. Scott opened his eyes, striking the snow, melting it down enough for them to get out. Once he saw that the hole was big enough for them, he closed his eyes and put his shades back on.

As they climbed out, they were surprised to see that the grizzly was also out.

" What is with that bear? " Scott asked.

" I don't know. But I don't like it. " Rogue answered.

The bear watched them and then snorted and left in the oppsite direction of them.

" It's like it was playing with us. " He said.

" Yeah. " She said.

They watched until the bear was gone.

" Well, let's get back to the lodge before it gets dark. " He said.

" Yeah. But let's not go in the same direction as that bear. " She replied.

Back to the present,

" I'm sure Logan is out trying to find us. It's getting dark. " Scott said.

" Yeah. Before or afta we freeze ta death? " Rogue questioned, her teeth begining to chatter.

Scott came over and hugged her to him, keeping her warm.

" Hey, at least this time we don't have to worry about Mystique coming after us in wolf form. " He said jokingly.

Rogue tried to laugh, but she was too cold to. She just pressed against him more.

" There's gotta be a cave or somethin' around here we could use until Logan and the others find us. " She said through chattering teeth.

They stopped and looked around. There was still just enough light for them to see and Rogue spotted what looked like a small hut or cabin.

" There! " She exclaimed pointing to it.

" Alright! Let's go. " He said and they began walking towards it.

When they got there, they saw that it was a small cabin. There was no lights on or smoke coming from the chimely. Scott tried the door, it was locked. Rogue tried a window and it opened. They climbed inside and saw that there was still some firewood by the fireplace and quickly set to getting a fire going. Scott used his eye beam and the wood caught fire immedilately.

Soon the little cabin was warm and bright. They looked around and saw that there wasn't much there. Wooden table and chairs, a single cabinet and pantry, a small bed in a corner. Rogue went over and shut the window and pulled the curtains over it and the other window, keeping the heat from escaping.

She came back over to the fire and took her gloves off, placing them in front of the fire, sighing at the heat that washed over them.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Scott start to take his jacket, gloves, scarf, boots, socks, and his sweater off, leaving him in a black t-shirt. As he was going for his jeans, she stopped him by saying,

" What are ya doing?! "

" Taking my wet clothes off. " He said as if it were the naturalest thing in the world and went to take his jeans off, leaving him in his boxers.

" You should do the same. Other wise your going to get hypothermeia. " He continued as he walked over to her and sat down in front of the fire.

Rogue stared unsure if she really should or not. She didn't want to get hypothermeia, but she also didn't want to strip down to her underwear in front him either. Finally she decided to just get it over with and began taking her clothes off. Unaware that Scott was watching.

' Get a grip Summers'! ' He scolded himself as he tried to look away from Rogue undressing, but couldn't.

He watched as she took her scarf, jacket, boots, and socks off. He tried not to look as she took her sweater off and not see that she was wearing her usual sports bra or that she was wearing boy shorts when she took her black jeans off. She sat back down in front of the fire, bringing her legs up to her chest.

Scott got up and went to the bed to see if there was any blankets on it. He frowned when he saw that it was covered in dust, he picked it up and saw that there a few more blankets underneath it and that they were more cleaner then the first one. He took all the blankets and brought them over to where he and Rogue are sitting. He asked Rogue to stand for a moment as he took the first blanket and turned it over on the clean side facing up so they could sit on it instead of the still cold floor.

They sat back down, Scott handed one of the thickest of the blankets to her so she would be warm. He wrapped up in the thin one. Rogue however wasn't having it. She moved closer to him and placed one side of the blanket around him and sat close to him.

" Ah ain't gonna let you freeze either, sugah. " She said, placing her head on his shoulder.

" Thanks Rogue. " He said, turning to look at her, but she had dozed off.

Back with Logan and the others,

" Anyone seen Stripes and Cyke? They should be back by now. " Logan asked the group.

Everyone looked around at each other, silently asking if they've seen the two. Everyone turned to Logan and shook there heads no.

Growling, Logan said, " Everyone stay here. I'm going to go find 'em. " He put on his jacket, grabbed his keys and left the lodge. He got on his snow-mobile and followed the tracks from Scott's and Rogue's snow-mobiles.

Scott & Rogue,

" Hmm? " Rogue hummed as she started to wake. She tried to move, by felt something holding her still. Her eyes shot open and saw that it was an arm. An arm on her bare skin. Everything came back to her and she quickly moved away from the arm and looked to see if Scott was still breathing.

He was. Which both relieved and surprised her. She hadn't felt the pull of her powers absorbing his or his memories.

" Come back to bed. " He mumbled.

She didn't move. She couldn't believe what he had said. ' Probably thinks Ah was Jean. ' She thought sitting in front of the fire. That's when she realized that her bra and underwear was gone.

" What tha? " She questioned and looked back to Scott. His shirt was gone and she would bet his boxers were gone too, seeing as his waist was as bare as his torso.

Blushing, she turned away. ' what the hell happened? ' She thought wondering how they wound up naked when she woke up and that she was covered when she fell asleep. ' And how the hell is he able to touch meh without passin' out? ' She continued to wonder when she felt a hand on his shoulder. She tensed at the touch.

She looked behind her and saw Scott there, as naked as she was and she quickly looked away before she saw too much of him.

" Scott. What are ya doin'? " She asked as she felt him press against her back. Though she knew he shouldn't be able to do this and that he was with Jean. She couldn't help but lean into his touch, something she's only ever dreamed of him doing and her doing the same. She felt him placed his lips on her bare shoulder and start to kiss up to her neck, making her groan in delight.

" Mmm, that feels good. " She moaned.

" What does? " He asked.

" That. " She answered.

" Rogue, wake up. " He said.

" Uh? " She said and everything vanished and she was under the blankets with her underwear on and the blanket seperating her skin and Scott's.

" Just another dream. " She whispered, pulling away from him and stretching her muscles.

" Must've been some dream. " He said watching her stretch.

" Ya have no idea. " She replied quietly.

" How long was Ah out? " She asked after awhile.

" Not long. Several minutes. " He answered.

" Feels longer then that. " She said.

" Your probably still tired. Come back to bed. " He said.

Rogue blushed at hearing his last sentence, " Naw, Ah'm fine. You try and get some sleep. Ah'll keep watch this time. " she said, keeping her back to him. He lingered at her backside for a moment, telling himself that he wasn't admiring the view, he made himself look away and lay down before he said or did something he might regret.

When Rogue was sure he was asleep, she went back to the makeshift bed, added a few more logs to the fire and watched him sleep. She reached over and slowly slide his shades off his face and studied him.

He looked so different when his shades were off, but he was still the same. She knew frome his memories that his eyes were blue unlike his brother's which were dark brown. She also knew from his memories how he felt for Jean and how he felt for her as a friend. She had let him go after awhile when she saw how close he and Jean were getting. She had tried to date Remy, but it didn't feel right to either of them after awhile and they decided to just be friends, though they still laugh and cut up like did when they were together, it didn't mean anything, he was more like another brother now and just like her little brother Kurt, he was protective of her. She could handle any fight any day, but it nice having a family to have your back too.

Sighing deeply, Rogue put Scott's shades back on and went to the cabinet and pantry to see if there was any food that was edible for them.


He followed their tracks until he spotted one of the machines crashed into a tree. He stopped and ran over to the machine. He see that the other had came over to this one and it looked like it was Scott that came over, which means that it was Rogue that crashed. He saw that Scott's tracks stopped at a bush, he looked over and saw an impression of where Rogue had landed and where Scott had landed beside her. Then Rogue ran back to where Scott's snow-mobile was, Scott followed at a walk.

" Somethin' must've made Rogue scared. But wha.. " Logan questioned before he saw the rabbit tracks and then he saw the bear tracks.

" That's one big grizzly. Hmm. I wonder. " He said to himself as he got back on the snow-mobile and followed he bear tracks and snow-mobile tracks.

After about 20 minutes, he said, " Yep. It's diffentily the same bear. " Before he stopped and saw that an avalanche had happened, covering up most of the tracks. He got off the machine and saw that there was a hole in the snow, he saw the bear tracks and that they went in the oppsite direction of where they were going. He scanned the area and saw a melted line of snow, he followed it back to a cave. From there, he saw Scott's and Rogue's footprints leaving the cave and going in a different direction of the bear. He ran back to the snow-mobile and followed their track again.

Scott & Rogue,

Scott woke to the sound a drawer shutting. He looked and saw Rogue looking for something in the pantry. He got up and stood right behind her. He didn't know what came over him, but he reached out and placed his hands on her hips, startling her, but she didn't pull away. Instead, she leaned back against him, placing her left arm up into his hair and the right on hip, keeping him there as he bent down and started to kiss her neck down to her shoulder. She pushed against his groin, making him groan in pleasure.

" Rogue. " He whispered, wrapping his arms around her waist, pushing her further into him.

" Scott. " She whispered back, turning around and facing him and wrapping her arms around his neck as she reached up and kissed him slowly, her arms sliding down his chest and to the end of his shirt. Her hands went up underneath and caressed his hard stomach and chest.

He picked her and placed her against the wall, never breaking the kiss as he slid his and her underwear aside and pressed into her. They moaned at the feeling they got from the touch.

" Don't stop. " She said, pushing against him.

" I don't plan to. " He said huskily and pushed back.

" Scott. " She moaned.

" Mmm, Rogue. Oh you feel so good.. " He groaned.

" Scott! " She shouted.

He was about to respond when something hit his arm, startling him awake.

" Uh what?! " He said looking around. He saw Rogue beside him, fully clothed now and holding two steaming cans in her gloved hands. She also had a blush on her face.

' Please tell me I didn't say any of that out loud. ' He thought, a blush coming to his face. He saw her looking down and he followed her gaze and saw why she was blushing, at least he hoped that was the reason and not just him calling out her name while he was 'up'. He quickly turned away, willing his manhood to go down as she reached around and handed him a can.

" Thanks. " He said with embrassment as he took the can and took a sip of it, but quickly spit it out, " Oww! " he shouted.

" It's hot. " She said.

" I noticed. " He replied, taking a much slower sip from the can. He stayed facing the other way until his manhood went down enough to where she wouldn't notice it and stood a little stiffly to go put his clothes back on.

' Did he really say meh name like that? ' She thought looking away from him again. ' Naw. Musta been meh imagination. ' She continued as she looked back at him and saw that he had put his sweater back on and was about to put his jacket back on when a banging on the door stopped him.

They looked at the door as it shook before it busted through. Scott got ready to blast whoever it was and Rogue got ready to touch them.

They relaxed when they saw that it was Logan. Rogue was so happy to see him that she ran over and hugged him. Shocked at the hug, Logan didn't do anything for moment before he wrapped one arm around her and hugged her briefly before letting her go. He caught a scent of jealousy and raised an eyebrow at Scott as he glared at him before he relaxed and shook his head.

Logan looked around the cabin and saw the blankets in front of the fireplace.

" Did somethin' happen before I got here? " He asked when Rogue let go of him.

" No! " Scott and Rogue answered, with blushes.

" Hmph! Let's go. " Logan gruffed and they walked out, putting the fire out before they did.


" Not again! " Rogue exclaimed when she heard a grizzly growl.

" Relax Stripes. He ain't gonna hurt ya. " Logan said walking out over to the snow-mobile where the same grizzly that had chased them was standing.

" Uh, Logan? " Scott said.


" Knock it off will ya! Your scaring the cubs! " Logan said to the bear and it backed off.

" How did you.. " Scott began to ask.

" I've known him since he was a cub. He's nothing but a big baby. " Logan said sitting on the snow-mobile and petting the grizzly on the head.

" Come on, let's go. " Logan said as he started the machine up.

" But there's no room on that snow-mobile. " Scott said.

" Well then I guess you'll be on Bison. " Logan said with a smirk.

" Bison?! " The two teens questioned.

The bear grunted. " Bison. " Logan said and waited for them to get on.

" Uh, ladies first. " Scott said.

" Some fearless leader. " Rogue said as she slowly approached the bear.

Bison came over to her and nuzzled her hand and then licked her face.

" Nice ta meet ya too. Ah think. " She thought as the bear lowered himself down so she could get on. She climbed on and then Scott came over. Bison sniffed at Scott's face before he licked his face too, giving him a cowlick and causing Rogue to laugh.

" Ha Ha. " Scott said sarcasticly as he climbed on the bear behind Rogue and held on to the bear's fur tightly and also trying not think about his dream he had that them in a simliar postion.

" Now don't pull on his fur too hard, he won't forgive ya for that. Let's go and you out of this snow. " Logan said and took off with Bison right beside him with Scott and Rogue holding on for dear life.

" Well this is something you see everyday. " Scott said.

" Yeah. In a way it's like riddin' a big horse. Only more jolting and without a saddle. " Rogue said.

" If this is what it's like to ride a horse, don't take me ridding on one. " Scott replied.

" Ah'll try and not ta, sugah. " She said, smiling at him, he returned the smile with his own.

Here's the first long ch. Hope ya'll liked it.

CSI-Panther out.